

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05E(22) - Regulations for Northern Areas Top Dog Competition

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules

                  REGULATIONS FOR NORTHERN AREAS                     
(Effective date 01.10.2015)

Schedule 5E(22)

The Regulations relating to licensing and all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3 Regulations for Championship Shows and Schedule 4 Regulations for Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa shall apply to this Competition so far as they can be relevant to the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition and they do not conflict with the specific terms of this schedule.

A Club which is qualified to hold a Championship Show in the Northern Areas in the calendar year in which it is intended to hold the Northern Areas Top Dog and Top Puppy Competition may hold the event named in this Schedule in conjunction with a Championship Show or separate there from.

3.1    This Competition is open to
3.1.1    (Breed) dogs owned, owned in partnership or shown under written uthority of the owner, provided that such owner (s) has qualified at a Club Championship Show held by a club which is part of the Northern Areas Provincial Council, as specified under point 6, of a club affiliated to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.   

3.1.2    Agility-Contact & Non-Contact, Carting, Dog Jumping, Flyball, IPO, ITT, Obedience, and Working Trials Classic. Eligibility for competition shall include all dogs owned, owned in partnership or shown under written authority of the owner, provided that such owner(s) either reside within Gauteng or are members of a club which falls under the jurisdiction of the NAPC.

3.1.3    Child and Junior Handler.  Eligibility for competition shall include all Child and Junior handlers who has qualified at a Club Championship Show held by a club which is part of the Northern Areas Provincial Council, as specified under point 6, of a club affiliated to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

Any disputes regarding 3.1.1, 3.1.2 & 3.1.3 will be resolved at the discretion of the managing committee whose decision shall be final

3.2    All dogs competing must be on the Breed or Obedience & Trial Dogs Register or Development Register of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa or with a body with whom a written agreement has been made in terms of Article 3.19, including dogs which may be on a foreign register, which dog, has received dispensation from the Kennel Union of Southern Africa by means of a valid Clearance certificate; their eligibility must not be in conflict with the Regulations described hereunder nor may they have been disqualified or suspended from competition by The Kennel Union of Southern Africa or any other National Canine Control Body.

3.3    Bitches in season on the day of this competition may compete in the Breed section only and must be suitably crated or benched and handled with due consideration to other qualifiers.

3.4    All reference to dogs, unless otherwise stated, shall include bitches.

Until or unless this Schedule 5E (22) is amended or altered, the host for this event will be an All Breeds Club which sits on the Northern Areas Provincial Council, selected by the Northern Areas Provincial Council of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

5.1 A Committee shall be formed each calendar year by no later than January 7th, consisting of a minimum of eight (8) members nominated by the Northern Areas Provincial Council to run the Northern Areas Provincial Council Top Dog Competition.
5.2 The Committee shall elect, from amongst its members, a Chairman, a Vice Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  The Committee shall keep a true record of their proceedings and a Receipts and Payment Accounts.

6.1    Entry for this competition will be by qualification at shows as follows:

6.1.1    Breed, Puppy Breed & Child and Junior Handler Competitions: At all Championship All Breeds or Championship Group Clubs or Speciality Clubs  held by Clubs which are part of the Northern Areas Provincial Council of  the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in accordance with point 3 of this Schedule 5E (22). In respect of Child and Junior handler refer to 6.3.9 with regard to qualification of age.
6.1.2    All other Disciplines: As specified in each instance under 6.3  in accordance with competitions held only by Clubs, affiliated to The Kennel Union of Southern Africa, which fall within the Provinces of Gauteng and surrounds, irrespective of which Provincial Council (at present NAPC & DOGSPC) under whose jurisdiction they fall  and in accordance with point 3 of this  Schedule 5E (22).  

6.2    Breed & Puppy Breed Competitions.
During the Calendar year preceding the date on which the competition is to be held any dog or bitch obtaining the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Group placing at All Breeds and Groups Championship shows, or BOB, RBOB in respect of Breed, or BPIS, RBPIS in respect of Puppy at a Speciality Championship Shows held by Clubs which are affiliated to The  Kennel Union, and in accordance with 6.1.1 above, will be formally invited to compete for the titles of the Northern Areas Top Dog and Top Puppy.

6.3 Disciplines
During the calendar year preceding the date on which the competition is to be held are eligible for entry, the following Disciplines are eligible for entry as defined below and in accordance with 6.1.2 above, will be formally invited to compete for the relevant title for the Northern Areas Top Dog appropriate to such discipline.  Results will be submitted to the organisers within (1) one week of the close of the competition.

