2018-02 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas



Via telecon:

RB Jenkins (Vice-Chair – in the Chair), L Wilson, R Juckes, DC Sparg, R Zeeman

Staff in attendance: Mrs P Midgley (General Manager), Miss SA Thornberry (Secretary), Mrs A Bastick & Miss D Rosier

Apologies: NJ du Preez

The recent death of Sue Duff (GAU) was noted with sadness.


The Minutes of the meeting held on 30th January 2017 were formally adopted, subject to the following amendment:

Item 5.9.1 to read “The following have been issued IPO Helpers’ Licences:” (not Judges)


3.1 Amendments to Club Constitutions (Exco 10-2017 item 3.1)

Deferred, pending directive from Fedco at Fedco 12-2017:

Saint Bernard Association of Northern Gauteng (Exco 06-2017 item 9.2.1, Exco 07-2017 item 3.9)

Cape Bullmastiff Club (Exco 06-2017 item 9.2.1, Exco 07-2017 item 3.9)

Sasolburg Kennel Club (Exco 6-17 Item 9.2.3, Exco 07-2017 item 3.8, Exco 08-2017 item 3.3)

Northern Tshwane Kennel Club

Natal Utility Breeds Club

Western Province Bull Terrier Club

To be carried forward to Fedco 06-2018 agenda.

3.2 Exhibit incorrectly entered in Champions Class (Exco 10-2017 item, Exco 11-2017 item 3.3; Exco 01-18 item 3.2)

See previous discussions on the following dog:

Breed: Border Collie

Reg. No: ZA003043B16

Name of Dog: Giftnell It'samagicparty

Owned by Miss O Orsmond

Quote from Exco 01-18:

“At Exco 11-2017, the Secretary was instructed to write to the registered owner requesting a statement advising which shows she did give authorisation for the dog to be entered.

In the meantime, everything concerning this dog, its Champion status and the fine imposed, is to be placed ‘on hold’ until this information is received.

Exco also to look at the wording of Schedule 3 Regulation 33 - Fines and Penalties.

An email was sent on 11.01.2018 and any reply will be tabled.”

Although no response was received directly from Miss Orsmond, an email was received from Lizette Smook (attached to agenda.)

The content of Mrs Smook’s email was noted, which included, inter alia, her taking responsibility for entering the dog as a Champion for three Shows (NTKC, KUSA Championship Show & KUSA Winners Show), as she had wrongly assumed that the dog was already declared a Champion. She apologises for this and for not consulting Onel Orsmond when she entered the dog in these three shows.

At Exco 01-2018, the Secretary was requested to send a letter (sent on 20.01.2018) to Miss Orsmond requesting confirmation of whose signatures appears on show entry forms, in order to establish if they were ‘authorised’ entries.

Any reply will be tabled.

No response at the date of the meeting.

It was suggested that a stern letter be sent to Miss Orsmond pointing out the contraventions of the regulations and warning her of the possible consequences and advising the correct procedures to follow. However, there was not full agreement to this and it was suggested that she be fined R1000 as per Schedule 3 Regulation 33. The taking away of the Champion status of the dog is a possibility.

However, in view of the comments about Regulation 33 (Fines and Penalties) by Clr Du Preez at Exco 01-2018, it was decided to first refer the matter to NdP (who was not present at this meeting) and RZ and request a response by 15.03.2018 or discuss at the ‘face-to-face’ meeting.


3.3 Schedule 3 Regulation 33 Fines and Penalties (Exco 11-17 item 3.3, Exco 01-18 item 3.3)

This regulation is to be discussed at a ‘face-to-face’ meeting of Exco in Gauteng.

LW suggested Tue 17.04.2016 or Thu 17.05.2018.

[27.04.2018 in Gauteng has since been decided.]

3.4 Applications for Second Championship Shows - Clarity on the Club's application status in view of the Federal Council Ruling (Exco 01-2018 item 5.2)

Having regard to the Fedco 12-2017 ruling it was decided that notice be given to Clubs wishing to hold 2ndChampionship Shows that, from 01.01.2019, they will be required to hold a Non-Championship Show or a Breed Seminar before Exco will consider approval.

Deferred from January:

Northern Free State Bull Terrier Club - 14 April 2018


Victory Toy Dog Club - 26 October 2018


Eastern Districts Kennel Club - 15 July 2018

Donation has been given to Goldfields Grounds Committee (See email attached to agenda). The decision regarding the Non-Championship show requirement still has to be addressed.

