2018-06 Fedco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas




Mr CJL Griffith (Chairman) - CG

Mrs JM Hubbard (Vice-Chairman & Chairman – NAPC) - JH

Mrs C Buitendach (Chairman - FS&NCPC) - CB

Mr RJ Dempsey (Chairman – KZNPC) - RD

Mrs CM Immelman (Vice-Chairman – DOGSPC) - CI

Mrs DE Powell (Chairman – WCPC) - DP

Mr BG Robinson (Chairman – DOGSPC) – GR

Mrs LV Scholtz (Chairman – EC&BPC) – LS

Mrs L Wilson (Chairman – Exco) – LW

Staff in Attendance:

Mrs P Midgley (General Manager) – PM

Ms SA Thornberry (Secretary) – ST

Apologies: Nil

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all present. With a full complement of 9 Federal Councillors present, the Chairman declared a two-thirds majority for the changing of Articles and Schedules to be 6, whereas 5 would constitute a simple majority required for other decisions.

The Chairman requested all present to stand and observe a minute’s silence in honour of the following persons who had passed away since the last Fedco meeting:

David Thompson (GAU) (former Chairman of Fedco and DOGSPC), Brian van Druten (GAU), Sue Duff (GAU), Nico Botha (GAU), Margie Forshaw (GAU), Catherine (Cathy) Feinstein (GAU), Chris Aucamp (W Cape), Marezanne Lingenfelder (GAU), Ryan Winter (W Cape) Adie Austen (GAU) and Di Hansen (KZN).

The Minutes of the meeting held on 2 & 3 December 2017 were formally adopted and confirmed unanimously.

Proposed JH, seconded DP


3.1. KUSA Budget 2018/2019

The proposed Budget for 2017/2018 was discussed and adopted unanimously.

Proposed GR, seconded CB.

Thanks and appreciation expressed to PM for an excellent job done on the budget.

3.2. Loss of Affiliation – Article 9

Note: The following ruling was made at Fedco 06-2017:

“Effective 01.01.2018, no licences will be issued for either Championship, or Non-Championship, Shows, unless Clubs are up to date with all returns required in terms of the KUSA Constitution.”

The following ruling was made at Fedco 12-2017:

“Clubs that fail to comply with the provisions of Articles 9.1.3 and 9.1.4 for a period of eighteen months from the Fedco meeting where the breach was reported, will be recommended for disaffiliation.”

3.2.1. Article 9.1.3

“Failure to submit minutes of Annual and/or Special General Meetings together with audited Financial Statements and balance sheets where applicable in terms of Article 8.6.2.”


Australian Shepherd Club - Eastern Gauteng

Financial Year-end 31.01.18. No documents received. Meeting set for 1st July 2018.

It was reported that the AGM was scheduled to take place the following weekend.


The Club has nevertheless requested permission to host a Championship Show on 14 July 2018. Show documents were received 20 June 2018.

CI recused herself and left the room for discussion on this item.

After discussion, the request for a Show licence was unanimously rejected by the remaining Fedco Members.

Proposed JH, seconded CG.

Bullmastiff Club of SA (tabled Jun & Dec 2017)

Financial Year-end 31.12.16. No AGM Minutes or Audited Financial Statements received. These were due 31.03.17.

CI reported that the club was planning to hold an AGM in the near future. 
Noted. The Secretary to send letter to Club pointing out the “18 month” ruling and if the Club remained in breach, it would be recommended for disaffiliation at Fedco 12-2018.

Celtic Breeds Club of the Western Transvaal (tabled Dec 2017) 
 . Held SGM to constitute new Committee. SGM Minutes received with new Committee in attendance. No Financial Statements received. (The Club had advised that the previous Committee had not sent resignation letters and it had been unable to access the Club’s bank account. Only one old bank statement was among the papers received, but no indication whether there was still money in the bank account. The Club had been using the bank account of the SA Short-Legged Terrier Club for the time being. The Club had advised that it was considering opening a new bank account, transferring the CBC funds into the new account for future use.

KUSA awaiting Financial Statements. The Championship Show in August was on hold and no licence would be issued until the AGM documentation and Financial Statements have been received following a duly constituted meeting and audit.

Noted . No Show licence would be issued and the Club would be disaffiliated in at Fedco 06-2019 if still in breach. Secretary to send letter.

Dalmatian Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.


Goldfields Kennel Club

Refer to item 7.15.

Grand Central Utility Breeds Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.


Highveld Scent Hound Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.

Meeting held, but issues with computers resulted in loss of information, twice. Documents were being re-drafted and they were expected to be submitted by end of June 2018.


Highveld Whippet Club (tabled Fedco 12-2017) 
Financial Year-end 30.04.2017. No documents received.

Club advised in Feb 2018 that an audit was in process and that it would be holding an SGM. No further information received.

(The Club’s Secretary passed away recently and the Committee was investigating the current status.)

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter.

Orion Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received. Meeting planned for 30.06.2018. Championship Disciplines Show scheduled for 5 August 2018. No licence would be issued until documents received. 

Pretoria Kennel Club (tabled Fedco 12-2017) 
Financial Year-end 31.12.16. Documents received, but Financial Statements not signed by the Auditor. Would be submitted with 2018 AGM documents.

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received. Meeting held in June 2018.

Championship Show scheduled to be held in November 2018. A licence would only be issued once all outstanding documents have been received.

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter.

S.A. Alsatian (German Shepherd Dog) Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.


S.A. Great Dane Association

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. AGM Minutes received. Financial Statements outstanding. Club advised that finalisation of documents was in process.


Schipperke Club ( tabled Fedco 12-2017 
Financial Year-end 31.03.17. No documents received. 

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter.

Smooth Fox Terrier Club (tabled Fedco 12-2017)

Financial Year-end 31.03.17. No documents received.

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter.

Western Gauteng Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received. Meeting scheduled for 30 June 2018. 


Dog Training Club of Bredell

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. Documents delayed, pending resolution of banking issues (FICA). AGM Minutes received.


Gold Reef Sighthound Club (tabled Fedco-06-2017 & Fedco 12-2017)

Financial Year-end 31.10.16. AGM Minutes received, but Financial Statements outstanding.

Financial Year-end 31.10.17. No documents received.

A meeting to be held by interested parties in an attempt to resurrect the Club.

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter.

Highveld Ridge Bull Terrier Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.


IPO Club of Northern Areas

Financial Year-end 30.11.17. No documents received.

Noted with the comment that the Club was understood to have been closed. KUSA Secretary to send follow up letter to advise the Club that the proper dissolution procedure must be followed.

Jacaranda City Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. AGM Minutes received. Financial Statements should be completed by July 2017.


Nördlicher Verein Für Deutsche Hunde Rassen (German Breeds Club)

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received. Championship Show scheduled for November 2018 was on hold until receipt of documents.


Pomeranian Club of Gauteng

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. AGM Minutes received. Financial Statement pending approval by the SGM being held in June 2018. Championship Show in October 2018 on hold until documents received.


Northern Areas French Bulldog Club (tabled Fedco 12-2017) 
Financial Year-end 28.02.17. No documents received.

Financial Year-end 28.02.18. No documents received

No communication from the Club.

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter.


Baakens Valley W & H Breeds Club

Financial Year end 31.12.2017.- No documents received.

Documents subsequently received.

Terrier Club – Eastern Cape ( tabled Fedco 12-2017)

Financial Year-end 31.12.16. No documents received.

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.



Centenary Terrier Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.

It was reported at Exco that this Club wished to move from the Free State area into the Gauteng area and has requested that its next Championship Show was held in Gauteng.

Discussion ensued with some Councillors expressing reservations about Clubs being permitted to change provinces. CB believed that Clubs that wanted to move to a different province ought to close down and reopen in their province of choice under a different name. CI was of the view that Clubs should only be allowed to move to a different province if the province in which they were based was agreeable. 
Referred back to Exco to re-examine the desirability of Clubs migrating to a different province.