6.4.1 Agility – Contact & Non-Contact (Grade 3) Competition – Large, Medium & Small
All points gained in these six Grades at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition. Dogs with the twenty (20) Large, eight (8) Medium and eight (8) Small, highest overall scores in total.
6.4.2     Carting (Standard Senior & Mini Senior) Competitions
The top six (6) in each class above, or a suitable number, as determined by the organisers. All points gained in these two Classes at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.
6.4.3     Dog Jumping (Grades 1, 3 & 5) Competitions
The top eight (8) dogs in Grade 3 & 5 and the top fifteen (15) dogs in Grade 1, or a suitable number, as determined by the organisers. All points gained in these three Grades at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.

6.4.4     Flyball 
The five (5) teams scoring the most points at Flyball competitions during the calendar year preceding the date, on which the competition is to be held, are eligible for entry. All points gained at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.

6.4.5     IPO (IPO 3)
Any dog with the highest score averaged out over the above Trial will be formally invited to receive their award at the NAPC Top Dog competition.

6.4.6     Tracker Trial (TT4 & TT 5) Competitions
Any dog with the highest score averaged out over the above Trials will be formally invited to receive their award at the NAPC Top Dog competition.

6.4.7     Obedience Competition – (Class C)
The top ten (10) dogs, or a suitable number, as determined by the organisers, are eligible for entry. All points gained in Class C competition at all shows, both Championship and non-championship during the period of qualification, will be entered onto the official score sheet for the competition.

6.4.8     Working Trial (PD and TD3) Competitions
Any dog with the highest score averaged out over the above Trials will be formally invited to receive their award at the NAPC Top Dog competition.

6.4.9     Child & Junior Handlers Competition
Any Child Handler  & Junior Handler who has won a 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Placeand in accordance with 6.1.1 above. This is irrespective of the age of the qualifiers on the date of the Competition.   

The Competition will be held on a date and at a venue to be decided by the organisers but not earlier than 7th January and not later than the 15th March in the year directly following the qualifying calendar year preceding these dates.

8.1    Breed Competition & Breed Puppy Competition.
The number of dogs to be invited to the competition shall be determined from time to time by the Organising Committee in accordance with acceptance from the Northern Areas Provincial Council. However the principal of judging will be as follows:

8.1.1    The determined number of dogs will be in accordance with point 6 of these draft regulations and these top qualifying dogs will enter the ring in their groups and from the group a winner will be selected to go through to the final round for NAPC TOP DOG and NAPC TOP DOG Puppy

The number of dogs to be invited to the competition shall be determined from time to time by the Host Club Committee in accordance with acceptance from the NAPC.  

All the following Disciplines will be judged as is normal for their respective competitions:
8.2    Agility 
8.3    Carting 
8.4    Dog Jumping
8.5    Flyball 
8.6    IPO– for trials held during the year and awarded at the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition
8.7    Tracker Trial Competitions - for trials held during the year and awarded at the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition
8.8    Obedience
8.9    Working Trials (PD and TD3) Competitions - for trials held during the year and awarded at the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition
8.10    Child Handlers’ Competition
8.11    Junior Handlers’ Competition

9.    JUDGES – for competitions held on the day/ evening of the Northern Areas Top Dog and Top Dog Puppy Breed Competition.
9.1     The number of judges appointed to judge Breed, Adult and/or Puppy to be at the discretion of the organisers.

9.2    The organisers shall appoint all Judges, subject to The Kennel Union of Southern Africa’s approval, for all the Disciplines in this Competition. Breed judges must be panelled for at least 4 groups.
9.3 The names of the Judge or Judges shall be advised to the competitors at the time their invitations are dispatched or may only be made public at the start of the event. 
9.4    The organisers have the right to appoint an alternative Judge(s) should there be excessive numbers of qualifiers or should the advertised Judge(s) not be able to keep the appointment.
9.5    All Judges selected shall be approved by The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

10.    DRESS
Competitors are expected to dress in a manner befitting this prestigious Competition.  

All competitors are responsible for the removal of any faeces deposited by their dogs and the cleaning of any grooming area used by them.  Any competitor failing to do so is liable to instant disqualification.

The winners will be awarded prizes appropriate to the competition.

This event may be sponsored permanently or on an annual basis by any organisation acceptable to both the Federal Council of The Kennel Union of Southern Africa and the current host club.  In the years when the event is sponsored, the title may be preceded by the name of the Sponsor.  Should either of the Clubs or the Sponsor wish to disassociate themselves with the event, this may not be done so as to prejudice the holding of the event in that year or any succeeding year.  For this reason, a contract must be drawn up between the Club and any Sponsor establishing the rights and obligations if both should enter or both wish to withdraw from associating with this Competition.

Should, for any reason, the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition be dissolved, all monies held in the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition bank account, must be held by the Northern Areas Provincial Council for a period of three (3) years in order to try to resuscitate the Northern Areas Top Dog Competition.  If unsuccessful, thereafter the monies must be paid to the Northern Areas Provincial Council Benevolent Fund.

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.

Fedco 05-2011/MB/09.09.2011
Fedco 06-2015/NP/Updated 07.08.2015
Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.10.2015