2019-04 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas



Via Telecon:

RB Jenkins (BJ) (Vice-Chair - in the Chair), NJ du Preez, R Juckes, DC Sparg (DS) & L Thornhill (LT)

Staff in attendance: Mrs P Midgley (PM) (General Manager), Miss SA Thornberry (ST) (Secretary), Mrs A Bastick (AB) (Club Affairs), Miss D Rosier (DR) (Administrative Relations Officer)

Apologies – Clr L Wilson (Chairman), Mr K Farmer (Office Manager)

Noted with sadness the recent passing of Sandra (Debbie) Snashall (GTG)


The Minutes of the meeting held on 26.03.2019 were formally adopted.


3.1 Articles and Schedules – Harmonisation and Rectification of Contradictions ( Exco 11-17 item 3.3, Exco 01-18 item 3.3, Exco 02-2018 item 3.3, Exco 04-2018 item 3.3, Exco 05-2017 item 3.2), Exco 7- 2018 item 3.1, Exco 08-2018 items 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, Exco 09-2018 item 3.1, Exco 10-2018 item 3.1, Exco 11- 2018 item 3.1, Exco 01-2019 item 3.1, Exco 02-2019 item 3.1)

For discussion at F2F Meeting.

3.2 Appeal Process (Exco 03-2018 item 9.8, Exco 04-2018 item 3.6, Exco 05-2018 item 3.3, Exco 07-2018 item 3.2. Exco 08-2018 item 3.2 Exco 09-2018 item 3.2, Exco 11-2018 item 3.2, Exco 01-2019 item 3.2, Exco 02-2019 item 3.1)

Proposed amendments to Schedule 1 have been drafted for discussion at F2F Meeting of Exco.

3.3 Terrier Club Eastern Cape (Exco 07-2018 item 5.2.4, Exco 08-2018 item 3.10, Exco 09-2018 item 3.3, Exco 10-18 item 3.3, Exco 11-18 item 3.3, Exco 01-2019 item 3.3, Exco 02-2019 item 3.3, Exco 03-2019 item 3.3)

The third instalment of R2640 was paid by Mr De Villiers at the end of March. One more payment remaining.

AGM held during the weekend 30-31st March .

New Committee elected. DS appointed as Chairman of Club.

Noted with the comment that the EC&BPC should be commended for its handling of this matter.


4.1 Office Report

After discussion the Office Report was approved.


After discussion the Financial Management Reports for March 2019 were approved.



5.1.2 Case 02-2019 (KUSA vs L Kruger)

Appeal scheduled for 25.04.2019.

The FAC will convene by teleconference to consider the Appeal.

Note: When the Secretary, or his or her duly appointed deputy, lodges a complaint in terms of Rule 3.1 of Schedule 1, the Chairman of Exco is required in terms of Rule 5.4 to deal with the Complaint as if he or she were the Secretary.

As the Chairman of Exco is unavailable to be in attendance at the above teleconference, it is proposed that the KUSA Office Manager, Mr Kyle Farmer, be appointed as Deputy Secretary on her behalf for this purpose.

Resolved that Mr Kyle Farmer be appointed as Deputy Secretary for the purpose of dealing with the above matter.


5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Shows 2019 Orion Kennel Club

A letter was received from the above Club concerning Exco’s rejection of the Club’s application for a 2ndChampionship Show, and the contents noted.

5.2.2 Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8 Vereeniging & Districts KC Championship Show held on 23.03.2019

Dog Aggression cover sheet and supporting documents received.

It was reported that exhibit no 203 Bull Terrier (Miniature) bitch Meison Capri of Lizmore ZA002520B18 lunged at and bit a passer-by.

After consideration of the documents received, it was resolved that the Secretary be instructed to issue a TEO.

To be carried forward to next Meeting. Western Province Boxer Club – Non-Championship Show Disciplines 17.03.2019

Reported to KUSA on 23.03.2019. Obedience Border Collie “Chloe” – it is stated under the heading “incident details“. “At the end stays Howard Armoir’s attack my dog while I was holding it firmly between my legs.”