Financial Year-end 31.08.17. No documents received.

Former Chairman, Mr Wessels, had advised the intention to close this Club. However, there were interested parties prepared to take over the Club. An SGM was being planned with the intention to elect a new Committee to take the Club forward.

Noted. KUSA Secretary to send follow-up letter. 
Documents subsequently received. An SGM had been held and a new Committee elected.

Free State Terrier Club

Financial Year-end 31.08.17. Documents received but Financial Statements not signed by auditor.

Noted .


IPO Club of KZN

Financial year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.


Natal Border Collie Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. Documents received, but Financial Statements not signed by an Auditor.



Breede Rivier Vallei Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. AGM held 27.06.18. The Club advised that documents could not be submitted due to a computed crash and that it was currently re-drafting the documents for submission.


Cape Rottweiler Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. Documents received, but Financial Statements not signed by an Auditor.


Cape Utility Dog Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. No documents received.

The Club advised that, due to unforeseen circumstances, there had been a delay in holding the AGM. They were planning to hold an AGM in conjunction with another Club as soon as a date could be set.


South Cape IPO Club

Financial Year-end 31.12.17. AGM held 10.03.18. Minutes received. Financial Statements pending. The Club had difficulty in tracing the previous Treasurer, who was in possession of the Club’s paperwork and cards.

Noted. DP undertook to follow up.

3.2.2. Article 9.1.4

“9.1.4 Failure to adhere to Kennel Union Constitutional requirements in respect of: Any event to be held, being held or which was held under a Kennel Union licence Schedule of Documents and Returns to be sent to the Secretary of KUSA, Schedule 8.”

Show Returns Outstanding - Championship Shows – Nil

Show Returns Outstanding - Non-Championship Shows

IPO Club of Northern Areas - IPO held 18.02.18 - Show levies outstanding.


Penalties Outstanding:

2017 Shows:

Central Free State Bull Terrier Club - Breed (R885)

(See above under FS&NCPC)

Adele Bastick, KUSA Shows Department, to write and request payment of outstanding Penalties. 
Payment subsequently received.

3.2.3. Queenstown & Districts Kennel Club – Article 9.3

The above Club was disaffiliated in December 2017 in terms of Article 9.2. An application has been made to the Federal Council for reinstatement in terms of Article 9.3, with the headquarters of the Club being in East London and its shows also being held in that city. The Club had fulfilled all its KUSA obligations at the time of disaffiliation.

Resolved , unanimously,

that the Queenstown & Districts Kennel Club be reinstated to the list of Affiliated Clubs to operate in the East London area.

Proposed JH, seconded CI.

3.3. Naming of Clubs (Fedco 06-2017 item 9.6)

Quote from Fedco 12-2017: 
“It was recognised that there was a need for greater flexibility in the naming of Clubs to make it possible for some Clubs to have a national reach. Federal Councillors were asked to apply their minds to a more flexible solution, based on the particular circumstances, focus and membership base of a new Club to replace the current rigid policy of geographical confinement.”

Proposal to be formulated. Work in progress.

3.4. Terms of Reference for Exco (Fedco 06-2016 item 9.1, Fedco 12-2016 item 3.13, Fedco 06-2017 item 3.6, Fedco 12-2017 item 3.8) 

3.4.1. As part of her report-back on the Exco face-to-face meeting, LW sought an instruction from Fedco to consider, investigate and propose changes to the Articles and Schedules in order to rectify contradictions. Exco had, for instance, identified Schedule 3 Regulations 31, 33 and 38 as requisite of alignment with Regulation 37 and for harmonisation with the content of Schedule 1. 

Fedco was unanimous in its decision to grant the required instruction and wished Exco well in its efforts to reconcile discordant or contradictory Regulations. 
Proposed LS, Seconded RD 

3.4.2. Exco further requested Fedco to limit the quantum of the fines Exco was entitled to set as part of its punitive powers. The suggestion was that the amount be capped at R10 000,00. 

Fedco unanimously agreed to a cap of R10 000,00 on all fines imposed by Exco. 
Proposed CG, Seconded DP 

3.5. The Rosemary Elliott Memorial KUSA Junior Handler Fund (REMF) (Fedco 06-2017 item 3.9, Fedco 12-17 item 3.9)

Consideration of the viability of REMF as a funding mechanism for the future participation of KUSA National Junior Handlers in the . 

With the REMF in a near-depleted state, the future of the Fund was discussed in detail. Fedco came to the following unanimous decision: 

No Pledge would be expected to be signed by the  and the person would therefore be absolved from any obligation to raise funds for the REMF. KUSA would also refrain from involvement in any fundraising initiatives intended to assist the KUSA National Junior Handler to compete in the International Junior Handler Competition at Crufts. 

The REMF would remain available to the KUSA National Junior Handler in any year as a fundraising vehicle, but disbursements would be limited to funds raised through, or directly linked to, the efforts of the Junior Handler. Other contributions to the REMF would remain in the Fund to build up a reserve, a stated objective which a succession of Junior Handlers had failed to achieve since the establishment of the Fund.

Agreed, unanimously. 
Proposed CI, Seconded CG

Effective: Immediately

3.6. Invitation - Junior Handling Final at World Dog Show – August 2018, Amsterdam

An invitation had been received for the KUSA National Junior Handler to represent South Africa and KUSA at the above event. The deadline for acceptance of the invitation was 1 July 2018.

Noted and agreed with the confirmation that KUSA had no funding commitment in this regard.

Age limit to be checked. It also needed to be ascertained whether the 2 nd placed Handler was eligible to compete if the winner was unable to.

3.7. Election of Life Members – Article (Fedco 12-2017 item 3.4.3)

It was agreed at Fedco 12-2017 that the service records of Exco Members who are not already Life Members should be tabled at this meeting:

Mr RB Jenkins from 2009 (9 years)

Mr DC Sparg from September 2013 (5 years)

Mr R Zeeman from April 2014 (4 years)

Mr RD Juckes from November 2015

Motivation: The members of Exco meet once a month for one to two hours via teleconference. Prior to the meetings, they are required to study various documents sent to them by the KUSA Office and also need to be available for meetings of the Disciplinary Sub-Committee.

No remuneration is paid for these officials’ services to KUSA and it is recommended that they be rewarded with Life Membership after four (4) years’ service as members of Exco.

Resolved , unanimously,

that Clrs RB Jenkins, DC Sparg & R Zeeman be elected as Life Members of KUSA.

Proposed JH, seconded GR.

Effective: Immediately 

It was noted that an email had been received to enquire whether Life Membership could also be bestowed on previous members of Exco who had served the required term. Fedco confirmed that the granting of the privilege was only prospective.

3.8. Revision and harmonisation of Provincial Councils’ Constitutions (Fedco 12-17 item 7.19)

At Fedco 12-2017, the following persons were appointed to undertake the task of reviewing and harmonising the Provincial Council Constitutions: GR, LW and CB. 
Work in progress. Further information will be tabled.

It was proposed that Mr Rory Shortland should be requested to assist with this task and it was unanimously agreedto appoint him to the task team.

Proposed LW, seconded JH.

3.9. Amendments to DOGSPC Constitution

Proposed by DOGSPC

Clause 10.1 :

Insertions underlined and struckthrough deletions in [ square brackets ]: 

The official Representative of every member Club and, if the Club so chooses, an Alternate, [ will shall be elected by the Club’s Committee from their number and the Representative as well as any Alternate shall be members of KUSA. automatically be the Chairman except where the Chairman is also serving as the Chairman of a second breed Club and is already the representative for that Club. In such case, in order to satisfy the requirement of 10.2, the Vice-Chairman will be the official representative. 
Each member Club may appoint one alternate representative to attend meetings in the event that the Chairman is unable to attend. The alternate must be a member of the Club’s committee and a member of KUSA 
The Club will present the accreditation of 
its the ] proposed Representative and any Alternate to DOGSPC on [alternate on ] the prescribed form [ to DOGSPC ], submitted to the Secretary

Insert NEW Clause 10.3 :

An Alternate may act as Alternate for no more than two (2) member Clubs on DOGSPC, but may only act as Alternate for one (1) member Club at any particular meeting of DOGSPC, and may not serve concurrently as a Representative or Alternate on another Provincial Council. 
(Current Clauses 10.3 and 10.4 to be renumbered sequentially.) 

