2018-08 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas



Via Telecon:

L Wilson (Chairman), RB Jenkins (Vice-Chair), RD Juckes, NJ du Preez, DC Sparg & R Zeeman

Staff in attendance: Mrs P Midgley (General Manager), Miss SA Thornberry, Mrs A Bastick & Miss D Rosier

The following deaths have been noted with sadness:

Neil Kriel (GAU), Pat Harding (GAU), Graham Price (GAU), Helene Kessler (W Cape)


The Minutes of the meeting held on 24.07.2018 were formally adopted.


3.1 Schedule 3 Regulation 33 Fines and Penalties (Exco 11-17 item 3.3, Exco 01-18 item 3.3, Exco 02- 2018 item 3.3, Exco 04-2018 item 3.3, Exco 05-2017 item 3.2), Exco 7-2018 item 3.1)

Under item 3.4 of the Fedco Minutes it is recorded that Fedco unanimously agreed to a cap of R10000.00 on all fines imposed by Exco.

The following is also recorded in the Fedco 06-18 Minutes:

That Exco is mandated to consider, investigate and propose changes to the Articles and Schedules in order to rectify contradictions. Exco has, for instance, identified Schedule 3 Regulations 31, 33 and 38 as requisite of alignment with Regulation 37 and for harmonisations with the content of Schedule 1.

(See also item 3.4)

Work in progress.

To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.2 Breed Assessments – Appeal Process (Exco 03-2018 item 9.8, Exco 04-2018 item 3.6, Exco 05-2018 item 3.3, Exco 07-2018 item 3.2)

Work in progress (RZ and NdP).

To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.3 Mandatory Membership of KUSA for Dog Owners Entering Championship Shows – Dogs in Joint Ownership (Exco 03-2018 item 9.7, Exco 05-2018 item 3.5, Exco 07-2018)

Fedco has reiterated that all owners need to be members of KUSA.


3.4 Schedule 3 Entry for Exhibition - Regulation 7.11 (Exco 04-2018 item 9.7.1, Exco 05-2018 item 3.6, Exco 07-2018 item 3.4)

“No steward may handle a dog on the same day as he/she is officiating before a Judge for whom he was stewarding unless requested by the Judge to exhibit the entry.”

At Fedco 06-18 (item 7.22), it is recorded that Exco sought guidance on dealing with contraventions of the Regulations.

Fedco confirmed that Exco had the discretionary powers to issue letters of warning, remove awards and impose fines, depending on the seriousness of the transgression. Exco had used its discretionary powers advisedly and judiciously in the past and Fedco believed it should continue to do so.


3.5 Schedule 3 – Regulation 16.5 (Exco 04-2018 item 9.7.4, Exco 05-2018 item 3.7, Exco 07-2018 item 3.5)

"No dog shall be allowed into the judging ring after having been called three (3) times by the Ring Steward and marked absent."

Discussed at Exco 04-2018 as there is no consequence to contravening this regulation.

See item 3.4 above .


3.6 Schedule 3 – Regulation 3.4 – Show Manager (Exco 04-2018 – item 5.1.3, Exco 05-2018 item 3.8, Exco 08-2018 item 3.6)

The following amendment to Schedule 3 Regulation 3.4 was agreed wef 01.01.2019:

“The management of a Breed Show shall be the responsibility of the Show Manager who shall be a member in good standing of the Kennel Union and shall be appointed by the Committee of the Show holding Club.”

Also to be applied to Schedules 4, 4A and Working Discipline Schedules where a Show Manager or similar, e.g. Trials Manager, is mentioned.


3.7 Deceased Estate – Mr Adrian Austen (Exco 06-2018 item 4.8, Exco 07-2018 item 3.7)

A progress report to be tabled.

Registration applications have been submitted – see under 9.3.


3.8 Holding of Shows outside of Centres (Exco 06-2018 item 4.5, Exco 07-2018 item 3.8)

The following is recorded in the Fedco 06-18 Minutes (item 7.16):

 The opinion of Fedco had been sought on the possibility of Specialist Clubs, especially those with a national reach, applying for a licence to hold a Championship Show outside their traditional Centres as a concession to members based in other parts of the country who find it difficult, or impracticable, to travel to the Club’s base Centre. 

