

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05F(9.1.5) - Regulations for Aptitude Tests

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



SCHEDULE 5(F), Regulation 9.1.5.


4. Details to be tested


1.1 Licensing and Show Regulations 
1.1.1 Every application for a Licence to hold an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment shall be made in terms of Schedule 5F.
1.1.2 The Regulations related to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3, Championship Shows, Schedule 3A International Dog Shows (FCI) and Schedule 4, Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) shall apply to Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment so far as they can be relevant to Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of these Regulations.

1.2 Scope of Licence
Any Affiliated Club or Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee may apply for and be issued with a Licence to hold an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment. A Club may hold an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment under the same Licence as any other Championship or Non-Championship Show or under a separate Licence.

1.3 Marks and Qualification 
1.3.1 Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment Qualification is subject to the dog having obtained a minimum of (+) 100 marks out of a possible score ranging between (-) 300 and (+) 300, provided it does not fail in the ‘Steadiness to Gunshot’ Test.
Qualification as ‘Excellent’ (Ex) which applies only to Aptitude Test, is subject to the dog having obtained a minimum of (+) 200 marks, provided it does not fail in the ‘Steadiness to Gunshot’ Test.
1.3.2 Once qualified at an Aptitude Test a dog may not enter again. A dog who fails may be retested after a waiting period of at least three (3) months. Only one (1) re-test permitted. Only one (1) assessment is permitted for the Dog Mentality Assessment.
1.3.3 The Owner of any dog which has been awarded an Aptitude Test Qualifying Certificate or an Aptitude Test Qualifying Certificate graded ‘Excellent’ (Ex) may use the abbreviation as an appendage to the dog’s registered name. The relevant abbreviations to be used are ‘Apt’ and ‘Apt Ex’. In order to have the qualification placed on any registration records, a copy of the relevant Qualifying Certificate must be submitted to KUSA.

1.4 Eligibility of Dogs for Testing
1.4.1 All dogs may be accepted for entry but only dogs which are registered with KUSA or any National Canine control body recognised by KUSA may be issued with a Qualifying Certificate.
1.4.2 The minimum age for a dog on the day of his participation in the Aptitude Tests is twenty-two (22) months. The minimum age for a dog on the day of his participation in Dog Mentality Assessment is twelve (12) months.
1.4.3 Only dogs which appear to be in good health can take part.
1.4.4 Bitches in season may not take part.

2.1. Test Leader
The management of an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment shall be entrusted to an Aptitude Test Leader, assisted by two (2) Aptitude Test Judges and a minimum of three (3) Marshals, all invited by the Test Holding Club or the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee (in the case of such Sub-Committee running the Test), and approved by KUSA.

Test Schedules shall be forwarded to the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee (if one exits in the Province). This Sub-Committee shall report timeously to KUSA if any of the officials would not be acceptable in respect of the two (2) year activity rule (see Regulation 3.1.8 of this Schedule) and supply the necessary proof of the official’s failing attendance record for the past twenty-four (24) months. In the event of no Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee being available, then the Schedule shall be forwarded direct to the National Aptitude Test Sub-Committee.
2.2 Disputes
Any disputed matter requiring a decision during the period of the Test shall be decided by the Test Leader and the Judges.
2.3 Complaints
Complaints lodged by participants will be dealt with in accordance with KUSA Regulations.
2.4 Misbehaviour of Dogs at a Test
Serious uncontrollable behaviour of a dog at any Aptitude Test or Dog Mentality Assessment may be dealt with at the discretion of the Test Leader. Any action taken in terms of this Regulation shall be reported to KUSA within seven (7) days.
2.5 Number of Dogs to be Tested
A maximum of nine (9) dogs may be tested per testing day.
2.6 General Attitude and Conduct of the Handlers
All instructions given by the Test Leader must be carried out by the Handler.
2.7 Conditions
It is the responsibility of the Test Leader to ensure that all dogs are put through the Test in the same conditions, as far as this is practical.
2.8 Weather
Cancellation on account of inclement weather of a Test or any part of a Test shall be at the discretion of the Test Leader in consultation with the Judges. 
2.9 Starting Time
2.9.1 All participants shall be informed in writing at least one (1) week before the date of the Test/Assessment of their own approximate starting time. They shall be present at the site of the Test/Assessment at least one (1) hour prior to the informed starting time.
2.9.2 In addition to the information as to their starting time, all participants shall receive accurate road directions to the Test site together with practical information on what is expected from them at the Test/Assessment.
2.10 Competition by Officials at Shows
In the event that an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment is held under the same Licence of any KUSA show, the Test Leader and Judges are not to be considered as officials for that show. They therefore may enter or handle a dog in any section of that show on the day/s they are officiating.