Motivation: It is becoming increasingly difficult to meet the requirements of the DOGSPC Constitution of only permitting the Chairman or Vice-Chairman of a Club to serve as the Club’s Representative. DOGSPC wishes to be in the same position as in most other Provcos where a Club may appoint any member of its Committee to serve as the Club’s Representative on Provco. Moreover, regarding the Alternate, DOGSPC wants to be able to permit its Clubs to appoint any member of its Committee as Alternate, and that the Alternate can serve in such capacity for two Clubs.

The above amendments were accepted.

It was further agreed that the amendments would override any decision proposed by the task team under item 3.8.

Agreed, unanimously.

Proposed GR, seconded CG.

KUSA Secretary to notify DOGSPC

Effective: Immediately

3.10. By-Laws of Provincial Sub-Committees (Fedco 12-2017 item 7.20)

The revision and harmonisation of these By-laws were allocated to the same team charged with the revision of the Provco Constitutions. (Note: item 3.8)

Work in progress. Further information will be tabled.

In line with the decision on item 3.8 above, it was further agreed that Mr Rory Shortland should also assist with the harmonisation of the By-laws of Provincial Sub-Committees. 
Proposed JH, Seconded GR

Procedure to allow foreign-registered dogs to compete at KUSA-licensed events to be discussed. 

LW relayed Exco’s conviction that a uniform procedure should be introduced for any dog registered with an eligible foreign National Canine Organisation (NCO) to compete at KUSA events. Exco envisaged any foreign-owned dog entering South Africa for the purpose of competing at KUSA-licensed events to be assigned an “Event Registration Number” (ERN), which would entitle the dog to earn KUSA awards and titles. 

Fedco found sufficient merit in the concept and urged Exco to formalise it as a proposal, also taking into account that the foreign owners need to be members of KUSA during the time the foreign-owned dog was campaigned in South Africa. 
To be carried forward to the Agenda for Fedco 12-2018.

3.12. Duties of Club Show Manager (Fedco 12-17 item 7.23)

Verbal report by JH on progress made thus far.


4.1.1. Amendments to the Articles of the Constitution to comply with Section 30 of the Income Tax Act

The necessary amendments to be circulated prior to the meeting.

Resolved , unanimously, that the amendments circulated be accepted.

Proposed DP, Seconded RD

Effective 01.02.2019

4.1.2. Article 2 – Interpretation of Terms – Definition of a Specialist Club (Fedco 12-2017 item 7.6)

It was resolved at Fedco 12-2017 that the definition of Specialist Club might require amendment to provide for Grand Champion points earned at Specialist Clubs catering for breeds with multiple varieties.

Work in progress (CI, LW, PM)

4.1.3. Centres – Article 13 and Schedule 3 Regulation 2.1.1 (Fedco 06-2017 item 3.11. Fedco 12-2017 item 4.1.1)
Quote from Fedco 12-2017:

“Following discussion at Fedco 06-2017 on the need for Centres as currently defined in the Constitution, it was suggested that geographical provinces would be more appropriate.” 
Alterations to the Articles and Schedules in respect of reversion to geographical provinces to be finalised and tabled at Fedco 06-2018 for acceptance. 

Change to Article 13.2: 
Insertions underlined and struckthrough deletions in [ square brackets 
The boundaries of such Centres enumerated therein shall be guided by but not restricted to the ordinary geographical boundaries observed by the State for the nine Provinces of the Republic of South Africa [ or Province as the case may be as at 28 February 1997].

Change to Schedule 3 Regulation 2.1.1: 
Insertions underlined and struckthrough deletions in [ square brackets 

[Eastern District of Gauteng and Surrounds 
Western District of Gauteng and Surrounds 
Kwa-Zulu Natal (Southern Coastal Region) 
Kwa-Zulu Natal (Northern, Northern Coastal & Midlands Regions)] 

Free State 
Northern Cape 
Eastern Cape[ & North Eastern Cape 
Border & Transkei] 
Western Cape 
North West 
[Boland & South Cape] 
and such additional Centres as defined by the Federal Council [ FEDCO/KUSA ]from time to time in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of KUSA. 

The following corresponding amendments pertaining to the above had inadvertently been left off the Agenda: 

Regulation 2.1.2 


, unanimously, subject to the two regulations in red being voided. 

Proposed CI, Seconded CB 
Effective 01.02.2019

4.2. Any items Relating to Disciplinary Matters – Schedule 1 

4.2.1. Disciplinary Sub-Committee (Exco) 
The following case has been finalised and full details reported to Fedco:

Case 06-2015 – WPBTC vs Mr GJ du Toit – hearing 10.04.2018 
The complaint concerns an allegation that the Respondent had fraudulently and without any permission started a Facebook page in the name of the Western Province Bull Terrier Club, an affiliated Club of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, and had invited people to join the page and proceeded to use the said Facebook page as motivation and to gather support for a new Club in the same Provincial Council area of responsibility.

After consideration of the totality of the evidence presented, the DSC made the unanimous finding that:

Although the Respondent had initially started the Facebook page using the name WP Bullterrier Club without permission and later changed it to WP Bullterrier Association, the DSC did not believe that, on a balance of probabilities, there was sufficient evidence of fraud or of improper and/or discreditable and/or dishonourable and/or disgraceful conduct and/or conduct that is prejudicial or injurious to the interests of canine affairs or to members or officials of KUSA, or to persons who are concerned or connected with the Club, and that there was insufficient evidence to show that the Club had suffered any prejudice due to the Respondent’s actions and, furthermore, that the name of the Facebook page, WP Bullterrier Association, which was the name of the Facebook page at the time the complaint was lodged, did not infringe upon the name of the Western Province Bull Terrier Club and there was no evidence of intention to take the Club’s name. 
The complaint was therefore dismissed.

The DSC ordered that the Complaint Deposit be retained in full by KUSA as provided for in Rule 11.9.


4.3. Any Matters related to the Registration of Dogs – Schedule 2

4.3.1. Schedule 2 Regulation 4.5 – Registration of dogs bred by means of Artificial Insemination

Proposal by Exco

Provision to be made for standardised international marker DNA profiles to be provided for Sires from which semen was collected after 01.01.2019.

Requires further investigation. JH to consult with the Department of Agriculture.

To be carried forward to the Agenda for Fedco 12-2018. 

4.3.2. Schedule 2 Regulation 4.10 – Advanced Registration Certificate (ARC)


Delete struckthrough words in [ square brackets ]:

Clause positively identified by microchip [ or DNA ]

Motivation: Should have been changed when mandatory microchipping was introduced.

Agreed , unanimously.

Proposed JH, Seconded GR.

Effective 01.01.2019

(Fedco 12-2016 item 9.3, Fedco 06-2017 item 4.3.1) 
Work in progress (CI) 

CI informed Fedco that she had started preparing a document, but then decided to put it on hold when she was alerted to the fact that the FCI only permitted one Affix per person. This was a complicating factor which required further thought and consideration and preferably even consultation with the FCI. 

4.3.4. Schedule 2 Regulation 9 – Amendment to Registers

Proposal by NAPC

Delete struckthrough words in [ square brackets ] and insert words underlined:

The Kennel Union may amend any of its Registers or the Obedience and Trial Dogs Record to rectify any errors or omissions therein and every application for rectification made by the breeder, or owner , of a dog shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7. In the case of application to change the dam or sire of a registered litter, [ KUSA reserves the right to request ] DNA parentage verification of the entire litter must be provided.

