2018-11 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas



Via Telecon:

L Wilson (Chairman), RB Jenkins (Vice-Chair), NJ du Preez, RD Juckes, DC Sparg & R Zeeman

Staff in attendance: Mrs P Midgley (General Manager), Miss SA Thornberry (Secretary), Mrs A Bastick (Club Affairs), Mr K Farmer (Office Manager), Miss D Rosier (Administrative Relations Officer), Mrs L Solomon (Assistant to the General Manager)


The Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd October 2018 were formally adopted, subject to the footer being corrected to indicate “Minutes” and not “Agenda”.


3.1 Articles and Schedules – Harmonisation and Rectification of Contradictions ( Exco 11-17 item 3.3, Exco 01-18 item 3.3, Exco 02-2018 item 3.3, Exco 04-2018 item 3.3, Exco 05-2017 item 3.2), Exco 7- 2018 item 3.1, Exco 08-2018 items 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, Exco 09-2018 item 3.1, Exco 10-18 item 3.1)

Document submitted by BJ on Fedco agenda.


3.2 Breed Assessments – Appeal Process (Exco 03-2018 item 9.8, Exco 04-2018 item 3.6, Exco 05-2018 item 3.3, Exco 07-2018 item 3.2. Exco 08-2018 item 3.2 Exco 09-2018 item 3.2)

Work in progress RZ.


3.3 Terrier Club Eastern Cape (Exco 07-2018 item 5.2.4, Exco 08-2018 item 3.10, Exco 09-2018 item 3.3, Exco 10-18 item 3.3)

Further information received and discussed.

Clr Barrow to report at Fedco.


3.4 SALKA Junior Dog of the Year – Schedule 5E (1) (Exco 07-2018 item 9.6, Exco 10-18 item 3.4)

Document submitted by LW on Fedco agenda.


3.5 Ridgeless Ridgebacks (Exco 08-2018 item 9.8, Exco 09-2018 item 3.6)

Information on dermoid sinus in the Ridgeback and other breeds is being collated.

Further information has become available and the matter will be tabled at the Fedco 12-2018 Informal Discussion.


3.6 Eastern Boxer Club Specialty Show – Sat 13th October 2018 – Abandoned due to bad weather (Exco 10-2018 item

Following the decision made at Exco 10-2018, a date change application has been received to host the Show with Northern Tshwane Kennel Club on 18th May 2019 (Week 20) on a permanent basis.

Noted and confirmed that all awards gained at the abandoned show are cancelled. If certificates were issued, these are to be returned to KUSA. If no certificates were issued, then a statement to confirm this should be requested from the Club. 

3.7 Eukanuba World Challenge 2019

As reported at Exco 10-2018, GR.CH WHITE SQUALL SEASYDE OLIVERO (ZA006842B15), winner of the KUSA Showdog of the Year 2018 Competition, owned by Lucy Young, has been nominated to represent KUSA and South Africa at the Eukanuba World Challenge 2019 to be held in March 2019 in Birmingham, UK.

Confirmation of her acceptance has been received.

Details have been forwarded to the organisers who have informed KUSA that they will be in direct contact with Miss Young. As nominations from national canine organisations close on 30.11.2018, it is anticipated that contact will be made during December.


3.8 Fedco 12-2018 Agenda

Discussion on agenda items.


4.1 Office Report

After discussion, the Office Report was approved.


After discussion, the Financial Report for October 2018 was approved.



5.1.1 Case 02-2018 KUSA vs Ms S Flavell

DSC decision circulated on 14.11.2018 to Exco ito Rules 10.14 to 10.18.

The DSC’s findings were confirmed by Exco and will be sent to the Respondent, once signed by the Chairman.


5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Shows - nil

5.2.2 Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8 Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) – Bull Terrier Bitch IPON PRINCESS MIA Reg No ZA002757B17

TEO issued on 24.10.2018 following the TKC Championship Show held 14.10.2017, at which it was reported that the exhibit had showed aggression towards the Judge and had been excused from the ring.

Response from the owner, Mr M van den Doel, circulated on 15.11.2018.