No indication of whether dog was removed from show. No report from show committee or any witness statements.

Email sent to Club on 26.03.2019 requesting report from Show Secretary, whether or not dog was removed, witness statements, statement from the handler/owner of the dog and a more detailed statement from owner of the dog that was attacked.

Further request sent on 16.04.2019.

After discussion, it was resolved that the Club be advised that, should the requested information not be received by a stipulated date, Exco will impose a fine.

Further discussion indicated that the Regulations regarding Exclusion of Dogs were, in many cases, not being adhered to, with dog-aggression incidents either not being reported, or incomplete information being submitted by Clubs.

To be discussed at F2F meeting. Cover Sheet to be reviewed.

5.2.3 OTHER CLUB / SHOW MATTERS Overberg Kennel Club/Whale Coast Kennel Club Championship Shows held on 09.03.2019

It has been brought to our attention that Mrs LE Louw was the Toy Group Judge at Whale Coast KC Championship Show and is also the co-owner of a dog exhibited at Overberg Kennel Club on the same day.

Dachshund (Min. Smooth Haired) CH Bullrage Benton at Von Edberg, Reg No: ZA003328B15.

Owned by Mrs J Botes-Erasmus & Mrs LE Louw

Awarded BOB and 1st Place Champions Class

Schedule 3 Regulation 7.10.1 reads:

“A Judge may not enter a dog registered in his ownership in the same discipline on the same day at the same venue as he is officiating, save and except for Working Disciplines held under the licence of a different Club.”


Schedule 3 Regulation 7.15

“ Any dog which has been exhibited contrary to these Regulations shall be liable to disqualification and cancellation of any awards gained, whether or not an objection has been lodged under Regulation 31.”

Resolved that the awards be withdrawn and a letter to be sent to the owners pointing out the Regulations and the possible consequences of not adhering to them. Herding Club of the Eastern Cape – Agility Show 13.04.2019

The contracted Judge, Mr Keegan Taylor, asked to be released from his judging contract due to work commitments. The request was granted as this was considered to be a legitimate excuse. A replacement judge was found at short notice. It then turned out that on the day he participated in all the jumping rounds with three different dogs.

Correspondence attached to agenda.

The Secretary was instructed to request an explanation from Mr Taylor.

Carry forward to next meeting. Whale Coast Kennel Club (Exco 03-2019 item

Following discussion on letter received from exhibitor Mr Nico Botha, a letter was drafted to be sent to the judge concerned.


[Reply circulated on 30.04.2019.]

5.2.4 KUSA Classic 2019 Gauteng – Nationals Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball

To be held in conjunction with NAPC Bumper Weekend – 26-30 April 2019

Noted. 2019 Gauteng – Nationals Breed, Obedience, Carting and Handling

To be held 31 May – 2 June 2019.

(Incorporating KUSA Championship Show for Breed, Obedience, Carting, Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball, and KUSA (Africa) FCI Breed Show as well as KUSA Winners Breed Show.)

As requested, a report and list of office responsibilities has been received.

Noted. 2019 Gauteng – National IGP – Meisterschaft

To be held 14-16 June 2019. 2019 Western Cape – Nationals & Championship Shows Working Trials (Classic) & Working Utility Dog (WUD)

To be held 21-22 June 2019.

Progress Report requested.

Noted and report awaited. 2019 Gauteng TT Sub-Committee – TT KUSA Nationals

Budget and names of organising committee members to be requested. 2020 Gauteng – Nationals Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball

To be held in conjunction with NAPC Bumper weekend.

Noted. 2020 Gauteng – Nationals Breed, Obedience, Carting and Handling

To be held Thu 28 May to Mon 1 June 2020.

(Incorporating KUSA Championship Show/KUSA Winners (Breed), Obedience, Carting, Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball.)

Completed application form iro items and received for confirmation. Circulated to Exco on 02.04.2019.

Noted. Field Trials KUSA National Retriever Championship Stake.

The above will next be held in 2020. FTLC will apply for a date.

Noted. 2021 KUSA Classic Weekend

Application form finalised.