Should the breeder, or the owner (who would have secured the breeder’s prior permission) lodging an application for rectification of a Kennel Union Register for whatever reason not have access to all the dogs in the litter for purposes of DNA profiling, the application should be made in respect of those dogs to which the breeder, or owner, does have access. Should the DNA parentage verified application be successful in respect of the dogs applied for, the balance of the litter’s registrations will be suspended by the Kennel Union until a further application is received in respect of any of the suspended dogs to rectify the KUSA Register, supported by the necessary DNA parentage verification. 

Motivation: It is becoming increasingly unpalatable for conscientious and ethical breeders to read in the Exco Minutes that permission has been granted for Sires and Dams of previously registered litters to be changed without hard evidence that the initial details provided when the litter was registered were incorrect, and that the new details are definitely correct. Changing the Sire or Dam of a litter post registration is a highly contentious issue and the only way of obviating suspicion is to call for DNA parentage verification of the litter.

Approved , unanimously

Proposed JH, seconded CG

Effective 01.01.2019

4.4. Any Matters Relating to Breed Standards

4.4.1. Amendments to FCI Breed Standards Gundog Group

Spinone Italiano

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Lagotto Romagnolo

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Please note name change w.e.f. 01.01.2019 Herding Group

Finnish Lapponian Dog

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Please note name change to Suomenlapinkoira w.e.f. 01.01.2019 Terrier Group

Australian Terrier

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Irish Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Cesky Terrier

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Please note name change to Czech Terrier w.e.f. 01.01.2019 Utility Group

Canaan Dog

Request received to change from the UK interim Breed Standard to the FCI Breed Standard. There are currently no breeders. FCI Breed Standard attached to agenda.

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

4.4.2. Amendments to The Kennel Club Breed Standards Gundog Group

Retriever (Labrador)

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda. 
A further change to the above Breed Standard in the Colour clause was noted and would be included. Herding Group

Welsh Corgi (Cardigan)

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda. Terrier Group

Bedlington Terrier

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda. 

Manchester Terrier

Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

4.4.3. Amendment to ANKC Breed Standard Terrier Group 
Jack Russell Terrier 
Revised Breed Standard attached to agenda.

All Breed Standard changes at items 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 were approved, unanimously.

Proposed JH, seconded LS

Effective 01.01.2019

(Fedco 12-2015 item 11.14, Fedco 06-2016 item 4.4.6, Fedco 12-2016 item 4.4.9, Fedco 06-2017 item 4.4.4)

Work in progress (CI & LW) 

CI tabled a document entitled KUSA Policy on Adopting Breed Standards. Members of Fedco undertook to study the document and to revert to CI with comments. 
To be carried forward to the Agenda for Fedco 12-2018.

4.4.5. Neapolitan Mastiff – Change of Breed Standard from Kennel Club to FCI (Fedco 12-2017 item 7.21.) 
At Fedco 12-2017 it was agreed that a referendum be carried out using the same criteria as those applied to the recent Belgian Shepherd Dog referendum. Referendum document and voting paper sent on 23.03.2018 to the four breeders/owners who were current members of KUSA.

The referendum closed on 28.05.2018, but it was agreed that it should be extended to 31.10.2018.

4.5. Any Matters Relating to Breed Shows & Judging – Schedule 10 & Schedule 3

4.5.1. Judges Education Council (JEC) 

The Chairman of the JEC tabled the Council’s proposal for revisions to the current KUSA Breed Judges’ Learning Programme and the reasons therefor. Also tabled were the various Schedules regulating the proposed changes: 

Schedule 10 - KUSA Breed Judges Learning Programme 
Schedule 10 Appendix 1 – Group Course 
Schedule 10 Appendix 2 – Junior Showmanship Course 
Schedule 10 Appendix 3 – Breed Specialisation Course 

With the increasing threat posed by social media to the integrity and probity of judges, the JEC also thought it an appropriate time to draft a document entitled Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa . This document was also tabled for Fedco’s consideration. 

JH thanked LW for her thorough review of the Schedules and for the list of queries she had submitted on possible areas of conflict. Her comments would be interrogated and, if deemed valid, taken into account when the final versions of the Schedules were compiled. There were still a few points on which the members of JEC needed to reach consensus, or settle by majority vote, which left time for the other members of Fedco to revert to the JEC with further input on the Schedules. 

The JEC required approximately six months to prepare learner judges for the impending changes to the KUSA Breed Judges’ Learning Programme and requested Fedco to set the implementation date for the revised Progamme at 01 January 2019. With the ever-shrinking attendance at Non-Championship Shows, there was obviously a compelling imperative to waste as little time as possible in shifting the learning encounter focus to include the opportunities offered by Championship Shows. 

After consideration of the motivation and documents presented by the two JEC representatives, Fedco unanimously approved the Schedules and documents tabled and granted the JEC’s request for an implementation date of 01 January 2019, subject to the outstanding amendments being finalised and any further areas of possible conflict identified by any Federal Councillor being investigated and, if necessary, eliminated. 
The above was approved, unanimously

Proposed CI, Seconded CG 
Effective 01.01.2019 

Insert NEW Regulation 5.8.8: 
save for the Breed Classes offered at Specialist Club Championship Shows, all dogs entered and exhibited at Championship Shows must be registered in the ownership of members of the Kennel Union.

Approved, unanimously

Proposed CI, seconded CB

Effective 01.01.2019

Adele Bastick, KUSA Clubs and Shows Department to be requested to inform Clubs to

implement immediately.

4.5.3. Schedule 3 Regulation 24 Competition Group Winners and Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show(Fedco 12-2017 item 7.13)

Amend Regulation 24.2:

Delete struckthrough words in [ square brackets] :

At every Championship Show where dogs of more than one Group are scheduled, [ a minimum of ] two (2) exhibits shall be placed in all In Show challenges [ and, Clubs have the discretion to award further placings up to the total of seven (7) ]. Whilst exhibits must be placed in order of merit, the results may be announced in reverse order.

Motivation : At some shows four dogs are placed in the In-Show Challenges. Being placed 3rd or 4th best in a Final Challenge is a meaningless accomplishment and it is most unpleasant for In-Show judges to dismiss three unplaced dogs from the ring to go and figure out which dog would have been placed 5th, 6th and last. It is far preferable to place a Winner and a Reserve and be left with five dogs unplaced.

Fedco was united in the view that the practice by some clubs to expect four dogs to be placed in their In-Show Challenges was nonsensical and that the only way to spare judges the frustration, and exhibitors the embarrassment, caused by this unnecessary praxis would be to regulate against it.

It was unanimously agreed at Fedco 12-2017 that a proposal should be formulated to regulate that only two (2) dogs should be placed in all In-Show Challenges at Championship Shows.

Approved, unanimously

Proposed JH, seconded CI

Effective 01.01.2019

Insert NEW Regulation 24.2.5 :

The various Best in Show Challenges, whether at a Group, multiple Group or All-Breeds Championship Show, shall be judged by the same Judge.

Renumber 24.2.5 as 24.2.6

Motivation : To substantially reduce the risk of beaten dogs winning Best in Show, it was resolved at Fedco 12-2017 that a proposal should be formulated to regulate that all In-Show Challenges at All-Breeds Championship Shows shall be judged by the same judge.

Approved , unanimously

Proposed GR, Seconded CG 
Sufficient time should be permitted for implementation in order not to interfere with Clubs’ current contract arrangements.

Effective 01.01.2020

 (Fedco 12-2015 item 11.20, Fedco 06-2016 item 3.9, Fedco 12-2016 item 4.5.8, Fedco 06-2017 item 4.5.6) 
Work in progress (CI) 
To be placed on a future Fedco Agenda, pending the submission of a formal proposal.

