

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05F - Regulation 9.1.10 Regulations for Boerboel Character and Breed Assessments

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



SCHEDULE 5(F), Regulation 9.1.10

1.    Licensing and Holding of a Boerboel CHARACTER and BREED ASSESSMENTS (CBA) 
2.    Management of a Boerboel CHARACTER and BREED ASSESSMENTS (CBA) 
3.    Evaluating at Boerboel CHARACTER and BREED ASSESSMENTS (CBA) 
4.    Qualification of ASSESSOR ASSISTANTS 
5.    Competition by OFFICIALS 
6.    Catalogue Number 
7.    The ASSESSOR must 
9.    Aim 
10.  Report

1.1    Licensing and Show Regulations 
1.1.1  Every application for a License to hold a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) shall be made not less than one (1) calendar month before the proposed date. 
Should this happen within the same week as a Boerboel Club’s Specialist Championship Show or Non-Championship Show, the Event will be covered by the same Show’s License. For neither dates, separate Licenses must be applied for. 
1.1.2     The Regulations related to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in     Schedule 3, Championship Shows and Schedule 4, Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) shall apply to Character and Breed Assessments (CBA) so far as they can be relevant to Character and Breed Assessments (CBA) and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of these Regulations.

1.2  Purpose of the Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) 
To promote uniformity in Boerboel breeding, especially in the breeding of working dogs, to promote the correct temperament as well as to provide an ever growing pool of bloodstock in which the use of dogs with serious deviations from the Breed Standard has been eliminated.

1.3  Scope of License 
Only a club representing a Breed which: 
1.3.1     Requiring a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) as an additional qualification.
1.3.2    A Club may hold a Character and Breed Assessment under the same License as a Boerboel Specialist Championship or Non-Championship Show if it happens within the same week or then under a separate License.

1.4  Eligibility of Dogs for Testing 
1.4.1     Only dogs which are registered with KUSA on the breed Register, may enter a Character Breed Assessment (CBA). 
1.4.2     In order to qualify, dogs must meet the overall requirements called for in the Breed Standard of the Boerboel dog as published by KUSA and accepted by KUSA and its affiliated Boerboel Clubs. 
1.4.3     The dog must be identified by a KUSA approved method (microchip) 
1.4.4     At the time of presentation at the Assessment the dog must be at least 18 months of age. 
1.4.5     On the day of the Assessment the owner or handler of the dog to be assessed must present the following documentation to the Breed Assessor 
a)      A KUSA pedigree certificate of registration; 
b)     any previous and unsuccessful KUSA recognized Character and Breed Assessment  (CBA) Reports issued for the dog that is being assessed. 
1.4.6     Only dogs which appear to be in good health can take part in a Character Breed Assessment (CBA). 
1.4.7     Bitches in season may take part in a Character Breed Assessment (CBA) subject to the  following conditions: 
- Bitches in season are kept strictly apart from all other dogs on their arrival at the test grounds. 
- The Assessment Manager and the Assessor(s) must be informed immediately upon arrival by the owner or handler.

1.5  Recommended for Breeding are: 
1.5.1     Those dogs which fulfill the requirements as set out by the Boerboel Breed Standard as adopted by KUSA. 
1.5.2     NOTE: in order to pass the Character and Breed Assessment (CBA), the dog MUST pass the Character Assessment portion, within the limits as specified in the Character and Breed  Assessment Procedures from time to time. 
1.5.3     NOTE: dogs which have been found to have serious deviations from the Breed Standard may not be presented again.

1.6  Qualifications and Deferred Qualifications 
1.6.1     The owner of any dog which has been awarded a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA). 
Assessment Report may use the abbreviation as an appendage to the dog’s registered name. The abbreviation to be used is CBA. In order to have the qualification placed on any  registration records, a copy of the relevant Assessment Report must be submitted to KUSA. 
1.6.2     Dogs which failed the Character Assessment portion, may be presented again for a repeat Assessment, after a minimum period of six (6) months. 
1.6.3     Dogs may be presented up to three times for the Breed Assessment if they are unsuccessful at first. After the third unsuccessful Breed Assessment attempt, the dog may not be presented again.

