Biewer Terrier DNA Profile Procedure
The Kennel Union will only accept applications for registration of Biewer Terriers, on the KUSA Appendix Register, if the dog has been positively identified via DNA profiling and parentage has been verified via DNA parentage verification. The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Sceinces at Onderstepoort (OPVGL), is the only laborotary from which DNA certificates will be accepted for Biewer Terrier registrations. The laboratory is a member of the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG).
1. DNA (FTA) Kit
- Can only be requested by a registered practicing Veterinarian
- Breeder to arrange with their Veterinarian.
- Can request multiple DNA kits which Veterinarian may keep in stock for future use.
- Cost of DNA (FTA) kit = R35.00 each (includes Registered Mail)
- DNA (FTA) Kits will not be posted unless payment received.
- Bank Details: University of Pretoria, ABSA, Hatfield Branch 3355545, Account Number 2140000038. Reference AB916.
- Postal address of Veterinary practice must be provided in order to mail the DNA (FTA) kits
2. Contact for DNA (FTA) Kits
- All requests for DNA (FTA) Kits must be sent via email to Claudette van Zyl at OPVGL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or faxed to (012) 529 8310 (no telephonic requests please)
- Proof of payment to be attached
3. Collection of DNA Sample
- Must be collected by Veterinarian
- Dog must be positively identified via microchip scan and chip number to be corroborated against microchip certificate
- DNA material must be from blood sample (no buccal swabs will be accepted)
- No DNA samples will be accepted unless microchip number appears on sample submitted
- Declaration must be signed by Veterinarian & Owner
4. Submission of DNA Sample
- OPVGL application form to be completed, signed and stamped with Vet practice stamp
5. Two types of applications:
- Biewer Terrier Litter (DNA profile of parents on OPVGL database)
- Imported Biewer Terrier / Single dog application
(Certified Copy of Export Pedigree must accompany application)
- If parents are not DNA profiled by ISAG lab, OPVGL reserve the right to ask for parents to be profiled.
- Completed application form, proof of payment and FTA card, to be sent via registered mail or courier to OPVGL. Each FTA card must be inserted in to a separate envelope, clearly marked with the dog’s name and microchip number. Address: Dr. Cindy Harper, OPVGL, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort, 0110
- Bank Details: University of Pretoria, ABSA, Hatfield Branch 335545, Account Number 2140000038. Reference AB916.