Club has advised that it is negotiating with an overseas Judge who is keen to present a seminar, which LW thought was an excellent idea and should be implemented where other clubs elect not to hold a Non-Championship Show.


TKC Kennel Club - Second Championship - 13 October 2019 [Exco 01-2018 Item]

Show returns received.

Approved , subject to undertaking to work with the Specialist Clubs.

[Note: See under item 5.2.1 of this agenda for Fedco ruling.]

3.5 Eastern Districts Kennel Club – Supa 7s (Exco 01-2018 item 10.1)

LW noted that the recent event was not held in accordance with the current Schedule 5E (15) 1.6. The Office to write to the Club and request an explanation.

Reply attached to agenda and noted with thanks.

Club to be advised that if the format of the competition is to be changed, the amendments to the Schedule will have to be approved by the Provco and then Fedco.

3.6 DNA Profiling – Imported Semen (Exco 01-2018 item 10.3)

RJ noted that DNA profiling will be introduced for imported and exported dogs and enquired about imported semen or any breeding material. PM advised that the information received from the Onderstepoort Veterinary Services was that it was not possible to retain a drop of the semen from AI to do DNA profiling as there would most probably not be enough.

Noted with the comment that more investigation was needed.

Any further information to be tabled.

After discussion the following proposal by LW was approved in principle, subject to refinement of the wording:

“Any Breeding Material extracted after XXX date must have a DNA Profile Number”

It is envisaged the XXX date as being 01.01.2019.

So, if semen is imported in 06.2019 and the semen was collected before this date, say 05.2001, then a DNA Profile Number is not required.

The above wording should cover the concern of taking existing frozen semen into account and allow for registration of the litter without a DNA profile on the sire.

For recommendation to Fedco 06-2018


4.1 Office Report

After discussion the report was approved.


Financial Report for December 2017 and January 2018

An email concerning the 2016/2017 Financial Statement has been received from KUSA Member Fran Browning Cristina. PM to reply directly to the Member.



Case 06-2015

Date still to be finalised – deferred from February due to political uncertainty in Cape Town.

[Note: Hearing has since been arranged for Tue 10th April 2018.]

Another complaint has been received and the SCI is in communication with the Complainant.


5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Show

Note extract from Fedco 12-17:

“7.5. 2nd Championship Shows Surveys

The Chairman noted that some Provcos had conducted surveys on the 2nd Championship Show and enquired whether these had rendered definitive results. The answer was a universal “no” but, broadly speaking, the following conclusions could be drawn from the exercise:

7.5.1. Exco should continue awarding 2nd Championship Show licences to clubs that request them.

7.5.2. The criteria applied for the awarding of 2nd Championship Shows should be more stringent, for instance, it should be conditional on the holding of a Non-Championship Show and on compliance with the club’s undertakings in the previous year.

7.5.3. The criteria should be more leniently applied in non-populous areas, i.e. to the clubs of the FS&NCPC and EC&BPC.

The opposition of two Federal Councillors to the holding of a Non-Championship Show being considered as a condition for the awarding of a 2nd Championship Show licence in any area was noted.

After further discussion it was concluded that it was not possible to set hard and fast criteria for the awarding of 2nd Championship Show licences. Each case needed to be assessed on its own merits, taking the above points into account, but also exercising sound judgment with regard to the possible impact on other shows around the country. Applications for 2nd Championship Shows should be subject to much closer scrutiny in future and the appeal to Exco is to exercise its discretionary powers in this regard with prudence and circumspection.” Pietermaritzburg Kennel Club - Championship Show - 9th September 2018

The above Club wishes to host a 2nd Championship Show together with Hibiscus and Margate Kennel Clubs in September 2018. They have hosted this event for the last two years and there are no conflicting events.

Affiliation fees, AGM & Audited Accounts are all up to date as are previous show returns. No outstanding fees.

(Motivation attached to agenda.)

Noted that this Show is held in conjunction with the Pietermaritzburg Garden Show, which is well attended by the public from all over KZN and is a good opportunity to give exposure to the KUSA brand. Banners/teardrops are to be obtained from KUSA to promote KUSA to the public.


5.2.2 Other Club Matters Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8

Any proposed changes to the wording of the above Regulation, e.g. the requirement for sworn statements to be discussed at ‘face-to-face’ meeting of Exco.

LW asked RZ to look at this Regulation, particularly with regard to the sworn statement requirement. Following the Sasolburg KC Ch Show held on 30.09.2017, a temporary exclusion order was issued in respect of Rottweiler Dog, Apollo Prince of Stjephanic House of Torbrit Reg No ZA001028C16, owned by Miss BR Theunissen, due to his reportedly showing aggression towards the Judge.