Fedco confirmed that Exco had the powers to grant a Club permission to hold a show outside its traditional Centre but, in assessing an application for a Specialist Club wanting to move its show to different parts of the country, recommended that all the circumstances be thoroughly interrogated by Exco and that Exco applied the utmost discretion before granting such licence on a one-off basis.”


3.9 DOGSPC Best of the Best Competition – Schedule 5E(17) (Exco 07-2018 item 5.2.3)

Refer to decision recorded in previous Exco Minutes as follows:

That, in principle, Exco was in agreement that the D.O.G.S. Best of the Best event be presented under revised Rules on a two-year trial basis (2018 & 2019) before an amended Schedule 5E(17) was finalised;

That Mr Riley should be sent a MS Word version of the latest Schedule 5E (17) with a request to amend Rules 3, 5, 6, 7, 8 (or the appropriate subsections thereof) in accordance with the convention applied by KUSA for amendments to Schedules, viz. deletions in [ struckthrough square brackets ] and insertions underlined;

That the appropriately amended document should be returned to the KUSA Secretary for tabling at the next (August) meeting of Exco where the revised Regulations would be considered;

That the proposed date for the event as 1 December 2018 should be confirmed with Mr Riley (the DOGSPC Minutes of its meeting of 19 June 2018 reflect the date as 15 December 2018);

That it should be impressed upon Mr Riley that D.O.G.S. Best of the Best was a KUSA Schedule 5E event which needed to be hosted by a DOGSPC Club;

That, although D.O.G.S. Best of the Best might be held on the same date and at the same venue as Mr Riley’s “Fair Play” venture, it was not to be deemed part of Fair Play and the event should not be named to suggest that; and

That, as per Regulation 13, the name D.O.G.S. Best of the Best may only be preceded by the name of an authorised (by Fedco and DOGSPC) sponsor, to be provided for in a sponsorship agreement between DOGSPC and the sponsor.

An amended Schedule 5E (17) had been received and circulated. Confirmed that the event is to be held on 01.12.2018. Various corrections and clarifications required. LW will note her comments on the document and submit to the Office.

It was further noted that no licence application had been made.


That the amended regulations in the above Schedule be approved on a trial basis for a two-year period (2018 and 2019), subject to minor corrections and clarifications.

3.10 Terrier Club Eastern Cape (Exco 07-2018 item 5.2.4)

A report on this Club’s finances was circulated on 19.07.2018 and any further information will be tabled.

Following a discussion on an interim report received from the Chairman of the Provco, it was recommended that Treasurers or any persons with financial signing powers should be members of KUSA

A final report was expected early in September and will be tabled at the September Exco.

To be carried forward to next agenda for Fedco 12-2018 agenda.

3.11 SALKA Junior Dog of the Year – Schedule 5E(1) (Exco 07-2018 item 9.6)

References to Zimbabwe to be removed.

Work in progress (LW). Once completed, to be referred to Fedco.

Noted – for Fedco 12-2018 agenda.


4.1 Office Report

The Office report was circulated and discussed.



Financial Report for July 2018

Financial Management Report and KUSA Stats attached to agenda.

After discussion, the Financial Report was approved.



5.1.1 Case 01-2018

The DSC convened on 31.07.2018 by teleconference to hear the above case. The Exco confirmed the finding and penalty of the DSC by ‘round robin’:


Note: the matter is now under Appeal.


5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Shows - nil

5.2.2 Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8 Temporary Exclusion Order - Apollo Prince of Stjephanic House of Torbrit Reg No ZA001028C16(Exco 07-2018 item

As reported at Exco 07-2018 arrangements were made for the dog to be examined by suitably qualified Judges on 01.07.2018. Although all concerned had been contacted, the owner and dog failed to attend and, at the time of the July Exco Meeting, no explanation or apology had been received from Miss Theunissen regarding her non-attendance. It was agreed to wait until she made contact before any further arrangements are considered.

