

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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KUSA Constitution & Schedules

Schedule 05G - Regulations for Dog Carting

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules

                                   KENNEL UNION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA                                      



The Regulations and other matters to do with Shows, as set out in Schedule 3, Regulations for Championship Shows and Schedule 4, Regulations for Non-Championship Shows of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa shall apply to Dog Carting and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule 5G.

2.1    A Club which is qualified to hold a Championship Show may hold a Championship and/or a Non-Championship Dog Carting Event in conjunction with either of such shows under the same licence or separate licence.
2.2    A Club which is not qualified to hold a Championship Show may hold a Non-Championship Dog Carting event in conjunction with such event and under the same licence or separate therefrom.

3.    Void.

4.1    A Qualifying Certificate, clearly marked Mini Senior or Senior Class, will be awarded at any Championship Show to any dog that gains at least 95% of the marks awardable in the Senior Class.
4.2    A certificate, clearly marked Mini Novice or Novice Class, may be issued at any Championship Show to any dog that gains at least 95% of the marks in the Novice Class.
4.3    Championship Status - a dog awarded three (3) Carting Certificates in the Mini Senior or Senior Class, each by a different Judge, will qualify as a Carting Champion and a KUSA Certificate to this effect will be issued.
4.4    A dog awarded twenty five (25) Carting Qualifying Certificates will qualify as a Grand Champion Carting and shall be issued with a KUSA certificate to that effect.  This is providing that no more than three (3) of such Carting Qualifying Certificates shall have been awarded by any one judge and not more than twenty (20) certificates were gained in any one province with the balance of five (5) certificates having been gained in at least two (2) other provinces.  Twelve (12) Carting Qualifying certificates awarded to a dog prior to 01.01.2006 shall count towards this award.

Any dog may compete which is registered with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in the Breed Register, Obedience and Trial Dogs Record or in the Development Register and is not in conflict with the Regulations hereunder described or who has not been disqualified or suspended from competition by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and has been issued with a Dog Carting Qualifying Record Card.
5.1    Only dogs aged fourteen (14) months or over may be trained, or may participate, in any Carting event.
5.1.1    Definition of Mini Dogs :
5.1.2    Dogs 40cm and under at the withers will only be allowed to compete in the ‘Mini’ category.
5.1.3    Dogs close in size to the limits of Mini/Novice or Mini/Senior will be required to be measured to determine the height at the withers.  Dogs may be remeasured at any time and if such dog is reclassified from the Mini category to the Senior category any Certificates won in the ‘Mini’ Category do not count towards ‘Senior’ Championship status.  The dog’s Record Card must be endorsed that it is no longer in the Mini category.
5.1.4    Prior to entering a Carting Event for the first time, the handler shall produce his dog’s Registration Certificate to prove age.  Any dog whose size is close to the limit of Mini dog shall be measured by the Carting Judge of the day on a level surface and have the relevant Record Card signed and filled in if the dog is 40cm or less at the withers.
5.2    Record Cards shall only be issued for dogs so registered.  Any alterations whatsoever made to the Dog Carting Qualifying Record Card may only be made with the authority of the issuing Officer or the Secretary of the Provincial Council.  Any alterations must be signed and the authority of the signatory stated.
5.3    No dog can be entered in any Carting Class “RAF” (Registration Applied For) or “TAF” (Transfer Applied For) and the terms of Championship Show Regulations (Schedule 3), Regulation 7, apply where applicable.
5.4    At the conclusion of a class, it is the responsibility of the Judge of that class to enter in each dog’s Record Card particulars of the show, with details of marks scored, Qualifications earned and Certificates awarded, when such information is relevant to the dog’s eligibility to compete in a Carting class or to the dog’s achieving Championship status.  When any Class is judged by more than one (1) person there shall only be one (1) winner, that is the dog scoring the highest points.
5.5    No dog may compete in a Senior Class until it has gained at least 95% of the marks in the Novice Class on two occasions at any show and this has been recorded on its Record Card.
5.6    A dog having become eligible to compete in a class may continue to compete in that class until it is suspended or disqualified from competition, or until it has qualified from competition in the higher class.
5.7    A dog entered in a Championship Show may not be entered in Mini/Novice and Mini/Senior or vice versa at the same Show.
5.8    Dogs that have been placed 1st in a Novice Class in which three (3) or more dogs compete and obtained a qualifying mark under three (3) different Judges at Championship Shows are not eligible to compete in a Mini/Standard Novice class again.
5.9    It is permissible to enter a dog for competition in a Carting Event in anticipation of the dog qualifying to compete in that event at a previous Show, provided that the entry is made in accordance with the rules of the Club holding the Carting Event and that the dog qualifies prior to the day of the Show.
5.10    It is permissible for a dog to take part in a higher class than the class entered in advance of a show, provided that the dog has qualified out of the lower class prior to the show.

6.1    Before a Learner Judge may accept any Carting Judge’s appointment he must have passed a written test on the Rules and Regulations, have attended and passed a Carting Judges Training Course held by an approved convenor and acted as a Ring Steward at two (2) Non-Championship Carting Shows.  Thereafter, he will be issued with a Judge’s Record Card.  
6.2    Before any Judge can judge at a Championship Carting event he must have written and have had accepted reports on two (2) Non-Championship Shows at which he has officiated.  Such reports are submitted to the Provincial Council in whose area he normally resides.  Where there is no Provincial Council, the Reports shall be submitted to KUSA.
6.2.1    No report by a Judge shall be considered which does not contain the score sheets and a detailed comment on the performance of the dogs scoring the highest and next highest in at least two sections of the four – which must include one (1) Novice and one (1) Senior section (i.e. Mini Novice, Novice, Mini Senior and Senior) in addition to a general comment on the performance of all other dogs competing in the two (2) sections.  A detailed list of faults and marks deducted to be included.
6.3    In terms of this Regulation, a ‘Learner Judge’ means one who is not yet qualified to judge at a Championship Show.
6.4    In order to be placed on the panel of Carting Judges the Judge must judge two (2) Championship Carting Events and written reports must be submitted, within three (3) months of the date of the Show, to the Provincial Council in whose area in which he normally resides and then confirmed by the Executive Committee of KUSA,  after which he may be issued with his Carting Judge’s Licence.
6.5    Appointments of Judges normally resident outside the area of jurisdiction of the KUSA will be considered by the Executive Committee in the light of the Judge’s qualifications recognised by the appropriate canine authority in the Judge’s country of residence, and in terms of Article 25.4 of The Kennel Union Constitution.  It is the responsibility of the Show holding Club that any Judge who is permanently domiciled outside the KUSA area of jurisdiction is provided timeously with a copy of these Regulations.
6.6    All Judges shall, if permanently domiciled/(resident) in the KUSA area of jurisdiction, be members of the Kennel Union, in good standing, both at the time of accepting an invitation and undertaking an appointment.
6.7    Inactive Judge
A judge whether learner or licensed, who has not carried out a judging appointment for a period of three (3) years or more and wishes to resume judging must pass a written examination on Schedule 5G Regulations. This examination shall be as determined from time to time by the National Carting Sub-Committee, KUSA shall be so informed and they in turn shall inform the judge in writing (copied to the National Sub-Committee) that he passed the test and may now accept judging appointments up to the highest level that he was previously entitled to judge.

7.1    Carting Show Manager
The management of a Carting Show shall be entrusted to the Carting Show Manager who shall be appointed by the Committee of the Club holding the Show.
7.2    Disputes
Any disputed matter requiring a decision on the ground shall be decided by the Carting Show Manager and the Judge(s).  However, the control of all matters connected with the dogs during competition shall rest with the Judge(s) of the event but the Manager, if required, may be called upon for assistance.
7.3    Complaints
Complaints lodged by competitors will be dealt with in accordance with the KUSA Regulations.
7.4    Other Matters
Any matter not provided for in the KUSA Regulations for Carting Events shall be decided by a simple majority of the Carting Show Manager and the Judge(s) at the Show and their decision will be final.  In the event of an equality of votes the KUSA Representative, where one is present, shall appoint a referee and when one is not present, the Show Manager shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote.
7.5    Misbehaviour of Dogs at a Show
7.5.1    Physical disciplining of a dog or serious uncontrollable behaviour of a dog at a Carting Event prior to the Judge taking control of the assembled exhibitors, or after he has released them, may be penalised at the discretion of the Show Manager by excluding the dog from competition at the Show or by ordering the exhibitor to forfeit any Carting awards, positions or qualifications gained at the Show.
From the time when the Judge takes control of assembled competitors to begin judging a Class until the Judge dismisses the competitors, after the results of a Class have been announced, no handler in that Class shall physically discipline a dog, either inside or outside the ring.  In the event of such physical disciplining occurring, or in the event of serious uncontrollable behaviour of a dog in the ring, the Judge will severely penalise the dog concerned by deducting points from the total score of the dog.  In addition, the Judge may, at his discretion, exclude  the dog from further competition in that Class at that Show.
7.5.2    Should the behaviour of any handler or dog threaten the safety or wellbeing of the dog and/or the safety or wellbeing of the handler and/or some other dog or person and/or any physical property then, in such an event, neither the handler nor the dog shall be permitted to complete any exercise being carried out on that day and shall be reported to the Show Secretary, who will render a written report to the Executive Committee detailing the circumstances.
7.5.3    Baiting or the offering of food to the dog while the test is in progress is forbidden.  The carrying of food or training aids during the exercises is also forbidden and if discovered, means immediate excusal from the test.
7.6    Number of Dogs to be Judged
No Judge shall be required to test more than a total of thirty-five (35) in any one (1) day.  When the number of entries to be judged by one (1) person exceeds these limits, the Committee of the Club holding the Show shall appoint an extra Judge(s) whose name shall be communicated to the Kennel Union for approval and shall allocate competitors as equally as possible among the Judges by draw.
7.7    Handler of Dog
Either the owner or a deputy may handle the dog but it must be one or the other.  Once the dogs have commenced work, an owner must not interfere with his dog if he has deputed another person to handle it.
7.8    Competing Dogs
No bitch in season shall be allowed to compete in any Carting Event.  Spayed bitches and castrated dogs may compete.
7.9    Conditions
It is the responsibility of the Carting Event Manager and of the Judge(s)  to ensure that all dogs competing in an event compete under the same conditions as far as this is practical.
7.10    Weather
It shall be at the sole discretion of the Judge(s) whether or not competition in any event should be interrupted on account of inclement weather.  Cancellation of a Carting Event or of any part of a Carting Event shall be at the discretion of the Carting Event Show Manager in consultation with the Judge(s).
7.11    Starting Time
All competitors shall be informed of the starting time for their event and competitors and dogs in each event shall be present at site of the Show at least thirty (30) minutes before that time.  The Judge’s shall have discretion to postpone the starting time of an event and the draw for order of competition for a reasonable period if competitors, in the event, are delayed through competition elsewhere in the Show falling behind schedule, and such postponement shall be made known to all competitors in the event, who are present.  Any competitor who is not present at the end of such postponement shall be regarded as withdrawn from the Show and shall not be allowed to compete.
7.12    Order of Competition
The order of competition shall be determined by draw among the competitors in each event immediately before the first exercise of the event is due to begin.
7.13    Carting Area
7.13.1    The Carting Event Manager is responsible for the demarcation of the areas to be used for Carting Events and is responsible for ensuring that the areas comply with these Regulations.  The Showholding Club shall be responsible for supplying all the necessary equipment.
7.13.2    The suggested size of the working area or ring should be at least 30m x 30m
7.14    Competition by Officials at Shows
7.14.1.    A Judge at a show may not enter or handle a dog in the same Discipline (Breed, Obedience, Working Trials, IPO, Dog Jumping, Agility, Carting etc.,) as that in which is officiating.  This restriction does not apply in respect of another show held on the same day but held under a different license.
7.14.2    A KUSA Representative may not enter, exhibit or handle a dog registered in his name at any KUSA Licensed event held at the same venue on the day that he is officiating, nor in the same discipline held under the same licence on any day.
7.15    Catalogue Numbers
Handlers must display catalogue or entry numbers prominently when in the ring.
7.16    Announcement of Results
The Judge must give each competitor their marks after completing the course and before they leave the ring.
7.16.1    Equal Scores
In the case of a tie, when two (2) or more dogs have equal scores, those dogs shall be tested again immediately by having them perform separately one (1) or more of the exercises of the Judge’s choice in that Class, and without any change to the existing scores.  In the case of an equal score for first placed dogs, a run-off will be undertaken in accordance with this Regulation.  On completion of the run-off the Record Card will be completed as follows :
7.16.2    The dog which wins the run-off will be the winner and the Record Card will be endorsed as such.
7.16.3    The dog which came second in the run-off will have the qualifying mark entered on the Card but shall not share first place.
7.16.4    All competitors who achieve qualifying marks will likewise have their Record Card endorsed in accordance with the Regulations.