After consideration of the various statements received, together with the unusual circumstances, it was agreedthat the TEO be withdrawn. Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) – Boston Terrier Dog CH Que Just Beauregard Reg No ZA013488B16

TEO issued on 13.11.2018 following incident at Cape Utility Dog Club Championship Show held on 26.10.2018, at which it was reported that the exhibit had bitten the Judge on the hand and had been excused from the ring. Any response from the owner will be tabled at the January 2019 Exco Meeting.

Noted with the comment that the TEO remains in place in the meantime. Temporary Exclusion Order - Apollo Prince of Stjephanic House of Torbrit Reg No ZA001028C16(Exco 07-2018 item, Exco 08-2018 item, Exco 09-2018 item

Quote from Exco 09-2018:

“Arrangements were made for the above dog to be examined by two Working Group Judges on 15.09.2018, with the result being that the dog failed one of the assessments.

After discussion, it was agreed that the owner be advised that as Apollo did not pass all of his assessments, the Temporary Exclusion Order will remain in place. It is recommended that Apollo goes for further training for at least six months and obtains a certificate from an established dog training organisation. Such organisation does not necessarily have to be a KUSA-affiliated Club.

On production of the certificate from the training organisation, Exco will decide how to proceed.”

A Letter dated 23.10.2018 from owner Brigitte Theunissen was circulated. She is appealing to Exco to please rather appoint another Judge to assess Apollo as he only failed one of the assessments. He has been out of the show ring since October 2017.

After noting the contents of the letter, the following was resolved:

That the dog is again assessed by three Judges who will be selected by the Exco.

Mr van Rijswyk, the CGC Evaluator, is to first verify the microchip number then the three Judges will each do the assessments. Suggested Judges are BJ, NdP and one female Judge.

5.2.3 OTHER CLUB / SHOW MATTERS S.A. Ladies Kennel Association - WT (Classic) run by Transvaal Working Trials Association - 4 November 2018

Due to some miscommunication the new Show Secretary of TWTA omitted to apply for an amended licence for part of the Trial. We have been advised that the PD was partly held at Goldfields and not at all held at the venue shown on the licence. There was one PD entry. Does this affect the outcome of the PD result?

The Show Licence and the Show Schedule indicated that it was a one-day event held on 04.11.2018.

After discussion it was resolved

That the events that took place on 04.11.2018, as well as the awards, should stand. Any other events were unlicensed and the results will therefore have to be forfeited. Certificates are to be returned and the Record Cards to be corrected.

Exco further resolved that in terms of Regulation 3.3 of Schedule 3, that a fine of R500 be imposed on the organising Club, TWTA, for breaching the Regulations.

5.2.4 KUSA Classic 2019 – Gauteng 31 May to 2 June 2019 – Breed, Obedience, Carting & Flyball

Report from Rene Potgieter received and circulated and the contents noted. 2019 – Gauteng Working Disciplines – Dog Jumping & Agility

To be held during the week 26-29 April 2019.

Letter of enquiry to be sent asking where and when Flyball is to take place in 2019 and 2020. Gauteng 2020 25/26 April - Dj, Ag, Fly (NAPC Bumper Weekend) & Br, Hcl, Ob, Ca - 29-31 May 2020



The following Judge completed KUSA requirements and is licensed for the Group as listed:

Mrs N. Robertson (WC) – Toy Group & is now an All-breeds Judge

Noted with congratulations.

5.5 HANDLERS - nil


5.6.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Obedience Judges:

Mrs M. JR Corney (EC)

Miss K. de Villiers (EC)

Noted with congratulations.

Noted that Barry May has retired as a C Class Judge. It was appropriate for Exco to record its thanks and appreciation to Mr May for all his hard work and assistance to Sub-Committees.


5.7.1 The following Judge completed KUSA requirements and has been accepted as a Working Trial (Classic) Judge:

Miss M. de Lange (EC)

Noted with congratulations.


5.8.1 KUSA Membership of Judges who are members of NFTA - referred to Fedco 12-2018.


5.9 IGP - nil


5.10.1 The following Judges have been issued Dog Jumping Judges' Licences:

Mr R. Compaan (EC)

Miss S. Wainwright (EC)

Noted with congratulations.

