Biewer Terrier Registration Requirements
The Emerging Breed Register of KUSA documents emerging breeds within the Kennel Union of Southern Africa's jurisdiction. Breeds on this register must adhere to special requirements in order to be registered.
As a member of the FCI, dogs registered on the KUSA Appendix Register may be issued with an export pedigree and can be re-registered on another FCI member's Appendix Register.
Schedule 2: Appendix "C" Breed Specific Registration Requirements
Registration requirements for Biewer Terriers
Applications for the registration of Biewer Terriers will only be accepted if the dog has been positively identified via DNA PROFILING and parentage has been verified via DNA PARENTAGE VERIFICATION by a laboratory that is a member of the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG). The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at Onderstepoort (OPVGL) is currently the only laboratory in South Africa that is a member of ISAG from which DNA Typing Certificates will be accepted for the registration of Biewer Terriers bred in the KUSA area of jurisdiction.
In the case of Biewer Terriers that are imported, DNA material will be required to be submitted to OPVGL for the issuing of a DNA Typing Certificate which must reflect the dog’s microchip number, DNA Profile number and DNA ID Number. Applications for registration of an imported Biewer Terrier will only be accepted if the required DNA Typing Certificate is attached to the KUSA Registration Application Form.
All Certificates of Registration issued to Biewer Terriers registered or reregistered with the Kennel Union must bear the DNA profile number and DNA ID Number of the dog.