2.1   Assessment Manager 
The conducting of a CHARACTER AND BREED ASSESSMENT (CBA) shall be entrusted to the Assessment Manager who shall be appointed by the committee of the Club holding the Character Breed Assessment (CBA). He will have organized a suitable area or Club training grounds with a firm surface such as a lawn, spacious enough to be able to adequately evaluate, without interference, a single dog in stance and in motion on a lead. 
During the Event, the following equipment must be available: 
2.1.1     A protection sleeve and stick, suit, hide and a starting pistol or handgun (as approved by KUSA for Working Trials) 
2.1.2     A large table with chairs, writing equipment and if needed a weather proof shelter and vet on call. 
2.1.3     The Assessment Manager is responsible for the orderly running of the Assessment and is also required to ensure that dogs presented on the day are identified, therefore a microchip scanner must be available.

2.2.  Disputes 
Any disputed matter requiring a decision during the period of the Assessment shall be decided by the Assessor and co-Assessor(s), but the Assessment Manager, if required, may be called upon for assistance.

2.3  Complaints 
Complaints lodged by participants will be dealt with in accordance with KUSA Regulations.

2.4  Misbehaviour of Dogs at an Assessment 
Any action taken in terms of this Regulation shall be reported to KUSA within seven (7) days. 
Dogs should be taught to be evaluated in a calm, natural composure, at stance and in movement (walk and trot, on lead, to allow strange hands to examine them and also to have their teeth examined). 
Dogs that do not meet these requirements may be deferred for later re-examination.

2.5  Number of Dogs to be Tested 
2.5.1     A maximum of fifteen (15) dogs may be tested per testing day. 
2.5.2     If the number of entries is excessive, the Committee of the Club holding the Character Breed Assessment (CBA) shall appoint an extra Assessor(s) whose name(s) shall be communicated to KUSA for approval prior to the holding of the Assessment. 
2.5.3     Any participant whose dog qualifies under this regulation will have his Assessment Report signed by all the Assessors who surveyed his dog.

2.6  General Attitude and Conduct of the Handlers 
All instructions given by the Assessor(s) must be carried out by the participant.

2.7  Conditions 
It is the responsibility of the Assessment Manager to ensure that all dogs are put through the  Assessment under the same conditions, as far as this is practical.

2.8  Weather 
Cancellation on account of inclement weather of an Assessment or any part of an Assessment shall be at the discretion of the Assessor(s) in consultation with the Assessment Manager. 
In case of a cancellation, application for an amended license with new contracts and schedules must 
be made as the conditions have to be the same for all the dogs.

2.9  Starting Time 
All participants shall be informed in writing at least one (1) week before the date of the Assessment of their own approximate starting time. They shall be present at the site of the Assessment at least thirty minutes prior to the informed starting time.

2.10  Competition by Officials at Shows 
In the event that a Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) is held under the same License of any KUSA show, the Assessor(s) and Assistants are not to be considered as officials for that show. They therefore may enter or handle a dog in any section of that show on the day/s they are officiating.

3.1     The Assessors must strictly adhere to the directives and the key for Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) as accepted by KUSA:

3.2     The Character of each dog under scrutiny, will be graded for each of the following abilities 
3.2.1   Self Confidence 
3.2.2   Temperament 
3.2.3   Tractability 
3.2.4   Defensive Instinct 
3.2.5   Fearlessness 
3.2.6   Attentiveness 
3.2.7   Suspicion 
3.2.8    React Threshold 
3.2.9    Steadiness to Gunshot (Indifferent, Light, Shy) 
3.2.10  Reaction towards other dogs (Indifferent, Light, Shy, Aggressive)
3.2.11  Breeding Suitability (Suitable, Deferred, Not Suitable)

3.3     The Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) portions must be performed by a KUSA approved and appointed Assessor/s.