Applications from interested parties have been requested.




5.4.1 The following Judge completed KUSA requirements and is licensed for the Group/s as listed:

Mr J. De Abreu Marques (WC) - (Terrier Group)

Noted with congratulations.

5.5 HANDLERS - nil


5.6.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM (Teleconference) held on 20.03.2019.

Circulated on 28.03.2019.


5.6.2 The following Namibian judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Obedience Judges:

Mrs S. Blum

Mrs G. Gongoll

Mrs I. Rannersmann

Mrs K. Drews

Noted with congratulations.



Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of FTLC held on 04.04.2019

Circulated on 16.04.2019, together with attachments.


5.9 IGP - nil

5.10 DOG JUMPING - nil


5.11.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM of Carting NSC (conducted by email) circulated on 02.04.2019


5.11.2 The following Judge’s Report has been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:


Mrs B. Uys (KZN) - Durban & District Kennel Club – Championship Show – 7 July 2018

Noted with congratulations.


5.12.1 AWC 2019

Closing date for deposits for the AWC to be extended from 15.04.2019 to 20.04.2019 (5 extra days).

In Terms of Schedule 5L there is a fixed date by which deposits have to be received. The request, which is approved by all the provinces, was received from the AWC Chairlady, Rene Prinsloo.

For ratification.


5.12.2 Eligibility of Miss C Kartya to represent KUSA at AWC 2019. Proof of residency to be confirmed.

No further information received.

5.12.3 The following Judges have been issued an Agility Judges’ Licence:

Mr R. Compaan (EC)


5.12.4 European Open Agility Championships 2019 – Letter

Correspondence and copy of KUSA letter for use by competitors to obtain a leave of absence from their Universities or employers in order to participate in the European Open. (Circulated with agenda)



AGM of NSC scheduled for 29.04.2019.




5.16 TT – nil


5.17.1 The following Judge has completed KUSA requirements and has been accepted as a fully qualified Dog Dancing Judge in HTM and MF:

Mrs S. Woodiwiss (GAU)

Noted with congratulations.

5.18 FCI

5.18.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:

29.03.19 Unauthorized use of FCI Logo by Team Puppies-Fci.com

29.03.19 Cyprus Kennel Club: Notice of Suspension of Mr Salvatore Martina

29.03.19 ANKC: Notice of Suspension of FCI International Show Judge Mrs Susan Davis

29.03.19 Email from Mr Rafael De Santiago advising that he is running for FCI President again.

29.03.19 Main Decisions of the FCI General Committee: Meeting Held 20 & 21 Feb 2019 in Helsinki

04.04.19 FCI Partnership Contract: United Arab Emirates

04.04.19 Updated Studbook and Appendix initials.

10.04.19 Federal Animal Welfare Act and the Eurodog 2019 in Wells (Austria)

10.04.19 FCI Breeding Commission: Invitation & Agenda for Meeting to be held 18 May 2019, Tallinn, Estonia



6.1 Federation of Boxer Clubs of SA Breed Council (FBCSA–BC)

6.1.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 23.02.2019

Circulated on 17.04.2019


6.1.2 Investment of Control Account Funds

The following request was received from the Treasurer of the FBCSA Breed Council:

“I would very much appreciate your advice on this. The point was raised during our recent Breed Council meeting on whether we could invest a portion of the balance in our control account so that we could earn some interest. I realise the control account balance forms part of the cash balance of the wider KUSA, so would very much need your inputs on this as I am sure there would be some administrative overhead.

If I look at the near future, we would be wanting to spend on advertising in the Dog Directory and Animal Talk, so I was thinking if we could put say R25,000 of the control account balance into an interest earning option. Perhaps a 32 day notice deposit or similar. It might even be feasible if we could put this into a six month fixed deposit. Also, if possible, for the investment to form part of a bigger KUSA investment so that we could enjoy better rates?”

A similar request was received from the Rottweiler Breed Council in 2017. Refer to attachment (to agenda) for details and rationale for what was agreed to.