4.5.5. Show Clearance Certificates Show Clearance Certificates – Policy (Fedco 06-2017 item, Fedco 12-2017, item 4.5.9)

At Fedco 05-2002, it was agreed that Show Clearance Certificates be extended to twelve (12) months. The following note appears on the Clearance Certificate:

“Clearance Certificates are valid for twelve months from the date of issue and are not renewable.”

Fedco to review current policy.

Information circulated to Fedco by email on 13.07.2017.

Application form to be finalised.

Refer to item 3.11.

Proposal to change policy and the wording on the Clearance Certificate. Remove “are not renewable” and insert “may be renewed on payment of a specified fee”. Owner(s) must hold membership of KUSA for the full period of the validity of the Clearance Certificate.

Agreed , unanimously. 
Proposed CI, Seconded CB

Effective: Immediately. Application Form to finalised as soon as possible. Request for extension of Show Clearance Certificate

Request for a six months extension of a Show Clearance for Exhibition Certificate for Bearded Collie Reg No PR VDH / ZBrH BEC 26380F, after the expiry date of 25 January 2018.

The Breeder was arranging the Export Pedigree from Germany and, until such time as it arrives, the new owner would like to continue entering the dog into upcoming shows.

Approved by Fedco ‘round robin’.

For ratification.

Ratified , unanimously.

Proposed LW, seconded RD


5.1. Schedule 5A – Regulations for Obedience Classes – nil

5.2. Schedule 5B(1) – Regulations for Working Trials (Classic) – nil

5.3. Schedule 5B(4) – Regulations for Working Utility Dog (WUD) - nil

5.4. Schedule 5B(2) – Regulations for International Working Trials and International Tracking Trials

5.4.1. By-laws for IPO National Sub-Committee (Fedco 06-2017 item 5.3.2) 
Clean and marked-up copies of amended copy of By-laws attached to agenda.

5.4.2. Schedule 5B (02) Regulations for International Working Dog Trials and International Tracking Dog Trials of the FCI (IPO) now IGP

Note change of name from IPO to IGP. Amended Schedule attached to agenda.

5.4.3. Schedule 5J (IPO) now IGP

Revised Schedule attached to agenda.

Resolved , unanimously,

that items 5.4.1, 5.4.2 and 5.4.3 are approved, subject to correction of grammatical errors. The name IPO to be changed to IGP throughout all documents and Workbooks when reprinted.

Proposed JH, Seconded RD

Effective 01.01.2019.

5.5. Schedule 5B(3) – Regulations for Tracking Trials - nil 

5.6. Schedule 5C – Field Trials

5.6.1. Schedule 5C(01) Regulations for Retriever Field Trials

Revised Schedule submitted by FTLC and attached to agenda.

All proposed changes are highlighted in yellow. A clean copy has also been submitted and is held in the KUSA Office.

Approved , unanimously.

Proposed LS, Seconded RD

Effective 01.01.2019

5.6.2. Schedule 5C(04) Regulations for Shooting Ratings (Weimaraner)

Revised Schedule submitted by FTLC and attached to agenda.

Approved , unanimously.

Proposed LS, Seconded RD

Effective 01.01.2019

5.7. Schedule 5D – Regulations for Dog Jumping - nil 

5.8.1. Schedule 5E(2) TKC Interprovincial and TKC Supreme Champion of the Year Competitions

Proposal by NAPC 
Clause 4 Qualifying Host Clubs

4.1 Amend to read:

Insert words underlined and delete struckthrough words in [square brackets]:

Until or unless this Schedule 5E(2) is amended or altered, the Host Clubs for the events described in this Schedule 5E(2) are designated hereunder: The Qualifying Host Clubs for the events described in this Schedule 5E(2) are KUSA-affiliated All-Breeds Clubs which hold Championship Shows within the KUSA area of jurisdiction as set out in Schedule 3.

Delete the list of Clubs, i.e. Clauses 4.1.1 to 4.1.5 ]

Motivation: The list of All-Breeds Clubs constantly changes and the intention is that all the All-Breeds Clubs, whether based nationally or in areas, are taken into account for purposes of the qualifying criteria of dogs. 
Approved, unanimously, subject to amendments as indicated in red.

Proposed JH, Seconded GR

Effective 01.01.2019 

Clause 4.2 – Amend to read: 
Delete struckthrough words in [square brackets]: 
Finals of the TKC Interprovincial Competition and the TKC Supreme Champion of the Year will be held at a Championship Show-holding All-Breeds Club selected by the TKC Kennel Club, and notified to KUSA not less than three (3) months before the holding of the Finals, or nine (9) months before where the Finals [ and ] are held in conjunction with a Championship Show. 
Not agreed

To be carried forward to the Agenda for Fedco 12-2018.

Clause 5.2.1 – Amend to read:

Insert words underlined and delete struckthrough words in [ square brackets ]:

those dogs which are resident in the [ a particular ] area as defined in Regulation 4.1 of this Schedule and have been exhibited at one (1) or more of the Championship Shows held in that area by All-Breeds Clubs [ as designated in Regulation 4.1.1 - 4.1.5 of this Schedule ], with the exception of Gauteng, where the postal address on the entry form shall be assumed to be the residential address unless otherwise specified;

Approved , unanimously.

Proposed JH, Seconded GR

Effective 0.01.2019 – may be implemented immediately.

5.8.2. Schedule 5E(06) Regulations for the KUSA IGP Annual Event

Amended Schedule submitted by NSC attached.

Note change of name IPO to IGP.

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed JH, Seconded RD

Effective 01.01.2019

5.8.3. Schedule 5E(19) GSD Grand Victor Show

Proposal by GSDLC:

Existing Schedule 5E(19) to become 5E 19A (GSD Grand Victor Breed Show) and Schedule 5E 19B (GSD Grand Victor IGP)

Schedules attached to agenda

The following was resolved, unanimously:

Schedule 19(A) (GSD Grand Victor Breed Show) – to be deferred to Fedco 12-2018.

Schedule 19(B) (GSD Grand Victor IGP) – approved and effective 01.01.2019 – may be implemented immediately.

Proposed LW, Seconded RD

5.9. Schedule 5G – Regulations for Dog Carting - nil

5.10. Schedule 5K – Regulations for Handler Classes - nil

5.11. Schedule 5L – Regulations for Agility

5.11.1. Schedule 5L – Regulations for Agility Classes

Revised Schedule submitted by NSC attached to agenda.

Noted that this Schedule contained provision for two Championship Shows per year.

Approved , unanimously,

subject to a correction of the grammatical error in Clause

Proposed RD, Seconded LW

Effective 01.01.2019 – may be implemented immediately.

5.11.2. Schedule 5L (Appendix C) Regulations for the Selection of South African Dogs to Compete at the Agility World Championships

Revised Schedule submitted by NSC attached to agenda.

Approved , unanimously, 
subject to members of the team representing the RSA being members of KUSA. Refer to item 7.23.

Proposed RD, Seconded LW

Effective 01.01.2019 – may be implemented immediately.

5.12. Schedule 5M – Regulations for Flyball

Proposed amendments submitted by National Sub-Committee attached to agenda.

The amendments are based on world trends and one semantic change due to an oversight.

Approved , unanimously.

Proposed LW, Seconded GR

Effective 01.01.2019

5.13. Aptitude Testing – nil

5.14. Search and Rescue and Dog Dancing to be included on future agendas. 


6.1. Rottweiler Breed Council of KUSA (RBC)

Noted that a code developer was needed to update RBC website. It was suggested that the RBC used its funds to design a new website. LW undertook to advise RBC Convener.

6.2. Federation of Boxer Clubs of SA Breed Council (FBCSA BC)

Report submitted and noted.

6.3. GSD Liaison Council (GSDLC) 

6.3.1. GSDLC Constitution

Amended copy attached to agenda, together with letter from GSDLC regarding the definition of a GSD Specialist Club.

Resolved , unanimously,

that the definition be approved.