3.1 Judging the Aptitude Test and Dog Mentality Assessment
3.1.1 The Judges must strictly adhere to the directives and the key for judging as issued by the ‘Svenska Brukhundsklubben’ (Swedish Working Dog Association) and accepted by KUSA.
3.1.2 Each dog under scrutiny will be graded for each of the following abilities:
1. Approachability Value 15
2. Drive to Hunt Value 8
3. Social Fighting Spirit Value 6
4. Activity Level Value 10
5. Level of Aggression Value 5
6. Defence Value 5
7. Nervous Constitution Value 35
8. Toughness Value 8
9. Eagerness Value 8
10. Steadiness to Gunshot Pass or Fail

The marks gained are calculated by multiplying the value given for each ability by the factor from the Judge’s key relating to the dog’s performance.
3.1.3 The judging of an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment will be carried out by three (3) persons – the Test Leader and two (2) Judges, all currently on the respective KUSA registers.
3.1.4 At the completion of each Test the Test Leader will confer with the two (2) Judges. Their joint conclusion will decide whether the dog qualifies for a certificate or not. They will also decide upon the award of ‘Excellent’ or not.. 
3.1.5 Once the above decisions are reached, the Test Leader will give, publicly, a brief account of the performance and announce the result.
3.1.6 The officiating secretary shall, for a dog which has passed the Test, immediately issue the relevant KUSA Qualifying Certificate which has to be signed by the Test Leader and the Secretary.
3.1.7 No mandatory intervals are required between judging appointments.
3.1.8 In the event of an Aptitude Test Leader or Judge not carrying out an Aptitude Test judging appointment for a continuous period of two (2) years, he/she will be required to (learner) Judge over a two (2) day testing weekend (or equivalent within a period of thirty (30) days) and submit a minimum of eight (8) acceptable judging papers to the Test Leader/s in charge. Upon receipt of all eight (8) judging papers the Test Leader/s will submit their report to KUSA within fifteen (15) days, informing KUSA of the result. The ‘lapsed’ Test Leader or Judge will only be permitted to resume judging once notification of his/her reinstatement has been received from KUSA.
3.1.9 Appointment of Test Leaders and Judges normally resident outside the area of jurisdiction of KUSA will be considered by KUSA in terms of Article 25.4 of the Constitution.
3.2 Events outside the Regulations
In the event of circumstances arising not covered by KUSA Rules and Regulations, the Test Leader will have discretionary powers to make a ruling, subject to confirmation by KUSA. In such instances, the Test Leader must submit a written report setting out all details to KUSA within fourteen (14) days of the Tests.
3.3 Qualification of Aptitude/Dog Mentality Assessment Test Leaders, Judges and Marshals Candidates
Before a person can be accepted as a candidate for an Aptitude Test training course and examination he must provide proof that he 
has been involved at least three (3) times in Aptitude Testing e.g. as a steward, a participant or a member of the ‘crowd’ that follows 
any Test. The preference must go to candidates that are interested in canine behaviour etholody:
- be recommended in writing by a KUSA Affiliated Club
- be accepted by the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee that organises the Course, or where no such Sub-Committee, by the Provincial Council or by KUSA,
- sign an agreement that he will not divulge or make available to unauthorised persons documentation received during the Course and reserved to Aptitude Test Officials. He will also certify that he will not undertake Aptitude Testing and/or Dog Mentality Assessments outside the provisions of this Test Schedule. 
Contravention of this Regulation may result in the withdrawal of the relevant licence issued by KUSA.