5.11 CARTING - nil


5.12.1 The following Judges' Assessments have been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:

Mr R. Compaan (EC)

Miss S. Wainwright (EC)

Noted with congratulations.

Congratulations to the EC for training and progression of Working Discipline Judges.

5.13 FLYBALL - nil



5.16 TT - nil

5.17 DOG DANCING - nil

5.18 FCI

5.18.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:

10.10.18 Rally Obedience: German Exercises In English & Rally Nordic Overview, Final

25.10.18 New FCI Standing Orders

25.10.18 FCI Cancellation of Pedigrees and Exclusions

25.10.18 Agility - Minutes of Meeting held in Kristianstad Sweden 08 Oct 2018

25.10.18 Canicross & Turnierhundsport - First Meeting

31.10.18 FCI Commission for Utility Dogs - Minutes of the Meeting held in Sabadorrio Italy, 17 Sep 2018

02.11.18 Rally Obedience - First Meeting - Draft Agenda

05.11.18 Rally Obedience - Final Agenda for Meeting to be held 17-18 Nov 2018

12.11.18 FCI International Dog Shows – 2018 – 2021


6.1 FBCSA – BC - nil

6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC)

Meeting held on 04.11.2018. Minutes will be circulated when received.

6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council (GSDLC) - nil



Meeting scheduled for 27.11.2018.


Meeting & AGM held 06.11.2018. Minutes will be circulated when received.


Meeting & AGM scheduled for 15.11.2018. Minutes will be circulated when received.


Meeting scheduled for 19.11.18. Minutes will be circulated when received,


Meeting scheduled for 25.11.2018.


Minutes of Meeting of FS&NC Provincial Council held on 29.09.2018

Minutes received on 16.11.2018 and circulated on 19.11.2018.

Quorum present.



8.1 32 new members and 100 lapsed members were elected.


9.1 Applications for Affiliation - nil

9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions

9.2.1 Jolly Dog School

At its meeting held 18 October 2018, the above Club approved the following amendments to its Constitution:


(i) Annual or Special General Meetings shall be [nine (9)] five (5) members with voting rights.

To add - Clauses 25 to 28 as per KUSA Specimen Club Constitution which were not included in the Constitution previously. (The Club has been advised to look at adopting the full new specimen Club Constitution).


25.1 In the event of the Club finding itself in difficulty and then upon request of the Club, or the relevant Provincial Council, KUSA shall have the power to intervene if, one year from:

25.1.1 the date required, the Club's Annual General Meeting has not been held;

25.1.2 the date they became due, the Club's show levies have not been paid;

25.1.3 the date they became due, the Club's Affiliation fees have not been paid;

25.1.4 the date they started to accrue, penalties due by the Club have not been paid;

25.1.5 the date a failed Committee of the Club was required to be replaced and not done and

25.1.6 the date that the Club's Annual Financial Statements were not approved by the Annual General Meeting.

25.2 Upon such request from the Club, or the relevant Provincial Council, the Executive Committee of KUSA shall be empowered to appoint a person to act in the place of the Chairman of the Club and, if necessary, appoint additional persons to assist him. The books and all the records of the Club shall be turned over to the nominated person who shall act as Chairman of the Club and cause such things to be done as are necessary to remedy the breaches of the KUSA Constitution and, if possible resuscitate the Club so that it is again in good standing. Should the person(s) so appointed fail to resuscitate the Club, he shall be empowered, on behalf of KUSA and the Club's Members (if any), to expedite the winding up of the Club and the distribution of its assets in terms of this Constitution. In the case of winding up in these circumstances, the person(s) delegate by KUSA shall have full power to act as if a valid Committee were in place and is indemnified by KUSA against any liability arising from his actions, as long as he acted in good faith.


26.1 A copy of the Constitution of the Club, certified by the Chairman and Secretary may be accepted as evidence for any purpose whatsoever, including in legal proceedings.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary hereinbefore stated, membership of the Club shall not derogate from any Member's autonomy as a Club Member, save and except in cases where the Club Committee acts in terms of a specific power delegated to it under this Constitution.