3.3.1     The Breed portion of the BA test must be done by: 
a) a KUSA qualified Working Judge, who is qualified to judge Boerboels at Championship show level  and 
b) who attended a Boerboel Breed Seminar and is recommended by the Club hosting the  Seminar to be placed on the list of Boerboel Specialist Judges. 
c) Or an appraiser of a recognized Boerboel Association acceptable by the hosting Club and who is a KUSA member

3.3.2     The Character portion can be done by: 
a) Any KUSA recognized Breed Assessment Judge and can e.g. be a Rottweiler Specialist recommended by the hosting Club

As the character of Working Breeds show similarities, a Breed Assessor from e.g. the Rottweiler Breed Council may assist with the Character Portion of the Assessment, but not the Breed Portion. The intent is that once more Boerboel Judges conform/qualify to/for both Character and Breed portions, the need for assistance by non Boerboel Specialists will become unnecessary.

3.4  The Specialist Boerboel Clubs should submit the names of their Breed Assessor(s) to KUSA, to confirm that they are suitably qualified upon application to hold a Breed Assessment.

3.5  The decisions made by the Character and Breed Assessors(s) are final. Details of the Assessment are to be entered on KUSA approved Boerboel Club score sheets available from KUSA.

3.6  In the case of an Assessor being assisted by a co-Assessor(s) during the Assessment such Assessor(s) may not be members of the same family.

4.1  The club is responsible for ensuring that a KUSA registered Assessor (and if required, a Character Assessor as noted in 3.3 above) is available. 
4.2  The club is responsible to employ the services of an Assistant, who need not be KUSA qualified and licensed (as there is no physical contact with the dog) but is 
a) currently active in training of protection work at a KUSA affiliated Club or; 
b) a fully licensed and KUSA qualified IPO Assistant and in either case have the equipment as noted in this schedule for the work.

Dogs belonging to the Character and Breed Assessors, or their families or Assistants or their families may not be assessed on that day.

Competitors must display catalogue or entry numbers prominently during the Assessment.

7.1  Evaluate the construction in stance, embracing: 
a) Overall picture and proportions, balance, expression and sex characteristics 
b) Size (measuring the withers height, depth of chest, chest girth and trunk length), 
c) Head and Muzzle circumference
d) Bone strength and weight, 
e) Muscles and stability, 
f) Skin and coat, colour and markings 
g) Eye Colour
h) Dentition

Further detail to cover: 
a) Skull shape & strength, 
b) Jaw developments, teeth and neck. 
c) Withers and back including the loin, 
d) Fore- and under chest ribs, belly, stomach and sex organs, shoulders and front legs, croup slope as well as fore- and hind angulations.

7.2  Evaluate the movement: 
In walk and gait, front reach and rear drive, moving true coming and going.

Evaluating Temperament:     
Each dog presented for the Assessment has to undergo a Character/Temperament Assessment as described below. Dogs which show faulty temperament may be excluded from further Assessments. 

8.1  Crowd Test: 
Dog and handler must move through a group of no less than six (6) people (WHO MAY NOT INTERFERE WITH THE DOG BEING TESTED IN ANY WAY) turn around and assume a ‘sit’ position in the middle of the group. The group then moves in slowly and tightly around the dog and handler, remains so for a few seconds and reverse slowly back to its prior position. At a signal from the Assessor the group then does so rapidly for a second time, remain close-up for a few seconds and withdraw equally rapidly. This exercise must clearly show the self-confidence of the dog and its confidence in its handler.

8.2  Assess Gun sureness:
When firing, the distance must not be less than thirty paces from the dog. Two shots are fired by approx. five (5) second interval with starter’s pistol, while the dog and handler is moving away from the Assessor. If the dog shows any flight reaction, the Assessor may decide to repeat the Assessment from a different direction, or (depending on the dog’s reaction) eliminate it from the Assessment and have it deferred to another date.