8.1.1    HARNESSING AND HITCHING Novice (5 points)    INSPECTION OF HARNESS AND CART Senior (3 points)
8.1.2    MANOEUVERING Novice (65 points) Senior (67 points)    Normal pace
8.12.2    Fast pace    Slow pace    About turn    Halt (sit/stand)    Back up
8.1.3    MANOEUVRING (65 points)    Figure eight    Three 90 degree turns (2 in different directions)    Broad curve    Narrow area    Removable obstacle    About turn    Load/Unload    Back up    Following the course    Distraction control    Recall
8.1.4    STAY (10 points)
TOTAL     (100 points)

8.2.4    The Figure Eight (Reg., Broad Curve (Reg. and Narrow Area (Reg. to be altered in width to accommodate Mini Dogs and Carts at the Judge’s discretion.
8.3.1    HARNESSING AND HITCHING    VOID    VOID    Harnessing and Hitching – Novice Dogs
With the dog in the sit/stand position (at the handler’s discretion) the handler harnesses and hitches the cart and attaches the traces as directed by the Judge, giving such commands as are necessary.    Harnessing and Hitching – Senior Dogs
The handler and dog enter the ring already harnessed and hitched with traces attached.    The dog will stand for examination by the Judge.  The Judge will satisfy himself that the harness is comfortable and that the cart is balanced and that the traces are secure and that they will cause no injury to the dog.  If this is not to the Judge’s satisfaction, he can ask for this to be adjusted and penalize the handler accordingly.  If this cannot be rectified, the exhibit should be excused from the ring.    Any dog showing aggression to the Judge or Steward during this exercise will be disqualified from the Carting Event.
8.3.2    BASIC HANDLING TO BE CARRIED OUT BEFORE MANOUVERING COURSE    In an area free of obstacles and with the cart hitched, at the direction of the Judge, the handler shall have the dog perform the following:

  • Haul forward at normal, fast and slow pace
  • Left or right about turn at the Judge’s discretion at normal pace
  • Halt in either sit or stand position, at the handler’s discretion
  • Back up in a straight line for the length of the dog and cart

8.3.3    MANOEUVRING    The course must be clearly laid out and the Judge must walk the course (with the handlers (without dogs)) before judging commences.  Manoeuvring space equivalent to the length of the competing dog and cart must be allowed for at all obstacles.    In the Mini and Standard Novice Class the handler and dog must complete the course as directed with audible instructions from the Steward.  Halts in Sit or Stand position of the dog at the handler’s discretion.    In the Mini and Standard Senior Class the Judge may instruct that the course be completed as directed with or without audible instructions from the Steward.  A handler must elect a Sit or Stand position for the dog at Halts and this position must be maintained throughout the course.    All manoeuvring will be done at normal pace in all Classes.        The course must include all items listed in Regulation 8.3.3 but shall, at the Judge’s     discretion, include other obstacles or actions that are consistent with practical     carting and traffic rules and regulations (for example : stopping to deliver part of     the load, obeying traffic signs, parking in designated areas and coping with light     traffic (bicycles)).    Figure Eight - the two (2) obstacles should be at least the length of the competing dog and cart apart, and no other obstacles should be within this distance of the figure eight.    90 degree Turn - at least three (3) such turns must be included in the course, two (2) of which must be in different directions.    Broad Curve - this may be a curve to left or right at the Judge’s discretion.    Narrow Area - such as a bridge.  At the Judge’s discretion the handler may recall the dog through the narrow area, or walk the dog through at the Heel position.    Removable Obstacle - this can be either a gate or a branch.  At the Judge’s discretion the handler may recall the dog past the obstacle, having first removed the obstacle, or walk the dog through at the Heel.  The handler must leave the dog at the Stay and replace the obstacle.    About Turn - this may be a left or right about turn at the Judge’s discretion.    Load/Unload - the judge must provide a load of a practical nature which must be loaded into the cart and secured.  The loaded cart must be hauled through at least half the manoeuvring course before being unloaded. 
Cognisance must be taken of the size and breed of dog, type of cart used, country to be crossed and weather conditions. (Note: this is not designed to determine the maximum mass which a dog may move but how much weight a dog may move efficiently and safely without strain. The load supplied may in no way hinder the movement of the dog. The load must not be more than 50% of the dog/s body weight as recorded on the Carting Record Card by a Licensed Judge.)
The weight of the load:
Mini Novice - must not be less than 1 kg and not more than 3 kgs
Novice - must not be less than 2 kgs and not more than 9 kgs
Mini Senior - must not be less than 2 kgs and not more than 6 kgs
Senior - must not be less than 5 kgs and not more than 12 kgs    Back up - an alley, wide enough to allow the dog, cart and handler to enter must be included in the course. On command from the handler, the dog must back up in a straight line a distance equal to the length of the competing dog and cart.    Following the course - points must be deducted for :
-    Deviation from the course
-    Hitting obstacles
-    Lagging of the dog
-    Bumping the dog
-    The dog working wide of the handler
-    Failure to comply with the Judge’s instructions
-    Not following a straight line between obstacles
-    Working wide of obstacles     Distraction Control - within the course the Judge must provide a distraction at a point where no commands are to be given.  The dog is allowed a short bark or a prolonged stare.  Disallowed is any stop or deviation from the course.     Recall - during the running of the course the handler must, at the direction of the Judge, leave the dog in the Sit or Stand position and move forward away from the dog (at least ten (10) metres) before recalling the dog.  The Judge will direct whether the handler should face the dog to recall or should recall the dog to Heel whilst the handler is stationary or on the move.    Seniors only, an additional element at judges discretion
8.3.4    STAY    As a group exercise and with the dog harnessed and hitched to the cart.    In the Mini Novice and Novice Class, in the Sit/Stand position (at the handler’s discretion), a one (1) minute Stay with the handler in sight of the dogs.    In the Mini Senior and Senior Class, in the Sit/Stand position as directed by the Judge, a three (3) minute Stay, with the handlers in or out of sight of the dogs as the Judge may direct.    A dog shall not be penalised for reasonable movement, provided it does not move from the posture.  Minimum movement i.e. vertical foot movement is acceptable – any other movement OVER half a body length to be penalised at judges discretion, with graduated marking.
8.4    GENERAL
8.4.1    Commands - the handler may give a single command at each change of direction or speed of motion or stay. Repeated commands must be penalised. The dog’s name does not constitute a command when used in conjunction with a command.
8.4.2    In the Mini Novice or Novice Class, the handlers may encourage and talk to their dogs whilst competing in the manoeuvring and handling exercises, but may not repeat commands.
8.4.3    Physical handling of a dog or cart during any exercise is not permitted.
8.4.4    Any dog which, during any exercise leaves the ring, upsets the cart or shows aggressive tendencies will fail that exercise unless the Judge, using his discretion as to the circumstances, permits the dog to continue.
8.4.5    Any dog not under the control of the handler during the exercise will be excused from that exercise and may, at the discretion of the Judge, be disqualified from the carting event.




1.    ALLOCATION OF POINTS (suggested points)
3.1        HARNESSING AND HITCHING Novice (5 points) Senior (3 points)

3.2        MANOEUVERING Novice (65 points) Senior (67 points)    Normal pace  (3)    Fast pace  (3)    Slow pace (3)    About turn (3)    Halt (Sit/Stand)  (3)    Back up   (5)

3.3        MANOEUVRING  (65 points)    Figure eight  (5)    Three 90 degree turns   (10) in total    Broad curve (5)    Narrow area  (5)    Removable obstacle  (5)    About turn   (5)    Load/Unload  (5)    Back up   (10)    Following the course  (5)     Distraction Control  (5)     Senior only – extra element at judge’s discretion

3.4        STAY   (10 points)

TOTAL   (100 points)

© Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN 0-95 84208-1-5

Fedco 11-05/AA/08-07/16.03.2009
Fedco 05-.2011/mb/updated 08.10.2011
Fedco 12-2013/NP/updated 13.01.2014

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.04.2014

Schedule 05F(9.1.5) - Regulations for Aptitude Tests

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



SCHEDULE 5(F), Regulation 9.1.5.


4. Details to be tested


1.1 Licensing and Show Regulations 
1.1.1 Every application for a Licence to hold an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment shall be made in terms of Schedule 5F.
1.1.2 The Regulations related to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3, Championship Shows, Schedule 3A International Dog Shows (FCI) and Schedule 4, Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) shall apply to Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment so far as they can be relevant to Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of these Regulations.

1.2 Scope of Licence
Any Affiliated Club or Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee may apply for and be issued with a Licence to hold an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment. A Club may hold an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment under the same Licence as any other Championship or Non-Championship Show or under a separate Licence.

1.3 Marks and Qualification 
1.3.1 Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment Qualification is subject to the dog having obtained a minimum of (+) 100 marks out of a possible score ranging between (-) 300 and (+) 300, provided it does not fail in the ‘Steadiness to Gunshot’ Test.
Qualification as ‘Excellent’ (Ex) which applies only to Aptitude Test, is subject to the dog having obtained a minimum of (+) 200 marks, provided it does not fail in the ‘Steadiness to Gunshot’ Test.
1.3.2 Once qualified at an Aptitude Test a dog may not enter again. A dog who fails may be retested after a waiting period of at least three (3) months. Only one (1) re-test permitted. Only one (1) assessment is permitted for the Dog Mentality Assessment.
1.3.3 The Owner of any dog which has been awarded an Aptitude Test Qualifying Certificate or an Aptitude Test Qualifying Certificate graded ‘Excellent’ (Ex) may use the abbreviation as an appendage to the dog’s registered name. The relevant abbreviations to be used are ‘Apt’ and ‘Apt Ex’. In order to have the qualification placed on any registration records, a copy of the relevant Qualifying Certificate must be submitted to KUSA.