Miss Theunissen claims that she is desperately trying to get him tested but cannot get anyone to tell her when there is next a CGC test in Gauteng. In the meantime, despite the exclusion order, she has managed to enter him at the recent Jacaranda KC Non-Ch Show where he won BOB and 1st in the Working Group.

The temporary exclusion order issued in terms of Schedule 3 Regulation 14 clearly states that the dog is “excluded from entry to or exhibition at any Show held under KUSA Regulations with immediate effect until further notice. The exclusion will remain in force until a decision is made at a Meeting of the Executive Committee.”

Therefore, this dog was entered and exhibited at the above Show contrary to KUSA Regulations. After further discussion, it was agreed that the awards should be withdrawn and a letter to be sent to the owner of the dog pointing out that she had contravened the Regulations.

Enquiries were being made about the holding of CGC tests. AB was asked to provide Secretary with list of CGC Evaluators. Penalties for Late submission of Documents

With the increase of penalties approved by Federal Council last year for shows being held from 01.01.2018, we are finding that the penalties for Non-Championship Shows are much higher.

Some time ago, the Executive Committee capped the Non-Championship penalty fee at R300.00

The office requires input with regard to a possible increased capped figure or to do away with it altogether.

[To take into consideration the lower number of entries and subsequently less income for the Club as well as the costs to put on the Show.]


That, as Exco was trying promote Non-Championship Shows, the amount exceeding R300 to be discounted off the total on the invoices.

5.2.3 KUSA CLASSIC 2018 – KUSA IPO Meisterschaft – Dobermann Club of the Cape – 19/20 May 2018

Documents all received and show processed. Licence pending replacement Helper.

Noted. 2018 – Free State & N Cape – Breed 2&3 June 2018, Working Disciplines 4-6 August 2018

Quarterly progression feedback reports were requested.

Acknowledgement of request received. Any further information will be tabled.

No further information. Reminder to be sent – information to be requested for Exco 02-2018 meeting.

Quarterly progression report still outstanding. 2018 – KUSA National Working Trials (Classic), TT & WUD – 14-15 July 2018

To be hosted by The Transvaal Working Trials Association (TWTA) .

Response to KUSA letter regarding budget received on 05.02.2018 and attached to agenda.

Noted and budget approved with thanks and appreciation for reducing the expenses. 2019 – Gauteng

The Consulting Committee is drafting its budget and will report back.

Noted – arrangements progressing.


New heading “Judges Education Council” (JEC) to be added to future agendas.

5.4 HANDLERS - nil


[Note: AGM of NSC scheduled for 20.03.2018]




5.8.1 The following Judge has been placed on the "A" Panel for Retrievers by the Field Trial Liaison Council:

Mr H. Oberholzer (Gau)

Noted with congratulations.

5.8.2 The following Judges have been placed on the "B" Panel for Retrievers by the Field Trial Liaison Council:

Ms A. Barret (Gau)

Ms B. Brown (Gau)

Mrs P. Jordi (Gau)

Noted with congratulations.

5.8.3 Animal Protection Act – Objections to proposed amendments by FTLC

The FTLC has requested that KUSA table a strongly worded objection to the proposed changes to the Animal Protection Act.

The FTLC has been asked to revert with a list of the proposed amendments they have issue with by 23.02.2018.

Correspondence attached to agenda.

The FTLC reverted with the list of proposed amendments that they objected to and this was circulated.

Discussion ensued and the matter was handed over to Fedco for attention.


[Note: it was subsequently found out that Fedco Clr Robinson has done work regarding this.]

5.8.4 Mandatory Membership of KUSA – FTLC

The following letter has been received from FTLC and it attached together with the documents referred to:

“1. Objection from the FTLC to FEDCO regarding Mandatory Membership of KUSA – June 2017;

2. Extract from the FEDCO Minutes, June 2017;

3. E-mail forwarded to the FTLC during December 2017 in response to a query regarding KUSA Membership;

4. Extract of the January 2018 FTLC Meeting.

It was our understanding, and therefore the objection that was raised, that all dogs competing in field trials should belong to KUSA members.

The e-mail however referred to in (3) above indicates that the owners of dogs entered in Puppy/Junior/Maiden/Novice need not be members of KUSA as these will be considered “Non-Championship Shows”.