Miss Theunissen has since made contact by email dated 08.08.2018 to Adele Bastick. She asks for another assessment to be arranged.

BJ undertook to make arrangements again.

To be carried forward to next agenda. Temporary Exclusion Order - Rottweiler Vombladysnee Ava Reg No ZA007137B16

Any further information will be tabled when available. In the meantime, the Temporary Exclusion Order is still in place.


5.2.3 OTHER CLUB MATTERS Dobermann Club of KZN – Query Best Puppy Challenge at Ch Shows

Since this new Class was introduced, the above Club has offered the Baby Puppy Class, but not the Challenge (BBPIS). This is stated on their Draft Schedule each year.

It needs to be clarified whether it is compulsory to hold the BBPIS Challenge if the Baby Puppy Class is scheduled. The only regulation referring to a Championship Show where dogs of one breed only are scheduled, is 24.3:

“At every Championship Show where dogs of one breed only are scheduled, the exhibits eligible to compete free of entry fees for Best in Show are Challenge Certificate winners and unbeaten prize

winners in any restricted class as defined in Appendix 1 of this Schedule, and the exhibits eligible to compete free of entry fees for Best Puppy in Show are all the Minor Puppy and Puppy Class winners.”

After discussion, the matter was deferred pending clarification of the Regulations.

To be carried forward to next agenda. Swartland & West Coast Kennel Club Championship Show Weekend 22/23 June 2018

The following dog was entered into the above shows with the incorrect Registration number on the form. The name of the dog was also incomplete.

Bull Terrier - Reg No. ZA003025B16 D.O.B 23/08/2017, owned by Mr W.J. Lourens. The forms were completed by Mr J. Slabbert.

This registration number belongs to Retriever (Golden) Clarasado A.Eddie Barkley D.O.B. 07/11/2015

The entry was meant to be for Carradice Ana's Song Reg. No. ZA003225B18 D.O.B 23/08/17

The following awards were won:

West Coast KC (2) - 23 June 2018 - CC, Best Puppy in Breed, 1st place Best Puppy in Group, 2nd placed in Group

No awards were won at the other three shows.

Mr Lourens’s explanation was circulated as part of the agenda.

After discussion, it was agreed that the awards won be withdrawn as provided for in Schedule 3 Regulation 7.15 and the awards advanced to the second highest placed dog. Centenary Terrier Club

It has previously been reported to Exco that the above Club wishes to move from the Free State area to Gauteng and has requested that its next Championship Show be held on Gauteng.

The following is recorded in Fedco 06-2018 Minutes:

 Discussion ensued with some Councillors expressing reservations about Clubs being permitted to change provinces. CB believed that Clubs that wanted to move to a different province ought to close down and reopen in their province of choice under a different name. CI was of the view that Clubs should only be allowed to move to a different province if the province in which they were based was agreeable. 
Referred back to Exco to re-examine the desirability of Clubs migrating to a different province.”

NdP advised that this Club was holding its next Championship show in the Free State area.


5.2.4 KUSA Classic Free State & N Cape – Breed 2&3 June 2018, Working Disciplines 09-12 August 2018

Finances for the Breed Shows have not yet been finalised. It was anticipated that these would be ready by the end of August.

Noted with the comment that a pro-forma budget form has been drawn up for use going forward.

A report on the National Obedience Championship 2018 has been received from the Judge, Mr I Judd. This contains, inter alia, some negative comments about the organisation of the event. This has been responded to by Mr F Mostert (attached to agenda).

Further negative reports have been received from members of the Flyball community, one of which was from the Secretary of W Cape Flyball and attached to agenda.

After discussion on the negative comments, it was agreed that consideration be given to Obedience and Carting being held with the Breed Shows in future. It appeared that rosettes had not been ordered by the organisers and this would be attended to. KUSA National Retriever Champion Stake – 25/26 August 2018

Documents received and processed.