Proposed LW, Seconded LS

Effective 01.10.2018

6.3.2. Registration – German Shepherd Dogs (Fedco 12-2016 & Fedco 12-2015, Fedco 12-17 item 6.3.2) 
Fedco approved a proposal to legitimise German Shepherd Dog registrations within KUSA (NCO of FCI in RSA) and interested parties were given until 31.12.2017 to submit registrations and apply for current Kennel Names, after which the current KUSA regulations for registrations would apply. At Fedco 12-2017, it was recorded that this date would be extended for a further year. 
In order to be aligned with FCI Circular No 13/2018 and the termination date of the FCI-WUSV agreement, we are advised that this grace period must end on 10.05.2018 

Proposal from the GSDLC (agreed by all members of the GSD Liaison Council Committee via email communication dated 5 April 2018). The FCI Circular clearly states that “No German Shepherd Dog (GSD) pedigree issued after May 10, 2018 can bear simultaneously the FCI and the WUSV logos. Only FCI members/contract partners and GSD breed clubs affiliated to the FCI members/contract partners are allowed to use the FCI Logo”. GSDFSA dogs would be registered in the Appendix Breed Registers in accordance with:

· FCI Regulations – Article 8 – Clauses 1 & 4

· KUSA – Schedule 2 – Clauses 1.1.1 & – This all provided that the requirements as specified by KUSA were met, including microchip identification and DNA proven.

Dogs registered in these Appendix Registers, at Level 1 & 2, may be entered in Breed Classes at Non-Championship Shows & Championship Shows with awards. Dogs on these Registers were not eligible for Breed Championship status. Dogs entered in these Appendix Breed Registers may compete in other licensed Disciplines events with awards, provided they fulfilled all other related requirements under Schedule 2.

Progeny of such dogs would be registered in the Appendix Breed Register up to the fourth generation; thereafter the fourth generation may be registered in the Primary Breed Registers (full four generations with KUSA registration numbers).

PM wished confirmation that the ex-GSDFSA applicants for registration on the Appendix Register, Levels 1 & 2, would have to be evaluated by two (2) KUSA qualified Judges, a requirement of the Appendix Registers, prior to their application being considered. LW advised that the GSDLC was in agreement with this.

Fedco approved the proposal from the GSDLC above and the majority of Fedco approved the requirement in respect of the breed evaluation by two (2) Judges.

Proposed LW, seconded by CI

Effective 10.05.2018


7.1. Update on the Appeal lodged by the German Shepherd Dog Federation of South Africa (GSDFSA) against the Registrar: Animal Improvement in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) 

The Chairman updated Fedco on the latest developments in the Appeal lodged by the GSDFSA against the Registrar: Animal Improvement in the DAFF and the internal and external legal advice received in respect of the invitation from the Appeal Board for KUSA to partake in the hearing in a manner to be decided by KUSA. 

Fedco was unanimous in its support of KUSA’s acceptance of the invitation and its presence at the hearing and it was agreed that, apropos the manner of its participation, KUSA needed to be guided by the advice of its appointed counsel. 
Proposed JH, Seconded DP 

7.2. KUSA Administration Portal Upgrade 

Mr Colin Amis of SrsBsns, who had been involved in the maintenance of the KUSA Administration Portal for the past year on an ad hoc basis, presented his KUSA Web Application Proposal to the members of the Federal Council on Friday, 22 June 2018. 

Fedco was generally satisfied that the proposed new template to be developed by SrsBsns, using the “Symfony 3” PHP framework, should meet KUSA’s requirements and it was unanimously agreed, with one qualification in respect of the prior delivery of a sample of a concept template, that the agreement with SrsBsns should be finalised. It was noted that the contemplated development was expected to take around six months and that payment would be on a monthly basis. A budget for the development was agreed to, to be depreciated over three years. 
Proposed CG, Seconded GR 

7.3. KUSA and the Federation of Boxer Clubs of Southern Africa Breed Council (FBCSA BC) 

The General Manager reported on the progress with the integration of FBCSA data and the take-on of members from former FBCSA Clubs and FBCSA Affixes. It was noted that KUSA had taken on 156 members of defunct FBCSA Clubs, as well as 51 active and 106 non-active Affixes. The FBCSA’s dog database, covering the last ten years, has not yet been integrated into the KUSA registry due to field discrepancies, but SrsBsns was attending to the problem. 

The criteria for awarding Championship for Dancing with Dogs (Heelwork to Music) and Dancing with Dogs (Musical Freestyle) have inadvertently been left off Schedule 3, Regulation 42 and the necessary housekeeping is required to add the omitted provisions. 

Insert NEW: Schedule 3 Regulation 42.13 : 

Dog Dancing (Heelwork to Music & Musical Free Style) Champion 

The Federal Council or the Executive Committee shall award: 
The title of Dog Dancing Champion and a KUSA certificate to any dog that has achieved Advanced Level, and has been awarded three (3) Qualifying Certificates under three (3) different Judges, in any one of the following categories: 
Handy Dandy 
All three (3) Qualifying Certificates must be earned, and Advanced Level achieved, in the same category and the category will be stated in brackets after the title of Dog Dancing Champion. 

Renumber 42.13 and 42.14 
Proposed JH, Seconded CI 
Effective: Immediately 

7.5. Printing of Reserve Challenge Certificates (RCCs) at Breed Championship Shows 

Printing of Reserve Challenge Certificates (RCCs) at Breed Championship Shows had become subject to request due to the fact that few people collected them. 

Fedco had no problem with RCCs being printed on request only, but unanimously directed that it needed to be formalised in the Regulations shall be available to Exhibitors [ as soon as convenient after ] within thirty (30) days of the date of award. Reserve Challenge Certificates signed by the Judge and Show Secretary shall only be issued on request of Exhibitors and shall be available to them as soon as convenient after award. 

Proposed CI, Seconded JH 
Effective 01.01.2019

7.6. Schedule 3, Regulation 7

Clarity was required on this recently amended Regulation to eliminate conflict with By-laws of disciplines and ensure that the intention of the Regulation was not misconstrued. 

It was unanimously agreed to amend the Regulation as follows: 

Insertions underlined

Proposed GR, Seconded JH

Effective 01.01.2019, but may be implemented immediately

7.7. National Sub-Committees 

7.7.1. Exco was of the view that, in order for a National Sub-Committee to be established, a Discipline needed to have representation in at least three Provinces. Until such time as a National Sub-Committee was established, the Clubs for that Discipline were required to operate in the normal manner through the various Provincial Councils where Sub-Committees for the Discipline have been established. 

Fedco agreed with Exco’s view and unanimously authorised the amendment of the By-laws for National Sub-Committees to reflect representation of any particular Discipline in at least three provinces. 
Effective: Immediately

7.7.2. Exco further recommended to Fedco that National Sub-Committees should be able to hold their Annual General Meetings within six months of 1 January. 

Fedco concurred without dissent and authorised the necessary amendment to the By-laws for National Sub-Committees. 
Effective 01.01.2019

7.8. Outstanding Amendments - Club Constitutions 

Amendments to various Club Constitutions were on hold, pending a decision on certain clauses pertaining to “virtual meetings” as contemplated in the proposed new Specimen Club Constitution. 

Fedco was satisfied with the incorporation of the clauses in question into the constitutions of Clubs that desired to adopt them. 

7.9. All Show Schedules to display the KUSA logo 

In the interest of proper branding of KUSA-licensed events, Fedco directed that the Show Schedules of all Championship Shows be required to display the KUSA logo. 