Furthermore, Schedule 5C(1) – Retrievers makes allowance for SAHR points, which confer the titles of Working Hunter Retriever (WHR), Novice Hunting Retriever (NHR), Master Hunting Retriever (MHR) and Grand Master Hunting Retriever (GMHR) on dogs, accumulated in Junior, Maiden, Novice and Open Stakes respectively. Dogs must attain 70% or more to obtain SAHR points in each stake.

These titles are captured on the FT Database and verified by the FTLC. Once this has been submitted to KUSA the titles are included on the pedigree of the dog, just like the Field Qualifying (FQ) stake.

We are therefore kindly seeking clarity from KUSA if these titles will be conferred on Junior, Maiden and Novice dogs if the respective owners are not members of KUSA, as well as clarity on the issue relating to whether handlers in the junior stakes need to be KUSA members.

Regarding Schedule 5C(3) – HPR Breeds, we also need clarification about how this will impact on dogs that participate in field trials with regard to the NFTA Reciprocity agreement.

It would be much appreciated if you could provide some clarity on the above so that this can be conveyed to all field trial competitors.”

After discussion it was agreed that the matter be referred to Fedco for a response.

5.9 IPO

5.9.1 Minutes of AGM of NIPOSC held on 02.02.2018

Received and circulated on 09.02.2018



5.10.1 The following judge has been issued with a Dog Jumping Judges' Licence.

Mr D. Brown (Gau)

Noted with congratulations.


5.11.1 The following judge completed KUSA requirements and has been accepted as a Carting judge:

Mrs A. Buhmann (Gau)

Noted with congratulations.

5.11.2 The following Judges’ reports have been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:

First Report:

Mrs L. Thompson (Gau) - Goldfields Supporter Club of Southern Gauteng - Non-Championship Show - 25 June 2016

Second Report:

Mrs L. Thompson (Gau) - Teckel Club - Non-Championship Show - 29 January 2017

Noted with congratulations.

5.11.3 The following judge has been issued with a Carting Judges' Licence.

Mrs S. Van der Molen (Gau)

Noted with congratulations.

5.11.4 Carting NSC AGM scheduled for 28.02.2018



5.12.1 The following judge has been issued with an Agility Judges' Licence.

Miss Y. Bakker (Gau)

Noted with congratulations.


5.13.1 A KUSA Member Dr. Lauterbach would like to make her dog up as a Flyball Grand Champion utilising regulations in force prior to 2013. Both applications for Champion and Grand Champion arrived in 2017.

Ashani Vom Llyris Fahari (Shandy) - GSD - Reg. No: ZA003943B16

The above dog was originally owned by Mrs A. Krause (GSDF dog) entered KUSA Events 2010-2013 with Federation Reg No as per agreement. No applications for Champion status were received during this time.

Transfer of ownership was completed 29 February 2016 to Dr. Lauterbach and the dog was registered with KUSA.

Shandy was declared a Champion July 2017 with 300 points attained under current regulations.

We received an application for Grand Champion status in December 2017. The dog only had 1500 points. Current regulations state 3000 points.

Dr. Lauterbach was under the impression that the points prior to 2013 would still be honoured for events held prior to 2013. The application has events listed all prior to 2013 as part of the application.

Prior to 2013 the points for Flyball were as follows:

Champion Status: 300 points or more in any combination, of which a maximum of one third (100) may be obtained at Non-Championship Shows.

Grand Champion Status: 700 points or more in any combination at Championship & Non-Championship Shows

From 2013 they increased to:

Th One and Only Title: 1500 points

Grand Champion: 3000 points

May the office process the application based on the date of the events or as the application was received in December 2017, the current rules and regulations apply.

(Application attached to agenda.)

After discussion it was agreed that the request be granted.



5.16 TT – nil

5.17 DOG DANCING - nil

5.18 FCI

5.18.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:

30.01.18 FCI Show Commission: Agenda and Enclosures – Meeting to be held 24 & 25 Feb in Portugal

07.02.18 FCI International Breeding Strategies

07.02.18 Regulations for FCI Dog Shows

07.02.18 Updated Lists of the Delegates of the FCI Commissions (2017 FCI General Assembly)

07.02.18 Minutes of the FCI Dog Dancing Commission: Online Meeting 29 – 31 Jan 2018

08.02.18 Minutes of the FCI Dog Dancing Commission: Online Meeting 29 – 31 Jan 2018

08.02.18 FCI Partnership Contract: Lebanon

08.02.18 Notice of Suspension of Judge: Mr Johan Juslin

08.02.18 Notice of Suspension of Judge: Ms Eija Lehtimäki

15.02.18 FCI Commission for Canicross & Turnierhundsport: First Meeting for 2018

15.02.18 FCI Commission for Rally Obedience: First Meeting For 2018

20.02.18 Russian Kennel Club – letterhead

20.02.18 Changes to Breed Standard: Spinone Italiano (Italian Spinone)

Noted with the comment by LW that she was unable to attend the Show Commission in Portugal and had tendered her apologies to those concerned.