Funds in FBCSA BC Control Account as at 31 March 2019 = R 49 490. They wish to invest / ring fence R25 000.

After discussion, it was agreed that it would be preferable for the funds to be retained within KUSA and form part of a “bigger KUSA Investment” as suggested. A reply will be sent by PM.

6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC) - nil

6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council (GSDLC) – nil



Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting held on 09.04.2019

Received and circulated on 16.04.2019

Quorum present.



Meeting held on 16.04.2019. Minutes awaited.



Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of NAPC held on 11.04.2019.

Received and circulated on 18.04.2019.

Quorum present.



Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting held on 18.03.2019.

Circulated on 03.04.2019

Quorum present.



Date of next meeting – TBA.


Meeting scheduled to be held 24.04.2019.

(No meeting was held in February, as previously reported.)

The Secretary was requested to write to the FS&NC Provco regarding compliance with its Constitution.


8.1 34 New Members and 36 Members (lapsed) elected.


9.1 Applications for Affiliation - nil

9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions

9.2.1 KZN Dog Athletics Association

At its meeting held 3 March 2019, the following amendments were approved by Club Members.

10. Membership

(iii) Family Members being legally married couples and common law partners with all children under the age of [ husband, wife and children not over the age of ] eighteen (18) years[.] for which either one or both of the partners have legal guardianship. The adult partners [ members ] shall each be entitled to vote as Ordinary Members but persons under eighteen (18) years of age shall have no vote.

18. Powers of Committee

(iv) to ensure that all cheques and other negotiable instruments shall be signed by not less than two (2) members, one of whom shall be the Chairman or the appointed Committee member and the other who shall be the Treasurer or other appointed signee, who may not be the spouse of close relative or member of the household of either;

20. Financial Year

(d) Within [ thirty (30) sixty (60) days after the end of the financial year, the committee shall ensure that the Association arranges for an accounting officer to certify that the annual Financial Statements are consistent with the financial records of the Association and that its accounting policies are appropriate and have been appropriately applied in the preparation of its financial statements.

21 General Meetings

(a) AGM

(ii) Notice stating the date time and place of the A,G.M and including any proposal to amend the Constitution shall be posted, emailed [ or hand delivered with delivery/read request or SMS'd if no e-mail address is available, to all members not less than twenty-on (21) days before the date of such meeting.

(iii) An agenda with full details of the meeting, reports, amendments and items to be discussed, must be posted, e-mailedwith delivery/read request or SMS'd if no e-mail address is available [ or hand delivered ] not less than ten (10) days before the date of such meeting.

(b) (ii) Notice stating the date, time and place and an agenda or notice stating the business to be transacted shall be posted, e-mailedwith delivery/read request or SMS'd, if no e-mail address is available, [ or hand delivered ] not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the meeting.

24. Quorums

(a) Except where elsewhere provided, the quorum at any:

(i) General Meeting of the Association shall be [ the lesser of (1) one quarter 1/4 of the members; or (2) ]at leastone and a half (1.5) times the [ number of elected size of the full Committee Members with voting rights.

(ii) Committee Meeting shall be one half (1/2) the full [ number of elected ] Committee [ Members] plus one (1)

(b) If at the expiration of [ twenty (20) ten (10) minutes after the scheduled time of the commencement a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be adjourned to a date within one calendar month and at such meeting, those members who are present shall constitute a quorum, except in the case of:


9.2.2 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Club of the W Cape

At its meeting held 10 March 2019 the following amendment was approved by Club members.

To clear up the professional connotation of the title auditor is was proposed that the following clause be inserted.

(i) At each Annual General Meeting an Independent Financial Practitioner shall be appointed for the purposes of verification of the club's assets and the audit of the Club's accounts and its Statement of Financial position (balance sheets). The Independent Financial Practitioner, who need not be a member of the club, shall prepare a report, or statement on the financial position of the club prior to the Annual General Meeting and such report or statement shall accompany the financial statements presented at the Annual General Meeting.

(ii) The Independent Financial Practitioner means a person with trusted and proven experience in the examination of accounts and financial records and in the statement of financial results, but who does not necessarily hold formal qualification of an auditor.