1.4 Eligibility of Dogs for Testing
1.4.1 All dogs may be accepted for entry but only dogs which are registered with KUSA or any National Canine control body recognised by KUSA may be issued with a Qualifying Certificate.
1.4.2 The minimum age for a dog on the day of his participation in the Aptitude Tests is twenty-two (22) months. The minimum age for a dog on the day of his participation in Dog Mentality Assessment is twelve (12) months.
1.4.3 Only dogs which appear to be in good health can take part.
1.4.4 Bitches in season may not take part.

2.1. Test Leader
The management of an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment shall be entrusted to an Aptitude Test Leader, assisted by two (2) Aptitude Test Judges and a minimum of three (3) Marshals, all invited by the Test Holding Club or the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee (in the case of such Sub-Committee running the Test), and approved by KUSA.

Test Schedules shall be forwarded to the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee (if one exits in the Province). This Sub-Committee shall report timeously to KUSA if any of the officials would not be acceptable in respect of the two (2) year activity rule (see Regulation 3.1.8 of this Schedule) and supply the necessary proof of the official’s failing attendance record for the past twenty-four (24) months. In the event of no Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee being available, then the Schedule shall be forwarded direct to the National Aptitude Test Sub-Committee.
2.2 Disputes
Any disputed matter requiring a decision during the period of the Test shall be decided by the Test Leader and the Judges.
2.3 Complaints
Complaints lodged by participants will be dealt with in accordance with KUSA Regulations.
2.4 Misbehaviour of Dogs at a Test
Serious uncontrollable behaviour of a dog at any Aptitude Test or Dog Mentality Assessment may be dealt with at the discretion of the Test Leader. Any action taken in terms of this Regulation shall be reported to KUSA within seven (7) days.
2.5 Number of Dogs to be Tested
A maximum of nine (9) dogs may be tested per testing day.
2.6 General Attitude and Conduct of the Handlers
All instructions given by the Test Leader must be carried out by the Handler.
2.7 Conditions
It is the responsibility of the Test Leader to ensure that all dogs are put through the Test in the same conditions, as far as this is practical.
2.8 Weather
Cancellation on account of inclement weather of a Test or any part of a Test shall be at the discretion of the Test Leader in consultation with the Judges. 
2.9 Starting Time
2.9.1 All participants shall be informed in writing at least one (1) week before the date of the Test/Assessment of their own approximate starting time. They shall be present at the site of the Test/Assessment at least one (1) hour prior to the informed starting time.
2.9.2 In addition to the information as to their starting time, all participants shall receive accurate road directions to the Test site together with practical information on what is expected from them at the Test/Assessment.
2.10 Competition by Officials at Shows
In the event that an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment is held under the same Licence of any KUSA show, the Test Leader and Judges are not to be considered as officials for that show. They therefore may enter or handle a dog in any section of that show on the day/s they are officiating.

3.1 Judging the Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment
3.1.1 The Judges must strictly adhere to the directives and the key for judging as issued by the ‘Svenska Brukhundsklubben’ (Swedish Working Dog Association) and accepted by KUSA.
3.1.2 Each dog under scrutiny will be graded for each of the following abilities:
1. Approachability Value 15
2. Drive to Hunt Value 8
3. Social Fighting Spirit Value 6
4. Activity Level Value 10
5. Level of Aggression Value 5
6. Defence Value 5
7. Nervous Constitution Value 35
8. Toughness Value 8
9. Eagerness Value 8
10. Steadiness to Gunshot Pass or Fail

The marks gained are calculated by multiplying the value given for each ability by the factor from the Judge’s key relating to the dog’s performance.
3.1.3 The judging of an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment will be carried out by three (3) persons – the Test Leader and two (2) Judges, all currently on the respective KUSA registers.
3.1.4 At the completion of each Test the Test Leader will confer with the two (2) Judges. Their joint conclusion will decide whether the dog qualifies for a certificate or not. They will also decide upon the award of ‘Excellent’ or not.. 
3.1.5 Once the above decisions are reached, the Test Leader will give, publicly, a brief account of the performance and announce the result.
3.1.6 The officiating secretary shall, for a dog which has passed the Test, immediately issue the relevant KUSA Qualifying Certificate which has to be signed by the Test Leader and the Secretary.
3.1.7 No mandatory intervals are required between judging appointments.
3.1.8 In the event of an Aptitude Test Leader or Judge not carrying out an Aptitude Test judging appointment for a continuous period of two (2) years, he/she will be required to (learner) Judge over a two (2) day testing weekend (or equivalent within a period of thirty (30) days) and submit a minimum of eight (8) acceptable judging papers to the Test Leader/s in charge. Upon receipt of all eight (8) judging papers the Test Leader/s will submit their report to KUSA within fifteen (15) days, informing KUSA of the result. The ‘lapsed’ Test Leader or Judge will only be permitted to resume judging once notification of his/her reinstatement has been received from KUSA.
3.1.9 Appointment of Test Leaders and Judges normally resident outside the area of jurisdiction of KUSA will be considered by KUSA in terms of Article 25.4 of the Constitution.
3.2 Events outside the Regulations
In the event of circumstances arising not covered by KUSA Rules and Regulations, the Test Leader will have discretionary powers to make a ruling, subject to confirmation by KUSA. In such instances, the Test Leader must submit a written report setting out all details to KUSA within fourteen (14) days of the Tests.
3.3 Qualification of Aptitude/Dog Mentality Assessment Test Leaders, Judges and Marshals Candidates
Before a person can be accepted as a candidate for an Aptitude Test training course and examination he must provide proof that he 
has been involved at least three (3) times in Aptitude Testing e.g. as a steward, a participant or a member of the ‘crowd’ that follows 
any Test. The preference must go to candidates that are interested in canine behaviour etholody:
- be recommended in writing by a KUSA Affiliated Club
- be accepted by the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee that organises the Course, or where no such Sub-Committee, by the Provincial Council or by KUSA,
- sign an agreement that he will not divulge or make available to unauthorised persons documentation received during the Course and reserved to Aptitude Test Officials. He will also certify that he will not undertake Aptitude Testing and/or Dog Mentality Assessments outside the provisions of this Test Schedule. 
Contravention of this Regulation may result in the withdrawal of the relevant licence issued by KUSA.
3.3.2 Courses and Examinations Courses and Examinations for candidate Aptitude/Dog Mentality Test Leaders, Judges and Marshals can only be organised subject to approval by KUSA. Application to hold such a Course and Examination must be submitted by a Provincial Aptitude Test sub-committee or, where no such sub-committee, by the Provincial Council itself to KUSA. Such course and examination shall be held under the direction of two (2) Aptitude Test Leaders. Both persons shall be approved by KUSA and one (1) of whom shall be designated Course Leader (subject to approval by KUSA). The Course shall cover theoretical and practical tuition held over at least seven (7) eight (8) hour days (or equivalent time i.e. fifty-six (56) hours) and to be completed within a maximum period of two (2) months from the first day of the Course. It shall include all matters with regard to the setting up of the different Test/Assessment details, the acting as a Marshal in the different situations, the judging and the leading of Aptitude Tests and Dog Mentality Assessments. During the examination the Panel shall take into account the candidate’s ability to act as a Marshal; the ability to lead a Test and at least ten (10) acceptable individual judging sheets will have to be submitted by the candidate to qualify as a Judge. On completion of the Examination, the Course Leader shall send to KUSA, by Registered Mail, the names, addresses, daytime and home telephone numbers of the successful candidates. On acceptance by KUSA the names and addresses of the successful candidates, together with the appropriate qualification, shall be published in the Official Kennel Union Journal and they shall be authorised to accept Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment appointments from this time. A relevant KUSA Licence shall be issued and the names of the persons qualifying placed upon the lists of KUSA Registered Aptitude Test Leaders, Judges or Marshals. In the event of a person taking part in a complete Aptitude Test Course and Examination and qualifying as a Marshal but not as a Judge, an additional eight (8) acceptable judging sheets produced as a Learner Judge at an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment within a period of six (6) months after his/her qualification as a Marshal will qualify him/her for recommendation to KUSA to be placed on the register for Aptitude Test Judges. This recommendation must be motivated by the Test Leader/s under whom the Learner Judge officiated and be accompanied by score sheets. Having previously completed a training course, persons on the KUSA register for Aptitude Test Judges with current status, may qualify as an Aptitude Test Leader subject to the following:
- apply in writing to a Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee to be upgraded. This application must contain proof that the candidate has judged a minimum of fifty-five (55) dogs in Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment prior to the date of his/her application.
- attend an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment designated by the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee and being assessed by two (2) Aptitude Test Leaders as a Learner Test Leader on not less than four (4) dogs whilst under the direct control of one of the two (2) Test Leaders present. This assessment shall be completed in one (1) weekend.
Note: For the purpose of any Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment where there is a Learner Test Leader, the KUSA registered Test Leaders appointed to run the Test, will be designated Tutor Test Leaders for the purpose of the assessment of the Learner Test Leaders.
Whilst it is essential that the Learner Test Leader must actually control the Tests, the instantaneous direct intervention of the Tutor Test Leader must be possible at all times in order to prevent any problems for the dog and owner being tested.

The description of these Details and the way in which they are carried out, are laid down in the booklet strictly reserved to KUSA Registered Aptitude Test Officials.


1. Willingness to contact
2. Willingness to play
3. Drive to hunt small prey
4. Drive to hunt big prey
5. Attachment to pack leader
6. Attachment to pack leader (with disturbance)
7. Visual surprise
8. Sensitivity to noise
9. Social fighting spirit
10. Dominance
11. Defence
12. Steadiness to Gunshot
1. Willingness to contact
2. Willingness to play
3. Drive to Hunt/Chase response
4. Activity
5. Play at a distance
6. Visual surprise
7. Sensitivity to noise
8. Defence
9. Steadiness to Gunshot

(C) Copyright the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

30.8.2001 ISBN 0-9584208-1-5

The most recent changes have been incorporated into the document and have an effective date of 1.9.2002.

Schedule 05F(9.1.11) – Regulations for Bullmastiff Character and Breed Assessments

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



SCHEDULE 5(F), Regulation 9.1.11

1.     Purpose of the Character and Breed Assessment (CBA)
2.     Initial Requirements for the Qualification of the Title CBA
3.     Further Recommendations for the CBA Title 
4.     Deferred Qualification
5.     Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) Dates 
6.     Judges – Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) 
7.     Forms/History to be presented at the Assessment 
8.     The Organising Club’s Responsibilities 
9.     Other Requirements for Entry
10.    Conducting the Assessment – Breed Portion 
11.    Conducting the Assessment – Character Portion
12.     Other
13.    Conclusion

To promote uniformity in the breeding of Bullmastiffs with special emphasis on the temperament and characteristics of the dog and to establish a healthy gene pool in which the use of dogs with serious deviations both in their breed conformity and their character have been identified for the breeder and can thus be possibly eliminated from breeding programmes.

