Labrador Retriever
Kennel Club
(Affiliated to KUSA)
the LRKC Web page here
UK Origins
In the UK, the Labrador, whose origins had been in
far-off Newfoundland became dependent on his newly
adopted country, the UK, for his continued existence. It
was his wonderful ability to find game and retrieve it
so willingly that assured him his future with the
British estate owners and their keepers forever.
As the Labrador gained his deservedly wonderful
reputation as a game finder, his popularity increased to
the point where the estate owners and their keepers took
on the responsibility of perpetuating the breed, both
for its type, characteristics, and working ability. The
accuracy of the first breed standard, drawn up in 1916
by the newly formed Labrador Retriever Club, is such
that most of it is still very much in force today.
History in South Africa
The first Labrador Retriever to be registered with KUSA
was Sir Julius Jeppe's Roseneath Bingo on 13 April,
1926. In 1958 a group of breeders on the Reef, concerned
for the welfare and the future of the breed, came
together and founded the Labrador Retriever Kennel Club
(LRKC) with Mr George Jenkin (Beadles) in the chair.
Some important dogs were brought to South Africa: Major
T C Wilde (Brigade) brought the Tweed son, Ch Sandylands
Trade Wind and Ch Zelstone Raven, the latter the
progenitor of nearly all the successful field trial
Labradors in South Africa. In the Cape Mrs Rose-Marie
Cabion imported Sleepy Hollow's Follytower Old Oak,
probably the first Labrador to win a Best In Show (BIS)
all breeds; [his son, Young Oak, made a brave showing at
field trials]. The Horleys imported several Ballyduff
dogs, but their great dog, Ch Winston of the Hussars, a
son of Trade Wind, was bred at Kyalami by Lionel Wilson.
Winston's dam, Ch Charmaine of Cannobie Lee, by Ch
Heatheredge Knight of Beadles, won the open stake in the
first field trials run by the LRKC. This was in 1970;
since then, except for one or two years, the Club has
run field trials annually for any variety of registered
retrievers, organized for many years by its patron, Bill
Bill Tait and G Mackenzie bred FT Ch Ballyhue's Black
Pipit of Donside, a Raven grandson through FT Ch
Ballyhue's Grenade, and imported the only slightly less
successful FT Ch Bramlands Alexander, of Stratfieldsaye
lineage. At that time South African breeders both showed
and trialled their dogs. The Gies, by dedicated
training, enhanced the natural ability of Brigade
Highwayman and made him up as a bench, field trial and
obedience Champion. Whereas, whilst the Copestakes' Ch
Sandylands Master Piece of Breckondale was qualified in
the field, the activities of their Ch Balrion Lord of
the Manor and his progeny were confined to the ring. Ch
Balrion King of the Hill sired FT Ch Breckondale King's
Shilling, GMHR, Derek Brown's highly successful yellow
The split between field and show type is more evident
today, but the breed's natural working ability continues
to impress. This is well demonstrated by Warren
Banfield's FT Ch Vonniejo Black Magic GMHR, twice winner
of the KUSA National Retriever Championship Stake in
1998 and 2000 respectively and winner of many Open
Retriever Field Trial Champion Stakes.
Since 1990, the LRKC has enjoyed a happy association
with the farmers of Val in Mpumalanga. The trials have
been run over their lands and competitors have had the
use of the facilities of the Val Sports Club. Officials,
competitors, and spectators can look forward to the
benefits of this congenial venue when the LRKC hosts the
KUSA National Retriever Championship Stake in 2004.
The Labrador Retriever Kennel Club Today
The LRKC currently boasts a membership of over 200. It
affords members the opportunity to take part in Field
Trials run not only by the Club but also by other Clubs
through inter-club networking and e-mail. Apart from the
annual Field Trial, the LRKC runs two Open Shows each
year, one of which incorporates the Supreme Labrador
Retriever Champion, as well as a Breed Championship Show
where overseas Labrador Specialists are invited to
judge. Regular news Bulletins and two Newsletters, in
July and December respectively, are sent out to members.
The Club assists members of the public who, for a
variety of reasons are unable to keep their Labrador/s,
and require a re-homing facility. Similarly, an
excellent puppy homing facility is available via the
LRKC website. Requirements such as proof of Hip
Dysplasia scoring of parents, KUSA registration,
innoculations, and de-worming are essential in order for
breeders to list their litters. The service receives
excellent exposure to the wider puppy searching public
and has received many accolades and commendations. The
website also provides information regarding the Breed
Standard, breeders, stud dogs, dates of events and a
wonderful photo gallery.
To contact Club Officials or for more information visit
the LRKC
year's Field Trial Calendar