17.02.2023 | FCI International Junior & Veteran Titles

Posted in KUSA News


C.I.B.-J® & C.I.B.-V®

FCI Circular: 25/2022 

In July 2022, the FCI announced that its General Committee had decided to introduce two new International Beauty Champion Titles for dogs of breeds that are fully recognised by the FCI (whether subject to a Working Test, or not), entered in the Junior (from 9 to 18 months) or Veteran (from 8 years and over) Class at FCI International CACIB Shows, in accordance with the FCI Regulations for FCI Dog Shows.

New International Titles (effective 01.08.2022)

FCI-C.I.B.-J® International Junior Beauty Champion

FCI-C.I.B.-V® International Veteran Beauty Champion

Application Requirements for Dogs Registered in Countries that fall under the FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania (A2O) Section in terms of an Exception granted.

  • Three (3) FCI International Junior or Veteran Certificates (i.e., three “1st Excellent” in Junior or

   Veteran Class awarded in one or more countries as from 1 August 2022

  • In each of the instances above, “Junior” or “Veteran” awards must be made by three (3) different

   Judges originating from three (3) different countries.

  • Applicable to all breeds (whether subject to a working test, or not) registered on the KUSA Primary

   Breed Register; in other words, Dogs registered on Appendix Registers are not eligible

All Applications for FCI-C.I.B.-J and FCI-C.I.B.-V Titles must be submitted to KUSA on the Application Form provided. Click here to download Application Form {Reg.42 Champion Dog Application Forms}

 KUSA will make application to the FCI on behalf of the Applicant.

Application Documentation Required:

  • FCI International Junior and Veteran Beauty Application Form
  • Scanned copies of the 3 FCI Award Certificates signed by each Judge
  • Scanned copy of the dog’s KUSA Registration Certificate (front & reverse)

The aforementioned documents must be emailed as a single scan to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Due to the large number of applications received by the FCI Office from FCI Member Organisations worldwide, the processing of applications for FCI-C.I.B.-J® and FCI-C.I.B.-V® titles may take several months.                                                                                                            17 Feb 2023