3.3.2 Courses and Examinations Courses and Examinations for candidate Aptitude/Dog Mentality Test Leaders, Judges and Marshals can only be organised subject to approval by KUSA. Application to hold such a Course and Examination must be submitted by a Provincial Aptitude Test sub-committee or, where no such sub-committee, by the Provincial Council itself to KUSA. Such course and examination shall be held under the direction of two (2) Aptitude Test Leaders. Both persons shall be approved by KUSA and one (1) of whom shall be designated Course Leader (subject to approval by KUSA). The Course shall cover theoretical and practical tuition held over at least seven (7) eight (8) hour days (or equivalent time i.e. fifty-six (56) hours) and to be completed within a maximum period of two (2) months from the first day of the Course. It shall include all matters with regard to the setting up of the different Test/Assessment details, the acting as a Marshal in the different situations, the judging and the leading of Aptitude Tests and Dog Mentality Assessments. During the examination the Panel shall take into account the candidate’s ability to act as a Marshal; the ability to lead a Test and at least ten (10) acceptable individual judging sheets will have to be submitted by the candidate to qualify as a Judge. On completion of the Examination, the Course Leader shall send to KUSA, by Registered Mail, the names, addresses, daytime and home telephone numbers of the successful candidates. On acceptance by KUSA the names and addresses of the successful candidates, together with the appropriate qualification, shall be published in the Official Kennel Union Journal and they shall be authorised to accept Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment appointments from this time. A relevant KUSA Licence shall be issued and the names of the persons qualifying placed upon the lists of KUSA Registered Aptitude Test Leaders, Judges or Marshals. In the event of a person taking part in a complete Aptitude Test Course and Examination and qualifying as a Marshal but not as a Judge, an additional eight (8) acceptable judging sheets produced as a Learner Judge at an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment within a period of six (6) months after his/her qualification as a Marshal will qualify him/her for recommendation to KUSA to be placed on the register for Aptitude Test Judges. This recommendation must be motivated by the Test Leader/s under whom the Learner Judge officiated and be accompanied by score sheets. Having previously completed a training course, persons on the KUSA register for Aptitude Test Judges with current status, may qualify as an Aptitude Test Leader subject to the following:
- apply in writing to a Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee to be upgraded. This application must contain proof that the candidate has judged a minimum of fifty-five (55) dogs in Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment prior to the date of his/her application.
- attend an Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment designated by the Provincial Aptitude Test Sub-Committee and being assessed by two (2) Aptitude Test Leaders as a Learner Test Leader on not less than four (4) dogs whilst under the direct control of one of the two (2) Test Leaders present. This assessment shall be completed in one (1) weekend.
Note: For the purpose of any Aptitude Test and/or Dog Mentality Assessment where there is a Learner Test Leader, the KUSA registered Test Leaders appointed to run the Test, will be designated Tutor Test Leaders for the purpose of the assessment of the Learner Test Leaders.
Whilst it is essential that the Learner Test Leader must actually control the Tests, the instantaneous direct intervention of the Tutor Test Leader must be possible at all times in order to prevent any problems for the dog and owner being tested.

The description of these Details and the way in which they are carried out, are laid down in the booklet strictly reserved to KUSA Registered Aptitude Test Officials.


1. Willingness to contact
2. Willingness to play
3. Drive to hunt small prey
4. Drive to hunt big prey
5. Attachment to pack leader
6. Attachment to pack leader (with disturbance)
7. Visual surprise
8. Sensitivity to noise
9. Social fighting spirit
10. Dominance
11. Defence
12. Steadiness to Gunshot
1. Willingness to contact
2. Willingness to play
3. Drive to Hunt/Chase response
4. Activity
5. Play at a distance
6. Visual surprise
7. Sensitivity to noise
8. Defence
9. Steadiness to Gunshot

(C) Copyright the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

30.8.2001 ISBN 0-9584208-1-5

The most recent changes have been incorporated into the document and have an effective date of 1.9.2002.