28. Nothing in this Constitution shall denigrate from the powers of the Club shall not derogate from any Member's autonomy as a Club member, save and except in cases where the Club Committee acts in terms of a specific power delegated to it under this Constitution.

For and on behalf of Jolly Dog School

Signed by Chairman and Secretary

For and on behalf of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa

Signed by President and Secretary

This Constitution was adopted by the Jolly Dog School at a Special General Meeting convened for the purpose and thereafter approved by the Executive Committee of KUSA. Subsequent amendments shall only be proposed and accepted at duly convened and constituted General Meetings and the dates each iteration shall be recorded below and confirmed by the appending of the signatures of the two parties in substantially the same form as the above.


9.2.2 Western Province Kennel Club

At a Special General Meeting held 13 October 2018, the above Club approved the following amendment to its Constitution:


(i) At each Annual General Meeting an Auditor who may not necessarily be a member, but shall hold annual accounts and balance sheets and report thereon prior to the Annual General Meeting. A signed copy of accounts or signed covering letter by the auditor must accompany the final documents.

Reword as follows:

At each Annual General Meeting an Independent Financial Practitioner, herein after referred to as “auditor”, shall be appointed for purposes of verification of the Club's assets and for the audit of the Club's accounts and its Statement of Financial position (balance sheet). The Independent Financial Practitioner, who need not be a member of the Club, shall prepare a report, or statement on the financial position of the Club prior to the Annual General Meeting and such report, or statement, shall accompany the financial statements presented at the Annual General Meeting.


9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 - Dispensation for Registration

Rottweiler (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 18 December 2016 six (6 puppies), breeder, Mrs S Read.


Lagotto Romagnolo (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 10 August 2017 one (1 puppy), breeder Mr M Barbera.


Retriever (Labrador) (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 14 May 2017 five (5) puppies, breeder Mrs C Gilfillan.


Bulldog (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 25 July 2014 one (1) puppy, breeder Mrs S Kruger.


Border Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 29 March 2017 three (3) puppies, breeder Mr SE Hodgson.


Boxer (Reg. 4.6 Additional Puppy)

Litter whelped 04 August 2017, breeder Mrs AP Steyn.


9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 – Amendment to Registers

9.4.1 Incorrect details of Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter.

Litter whelped 15 April 2018, five (5) puppies: French Bulldog.

The Breeder, Mrs NL Bennett, inadvertently inserted the details for the incorrect Dam on the litter application form due to been in a hurry when completing the application form and having to deal with a colicky baby. Litter registered 20.08.2018. Previous litter registered 03.09.2017 – 9 puppies

Sworn Affidavit received. Certificates have been posted to the breeder but she has not received them. Fees paid.


9.4.2 Incorrect details of Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter.

Litter whelped 25 August 2018, five (5) puppies: Shetland Sheepdog.

The Breeder, Mrs N Shortland inadvertently inserted the details for the incorrect Sire on the litter application form. When completing the form – inserted the details of the top sire instead of his son.

Aware that DNA rule only applies from next year, however, the breeder is willing to have the DNA done with the puppy she has kept as the other puppies have gone to the new owners.

Sworn Affidavit received. Incorrect Certificates Returned. Fees paid. Litter registered 22.10.2018.


Please note current Schedule 2, Reg.9 (effective 01/02/2017).

“The Kennel Union may amend any of its Registers or the Obedience and Trial Dogs Record to rectify any errors or omissions therein and every application for rectification made by the owner of a dog shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7. In the case of application to change the dam or sire of a registered litter, KUSA reserves the right to request DNA parentage verification of the entire litter.”

9.4.3 Incorrect details of Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter.

Approved via round robin – for ratification:

Incorrect details of Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter.

Litter whelped 21 July 2018, five (5) puppies: Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

Mr PD Murran (1020186), membership current until 15 October 2019, Kennel Name AZURRI, current until 31 May 2019.

Applications were submitted to the office on the 05 October 2018.

Payment was made on the 08 October 2018.

Applications were validated and processed on the 10 October 2018.

The KUSA Office posted the Certificates of Registration to Mr Murran on the 17 October 2018.