Noted with best wishes for a successful event. 2019 – Gauteng 31 May to 2 June 2019

Office has requested clarification whether this event would include all disciplines, or be split.

Budget to be requested.

LW advised that a report had been received from the Classic 2019 Chairman and this would be forwarded to the Secretary for onward transmission to the Exco.

National Agility and Dog Jumping would be held on a separate weekend. Gauteng 2020 25/26 April - Dj,Ag,Fly (NAPC Bumper Weekend) & Br, Hcl,Ob,Ca - 29-31 May 2020

Application approved at Exco 07-2018 for the KUSA CLASSIC 2020 to be held in Gauteng, hosted by a joint committee of the Districts of Gauteng & Surrounds Provincial Council (DOGSPC) and the Northern Areas Provincial Council (NAPC).

National Agility and Dog Jumping would be held on a separate weekend.




5.4.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and are Licensed for the Group/s as listed:

Mrs C. Buitendach (FS) (Terrier Group)

Mr R. Clark (GAU) (Herding & Hound Groups)

Mrs S. du Toit (WC) (Toy Group, BIS & BPIS)

Mrs E. Raubenheimer (WC) (Terrier Group & All Breeds Judge)

Mr R. van der Linde (GAU) (Toy Group)

Miss M. van Vuuren (EC) (Herding Group)

Noted with congratulations.

5.4.2 Mr F Veldman was re-instated 22 May 2017 to continue at Level 2 - Herding Group with Evaluations - , however, he omitted to request his credits for past judging to be counted.

Agreed that his credits for past judging be counted.

5.5 HANDLERS - nil


5.6.1 The following Judge’s Assessments have been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-


Mrs D. Bekker (Gau)

Level 2 (A & B Class)

Working & Herding Breeds Assn Golden Reef – Non-Championship Show - 17 January 2016

Jacaranda City Kennel Club – Non-Championship Show – 31 January 2016

Dobermann Club of Northern Transvaal – Championship Show – 6 March 2016

Working & Herding Breeds Assn Golden Reef – Non-Championship Show - 18 January 2017

Working & Herding Breeds Assn Golden Reef – Non-Championship Show - 14 March 2017

Goldfields Kennel Club – Non-Championship Show – 13 March 2018



5.7.1 The following Assessment has been approved by the Provincial Council Working Trials (Classic) Sub- Committee:

First Assessment

Mrs Y. Taentzer (GAU)

Noted with congratulations.

5.7.2 Zimbabwe Kennel Club

Permission requested to adopt the KUSA Schedule 5B(4) – Working Utility Dog (WUD) Regulations.

Permission granted.


Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting held on 24.07.2018.

Circulated on 14.08.2018.

Clarification is sought on mandatory membership of KUSA with regard to Fedco 06-18 Minutes – amendment to Schedule 3 Regulation 7.6. Written clarification is requested.

It was confirmed that only Members of KUSA may have a dog entered for a Championship event.

The following is also recorded:

“Mr Ebersohn raised the issue of members of the NFTA who would participate in KUSA events (yet not be members of KUSA) as prescribed by the Reciprocity Agreement. Dr Kloeck agreed that this should be raised and clarity obtained from KUSA.”

It was further confirmed that members of the NFTA are required to be members of KUSA. In this agreement it is clearly stated that that the various trials must be conducted in terms of the prevailing KUSA rules and regulations.

Item 10.1 of the FTLC Minutes regarding the distribution of FT Database was also noted and further information is to be obtained.

5.9 IPO

The name IPO will change to IGP on 01.01.2019. NSC teleconference scheduled for 20.08.2018.



5.10.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Dog Jumping Judges:

*Passed Schedule 3

Mr R. Compaan (EC)*

Mrs N. Moss (EC)*

Noted with congratulations.

5.10.2 The following Judge has been issued with a Dog Jumping Judges’ Licences:

Mr M. Van der Vyver (WC)

Mrs C. Venter (KZN)

Miss S. Wainwright (EC)

Noted with congratulations.


