The Working Spaniel
The Working Spaniel
Association (WSA) was established in 1981 to:
- promote the Spaniel breed
as working gundogs;
- promote, encourage,
foster and advance the breeding, well-being of and
interest in the Spaniel breed of dogs;
- observe and adhere to the
breed standards of the Spaniel breeds of dogs as
adopted from time to time by the Kennel Union of
Southern Africa (KUSA);
- organise and hold working
trials, field trials and other dog activities
recognised by KUSA including training for any or all
of these activities;
- promote a better
understanding of dogs and a wider knowledge of dogs
and dog affairs and to promote goodwill among people
interested in dogs.
The first working Spaniel field trial
was held in South Africa over 30 years ago and the
first National Field Trial, licensed by KUSA under the
banner of the WSA, in 1997.
The club presently has over 50 active members and
welcomes all new members who are interested in having
the pleasure of working over a good gun dog, field
trialing and related activities, if you are a one dog
person and enjoy having a pet at home, you might
consider a hunting Spaniel next time.
The club meets regularly for training sessions and
field tests from puppy stage to senior dogs.
The Working Spaniel Association is now affiliated to
the Working Retriever Club and our members receive
WRC's newsletters on a regular basis.
Bobby Lotter Cell: 083
449 0325
Alan Frazer 0828094889
Misha le
Grange 0823479088
CJ Dannhauser 0828481007
Field Trial Liaison
Greg Higgs 0724255754
year's Field Trial Calendar