Upon receipt of the Certificates, Mr Murran signed Section B on the reverse side of the Certificate and posted the certificates to the new puppy owners. One of the new owners noticed that the name of the Dam was different to that which was told to them and they contacted Mr Murran to inquire about this. Mr Murran realised that his wife had inadvertently inserted the details for the incorrect Dam on the litter application form.

Mrs Murran came to the KUSA Office on 12 November 2018 to amend the error. It was explained to her that it was not a simple matter of just rectifying the record and that EXCO would have to grant dispensation for the amendment to the register and may request that the litter be DNA parentage verified. [P.S Amendment to Schedule 2 Reg.9 where DNA parentage verification will be obligatory only becomes effective 1.01.2019]

The family are in the process of immigrating to New Zealand (with their 3 Staffordshire Terriers). Mr Murran is already in New Zealand and the rest of the family and dogs will be departing on 26 November 2018. Applications for Export Pedigrees were submitted on 12 November (All three have been DNA Profiled). Mrs Murran was extremely stressed at being told that they would need to have the litter of 4 DNA parentage verified. She cannot see how she was going to manage that in the 9 working days left before they leave the country and pleaded for leniency.

We advised that the Office does not have the authority to grant permission for exceptions but all that we could do is to approach EXCO and request that EXCO consider the request to allow for the amendment of the register without DNA parentage verification. All other requirements would have to be met (Sworn Affidavit; Return / defacing of original certificates of Registration issued; payment of rectification fee)

Previous transaction history:

Litters Bred: 5 (1 – 2018; 2- 2017; 1-2015; 1-2013)

No late registrations submitted.

The insertion of the incorrect Dam on the application form by Mrs Murran, appears to be a genuine administrative error.


9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates - nil

9.6 Schedule 2 Reg. 17 – Recognition of Breeds – nil

9.7 International Rules of the FCI

Stud Book Registration of Litter – Item 18

“Exceptions are granted in cases where the breeder of dogs resides in a country which does not have an FCI recognised stud book. The breeder may register the litter in a country which keeps a stud book recognised by the FCI”.

Mrs L Snyders, who resides in Zambia, bought two KUSA-registered Staffordshire Bull Terriers but transfer has not been effected into her name yet. Mrs Snyders has bred a litter from the Dam and Sire and wishes to register with KUSA as no-one from the Zambian Kennel Cub is doing registrations,

The Certificates of Registration for the Dam and Sire have been submitted to the KUSA office. She has completed a membership application form and partially completed the Application for Registration of a Complete Litter- Breed Register only.

Permission to register the litter is sought.

Approved .

9.8 Request for Dog to be declared a Champion

In order for her Shetland Sheepdog to be declared a Champion, a non-member’s dog needs one CC to have been awarded after the age of 18 months.

The dog was 18 months old on 17 May 2015.

[Email and attachments were forwarded to Exco on 15.11.2018.]

After discussion and deliberation, the Executive Committee decided that no exceptions can be made as it was necessary to be consistent and fair, especially in view of the fact that other similar appeals have been rejected. Exco also did not accept the notion that a reduced fee be paid.

The award made in March 2019 should also be withdrawn and the certificate returned, if the applicant decides not to pay the membership fee.


10.1 BJ Website needs to be reviewed to look at user-friendliness. This can be discussed at the face-to-face meeting, the date of which still has to be finalised. The long weekend of 15-17 June was rejected.

10.2 KF was still researching “Discord” as an alternative to the present teleconference system.

10.3 KZN Agility League. There was no objection to holding the event in Port Shepstone under the licence of Natal Coast Kennel Club.

10.4 Request to Transfer Ownership of Dog using Photostat

Exco was asked to accept the Photostat copy of the application to transfer a dog as the original was lost in the post. Some background information was supplied indicating, inter alia, that the transferor has refused to make application for a duplicate Certificate.

As this was a private agreement between members, KUSA could not get involved and appeals to both parties resolve the matter between them.

10.5 AB was still compiling information on 2nd Championship Show applications and it was agreed that these, and any other urgent matters, could be tabled via ‘round robin’ as there was no meeting of Exco in December.


Tue 28th January 2019 at 13h00.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 14h35 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

The Chairman thanked Councillors and Staff for their hard work and wished everyone a Happy Christmas.

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.