5.11.1 The following Judge's reports have been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:

First Report

Mrs J. Dent - Goldfields Kennel Club - Non-Championship Show - 21 April 2018

Second Report

Mrs J. Dent - Goldfields Supporter Club of Northern Gauteng - Non-Championship Show - 1 July 2018

The following Judge has been issued with a Carting Judge’s Licence:

Miss A. Bühmann (GAU)

Noted with congratulations.


5.12.1 The following judge has been issued an Agility Judge’s Licence:

Mrs K. White (KZN)

Noted with congratulations.


5.13.1 The following Judges have been issued Flyball Judges' Licences:

Ms M. Newey (GAU)

Mrs C. Patterson-Abrolat (GAU)

Noted with congratulations.



5.16 TT - nil

5.17 DOG DANCING - nil

5.18 FCI

5.18.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:

30.07.18 FCI Youth Presentation

30.07.18 New FCI Dog Dancing Guidelines

02.08.18 Société Centrale Canine Marocaine (Morocco): Mr Laraki Karim & Mr ID Barka Abdellatif Expulsion

02.08.18 FCI Notifications of Cancelled Kennel Names, Banned Dogs , Banned Judges as at 2 August 2018

02.08.18 Breed Standard amendments – Brazilian Terrier, Rottweiler, Çöban Köpegi,

02.08.18 FCI Guidelines for World and Section Junior Handling Competitions & Junior Handling Judging Recommendations

06.08.18 FCI International Dog Show Dates: Updated Information

10.08.18 Minutes of the Meeting of the FCI Breeding Commission – Luzern, 2 June 2018


LW reported that she attended a Special Meeting of the FCI in August 2018 and would be submitting her report to the Federal Council.

She further reported on the criteria to be recognised as an FCI All Breeds Judge in that a judge must have judged for at least ten years, i.e. ten years starting from the first breed judged.


6.1 FBCSA – BC - nil

6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC) - nil

6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council - nil



Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of DOGSPC held on 31.07.2018

Circulated 06.08.2018.

Quorum present.






Noted that Mrs Lynn Scholtz has resigned as Chairman and the Vice-Chairman, Mrs J Barrow, is now Chairman for the remaining period of office.



8.1 21 new members and 41 lapsed members were elected.


9.1 Applications for Affiliation - nil

9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions

Cape Gundog Club

The members of the above Club approved the following Constitution amendment at its AGM held 30 June 2018.

Clause 5 - The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer

The Honorary Secretary shall keep minutes of all Committee meetings. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep proper books of account and shall submit an audited financial statement to the Annual General Meeting. In the absence of the Honorary Secretary or the Honorary Treasurer, they shall ensure that their respective/relevant books are made available to the meeting and the meeting shall appoint a substitute Secretary/Treasurer pro tem.


"At each Annual General Meeting an Independent Financial Practitioner shall be appointed for purposes of verification of the Club's assets and for the audit of the Club's accounts and its Statements of Financial Position (balance sheet). The Independent Financial Practitioner, who need not be a Member of the Club, shall prepare a report, or statement on the financial position of the Club prior to the Annual General Meeting and such report, or statement, shall accompany the financial statements presented at the Annual General Meeting.

The "Independent Financial Practitioner" means a person with trusted and proven experience in the examination of accounts and financial records and in the statement of financial results, but who does not necessarily hold the formal qualifications required of an auditor".

Approved subject to the word “Honorary” being removed from Clause 5 and anywhere else as appropriate.

AB advised that she was still waiting for the updated ‘specimen club constitution’ as approved by Fedco

9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 - Dispensation for Registration

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litters whelped 17 March 2017 (3 puppies), 10 May 2017 (3 puppies) and 19 September 2016 (5 puppies), breeder, Mr A Austen (Deceased).

Approved, subject to receipt of payment.

Rottweiler (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 31 January 2015, breeder Mr EA Badat.


German Shepherd Dog (Short –Haired) (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 04 November 2015, five (5) puppies, breeder Mr B Staal

Deferred pending clarification of DNA requirements. (PM and LW)

Bulldog (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 26 May 2014, one (1) puppy, breeder Mr NMJ Prinsloo.