No member of the committee shall be eligible for appointment as auditor.


[(i) At each Annual General Meeting an auditor who may not necessarily be a member, shall hold adequate experience to discharge his duties, shall be elected and he shall audit the books of account, verify the assets of the Club, audit the annual accounts and balance sheet and report thereon prior to the Annual General Meeting.]


9.2.3 Overberg Kennel Club

At its meeting held 31 March 2019, the members of the above Club approved the adoption of the KUSA Specimen Constitution for an All Breeds Club.


9.2.4 Highveld Ridge Bull Terrier Club - Name changed to Northern Areas Terrier Club

At its AGM held 1st October 2018 the above Club members requested approved a change of status of its Club from a Specialist Bull Terrier Club to a Terrier Group Club.

This matter was tabled before NAPC at its 7th February 2019 meeting and approved.

It was felt that there is no need for 3 Bull Terrier Clubs within the NAPC. NAPC is the only Province without a Terrier Group Club therefore it makes sense to convert this Club into a Terrier Group Club.

The Club adopted the KUSA Specimen Club Constitution (based on the Boxer Constitution - deleting clauses which are not applicable to a Group Club) with amendments as below.

13. Reprimand, Expulsion or Suspension of a Member

13.1.2 disqualify or suspend such Member from all privileges of membership for a period not exceeding six (6) months…..

13.3 A member show has been disqualified, suspended or expelled shall have the right to appeal against his disqualification, suspension or expulsion to the Members of the club in a Special General Meeting. Such appeal must be lodged within [ thirty (30) days ]fifteen (15) of the receipt of notification of such disqualification, suspension or expulsion with the Chairman or Secretary who shall take immediate steps convene the Special General meeting.

15. Patron, President and Vice-President

15.1.3 A maximum of ten (10) Vice-Presidents

15.2 The President and Vice-Presidents may take part in any General Meeting of the Club and the President may also attend any meeting of the committee and participate in the discussions thereat and, provided they are Members in Good Standing of the club, shall be entitled to vote at any such Committee meeting [ or General Meeting of the Club ].

17. Powers of the Committee

17.2.3 to determine the nature and extent of the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer and to decide what honorarium, if any, shall be paid to either.

20. Meetings

20.1.4 Annual General Meetings shall [ either] always be [a] face-to-face meeting of the Members of the Club.[or by teleconference, or by videoconference (including skype), or be face-to-fact combined with either of the two forms of virtual attendance. ]

20.2 Special General Meetings on requisition (stating clearly in detail the purpose of the meeting) signed by no fewer than [ ten(10) five (5) Members in Good Standing.

20.2.4 A Special General Meeting required or requisitioned in terms of clause above, shall be convened within [ six (6 )] four (4) weeks of the receipt by the Secretary….

20.3 Committee Meetings

20.3.1 The Committee shall meet for the despatch of business as often as deemed necessary by the Committee, but at least [ three (3) four (4) times per annum for the efficient management of the Club.

20.3.2 The Committee Meetings shall [ either always be conducted face-to-face.[, or by teleconference, or by videoconference (including Skype), or be conducted face-to-face combined with either of the two forms of virtual attendance ]

21. Quorums at Meetings

21.1.1 All General Meetings shall be at least [one-and-a-half times (1.5 the number of serving Committee] ten (10) members with voting rights.

21.1.2 All Committee meetings shall be one half of the serving Committee plus one.

22. Voting

22.2 At all Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings of the Club, every member vested with a vote in terms of Clause 10 shall be entitled to one (1) vote…

22.3 At all Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings of the Club, in the event of an equality of votes cast for and against a motion, the Chairman shall have no casting vote in addition to his deliberative voteand in such an instance one (1) further re-vote must be called on the motion. If on the re-vote an equality of votes persists the motion has failed and the status quo shall remain.

22.4 [ At] All Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings

22.4.1 [ conducted on an exclusively face-to-face basis ] voting shall be by a show of hands unless three (3) or more voting members demand that such voting be conducted by ballot.