In order to qualify dogs must meet the overall requirements called for in the Bullmastiff Breed Standard as published by KUSA and as accepted by KUSA and the affiliated Bullmastiff Clubs.

a.    The dog must be identified by a KUSA approved method: tattoo / microchip or DNA 
b.    At the time of presentation for the CBA the dog must be at least 18 months of age. This would coincide with the requirement for HD and ED certification.
c.    Only dogs of eighteen months & up to seven (7) years (veteran status) of age may participate.
d.    The dog must be in a healthy condition. 
a.    In order to receive the CBA Certification both portions of the test must be passed.
b.    Bullmastiffs which have been found to have serious deviations from the Breed Standard by one Assessor may be presented once again to another Assessor with reference to the Character portion with only two presentations in total.
c.    Clubs to refer to KUSA Schedule 3 Reg 42.8.3. 
d.    Preparation of the dog prior to the test is the owner’s prerogative.

a.    Bullmastiffs that fail the Character Assessment portion may be presented again for a repeat assessment after a minimum period of six (6) months after which they may not be presented again.

a.    The Bullmastiff Clubs intending to hold a CBA must publish schedules thereof indicating times, dates and venues, at least one month before these events. A special licence from KUSA would have to be obtained. ( If this happens within the same week as a Club’s annual Bullmastiff Specialist Show the event will be covered by the same Show licence)

a.    Applications for a Character and Breed Assessment are to be accepted by the specialist Bullmastiff Clubs which present these assessments from time to time. The Clubs should submit the names of their Breed and if applicable Character Assessor(s) to the KUSA, to confirm that they are suitably qualified.
b.    The CBA must be undertaken by a KUSA approved and appointed Breed Assessor. In the case of a survey to be performed on Bullmastiff dogs the Breed Assessor must be a KUSA qualified Working Breeds Judge who is qualified to judge at Championship level and who therefore has a KUSA licence to Judge Bullmastiffs and who has preferably under gone training in a Character Assessment Clinic presented by a KUSA qualified Character and Breed Assessor and been accredited by KUSA. (Dual qualified)
c.    The Character portion of the assessment can be conducted by e.g. a Rottweiler Breed Council approved specialist who is qualified to do Character assessments or a Boerboel approved Assessor who is approved to do Character assessments, that is, if no Bullmastiff / Working Breeds Judge is available to proceed with both requirements.   
d.    Should the Assessor in question not conform to the aforementioned s/he may officiate, with the proviso that s/he be assisted by another KUSA approved and appointed assessor. As the characters of Working breeds have similarities, a legitimate & KUSA licensed Breed Assessor may assist during this portion of the assessment, but not with the Breed portion.
e.    It is expected that once more Bullmastiff Judges conform to both qualifications then the need for assistance by non Bullmastiff judges will become unnecessary. 
f.    The decisions made by the CBA assessor(s) are final. Details will be entered onto a KUSA approved Bullmastiff score sheet.

a.    A KUSA Certification of Registration.
b.    HD and ED evaluations which will pertain to the breeding recommendations.
c.    Tattoo or microchip certification or other valid proof of identification to be checked on site.
d.    Any KUSA accepted veterinarian reports for the attention of the Assessor who will have the authority to either accept or reject the dog for assessment with reference to the veterinarian’s documentation.

a.    The Club is responsible for ensuring that a KUSA registered Assessor and if required, a Character Assessor as noted in P6 is available.
b.    The Club is further responsible to employ the services of a ‘helper’ who need not be KUSA qualified and licensed (as there is no contact with the dog) but who is currently active in the training of protection work at a KUSA affiliated Club or who is a qualified IPO helper, and in either case should have the equipment as noted in 8g below as required for the work..
c.    The organizing club needs to ensure that the amount of dogs to be tested is acceptable to the Assessor. Time slots should be allocated to avoid any congestion.
d.    To provide KUSA approved Character and Breed Assessment score sheets. 
e.    CBA Certificates are to be ordered from KUSA by the Clubs themselves. The layout and wording are to be checked before printing and issue. Each Club will be responsible for their own documentation.
f.    A suitable area or club training ground with a firm surface such as a lawn spacious enough to be able to adequately evaluate with out interference, a single dog in a stack position and in motion with a lead.
g.    During the event the following equipment must be available:
i.    A protection sleeve and stick, suit, hide and   starting pistol or handgun (as approved by KUSA for Working Trials).
ii.    A large table, chairs, gazebo and recording equipment for the recording officials.
iii.    Veterinarian on call.
iv.    A micro chip scanner for identifying the dogs.
h.    An electricity connection is necessary for the computer and printing data if managed electronically.
i.    Toilet facilities.
j.    An approved measuring stick and tape measure. The judge shall be the deciding instance with regard to the correctness of the instrument.
k.    A weight scale of correct size & recording  
l.    The KUSA Bullmastiff Breed Standard for reference if needed.    

a.    Clarification of the minimum age for entry – 18 months.
b.    Adherence to all KUSA rules & schedules.
c.    The conducting Club should ensure that all visitors/ spectators be kept to an absolute minimum to avoid disturbance & distraction and must definitely remain out of the Test Area.

All the dogs should be evaluated in the same manner: a calm, natural composure both in stack and in movement and to allow strange hands to examine them which also includes the mouth, teeth and testicles.

The Assessor(s) are expected to evaluate the construction of the dog whilst in the stack position and embrace the overall picture and proportions, balance, expression and sex characteristics as well as the apparent size of the dog.
a.    The dog would have already been measured at the withers with a depth of chest, chest girth, head and neck circumference and back / back line length (from the tips of the scapulae to the set on of tail), having been marked on the Assessment Sheet along with the dental evaluation and the 1/3rd to 2/3rd requirement of the muzzle to the head along with the jaw and muzzle development.
b.    Bone mass, substance, muscle placement, skin and coat colour and appropriate markings.
c.    The skull shape and size and proportion to the muzzle and to the body.
d.    Withers, back, backline, loin, croup, fore chest and brisket, ribs, underline, sex organs, front and hind angulations, tail length and position, angulations of the stifles and hocks, feet and pasterns.
e.    The gait of the dog both at a walk and at a trot noting the front and rear drive, the harmonious movement and powerful drive with no gait impediments.

This is a critical portion of the test and dogs that display faulty temperaments may be excluded from further assessment.

The first exercise is to determine the self- confidence of the dog and its attachment and confidence in its owner.
a.    The following happens: 6 unknown people from out of the Test Area are selected and form up in a circle through which the handler and dog must weave.
b.    Once completed the dog and handler stand in the centre of the circle and the group then moves in slowly to crowd the dog. This is done on command of the Assessor. They then move out again and reform their circle.
c.    Providing the dog has shown no adverse reactions they then move in quickly to crowd the dog and re- apply pressure to the dog. The stance is held for a moment and then the crowd moves outward once again.
d.    If the dog is unperturbed by these actions then the test proceeds to the next portion.

Further evaluation of the temperament:

i.      The handler will walk his dog to a pre – determined spot approximately twenty metres from an established hiding place.
The handler will be required to remain stationary and will allow the dog freedom of movement to the extent of the lead. On the Assessor’s signal, a ‘helper’ clad in a protective suit and arm guard and armed with a stick will emerge from a hide and challenge the handler. After allowing re-action time for the dog, the ‘helper’ will run diagonally across and stop in a position approximately ten metres away from the handler and challenge again. The ‘helper’ will then continue directly towards the handler and dog in a confrontational manner to a distance of five metres, or when the Assessor instructs the ‘helper’ to stop the threat. At no time must the ‘helper’ and dog make contact.
At a signal from the Assessor, the ‘helper’ then returns to the hiding place. He will strip out of his protective gear and reappear in his regular apparel and in a friendly manner stroll up to the handler whom he will then greet. He will also greet the dog who would have been turned away from the ‘helper’ during the ‘helper’s’ entry and exit from the hide. 
The Assessor takes note of the extent to which the dog has regained his composure.
The dog must not attempt to flee or show signs of fear, nervousness or retained aggression. A lack of reaction need not be penalised if the dog is clearly not fearful. However obvious fear such as the tail tucked in is undesirable. The dog’s reaction to this situation / exercise is recorded on the Assessment form by the Assessor. In the case of a dog which is training for any guard and defence work, the handler must indicate this before the start of the exercise and the dog should not be penalised for a normal alert reaction.

ii.   The dog being tested will now be walked down the field to a determined spot and midway will pass another dog on its way up the field. (A ‘test dog’) There will be a set distance of 2 m between the two dogs and both will be under control of their handler.

The ‘test dog’ should remain the same throughout for all the Bullmastiffs put through the test.

The aim is to determine dog to dog compatibility or aggressiveness within a confined area.    

e.    The final test is the gun sureness test to determine the dog’s stability & flight reaction.
a.    Two shots will be fired from a distance of a least thirty paces from the dog at five (5) second intervals while the dog and handler are moving away from the Assessor.
b.    The Assessor may decide to repeat the test from a different direction or depending on the dog’s reaction eliminates it from the test and /or have it deferred to another date.

12.    OTHER 
It is understood that the CBA procedures as contained in this document may be subjected to adjustments from time to time and that should such requirements arise, proposals for such be presented for consideration and approval by KUSA.
The participating Clubs must liaise every two years to re-evaluate this Schedule with the intention to improve it.

The original CBA report must be made available to the owner of the dog within 30 days. The Club keeps a copy and another copy is forwarded to the Provincial Council within 10 days of the survey along with 
a. the list of participating dogs and 
b. Copies of the CBA certificate.
c. The relevant KUSA pedigrees.    

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISBN 0-9584208-1-5

Fedco 12-2014/NP/Effective 02.04.2015

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 02.04.2015


Schedule 05F - Regulations for Breed Assessments

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



The provision of Schedule 3 (Championship Shows) and/or Schedule 4 (Non-Championship Shows) of the Constitution of KUSA shall apply to Breed Assessments so far as they can be relevant to Breed Assessments and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule 5F.