American Staffordshire Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 28 April 2017, breeder Mr SR Stevens.


Poodle (Toy) (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 24 April 2016, breeder, Mrs YE Bouls.


9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 – Amendment to Registers (Exco 07-2018 item 9.4)

Incorrect details of Sire and Dam recorded on application for registration of complete litter.

Litter whelped 17 May 2018 nine (9) puppies: Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

At the July Exco Meeting it was tabled that the Breeder, Mr JC Loots, inadvertently inserted the incorrect details for the Sire and Dam on the litter application form. It was also advised that the Breeder voluntary undertook to have DNA Parentage Verification done, although this regulation is not yet in force.

This correction was approved at the July 2018 Exco, subject to the DNA Parentage Verification.

Since then the breeder phoned the KUSA Office on 24.07.2018 to explain that he was completing application forms for 2 litters and when putting the documents together he mismatched the first page to the second page. He realised the mistake as soon as he received the Certificates of Registration. (The litter was registered and posted on the 3 July 2018 and he contacted the KUSA office on the 9 July 2018). He immediately returned the 9 Certificates of Registration together with the Sworn Affidavit and fee for the rectification of our records.

DNA Parentage verification was done for the one puppy only that is still in his possession and the other dogs are with their new owners all over the country, thus making it difficult to get the owners to do the DNA Parentage verification.

He has asked if Exco would reconsider its decision and waive the DNA Parentage verification requirement for the entire litter.

Agreed to accept the request from the breeder.

9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates - nil

9.6 Schedule 2 Reg. 17 – Recognition of Breeds


Request received to have the above-mentioned breed recognised. FCI Breed Standard No. 56, Group 1, Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)

FCI Breed Standard attached.

That the Pumi be recognised for inclusion in the Herding Group.

Effective 01.01.2019

9.7 Elbow Dysplasia - Right elbow not evaluated due to trauma and surgery

KUSA office received an International Hip/Elbow Dysplasia Certificate F 2434 with the comment “Not evaluated due to trauma and surgery” which explained why the right elbow was not graded. The comment is supported by a Veterinary Report issued by Dr Christelle le Roux from OVAH, Section of Diagnostic Imaging.

Schedule 2 (Breed Specific Registration Requirements) Appendix “C” 6.2 states the following “Dogs must be presented for hip and elbow x-rays. At the time of x-ray a dog must be 18 months of age or older.” and Appendix “C” 6.6 states the following “The elbow X-ray results must be submitted with the hip X-ray results, but are for record purposes only. “

The owner of the dog would like to know if the dog can be used for breeding.

The office has not consulted with the Rottweiler Breed Council or would Exco prefer that we obtain a recommendation on this matter from the RBC and then revert back to Exco.

Copy of International Hip/Elbow Dysplasia Certificate F2434 and Veterinary report attached to agenda.

After discussion it was resolved to refer the matter to the RBC.

9.8 Ridgeless Ridgebacks

Zimbabwe Kennel Club (Jean Schreiber) is enquiring what KUSA’s stand is on Ridgeless Ridgebacks. LW undertook to report on this.

Correspondence received indicates that a proposal has been made to the FCI to classify the Ridgeless dog as a variety of the Rhodesian Ridgeback.

ZKC to be advised that KUSA was not in agreement with this and will keep them informed.

Work in progress.


10.1 LW advised of an inquiry regarding an application to register a litter from semen collected in 2005. DR advised that the document sent was not the collection certificate. To be referred to PM.

10.2 Application Form for Export Pedigree Certificate to be updated. LW to liaise with DR and PM. PM advised that she already had a template.

10.3 NdP reported that procedures were being put in place for a Bull Terrier Club in the NAPC area to be converted to a Terrier Club.

10.4 RJ reported that Sasolburg KC will be making application to have its 2019 Show one week earlier, i.e. from week 40 to week 39.


Tue 18 Sept 2018

The meeting closed at 14h22 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.