Natal Gundog
Club (NGC)
in 1973, the Natal Gundog Club has been actively
promoting field-trialling activities for retrievers in
KwaZulu-Natal for almost 50 years.
held on farms in the KZN Midlands, the club hosts a
field trial in June of each year and then a second
trial in October that is held under the auspices of
the Pietermaritzburg Kennel Club.
In support of one of its early aims, namely
the club’s desire to promote dual-purpose gundogs, the
June trial is now traditionally scheduled on a weekend
adjacent to the Breed Championship Show weekend and
designed to attract as many competitors as possible to
both events.
the club does not hold any formal field training
classes, there are several active field trialling
members that meet weekly to train their dogs and to
introduce any newcomers to the sport.
Regular field / working tests are held
throughout the year, usually at two-month intervals,
providing members with an opportunity to gauge the
progress that their dogs are making in their field
competence and also to assist them in preparing for
entering field trials. We
are fortunate to have several members with a wealth of
expertise about training retrievers, and who are only
too willing to share their knowledge.
encouraging field members, the club acknowledges their
achievements at its Annual General Meeting, through an
impressive set of annual awards.
members is achieved mainly through its active Facebook
page. Designed to share useful information about field
trialling and all club activities and field trial
results, the page also serves as a reminder of the
history of the club through regular postings of
photographs of past events and of folk that were very
active in the field.
membership inquiries should be sent to:
cjrymill@gmail.com or howellsracing8@gmail.com
Mrs Rho Hansen
Mrs Barbara Pierrus
Field Secretary: Ms
Cathy Rymill