1.    The Executive Committee shall have the power to issue or refuse a licence to enable a Club to hold a Breed Assessment.
2.    Application by a Club wishing to hold the Breed Assessment shall be made on an official Kennel Union form, completed and signed in the manner described in Schedule 3 Regulation 2.1 and accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7.
3.    The Regulations applicable to the holding of Championship Shows set out in Schedule 3 shall apply as far as possible equally to the Breed Assessment.  A Breed Assessment shall not be conducted at the same venue as any Show unless held on a different day.  The use of firearms in temperament testing is permitted provided they are not fired while Show competition is actually in progress in the vicinity.
4.    The Executive Committees approval of the Judge to be appointed for the Breed Assessment shall be obtained in the same manner as for a Judge at a Championship Show, and the conditions of Schedule 3 Reg. 34 shall apply.  Such Judge shall, if permanently domiciled in the KUSA area of jurisdiction, be a member of the Kennel Union in good standing, both at the time of accepting an invitation and undertaking an appointment.
5.    No prizes or awards shall be offered or given in connection with a Breed Assessment, nor shall any dog be placed in competitive order.
6.    For the purpose of this Schedule a Breed Assessment shall include any activity, however described, in which a dog :
6.1    is physically examined in relation to the KUSA Standard for the breed to which such dog belongs and for which the prescribed assessment form is completed, and 
6.2    is examined to determine the quality of character or temperament of such dog and on which examination a written report is prepared by the Judge or Assessor.
7.    A copy of all written reports on Breed Assessments, which shall be in a form approved by the Federal Council, shall be sent to KUSA for filing with the dogs record or pedigree.  Certified copies of the report shall be available to the registered owner of the dog on payment of the prescribed fee in terms of 
Schedule 7.
8.      Void.
9.      A copy of the Regulations for each Test/Assessment listed below, of which acceptable documentation submitted has been accepted by the Federal Council and has been deposited with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.   The Regulations accepted are not contrary to the objects of the Kennel Union nor do they contravene any article of the Constitution Regulations or Bye-laws.  No amendment or deletion may be made without the approval of the Federal Council in writing.
9.1.1    GSD Council Breed Assessment (1993)
9.1.2    GSD Council Breed Survey (1993)
9.1.3    Rottweiler Council Breed Survey (1993)
9.1.4    Rottweiler Council Breed Assessment (1993)
9.1.5    Aptitude Test (1997) & Dog Hereditary
9.1.6    Z.T.P. for Dobermanns (1995) (1995) Assessment (2001)
9.1.7    Boxer Breed Council Breed Survey (2006)
9.1.8    Boxer Breed Council Breed Assessment (2006)
9.1.9    Rottweiler Breed Council Assistant/General Helper (2009)
9.1.10    Boerboel Character & Breed Survey (2009)
9.1.11 – Regulations for Bullmastiff Character and Breed Assessments


(C) The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

Fedco 12-2014/NP/Effective 02.04.2015
Most recent changes has an effective date of 02.04.2015

Schedule 05F - Regulation 9.1.10 Regulations for Boerboel Character and Breed Assessments

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



SCHEDULE 5(F), Regulation 9.1.10

1.    Licensing and Holding of a Boerboel CHARACTER and BREED ASSESSMENTS (CBA) 
2.    Management of a Boerboel CHARACTER and BREED ASSESSMENTS (CBA) 
3.    Evaluating at Boerboel CHARACTER and BREED ASSESSMENTS (CBA) 
4.    Qualification of ASSESSOR ASSISTANTS 
5.    Competition by OFFICIALS 
6.    Catalogue Number 
7.    The ASSESSOR must 
9.    Aim 
10.  Report

1.1    Licensing and Show Regulations 
1.1.1  Every application for a License to hold a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) shall be made not less than one (1) calendar month before the proposed date. 
Should this happen within the same week as a Boerboel Club’s Specialist Championship Show or Non-Championship Show, the Event will be covered by the same Show’s License. For neither dates, separate Licenses must be applied for. 
1.1.2     The Regulations related to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in     Schedule 3, Championship Shows and Schedule 4, Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) shall apply to Character and Breed Assessments (CBA) so far as they can be relevant to Character and Breed Assessments (CBA) and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of these Regulations.

1.2  Purpose of the Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) 
To promote uniformity in Boerboel breeding, especially in the breeding of working dogs, to promote the correct temperament as well as to provide an ever growing pool of bloodstock in which the use of dogs with serious deviations from the Breed Standard has been eliminated.

1.3  Scope of License 
Only a club representing a Breed which: 
1.3.1     Requiring a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) as an additional qualification.
1.3.2    A Club may hold a Character and Breed Assessment under the same License as a Boerboel Specialist Championship or Non-Championship Show if it happens within the same week or then under a separate License.

1.4  Eligibility of Dogs for Testing 
1.4.1     Only dogs which are registered with KUSA on the breed Register, may enter a Character Breed Assessment (CBA). 
1.4.2     In order to qualify, dogs must meet the overall requirements called for in the Breed Standard of the Boerboel dog as published by KUSA and accepted by KUSA and its affiliated Boerboel Clubs. 
1.4.3     The dog must be identified by a KUSA approved method (microchip) 
1.4.4     At the time of presentation at the Assessment the dog must be at least 18 months of age. 
1.4.5     On the day of the Assessment the owner or handler of the dog to be assessed must present the following documentation to the Breed Assessor 
a)      A KUSA pedigree certificate of registration; 
b)     any previous and unsuccessful KUSA recognized Character and Breed Assessment  (CBA) Reports issued for the dog that is being assessed. 
1.4.6     Only dogs which appear to be in good health can take part in a Character Breed Assessment (CBA). 
1.4.7     Bitches in season may take part in a Character Breed Assessment (CBA) subject to the  following conditions: 
- Bitches in season are kept strictly apart from all other dogs on their arrival at the test grounds. 
- The Assessment Manager and the Assessor(s) must be informed immediately upon arrival by the owner or handler.

1.5  Recommended for Breeding are: 
1.5.1     Those dogs which fulfill the requirements as set out by the Boerboel Breed Standard as adopted by KUSA. 
1.5.2     NOTE: in order to pass the Character and Breed Assessment (CBA), the dog MUST pass the Character Assessment portion, within the limits as specified in the Character and Breed  Assessment Procedures from time to time. 
1.5.3     NOTE: dogs which have been found to have serious deviations from the Breed Standard may not be presented again.

1.6  Qualifications and Deferred Qualifications 
1.6.1     The owner of any dog which has been awarded a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA). 
Assessment Report may use the abbreviation as an appendage to the dog’s registered name. The abbreviation to be used is CBA. In order to have the qualification placed on any  registration records, a copy of the relevant Assessment Report must be submitted to KUSA. 
1.6.2     Dogs which failed the Character Assessment portion, may be presented again for a repeat Assessment, after a minimum period of six (6) months. 
1.6.3     Dogs may be presented up to three times for the Breed Assessment if they are unsuccessful at first. After the third unsuccessful Breed Assessment attempt, the dog may not be presented again.

2.1   Assessment Manager 
The conducting of a CHARACTER AND BREED ASSESSMENT (CBA) shall be entrusted to the Assessment Manager who shall be appointed by the committee of the Club holding the Character Breed Assessment (CBA). He will have organized a suitable area or Club training grounds with a firm surface such as a lawn, spacious enough to be able to adequately evaluate, without interference, a single dog in stance and in motion on a lead. 
During the Event, the following equipment must be available: 
2.1.1     A protection sleeve and stick, suit, hide and a starting pistol or handgun (as approved by KUSA for Working Trials) 
2.1.2     A large table with chairs, writing equipment and if needed a weather proof shelter and vet on call. 
2.1.3     The Assessment Manager is responsible for the orderly running of the Assessment and is also required to ensure that dogs presented on the day are identified, therefore a microchip scanner must be available.

2.2.  Disputes 
Any disputed matter requiring a decision during the period of the Assessment shall be decided by the Assessor and co-Assessor(s), but the Assessment Manager, if required, may be called upon for assistance.

2.3  Complaints 
Complaints lodged by participants will be dealt with in accordance with KUSA Regulations.

2.4  Misbehaviour of Dogs at an Assessment 
Any action taken in terms of this Regulation shall be reported to KUSA within seven (7) days. 
Dogs should be taught to be evaluated in a calm, natural composure, at stance and in movement (walk and trot, on lead, to allow strange hands to examine them and also to have their teeth examined). 
Dogs that do not meet these requirements may be deferred for later re-examination.

2.5  Number of Dogs to be Tested 
2.5.1     A maximum of fifteen (15) dogs may be tested per testing day. 
2.5.2     If the number of entries is excessive, the Committee of the Club holding the Character Breed Assessment (CBA) shall appoint an extra Assessor(s) whose name(s) shall be communicated to KUSA for approval prior to the holding of the Assessment. 
2.5.3     Any participant whose dog qualifies under this regulation will have his Assessment Report signed by all the Assessors who surveyed his dog.

2.6  General Attitude and Conduct of the Handlers 
All instructions given by the Assessor(s) must be carried out by the participant.

2.7  Conditions 
It is the responsibility of the Assessment Manager to ensure that all dogs are put through the  Assessment under the same conditions, as far as this is practical.

2.8  Weather 
Cancellation on account of inclement weather of an Assessment or any part of an Assessment shall be at the discretion of the Assessor(s) in consultation with the Assessment Manager. 
In case of a cancellation, application for an amended license with new contracts and schedules must 
be made as the conditions have to be the same for all the dogs.

2.9  Starting Time 
All participants shall be informed in writing at least one (1) week before the date of the Assessment of their own approximate starting time. They shall be present at the site of the Assessment at least thirty minutes prior to the informed starting time.

2.10  Competition by Officials at Shows 
In the event that a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) is held under the same License of any KUSA show, the Assessor(s) and Assistants are not to be considered as officials for that show. They therefore may enter or handle a dog in any section of that show on the day/s they are officiating.

3.1     The Assessors must strictly adhere to the directives and the key for Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) as accepted by KUSA:

3.2     The Character of each dog under scrutiny, will be graded for each of the following abilities 
3.2.1   Self Confidence 
3.2.2   Temperament 
3.2.3   Tractability 
3.2.4   Defensive Instinct 
3.2.5   Fearlessness 
3.2.6   Attentiveness 
3.2.7   Suspicion 
3.2.8    React Threshold 
3.2.9    Steadiness to Gunshot (Indifferent, Light, Shy) 
3.2.10  Reaction towards other dogs (Indifferent, Light, Shy, Aggressive)
3.2.11  Breeding Suitability (Suitable, Deferred, Not Suitable)

3.3     The Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) portions must be performed by a KUSA approved and appointed Assessor/s.

3.3.1     The Breed portion of the BA test must be done by: 
a) a KUSA qualified Working Judge, who is qualified to judge Boerboels at Championship show level  and 
b) who attended a Boerboel Breed Seminar and is recommended by the Club hosting the  Seminar to be placed on the list of Boerboel Specialist Judges. 
c) Or an appraiser of a recognized Boerboel Association acceptable by the hosting Club and who is a KUSA member

3.3.2     The Character portion can be done by: 
a) Any KUSA recognized Breed Assessment Judge and can e.g. be a Rottweiler Specialist recommended by the hosting Club

As the character of Working Breeds show similarities, a Breed Assessor from e.g. the Rottweiler Breed Council may assist with the Character Portion of the Assessment, but not the Breed Portion. The intent is that once more Boerboel Judges conform/qualify to/for both Character and Breed portions, the need for assistance by non Boerboel Specialists will become unnecessary.

3.4  The Specialist Boerboel Clubs should submit the names of their Breed Assessor(s) to KUSA, to confirm that they are suitably qualified upon application to hold a Breed Assessment.