The following change to Schedule 3 Regulation 5 was unanimously approved – insertions underlined

The official Schedule of any Championship Show shall display the KUSA logo in a format, version and size specified by the Kennel Union Office. I f published in the Official Kennel Union Journal, the official Schedule may omit the following provisions of this Regulation 5, sub-paragraphs 5.2, 5.4, 5.8, 5.8.1, 5.8.2, 5.8.3, 5.8.6, 5.8.7, 5.12 and 5.13; whereas the official Schedule sent to the Kennel Union for approval and subsequently distributed direct to potential exhibitors by the show-holding club shall contain inter alia
Proposed JH, Seconded RD 
Effective 01.01.2019

7.10. Show Manager to be a Member of KUSA in Good Standing 

On the recommendation of Exco, the necessity of a Show Manager being a member of KUSA in good standing was considered and the following amendment to Schedule 3 Regulation 3.4 was unanimously approved - insertion underlined

The management of a Breed Show shall be the responsibility of the Show Manager who shall be a member in good standing of the Kennel Union and appointed by the Committee of the Show holding Club. 

It was further unanimously agreed that corresponding amendments should be made to Schedules 4 and 4A and to all the Schedules dealing with the various Working Disciplines where a Show Manager is mentioned. 
Proposed LW, Seconded LS 
Effective date: 01.01.2019

7.11. Official Journal of KUSA 

The functions of the “Official Journal of KUSA” had been taken over by the KUSA website and references to this publication throughout the KUSA Constitution were superfluous. 

Fedco came to the unanimous conclusion that constitutional references to, and citations of, a publication which hasn’t existed in a number of years were confusing and instructed the KUSA Office to prepare a suitable proposal for the Agenda of Fedco 12-2018 to either eliminate references to the “Official Journal of KUSA” in the KUSA Constitution, or to define term for purposes of the Constitution. 
Deferred to Fedco 12-2018 

7.12. KUSA Advertisement - Animaltalk Dog Directory 2019 

The customary full-page, full-colour, KUSA advertisement in the Animaltalk Dog Directory 2019 was considered. 

Fedco approved the advertisement and the KUSA Office was instructed to proceed with the space reservation. JH & CI were assigned to oversee the design of the advertisement. 

7.13. IPO (soon to be re-named “IGP”) - Harmonisation of Provincial By-laws 

The IPO Portfolio-holder informed Fedco that she had consulted extensively with the National Convener for IPO (IGP) and that they were united in the view that the By-laws of the IPO (IGP) Provincial Sub-Committees needed to be harmonised in order to eradicate the adversarial situations which had developed in some provinces to the detriment of the dog sport of IPO (IGP). Both were convinced that this was required to be done by way of a Fedco directive, which also needed to direct on a bridging solution pertaining to national representation in the run-up to the next Provincial elections. 

Having considered the representation by the IPO Portfolio-holder, Fedco agreed that a directive was necessary and the only sensible way forward to mitigate the existing antagonism and directed as follows: 

7.13.1. That the IPO (IGP) Provincial Sub-Committees were required to operate under a uniform set of By-laws drafted by the National Convener and the interim Fedco-appointed members of the National IPO (IGP) Sub-Committee (NIPOSC). Such By-laws needed to refrain from prejudicing any Club that met the eligibility criteria to serve on the Provincial Sub-Committee and needed to be in place by the next Provincial elections (October 2018) and used for the election of the Officials and the National Representatives. 

7.13.2. That, effective immediately, the Fedco-appointed members of the NIPOSC to serve on an interim basis until the election in October 2018, were the following: 

DOGSPC: Nancy Pelser & Neil Perkins (given the adversarial situation at DOGSPC, representation of both factions was deemed necessary and granted by way of dispensation.) 
NAPC: John Swartz 
WCPC: John Rautenbach (Convener) 
KZNPC: Darren Uys 
EC&BPC: Simon van Vliet 
F&NCPC: Frikkie Mostert (at the discretion of the National Convener, depending on level of IPO (IGP) activity in the province.) 

7.14. Goldfields Kennel Club 

The KUSA Office tabled letters received from certain KUSA members who were also members of Goldfields Kennel Club (GKC) that reported on events, procedures and disclosures at the Club’s Annual General Meeting held on 14 June 2018, which ultimately resulted in the Club’s Annual Financial Statements for the years 2016 and 2017 not being approved by the members. Fedco’s urgent and decisive intervention in this undesirable state of affairs was requested by the correspondents, in particular to act in terms of its stated Object enumerated in Article 3.17: 

3.17 to investigate, enquire into and adjudicate upon all complaints referred to it or initiated by the Secretary in terms of the Constitution and to arbitrate in cases of dispute submitted to it for arbitration; 

Fedco considered the letters, circumstances and explanations placed before it and came to the unanimous conclusion that there was no reasonable expectation of members’ concerns being allayed in assemblies to be subsequently convened by GKC, with little hope of the Club achieving the result of continuing its operations and activities unimpeded, denuded of presumption and suspicion. 

In consequence, and with the view of restoring members’ confidence and bona fides, Fedco elected to exercise its Powers granted under Articles 4.2 and 4.18 for the attainment of any of its Objects and prevailed upon its Chairman to establish a (R&IC) in terms of Article 19, conferred with Disciplinary Powers, for the purpose of investigating and reporting on the governance and financial and other disclosures of GKC to assuage the disquiet of the majority of the members who had attended the AGM on 14 June 2018 and who had elected not to approve the sets of Annual Financial Statements tabled at that meeting. 

The Chairman of Fedco was in agreement that a R&IC appeared to be to only way of restoring members’ confidence in the Club and duly established such Committee as contemplated in Article 19, conferred with disciplinary powers, as further sanctioned under the Article: 

19. REVIEW AND INVETIGATORY COMMITTEE Having informed the Federal Council, the Chairman of the Federal Council shall have the power to establish and appoint  for the purpose of dealing specifically with events, procedures or the viability of future proposals. The Chairman, membership and scope of such Sub-Committee shall be given in writing by the Chairman of the Federal Council to whom the Committee Chairman shall report. Whenever a Special Disciplinary Sub-Committee is established in terms of this Article, the provisions of Schedule 1 will apply. 

The Chairman undertook to inform Fedco of the members of the R&IC into the governance and financial affairs of GKC as soon as possible after their appointment. Also, following the appointment, the Executive Committee of GKC need to be informed of Fedco’s decision by the KUSA Secretary. 

7.15. Clarity on the start of the two-year period for a South African judge to award CACIBs overseas and ten-year period to officiate as an FCI All-Breeds International Judge 

Exco had sought clarity from the JEC on the start of the two-year period required by the FCI for a South African Judge to award CACIBs in a breed overseas. The JEC confirmed this period to commence upon the Judge passing the Part 2 exam on the breed in question. 

Fedco ratified the JEC’s decision and was further alerted to the fact that, in accordance with the FCI Regulation 5(e) for Show Judges, it stated that “The period elapsed between the approval of his first FCI group and the approval of his FCI All-Breeds status has to be at least ten years.” Fedco confirmed that this FCI Regulation needed to be adhered to and instructed the JEC to echo this requirement in the Schedules. 

7.16. Specialist Clubs holding Championship Shows outside their traditional Centres 

The opinion of Fedco had been sought on the possibility of Specialist Clubs, especially those with a national reach, applying for a licence to hold a Championship Show outside their traditional Centres as a concession to members based in other parts of the country who find it difficult, or impracticable, to travel to the Club’s base Centre. 

Fedco confirmed that Exco had the powers to grant a Club permission to hold a show outside its traditional Centre but, in assessing an application for a Specialist Club wanting to move its show to different parts of the country, recommended that all the circumstances be thoroughly interrogated by Exco and that Exco applied the utmost discretion before granting such licence on a one-off basis. 

7.17. Judging on Ramps – Bull Terriers & Staffordshire Bull Terriers 

Over time, there have been several appeals by members of the Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier fraternity to Fedco for a directive on the use of ramps to judge the two breeds in question, such method of assessment alleged to be contrary to the judging practices in the breeds’ country of origin. There was strong opposition to the reference to these two breeds as “ramp breeds” in KUSA’s study materials for learner Judges. 

