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Field trials and trialling with working dogs in South Africa

The website for field trialling enthusiasts containing information about working or gundog groups and clubs affiliated with the field trial sport in South Africa. Also find results and information about past and upcoming field trial events.

This is the official website

for the

Field Trial Liaison Council.

The FTLC was established in terms of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa. The Council has jurisdiction over every club affiliated to the KUSA, which carries on Field Trial activities.

The objectives of the Council are:

  1.  To provide a single body representative of all clubs carrying on Field Trial activities within the area of its jurisdiction.
  2. To create and provide the means of closer co-operation and liaison between all clubs with particular reference to the allocation and approval of dates for proposed Field Trials and any other public activities promoted by such clubs.
  3.  To act as an advisory and supervisory body to member clubs.
  4. To provide a channel of communication to the KUSA and between member clubs and the Federal Council.
  5. To assist and represent the Federal Council in its dealings and communications with member clubs and individual members of such clubs and to perform such other functions as may be delegated to it by the Federal Council.

Practice Notes

Practice notes issued in relation to Retriever Field Trials:

Training on the venue

Judging appointments

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2024 Championship Stake

The event was successfully hosted jointly by the Gundog Club and the Working Retriever Club of Gauteng on the 24th and 25th August 2024 at St Fort Farm, outside Clarens.

The Judges were  Estene Trollope (Snr) with Hannes Oberholzer, Heather Hallauer and Michelle Emin.


First Place and Guns' Choice went to Ch.FT Gospelash Highlander of Chardale (Imp UK) GMHR (Rookie) handled by Charles Trollope

Second Place went to Roodehek Orions Star FTA GMHR (Zeta) handled by Noleen Wilson-Taylor

Third Place went to Ch.FT Chardale Jalapeno Twist MHR (Twista) handled by Karen Hagger

Certificates of Merit (COMs) were awarded to:

Snowpine Moxie of Kinndell FTA MHR (Moxie) handled by  André Thuynsma,

Ch.FT Zaniri Up and Away to Pareora (Imp Can) GMHR (Haley) handled by Jenny Smith,

Tushielaw Stealth FTA GMHR (Hunter) handled by Fred Kingsley.

Congratulations to all and well done!


2024 Top Dog Awards


Charles Trollope’s ChFt Gospelash Highlander of Chardale GMHR


Landenvlei Juniper owned by Mr Bobby Lotter



FTLC executive members for 2021:

Chair - Dr Alan Kloeck

Vice Chair - Dr Carolyn Baker

Secretary - Renee Minny

Treasurer - Marie Wynne


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The current applicable regulations for all gundog events run under Schedule 5 (C) are available on the KUSA website here

Schedule 5C(1)
Regulations for Retriever Trials


Regulation 5C(2)
Regulations for Flushing Spaniel Field Trials


Schedule 5C(3)
Regulations for HPR Breeds


Schedule 5C(4)
Regulations for Shooting Ratings (Weimaraner)

Schedule 5C(5)
Regulations for Gundog Hunting Tests

Schedule 5C(6)
Regulations for Versatile Tests - Pointing Breeds

Need a Field Trial Judge?

Get the current Judges list from the KUSA website

You will need the free Acrobat Reader

to view all PDF documents - Download




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The Kennel Union of Southern Africa

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Retriever Field Trial Results (Current season)

The key to abbreviations used may be found here.


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The Field Trial Fixture Calendar
View/download (PDF)

Field Trial Schedules

View or download the Club Schedules as they are made available. (PDF)


Follow this link to find available Schedules


Official KUSA entry form

For all field trial events, the entry form is available in MSWord  and  PDF formats.  Remember, do not alter the layout or terms and conditions!

To enter trials, please use only the official KUSA Field Trial Entry Form by selecting the preferred format from the options above. 
Entry forms for other working disciplines will unfortunately be rejected.