22.4.2 [ conducted by teleconference or videoconference, whether, or not, in combination with face-to-face attendance in the event of a ballot vote, such votes shall be counted by the Club Secretary [ shall request an attendance, in turn, to state their vote clearly and unambiguously and shall confirm the results to the meeting after the votes have been recorded .] and 1 non-voting person present at the meeting and the result announced by the Secretary .

22.7.2 [ conducted by teleconference or videoconference, whether or not in combination with face-to-face attendance ] the Secretary shall confirm the results to the meeting after the votes have been recorded. [ shall request each attendant, in turn, to state their vote clearly and unambiguously ]

23. Amendment of Constitution

23.2.2 by requisition signed by not fewer than [ten(10) five (5) members, addressed to the Secretary


9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 - Dispensation for Registration

Applications lodged with KUSA prior to date of implementation of DNA Parentage Verification requirement.

Maltese (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 16 January 2017, one (1 puppy), breeder, Mrs I Lotter.


French Bulldog (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litters x (2) both whelped 06 May 2017 (different Dam’s), breeder Mr A Goussard.

Litter whelped 06 May 2017 – four (4) puppies

Litter whelped 06 May 2017 – two (2) puppies.


Application for the registration of an additional puppy (Schedule 2. Reg. 4.6)

Request for dispensation in respect of DNA Parentage Verification requirement.

Breeder Mrs L Cronjé: Litter of Australian Shepherd Dogs whelped 16 June 2018, 6 puppies in the litter.

The breeder submitted the registration application in March 2019 on which only five (5) puppies were recorded, however, payment was made for six puppies. The 5 puppies were registered on 05.04.2019. The breeder then realised then she had inadvertently omitted to include the details of the sixth puppy. This was a genuine administrative error. The breeder had every intention to register all six puppies as is evident by payment.

The new owners of the dog are emigrating. The puppy has been spayed (a copy of this can be sent to the KUSA office). The breeder is also willing to forward a copy of the Purchase and Sale agreement as proof of intention of registration.

Approved. DNA parentage verification not required.

9.4 Incorrect details of Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter - nil

9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates

Dobermann Bitch WANDRAHM YANKA – Reg No ZA010056B16, Microchip 953010000897689

KUSA is in possession of a signed veterinary certificate confirming that the above Dobermann has had fractured right mandibular premolar 4 extracted due to trauma, and not as a result of a genetic fault, nor deliberate.

Approved by ‘round robin’.


9.6 Schedule 2 Reg. 17 – Recognition of Breeds – nil

9.7 Schedule 2 Appendix “E” Breed Specific Requirements for Imported and Exported Dogs - Reg 2.1.4 – Rottweilers - Imported

The Kinoloski Savez Republike Srbije (Kennel Club of Serbia) has confirmed that we may accept HD and ED results from the Veterinarska ambulanta NS Vet.

To be added to the list of institutions lodged with KUSA by the RBC in Schedule 2 Appendix “E” reg. 2.1.4.

To be included on Fedco 06-2019 agenda.

9.8 Application for transfer of dog out of Duane Riley’s ownership

Letter appealing to Exco to allow the transfer of one of Mr Riley’s dogs to be processed so that it can be mated with a particular bitch.

Email circulated on 16.04.2019

Discussion ensued, in which it was noted that Mr Riley’s suspension (effective 01.03.2019) included registration and transfer of dogs. Although the transfer referred to was received by the office prior to this date, it was not a valid application as the payment was not made.

The request was not approved.


10.1 NdP referred to the show licence that was issued to the Northern Areas French Bulldog Club for its Championship Show to be held in May 2019. The Office had picked up a problem about possible non- compliance with KUSA Regulations.

10.2 Code of Conduct for Elected or Appointed Officials of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa

The above document was circulated to Exco on 24.04.2019 and will be discussed at the F2F meeting in May.


F2F Meeting to be held on 11.05.2019

Fedco 06-2019 to be held 29 & 30 June 2019. Closing date for agenda items: Monday, 6 May 2019.

Meeting closed at 14h15 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.