8.3  Assessment Stress Recovery:
At the completion of the ‘Crowd and Gun Sureness’ exercises, the handler will walk his dog to a pre-determined spot approximately twenty (20) metres from a hiding place. The handler will be required to remain stationary and will allow the dog freedom of movement to the extent of the lead. On the Assessor(s) signal, the ‘Assistant’ (clad in protective suit and armguard and armed with a stick) will emerge and challenge the handler. After allowing reaction time for the dog, the ‘Assistant’ will run diagonally across and stop in a position approximately ten (10) metres away and challenge again. The ‘Assistant’ will then continue directly towards the handler and dog in a confrontational manner, to a distance of a minimum of five (5) metres, or when the Assessor instructs the ‘Assistant’ to stop the threat. At no time may the ‘Assistant’ and dog make contact. 
At a signal from the Assessor, the ‘Assistant’ then returns to the hiding place, behind which he leaves his suit, stick and arm guard. He then appears again in regular apparel and in a friendly manner strolls up to the handler, whom he greets. He also greets the dog. The Assessor takes note of the extent to which the dog has regained its exposure. 
The dog must not attempt to flee or show signs of fear, nervousness or retained aggression. A lack of reaction need not be penalized, if the dog is clearly not fearful, but obvious fear (e.g. tail tucked) is considered undesirable. The dog’s reaction to this situation/exercise is to be recorded on the Assessment form by the Assessor. In the case of a dog which is in training for any guard and defense work, the handler must indicate this before the start of the exercise and the dog should not be penalized for normal alert reactions.

8.4  Assessment to see whether a dog is under control around other dogs:  
The dog to be tested is placed and facing it a distance of about 30m another dog, (known to be “dog friendly” is also positioned – the dogs, if possible are in a sitting position but are also allowed to stand freely. Both     dogs are on a short leash and should be under control of their handlers.  At a sign from the Assessor, the dogs walk towards each other and pass each other at a distance of 3m – dogs to be on the left hand side of the handler.  At a sign from the Assessor, the dogs do an about turn and walk back to their original positions – again on the left hand side of the handler.  When they reach their original positions, they do an about turn and dogs will again sit or stand next to the handler, facing each other – end of exercise.  The dogs should be able to walk past each other without showing any aggression or trying to attack/launch out– being all the time under full control of their handlers.  The dogs can look at each other but not with any aggression or excessive pulling on the leash. The dogs can either pass or fail this test (the handlers to be on the outside at all times– never between the two (2) dogs.

9. AIM 
The Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) must be provided for the dogs whose owners, for some reason or other, cannot train their dogs for Obedience or Working Trials, but wish to use them for breeding. As it is a large, powerful breed, it needs to be seen to be calm, friendly and in self-control. 
It is understood that the ‘Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) Procedures’, as contained in this document, might be subject to adjustment from time to time and that should such requirements arise, proposals for such be presented for consideration and approval by KUSA.

It is important to note that an “Excellent – 85% plus” rating should have been acquired on the Character and Breed Assessment before a dog can receive Champion Status.

10.  REPORT 
The original Character and Breed Assessment (CBA) Report must be made available to the owner of the dog within thirty (30) days within a copy for the club’s records. The Club keeps a copy and another copy is forwarded to the KUSA Office within 10 days of the Assessment. 
The following documents must be sent to the Secretary of KUSA no later than ten (10) days after the test:
a) List of all participating dogs with relevant fees paid to KUSA; 
b) Copies of the CBA Assessment Reports, together with photocopies of the relevant Pedigree Certificates so that this may be recorded against the dog’s records on the KUSA system.

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa. 
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN – 0-0584208-1-5

Fedco 12-2010/MB/26.01.2011
Fedco 11-2011/MB/Updated 27.01.2012

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.04.2012