3.5  The decisions made by the Character and Breed Assessors(s) are final. Details of the Assessment are to be entered on KUSA approved Boerboel Club score sheets available from KUSA.

3.6  In the case of an Assessor being assisted by a co-Assessor(s) during the Assessment such Assessor(s) may not be members of the same family.

4.1  The club is responsible for ensuring that a KUSA registered Assessor (and if required, a Character Assessor as noted in 3.3 above) is available. 
4.2  The club is responsible to employ the services of an Assistant, who need not be KUSA qualified and licensed (as there is no physical contact with the dog) but is 
a) currently active in training of protection work at a KUSA affiliated Club or; 
b) a fully licensed and KUSA qualified IPO Assistant and in either case have the equipment as noted in this schedule for the work.

Dogs belonging to the Character and Breed Assessors, or their families or Assistants or their families may not be assessed on that day.

Competitors must display catalogue or entry numbers prominently during the Assessment.

7.1  Evaluate the construction in stance, embracing: 
a) Overall picture and proportions, balance, expression and sex characteristics 
b) Size (measuring the withers height, depth of chest, chest girth and trunk length), 
c) Head and Muzzle circumference
d) Bone strength and weight, 
e) Muscles and stability, 
f) Skin and coat, colour and markings 
g) Eye Colour
h) Dentition

Further detail to cover: 
a) Skull shape & strength, 
b) Jaw developments, teeth and neck. 
c) Withers and back including the loin, 
d) Fore- and under chest ribs, belly, stomach and sex organs, shoulders and front legs, croup slope as well as fore- and hind angulations.

7.2  Evaluate the movement: 
In walk and gait, front reach and rear drive, moving true coming and going.

Evaluating Temperament:     
Each dog presented for the Assessment has to undergo a Character/Temperament Assessment as described below. Dogs which show faulty temperament may be excluded from further Assessments. 

8.1  Crowd Test: 
Dog and handler must move through a group of no less than six (6) people (WHO MAY NOT INTERFERE WITH THE DOG BEING TESTED IN ANY WAY) turn around and assume a ‘sit’ position in the middle of the group. The group then moves in slowly and tightly around the dog and handler, remains so for a few seconds and reverse slowly back to its prior position. At a signal from the Assessor the group then does so rapidly for a second time, remain close-up for a few seconds and withdraw equally rapidly. This exercise must clearly show the self-confidence of the dog and its confidence in its handler.

8.2  Assess Gun sureness:
When firing, the distance must not be less than thirty paces from the dog. Two shots are fired by approx. five (5) second interval with starter’s pistol, while the dog and handler is moving away from the Assessor. If the dog shows any flight reaction, the Assessor may decide to repeat the Assessment from a different direction, or (depending on the dog’s reaction) eliminate it from the Assessment and have it deferred to another date.

8.3  Assessment Stress Recovery:
At the completion of the ‘Crowd and Gun Sureness’ exercises, the handler will walk his dog to a pre-determined spot approximately twenty (20) metres from a hiding place. The handler will be required to remain stationary and will allow the dog freedom of movement to the extent of the lead. On the Assessor(s) signal, the ‘Assistant’ (clad in protective suit and armguard and armed with a stick) will emerge and challenge the handler. After allowing reaction time for the dog, the ‘Assistant’ will run diagonally across and stop in a position approximately ten (10) metres away and challenge again. The ‘Assistant’ will then continue directly towards the handler and dog in a confrontational manner, to a distance of a minimum of five (5) metres, or when the Assessor instructs the ‘Assistant’ to stop the threat. At no time may the ‘Assistant’ and dog make contact. 
At a signal from the Assessor, the ‘Assistant’ then returns to the hiding place, behind which he leaves his suit, stick and arm guard. He then appears again in regular apparel and in a friendly manner strolls up to the handler, whom he greets. He also greets the dog. The Assessor takes note of the extent to which the dog has regained its exposure. 
The dog must not attempt to flee or show signs of fear, nervousness or retained aggression. A lack of reaction need not be penalized, if the dog is clearly not fearful, but obvious fear (e.g. tail tucked) is considered undesirable. The dog’s reaction to this situation/exercise is to be recorded on the Assessment form by the Assessor. In the case of a dog which is in training for any guard and defense work, the handler must indicate this before the start of the exercise and the dog should not be penalized for normal alert reactions.

8.4  Assessment to see whether a dog is under control around other dogs:  
The dog to be tested is placed and facing it a distance of about 30m another dog, (known to be “dog friendly” is also positioned – the dogs, if possible are in a sitting position but are also allowed to stand freely. Both     dogs are on a short leash and should be under control of their handlers.  At a sign from the Assessor, the dogs walk towards each other and pass each other at a distance of 3m – dogs to be on the left hand side of the handler.  At a sign from the Assessor, the dogs do an about turn and walk back to their original positions – again on the left hand side of the handler.  When they reach their original positions, they do an about turn and dogs will again sit or stand next to the handler, facing each other – end of exercise.  The dogs should be able to walk past each other without showing any aggression or trying to attack/launch out– being all the time under full control of their handlers.  The dogs can look at each other but not with any aggression or excessive pulling on the leash. The dogs can either pass or fail this test (the handlers to be on the outside at all times– never between the two (2) dogs.

9. AIM 
The Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) must be provided for the dogs whose owners, for some reason or other, cannot train their dogs for Obedience or Working Trials, but wish to use them for breeding. As it is a large, powerful breed, it needs to be seen to be calm, friendly and in self-control. 
It is understood that the ‘Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) Procedures’, as contained in this document, might be subject to adjustment from time to time and that should such requirements arise, proposals for such be presented for consideration and approval by KUSA.

It is important to note that an “Excellent – 85% plus” rating should have been acquired on the Character and Breed Assessment before a dog can receive Champion Status.

10.  REPORT 
The original Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) Report must be made available to the owner of the dog within thirty (30) days within a copy for the club’s records. The Club keeps a copy and another copy is forwarded to the KUSA Office within 10 days of the Assessment. 
The following documents must be sent to the Secretary of KUSA no later than ten (10) days after the test:
a) List of all participating dogs with relevant fees paid to KUSA; 
b) Copies of the CBA Assessment Reports, together with photocopies of the relevant Pedigree Certificates so that this may be recorded against the dog’s records on the KUSA system.

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa. 
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN – 0-0584208-1-5

Fedco 12-2010/MB/26.01.2011
Fedco 11-2011/MB/Updated 27.01.2012

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.04.2012

Schedule 05F (9.1.7) and (5.1.8) - Regulations for Sabox Breed Assessment & Survey Procedures

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



Schedule 5F (9.1.7) and (5.1.8)

Breed assessments and breed surveys are held in terms of the rules and regulations set out in Schedule 5F of the KUSA Constitution.

The SABOX Breed Assessment and Breed Survey are breeding suitability evaluations, devised to determine whether a Boxer is free of physical and mental weaknesses or faults which could have a negative influence on its soundness, type, working ability and by implication, its suitability for breeding purposes.   The evaluation of the dogs entered are based on the overall requirements stipulated in the Boxer Breed Standard as published by the FCI and accepted by KUSA and SABOX. It is not a competition and participating Boxers will be graded (Excellent, Very Good, Good, Insufficient or Not Gradable) but will not be placed in order of merit, nor will any prizes be awarded
A Breed Assessment includes:

• A thorough assessment of conformation and type
• Evaluation of movement
• Test for steadiness to gunshot
• Disposition evaluation

A Breed Survey is identical to the above, but also includes an evaluation of the guard and defence attributes of the dog.

2.1 Application by a Member Club wishing to hold a Breed Assessment/Breed Survey shall be made on an official KUSA form completed and signed as described in Schedule 3 Regulation 2.1 and accompanied by the fee prescribed in Schedule 7.  Applications may only be submitted to KUSA via SABOX. 
2.2 SABOX shall be responsible for appointing suitably qualified breed assessors (to be approved by KUSA in terms of Article 25 of the KUSA Constitution) for all Breed Assessments/Breed Surveys. 
2.3 SABOX will hold at least one Breed Assessment/Breed Survey at a different venue every year. 
2.4 The dates and venues of Breed Assessments/Breed Surveys to be held, together with the names of organising clubs, will be published every year in the KUSA Events Calendar.

3.1 To be eligible for entry in a breed survey or breed assessment, a Boxer must:
• be registered in the KUSA Breed Register
• be at least 15 months old on the day of the evaluation;
• be healthy and in good condition;
• be positively identifiable by means of a microchip, DNA or tattoo;
• have been examined and certified for hip dysplasia and conform to the requirements as set out by SABOX from time to time;
• if a male, have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.    
3.2 Dogs belonging to the breed assessors or manwork assailants officiating at a Breed Assessment/Breed Survey (and their immediate families) may not be entered at that event.
3.3 Bitches in season may participate in a Breed Assessment/Breed Survey, provided they are kept strictly apart from all other participants during the entire event. Bitches in season will be evaluated after all the other dogs. The survey manager and breed assessor must be informed immediately on her arrival if a bitch is in season.
3.4 Pregnant and nursing bitches may not participate in a Breed Assessment/Breed Survey.

4.1 The closing date for entries shall not be less than three (3) weeks before the day of the assessment/survey. 
4.2 All entries shall be submitted on an official KUSA entry form, fully completed and signed.  Any alteration or amendment to the declaration thereon shall invalidate the entry.
4.3 No more than fifteen (15) dogs may be accepted for an assessment/survey in one day.

On the day of the assessment the owner or handler of the dog entered must present the following documentation to the breed assessor for verification:
• A certified copy of the dog’s KUSA registration certificate
• A certified copy of the certificate from the Department of Radiology, University of Pretoria (Onderstepoort) indicating that the dog entered had been examined and scored for hip dysplasia.
• Reports of any previous / unsuccessful assessment or survey in which the dog participated. 
The organising club must ensure that the following is available:
• A suitable venue with firm, level ground, large enough to accommodate without risk or interference all the tests to be carried out.
• Breed Assessment/Survey Certificates issued to the club by SABOX for a fee to be determined from time to time.
• A suitable demonstration dog.
• A microchip scanner. 
• SABOX approved measuring stick.
• SABOX approved eye colour and bite formula charts.
• Shelter, large table, chair, writing materials.
• A starter's pistol and blank cartridges.
• A survey manager and a marshalling steward.
• A vet on call.
• A qualified KUSA registered IPO manwork assailant and a suit, armguard, leather covered stick and a hide (Breed Survey only).
On conclusion of the assessment the organising club must ensure that all documentation has been duly completed, signed and obtained from the breed assessors.  The following must be sent to SABOX within ten (10) days:
• A list of the participating dogs with name and postal address of owners
• Completed and signed Breed Assessment/Survey Certificates
• The assessment reports
• The specified levy (to be determined by SABOX from time to time) for each participating dog.

The assessment/survey shall be carried out by a panel of not less than two (2) SABOX approved and appointed breed assessors. 

