Cape Gundog Club          

The Cape Gundog Club has been running field trials and field tests as well as providing working gundog training since the late 1960s, in order to implement fully its aims as a club as stated in its Constitution: which are to promote
well-being, the development and the integrity of the various breeds of gundogs both in the ring and in the field. We believe that a good gundog must be of appropriate appearance adhering to the breed standard, and at the same time
able to perform creditably in the field.

Under KUSA licence, the CGC provides annual Championship Retriever Field Trials which attract an entry of a variety of retriever breeds including Goldens, Labradors and Flatcoats. Entries may also be also accepted (although placings
may not be awarded) to other gundog breeds such as Spaniels, Vislas, Weimaraners and Pointers. Currently, entries are received from all over South Africa, and are encouraged also from neighbouring countries.

These trials are presently held in the Barrydale district in the Western Cape during the month of July annually.

Field Training is provided when trainers are available, from time to time.

Enquiries are welcomed and should be addressed to the following members of the CGC Field Trials Sub Committee:

Noleen Wilson-Taylor (Chair)
Email: noeleen@hixnet.co.za

Nicole Jennings (Treasurer)
Email: animaltails@zsd.co.za

Lisa Dimech – (Secretary)
Email: dimech.lisa@gmail.com

Claire McMahon (Trophy Steward)

Retriever Field Trial Results for this year Download (PDF)

To view recent changes in dogs' SAHR status follow this link

The key to abbreviations used may be found here.

This year's Field Trial Calendar
Download (PDF)