After discussion, Fedco came to the conclusion that, in order to avoid conflict, unpleasantness and potentially embarrassing incidents at shows, every effort should be made to minimise the possibility of ramps being used by Judges to assess the breeds in question. To achieve this objective, Fedco directed as follows: 

7.17.1. That all references to ramps and the use thereof to judge certain breeds, referred to as “ramp breeds”, should be removed from the study materials issued under the auspices of the JEC. 

7.17.2. That all clubs should be provided with a letter to be sent to judges of Bull Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers in advance of judging assignments to alert them to the fact that these breeds were customarily judged on the ground in South Africa and that their observance of this custom would be appreciated. 

7.18. Introduction of Voluntary DNA Parentage Verification when registering a Litter 

The appeals from prominent and conscientious breeders for KUSA to introduce DNA Parentage Verification when registering litters have increased exponentially. 

Although Fedco had been cognisant of the fact that the veracity of a Registry based purely on trust was regarded with increasing scepticism worldwide and that KUSA had incurred certain obligations under the Animal Improvement Act, it had considered the introduction of mandatory DNA Parentage Verification in order to register a litter as premature. There was, however, no impediment to introducing DNA Parentage Verification on a voluntary basis for those who wished to have the parents and puppies DNA-tested prior to registration, and the results recorded. 

In further discussion, and as a means of encouraging voluntary DNA Parentage Verification, Fedco unanimously supported the idea of KUSA offering an “enhanced” Registration Certificate, at no extra cost, for any puppy of which the parentage had been DNA-verified. 

It was decided that a procedure document should be compiled in collaboration with the ISAG-accredited laboratories in the country, inter alia University of Pretoria (Onderstepoort Veterinary Sciences), Stellenbosch University, and Inqaba Biotec, to assist breeders to undertake the DNA testing of parents and puppies. SrsBsns needed to be alerted to the likely future recording of DNA data in order to make provision for it in its modification of KUSA’s K9 system. The procedures document would be considered at Fedco 12-2018 together with any proposals for the enhanced Registration Certificate. 
Deferred to Fedco 12-2018 

7.19. Miniature Bull Terriers at Bull Terrier Specialist Shows 

Since the Miniature Bull Terrier had a separate breed standard from the Bull Terrier, there was uncertainty about this breed’s automatic eligibility to enter Bull Terrier Specialist Shows. Exco had inspected the constitutions of the various Bull Terrier Clubs in the country and had found that some constitutions made reference to a single “breed”, whereas others referred to “breeds”, thereby ostensibly being accommodating of the Miniature variety. 

Fedco came to the unanimous conclusion that it was up to the Club to decide whether, or not, to accommodate Miniatures at their Championship Shows and that they were at liberty to adjust their constitutions accordingly. CI suggested that the KUSA Office should write to the various Bull Terrier Clubs to establish whether they wished Miniatures to compete at their Championship Shows and, if so, to urge them to make such adjustments to their constitutions as required. 

7.20. Recognition of Zimbabwean Obedience Qualifications 

Reacting to an Exco query, Fedco confirmed that KUSA recognised Zimbabwean Obedience and Agility Qualifications and suitably qualified Zimbabwean dogs were therefore entitled to enter in C Class in South African Obedience competitions. 

7.21. Exhibitors’ Personal Information (Email Address and Mobile No.) published in Show Catalogues and subsequently published on KUSA Website 

The matter of personal information of exhibitors published in Show Catalogues subsequently being made available online on the KUSA website was discussed and it was decided that an equitable solution needed to be found to ensure that the rights of those who desired to grant access to their personal information and those who wished to keep their information confidential were equally respected. It was noted that there were also certain Regulations to be amended in order to achieve the desired flexibility. 

CI was charged with investigating possible changes to the Entry Form, whereas PM undertook to check on the necessary constitutional changes. JH declared herself willing to discuss the issue and a possible interim solution with the proprietors of the Dog Show Programme and SA Show Manager. 
Deferred to Fedco 12-2018 

7.22. Consequences for Contravening Regulations 

Exco required guidance on dealing with contraventions of the Regulations. In the past, the normal course of action, especially for first offenders, was a letter of warning. 

Fedco confirmed that Exco had the discretionary powers to issue letters of warning, remove awards and impose fines, depending on the seriousness of the transgression. Exco had used its discretionary powers advisedly and judiciously in the past and Fedco believed it should continue to do so. 

7.23. Mandatory Membership to represent KUSA at any FCI event 

Exco required Fedco’s confirmation that any person representing KUSA at any FCI meeting, or event, for either Breed, or Disciplines, including the FCI World Championships, needed to be members of KUSA in good standing. 

Fedco confirmed this requirement. 

7.24. Revised Show Entry Form 

The Show Entry Form was requisite of revision to provide for owners’ mandatory KUSA membership and a possible solution for the granting of, or withholding of, permission to publish personal information. 

CI undertook to provide the proposed amendments to the KUSA Office. She also expressed the view that separate Entry Forms for Breed and Working Disciplines needed to be designed. 

7.25. “National Handler” or “Handler of the Year”? 

The above two terms were used interchangeably in the Regulations. 

CI was charged with “cleaning up” the Regulations and effecting consistency in the terminology. Fedco preferred the terms KUSA National Child Handler, KUSA National Junior Handler and KUSA National Adult Handler. 
Deferred Fedco 12-2018 

7.26. New reciprocal Agreements with non-FCI NCOs 

Exco had identified the need for KUSA to negotiate, or re-negotiate, agreements with non-FCI NCOs. 

Fedco agreed that KUSA’s current agreements with non-FCI NGOs ought to be investigated and, if necessary, be re-negotiated. In the absence of an agreement, one should be negotiated. 

7.27. Specimen Club Constitution 

Exco recommended the adoption, in principle, of the Specimen Club Constitution based on the constitution adopted by Clubs formerly affiliated to the Federation of Boxer Clubs of South Africa. 

Fedco unanimously supported that current Specimen Club Constitution being replaced with the by-product of the Boxer negotiations and urged the completion of the generic version for future use by Clubs. 

7.28. Class Clashes at Championship Shows 

There seemed to be an expectation on the part of exhibitors that KUSA needed to clarify whether a Judge was obliged/expected to wait for an exhibitor who was showing in another ring when alerted to the fact by the Ring Steward. 

Fedco reiterated that there was no obligation on a Judge to accommodate an exhibitor who was not able to be present in the ring due to a class clash. Depending on the circumstances, particularly the anticipated time of the delay, it was up to the Judge to make whatever concession/accommodation he/she felt was reasonable (comfort break, etc.), but there was no obligation whatsoever on the Judge to make any concession at all. 

7.29. Certificate/Medal for achieving the Junior Merit Title 

The possibility of KUSA issuing some form of recognition of achievement for the Junior Merit title against payment of a fee was briefly discussed. 

CI undertook to give this possibility some thought and, if feasible, revert with a proposal at Fedco 12-2018. 
Deferred to Fedco 12-2018 

7.30. Codes of Conduct 

Following the drafting of the Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by KUSA, it was suggested that similar Codes of Conduct would be desirable for Club Officials and KUSA Members. 

GR was tasked with drafting the contemplated Codes of Conduct for consideration by Fedco. 
Deferred to Fedco 12-2018. 

7.31. DOGSPC ‘Best of the Best’ Competition 

GR alerted Fedco to the fact that there was a possibility of the DOGSPC ‘Best of the Best’ Competition being revived. He appealed to Fedco that, should the Organising Committee decide to go ahead with ‘Best of the Best’ in 2018, Exco should be permitted to grant dispensation for the Competition to be run under revised provisional rules before a new Schedule was finalised. 

Fedco had no objection to Exco using its discretion in granting the required dispensation.

7.32. Fedco Portfolios

The Fedco portfolios were updated. 




December 01&02 confirmed. 

Still to be confirmed: 
June 29 & 30 (or June 22 & 23) 
November 30 & December 01 (or December 7 & 8) 

June 26 & 27 (or 20 & 21) 
December 05 & 06 (or November 28 & 29)