The decisions of the breed assessors will be final.  Results of the assessments/tests shall be entered on the SABOX and KUSA approved report forms.  One copy of these reports to be forwarded (within 30 days) to the owner of the dog entered, one copy to be retained by SABOX and one copy to be forwarded to KUSA.

On conclusion of the assessment, breed assessors must ensure that all documentation has been duly completed and signed

The Breed Assessment consists of the following elements, which are conducted in the following sequence:

1. Marshalling of participants
Before the start of the assessment the marshalling steward must ensure that all the relevant documentation for each dog has been handed to the breed assessors and that the details of each dog has been filled in on the assessment forms.  
2. Establishment of eye colour and bite formula
The breed assessors must determine and enter on the assessment form the eye colour and the bite formula of each dog.  During this examination and those that follow, the attitude and behaviour of the dog must be noted – it should have an outgoing and Boxer typical disposition and must submit to the examination in a calm, self-assured and friendly manner.
3. Body Measurements
The height at the withers immediately behind the elbow, the body length from the point of the shoulder to the ischiatic bone and the depth of chest of each dog must be measured and recorded, with the dog standing on a firm, level surface.
4. Movement evaluation
Each dog to be evaluated when moved on a loose lead at both the walk and the trot, viewed coming and going and in profile. Efficiency, soundness and smoothness of the gait, topline, head carriage, front action and reach, rear action and drive to be assessed.
5. Steadiness to gunshot
While the dog walks off-lead with its owner, two shots (6mm or 9mm calibre) are to be fired at a distance of not less than 15 paces from the dog.  Except for taking note of the origin of the shots, the dog must remain unperturbed and must show no fear, aggression or anxiety
6. Conformation evaluation
The dog to stand naturally and on a loose lead while its conformation is evaluated, including general appearance, size, substance and balance, sexual characteristics, muscular development, neck, forequarters, forechest, ribcage and brisket, topline, tuck-up, flanks, hindquarters, croup and tailset, coat and colour.  
Special attention to be paid to the head – proportions, expression, stop, bridge of nose, skull, muzzle, repandous, lip placement, flews, cheeks, ears, eye colour, shape, placement and nictitating membranes.
The mouth must be carefully examined to establish the condition and size of teeth, number of incisors, width and bite formula of the lower jaw, degree of undershot condition, jaw abnormalities eg wryness.
7. Disposition evaluation
Dog and handler to move through a group of at least six (6) people (who may not interfere with the dog being tested in any way), turn around and halt in the middle of the group with the dog sitting at heel.  The group then closes in tightly around the dog and handler.  The test must clearly demonstrate the self-assurance of the dog and its confidence in its handler.
9. Grading
On completion of the above evaluations, the breed assessors must grade the dog:
• EXCELLENT: An outstanding Boxer which, in terms of type, conformation, soundness and temperament, comes very close to the ideal described in the Standard. Its superior quality and type overshadow any small imperfections, but it must possess the typical features of its sex.  In the opinion of the breed assessor this Boxer is highly recommended for breeding purposes in terms of its phenotype (i.e. visible attributes)
• VERY GOOD: A high quality Boxer which possesses the typical characteristics of the breed, has balanced proportions, is sound and of steady temperament.  A few minor but not morphological (type-affecting) faults may be overlooked but it must possess the typical features of its sex.  In the opinion of the breed assessor this Boxer is recommended for breeding purposes in terms of its phenotype. 
• GOOD: A Boxer that possesses the main features of the breed but has visible, major faults. In the opinion of the breed assessor this Boxer is not recommended for breeding purposes in terms of its phenotype.  If bred from, this should be done with caution and it should not be mated to a dog displaying the same faults.
Regardless of its other qualities, a Boxer with the following faults should not be rated higher than “Good”: slight nervousness, lack of temperament, very light eyes (lighter than 4B), overshot, pincer or very undershot bite. 
• INSUFFICIENT: A Boxer that resembles the breed without possessing sufficient type or a Boxer that is very unsound or has very poor conformation.  In the opinion of the breed assessor this Boxer should not be bred from.
Regardless of its other qualities, a Boxer displaying the following faults must be rated “Insufficient”: gun shyness, viciousness, treachery, unreliability, cowardice, a serious lack of temperament, unilateral or bilateral cryptorchidism, inheritable jaw abnormalities such as a wry mouth, any colour other than fawn or brindle or with more than one third of the ground colour replaced by white markings. 
This grading must also be given to a dog that deviates so far from a single breed characteristic (e g length of muzzle) that the health of the dog is affected 
• NOT GRADABLE:  This is given when the breed assessor, for whatever reason, cannot examine gait, conformation, dentition, testicles etc., or when it is apparent that the dog has been treated in some way to alter or conceal some feature.
The same applies when the breed assessor is able to ascertain that an operation has been carried out to cover up or conceal some condition. 
It is also given to a dog in such poor condition that its breeding potential cannot be assessed.
Any deviation from the Breed Standard must be regarded as a fault, the assessment of which must be in exact relation to the degree of the deviation. 
The BA or BS qualification will only be awarded to a dog graded “Excellent” or “Very Good”.

The Breed Survey procedures are identical to those of the Breed Assessment in every respect but it includes the following tests of the guard and defence attributes of the participating dog:
Tests for guard and defence drives
The manwork assailant goes into the hide, which should be situated at a distance of about 30-40 paces from the starting position of the handler and dog.  The dog is handed to the marshalling steward (who should not be well-known to the dog), who holds it by its collar.  The breed assessors must take note of the behaviour and attitude of the dog while held by the steward and form an opinion of its nervous disposition.  The handler proceeds towards the hide.  He/she is allowed to verbally encourage the dog while doing so. When the handler reaches the hide, the assailant comes out of the hide and attacks the handler.  The dog is released by the steward and must immediately run to the handler and intervene without hesitation by taking hold of the armguard of the assailant and maintaining a firm grip.  The dog must not let go, even when receiving two short sharp blows from the assailant on the body or thighs with an approved flexible leather covered stick.  The attack technique of the dog should play no part in the assessment by the breed assessors - its willingness to protect the handler, its courage and self-assurance should be evaluated. When instructed to do so by the breed assessor, the assailant stops fighting. The dog should release on command, where after the handler holds it by the collar, while the assailant runs away in a straight line.  When the assailant is about 30 paces away, he starts threatening while continuing in the same direction.  When the assailant is about 50 paces away, the breed assessor instructs the handler to send the dog after the assailant.  On a signal from the breed assessor, the assailant turns around and runs towards the dog with forceful, threatening gestures and sounds, but without the dog receiving any actual stick blows.  The dog must again attack immediately without letting go.  After the assailant stops fighting, the dog must release on command but must stay with him and not run away or return to its handler. If the dog does not let go on command, the breed assessor may order the handler to move closer and repeat the command.  If after several commands the dog still has not let go, the handler must be instructed to go up to the dog and effect a manual release. At this stage the assessor may decide to defer the dog to another survey.

Dogs which do not bite or which flee from the stick blows cannot pass the Breed Survey.  A dog which avoids the stick but then bites again or a dog which leaves the assailant after ending the fight may be deferred to a later survey.

Dogs may be presented up to three times for Breed Assessments / Breed Surveys if they are unsuccessful at first.  After the third unsuccessful attempt, a dog may not be presented again.

(C) The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISBN 0-9584208-1-5

Fedco 12-2010/MB/Updated 11.08.2011
Fedco 05-2012/MB/Updated 11.09.2012
Fedco 05-2012/NP/Updated 18.12.2012

Most recent changes has an effective date of 01.01.2013

Schedule 05E(22) - Regulations for Northern Areas Top Dog Competition

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules

                  REGULATIONS FOR NORTHERN AREAS                     
(Effective date 01.10.2015)

Schedule 5E(22)

The Regulations relating to licensing and all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3 Regulations for Championship Shows and Schedule 4 Regulations for Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa shall apply to this Competition so far as they can be relevant to the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition and they do not conflict with the specific terms of this schedule.

A Club which is qualified to hold a Championship Show in the Northern Areas in the calendar year in which it is intended to hold the Northern Areas Top Dog and Top Puppy Competition may hold the event named in this Schedule in conjunction with a Championship Show or separate there from.

3.1    This Competition is open to
3.1.1    (Breed) dogs owned, owned in partnership or shown under written uthority of the owner, provided that such owner (s) has qualified at a Club Championship Show held by a club which is part of the Northern Areas Provincial Council, as specified under point 6, of a club affiliated to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.   

3.1.2    Agility-Contact & Non-Contact, Carting, Dog Jumping, Flyball, IPO, ITT, Obedience, and Working Trials Classic. Eligibility for competition shall include all dogs owned, owned in partnership or shown under written authority of the owner, provided that such owner(s) either reside within Gauteng or are members of a club which falls under the jurisdiction of the NAPC.

3.1.3    Child and Junior Handler.  Eligibility for competition shall include all Child and Junior handlers who has qualified at a Club Championship Show held by a club which is part of the Northern Areas Provincial Council, as specified under point 6, of a club affiliated to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

Any disputes regarding 3.1.1, 3.1.2 & 3.1.3 will be resolved at the discretion of the managing committee whose decision shall be final

3.2    All dogs competing must be on the Breed or Obedience & Trial Dogs Register or Development Register of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa or with a body with whom a written agreement has been made in terms of Article 3.19, including dogs which may be on a foreign register, which dog, has received dispensation from the Kennel Union of Southern Africa by means of a valid Clearance certificate; their eligibility must not be in conflict with the Regulations described hereunder nor may they have been disqualified or suspended from competition by The Kennel Union of Southern Africa or any other National Canine Control Body.

3.3    Bitches in season on the day of this competition may compete in the Breed section only and must be suitably crated or benched and handled with due consideration to other qualifiers.

3.4    All reference to dogs, unless otherwise stated, shall include bitches.

Until or unless this Schedule 5E (22) is amended or altered, the host for this event will be an All Breeds Club which sits on the Northern Areas Provincial Council, selected by the Northern Areas Provincial Council of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

5.1 A Committee shall be formed each calendar year by no later than January 7th, consisting of a minimum of eight (8) members nominated by the Northern Areas Provincial Council to run the Northern Areas Provincial Council Top Dog Competition.
5.2 The Committee shall elect, from amongst its members, a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  The Committee shall keep a true record of their proceedings and a Receipts and Payment Accounts.

6.1    Entry for this competition will be by qualification at shows as follows:

6.1.1    Breed, Puppy Breed & Child and Junior Handler Competitions: At all Championship All Breeds or Championship Group Clubs or Speciality Clubs  held by Clubs which are part of the Northern Areas Provincial Council of  the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in accordance with point 3 of this Schedule 5E (22). In respect of Child and Junior handler refer to 6.3.9 with regard to qualification of age.
6.1.2    All other Disciplines: As specified in each instance under 6.3  in accordance with competitions held only by Clubs, affiliated to The Kennel Union of Southern Africa, which fall within the Provinces of Gauteng and surrounds, irrespective of which Provincial Council (at present NAPC & DOGSPC) under whose jurisdiction they fall  and in accordance with point 3 of this  Schedule 5E (22).  

6.2    Breed & Puppy Breed Competitions.
During the Calendar year preceding the date on which the competition is to be held any dog or bitch obtaining the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Group placing at All Breeds and Groups Championship shows, or BOB, RBOB in respect of Breed, or BPIS, RBPIS in respect of Puppy at a Speciality Championship Shows held by Clubs which are affiliated to The  Kennel Union, and in accordance with 6.1.1 above, will be formally invited to compete for the titles of the Northern Areas Top Dog and Top Puppy.

6.3 Disciplines
During the calendar year preceding the date on which the competition is to be held are eligible for entry, the following Disciplines are eligible for entry as defined below and in accordance with 6.1.2 above, will be formally invited to compete for the relevant title for the Northern Areas Top Dog appropriate to such discipline.  Results will be submitted to the organisers within (1) one week of the close of the competition.

6.4.1 Agility – Contact & Non-Contact (Grade 3) Competition – Large, Medium & Small
All points gained in these six Grades at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition. Dogs with the twenty (20) Large, eight (8) Medium and eight (8) Small, highest overall scores in total.
6.4.2     Carting (Standard Senior & Mini Senior) Competitions
The top six (6) in each class above, or a suitable number, as determined by the organisers. All points gained in these two Classes at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.
6.4.3     Dog Jumping (Grades 1, 3 & 5) Competitions
The top eight (8) dogs in Grade 3 & 5 and the top fifteen (15) dogs in Grade 1, or a suitable number, as determined by the organisers. All points gained in these three Grades at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.

6.4.4     Flyball 
The five (5) teams scoring the most points at Flyball competitions during the calendar year preceding the date, on which the competition is to be held, are eligible for entry. All points gained at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.

6.4.5     IPO (IPO 3)
Any dog with the highest score averaged out over the above Trial will be formally invited to receive their award at the NAPC Top Dog competition.

6.4.6     Tracker Trial (TT4 & TT 5) Competitions
Any dog with the highest score averaged out over the above Trials will be formally invited to receive their award at the NAPC Top Dog competition.

6.4.7     Obedience Competition – (Class C)
The top ten (10) dogs, or a suitable number, as determined by the organisers, are eligible for entry. All points gained in Class C competition at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.

6.4.8     Working Trial (PD and TD3) Competitions
Any dog with the highest score averaged out over the above Trials will be formally invited to receive their award at the NAPC Top Dog competition.

6.4.9     Child & Junior Handlers Competition
Any Child Handler  & Junior Handler who has won a 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Placeand in accordance with 6.1.1 above. This is irrespective of the age of the qualifiers on the date of the Competition.   

The Competition will be held on a date and at a venue to be decided by the organisers but not earlier than 7th January and not later than the 15th March in the year directly following the qualifying calendar year preceding these dates.

8.1    Breed Competition & Breed Puppy Competition.
The number of dogs to be invited to the competition shall be determined from time to time by the Organising Committee in accordance with acceptance from the Northern Areas Provincial Council. However the principal of judging will be as follows:

8.1.1    The determined number of dogs will be in accordance with point 6 of these draft regulations and these top qualifying dogs will enter the ring in their groups and from the group a winner will be selected to go through to the final round for NAPC TOP DOG and NAPC TOP DOG Puppy

The number of dogs to be invited to the competition shall be determined from time to time by the Host Club Committee in accordance with acceptance from the NAPC.  

All the following Disciplines will be judged as is normal for their respective competitions:
8.2    Agility 
8.3    Carting 
8.4    Dog Jumping
8.5    Flyball 
8.6    IPO– for trials held during the year and awarded at the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition
8.7    Tracker Trial Competitions - for trials held during the year and awarded at the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition
8.8    Obedience
8.9    Working Trials (PD and TD3) Competitions - for trials held during the year and awarded at the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition
8.10    Child Handlers’ Competition
8.11    Junior Handlers’ Competition

9.    JUDGES – for competitions held on the day/ evening of the Northern Areas Top Dog and Top Dog Puppy Breed Competition.
9.1     The number of judges appointed to judge Breed, Adult and/or Puppy to be at the discretion of the organisers.

9.2    The organisers shall appoint all Judges, subject to The Kennel Union of Southern Africa’s approval, for all the Disciplines in this Competition. Breed judges must be panelled for at least 4 groups.
9.3 The names of the Judge or Judges shall be advised to the competitors at the time their invitations are dispatched or may only be made public at the start of the event. 
9.4    The organisers have the right to appoint an alternative Judge(s) should there be excessive numbers of qualifiers or should the advertised Judge(s) not be able to keep the appointment.
9.5    All Judges selected shall be approved by The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

10.    DRESS
Competitors are expected to dress in a manner befitting this prestigious Competition.  

All competitors are responsible for the removal of any faeces deposited by their dogs and the cleaning of any grooming area used by them.  Any competitor failing to do so is liable to instant disqualification.

The winners will be awarded prizes appropriate to the competition.

This event may be sponsored permanently or on an annual basis by any organisation acceptable to both the Federal Council of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa and the current host club.  In the years when the event is sponsored, the title may be preceded by the name of the Sponsor.  Should either of the Clubs or the Sponsor wish to disassociate themselves with the event, this may not be done so as to prejudice the holding of the event in that year or any succeeding year.  For this reason, a contract must be drawn up between the Club and any Sponsor establishing the rights and obligations if both should enter or both wish to withdraw from associating with this Competition.

Should, for any reason, the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition be dissolved, all monies held in the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition bank account, must be held by the Northern Areas Provincial Council for a period of three (3) years in order to try to resuscitate the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition.  If unsuccessful, thereafter the monies must be paid to the Northern Areas Provincial Council Benevolent Fund.

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.

Fedco 05-2011/MB/09.09.2011
Fedco 06-2015/NP/Updated 07.08.2015
Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.10.2015

Schedule 05E(21) - Rottweiler Specialist Championship Shows

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules





The Regulations relating to licensing and all other matters to do with the Show, as set out in Schedule 3 - Regulations for Championship Shows of the Constitution of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa, shall apply to this Schedule as far as they can be relevant to this Rottweiler specialist show schedule and as far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule 5E (21)

Only KUSA affiliated breed clubs who are in good standing, and who hold a Championship show breed license are able to host a Schedule 5E (21) Rottweiler Specialist Championship show. This show will be held under the provisions of this schedule and all such shows must be graded shows with critiques.

Any breed club affiliated to KUSA which is in good standing with the Rottweiler Breed Council.

4.1.        All Rottweilers entered in the show are to be judged as presented on the day. No certificates of any kind, attesting to the condition of a dog or with regard to any physical attribute on any day may be taken into account.
4.2.        It is a condition of entry that all exhibitors abide by the rules pertaining to double handling and attraction from outside the ring. 
4.2.1.    No more than 2 persons may attract the dog during the critique process
4.2.2.    No live animals of any kind may be used to attract the dog
4.2.3.    No equipment associated with protection work may be used for attraction at any time.     Specifically, whips, armguards, bite sausages, protection suits and any firearm or copy.
4.2.4.    The decision on the above of the show manager is final.
4.3.        All dogs entering the ring shall be positively identified by microchip against the catalogue, no dogs may enter the ring before being positively identified in the marshalling area. In cases where positive identification is not possible (no chip can be located) the dogs details are to be documented on the relevant Identification discrepancy form and the disclaimer signed by the owner/authorised agent of the dog before entering the ring. The owner/authorised agent of the dog has 60 days to re micro chip the dog and inform both KUSA and the relevant show holding club. The show holding club must send a copy of the signed Identification discrepancy form to the RBC ID convenor and the update of the new microchip number once received. The RBC ID convenor will maintain a national spreadsheet which will be updated and distributed to all clubs once any updates/additions have been received. Any awards/qualifications/prizes may be withheld or cancelled until the RBC ID convenor and KUSA have received the new ID number. 
4.4.        All dogs re-entering the ring for awards must be re identified before re-entering the ring.

5.    JUDGES
5.1.     Only Specialist judges meeting the following requirements may judge a show held under this schedule.
5.1.1.    Any Rottweiler specialist judge qualified under the auspices of the Rottweiler Breed Council     of KUSA and in good standing with KUSA and the RBC.
5.1.2.    Specialist Rottweiler judges from a list of countries which for the time being is:    Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland who are also
approved by KUSA.

6.1.     Classes for this show shall be as laid down in Schedule 3 of the KUSA constitution.
6.2.     All dogs shown in the Neutered Dog class may only receive a maximum grading of “OB”.
6.3.  All dogs shown in the Baby Puppy Dog/Bitch class may only receive a maximum grading of “vsp”.

7.    AWARDS
7.1.    Classes for this show shall be as laid down in Schedule 3 of the KUSA constitution.
7.2.    Only “V” graded dogs may compete for the CC and RCC.
7.3.    Dogs may be awarded “V” gradings from 12 months or older (Only for truly exceptional exhibits)




English Description

German Description


6 to 12 Months

v v

Very Promising


May be awarded to a puppy under 12 months of age. Who already at this young age shows although not fully developed yet, that is comes very close to the ideal standard of the breed. Must be in excellent condition and show typical characteristics. Have a complete dentition and be of well balanced proportions. Minor imperfections can be ignored

6 to 12 Months




May be awarded to a puppy under 12 months of age which, already at this young age, and although not yet fully developed, shows typical features of its breed. A few minor faults may be tolerated but none of the morphological nature.

6 to 12 Months

w v

Little Promise

Wenig Versprechend

May be awarded to a puppy under 12 months of age which, already at this young age, and although not yet fully developed, shows that it possesses the main features of its breed, however showing faults and provided these are not concealed.

Over 12 Months




May only be awarded to a dog which comes very close to the ideal standard of the breed, which is presented in excellent condition, displays a harmonious, well-balanced temperament, is of high class and has excellent posture. Its superior characteristics in respect of its breed permit that minor imperfections can be ignored; it must however have the typical features of its sex.

Over 12 Months


Very Good

Sehr Gut

May only be awarded to a dog which possesses the typical features of its breed, which has well-balanced proportions and is in correct condition. A few minor faults may be tolerated but none of a morphological nature. This award can only be granted to a dog that shows class.

Over 12 Months




Is to be awarded to a dog that possesses the main features of its breed however showing faults provided these are not concealed.

Over 12 Months




Must be awarded to a dog which corresponds adequately to its breed, without possessing the generally accepted characteristics or whose physical condition leaves something to be desired.

Over 12 Months



Nicht Genügend

Is given to a dog that presents any disqualifying faults.

Over 6 Months


Not Graded

Ohne Bewertung

This grading is to be given to any dog who is impossible to assess the gait and the movement or avoids being examined by the judge and makes it impossible to inspect teeth, anatomy and structure, tail or testicles. This grading is also to be given if traces of operations or treatment can be observed which seem to indicate that the exhibitor wanted to deceive the judge.

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.

Fedco 05-2011/MB/Updated 29.07.2011
Fedco 12-2014/NP/Updated 19.01.2015

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 02.04.2015