6.1 SABOX – refer to item 9.

6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC) - nil

6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council

Minutes of AGM held 21.10.2017

Received and circulated on 06.02.2018.

GSDLC to be asked to submit its proposal for the definition of a GSD Specialist Club.






Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of WCPC held on 15.01.2018

Received on 23.01.2018 and circulated on 22.02.2018.

Quorum present.

Received with the Minutes:

SARS requirements for Clubs – issued by WCPC

WCPC Profit & Loss Report

Top Dog Profit and Loss Report

Obedience SC Report

WCPC Events Calendar 2018



7.5.1 Minutes of AGM held 19.11.2017.

Received on 30.01.2018 and circulated on 09.02.2018

Quorum present

As previously noted at Exco 11-2017, Mrs L Scholtz was elected as Chairman and Mrs J Barrow as Vice-Chairman.

Hon Secretary – Mrs B Claasen

Mr I Judd will continue as Treasurer.




8.1 36 new members and 34 lapsed members were elected.


9.1 Applications for Affiliation

Congratulations and thanks to Clrs Hubbard and Robinson for their efforts in bringing the Federation of Boxer Clubs of SA (FBCSA) over to KUSA. Also thanks to the FBCSA and SABOX for moving forward with the best interests of their Breed at heart.

9.1.1 Eastern Boxer Club

The following documents were circulated on 21.02.2018:

  • FBCSA Eastern Boxer Club (EBC) SGM minutes of the 14th January 2018.

Please refer to Clause 4 where all members agreed to adopt the new KUSA EBC Constitution.

Please refer to Clause 5 & 6 whereby all Club members elected to remain a fully functional Club, affiliated to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

  • EBC club officials details for the KUSA office
  • EBC Final KUSA Club Constitution
  • EBC signed last page of the EBC KUSA Club Constitution.

Affiliation approved.

9.1.2 Northern Boxer Club

The following documents were circulated on 21.02.2018:

1 scanned document “Northern Boxer Club – affiliation application documents Jan 18”, containing:

  • FBCSA Northern Boxer Club (NBC) SGM minutes of the 28th January 2018.

Please refer to Clause 2 where all members agreed to adopt the new KUSA NBC Club Constitution.

Please see the NBC signed last page of the NBC KUSA Club Constitution.

Please see the NBC club officials’ details for the KUSA Office.

  • NBC Final KUSA Club Constitution.

Affiliation approved.

9.1.3 FBCSA-KUSA – Application to Exco for FBCSA Club Affiliations

Information pertaining to the negotiations between the KUSA Task Team and the FBCSA regarding these affiliations (circulated on 21.02.2018).

a. Extracts from the Memorandum of Understanding between KUSA & FBCSA

b. Extract from the Fedco Minutes – December 2017.


9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions

In terms of the Federal Council decision in respect of the Boxer Clubs, we hereby table the amended Constitutions of KUSA Affiliated Clubs:

9.2.1 Western Province Boxer Club

9.2.2 Boxer Club Golden Reef

9.2.3 KwaZulu-Natal Boxer Club

Circulated on 21.02.2018


9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 - Dispensation for Registration

Border Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 22 April 2016, breeder Mrs H Van Beerschoten-Roschlau.


Shar Pei (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 30 January 2014, breeder Mr L and Mrs D Liebenberg.


Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 18 September 2016, breeder Mr JM Le Roux.


Rottweiler (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 28 February 2016, breeder Mr EA Badat.


Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 07 September 2016, breeder Mr E Putter.


9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 – Amendment to Registers - nil

Incorrect details of Dam recorded on applications for registration of complete litter.

Litter whelped 08 July 2017, three (3) puppies: Pekingese.

The Breeder, Mrs F Prior, inadvertently inserted the details for the incorrect Dam on the litter application form.

Sworn Affidavit received. Incorrect Certificates Returned. Fees paid.


Please note Schedule 2, Regulation 9 effective 01/02/2017.

“The Kennel Union may amend any of its Registers or the Obedience and Trial Dogs Record to rectify any errors or omissions therein and every application for rectification made by the owner of a dog shall be accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7. In the case of application to change the dam or sire of a registered litter, KUSA reserves the right to request DNA parentage verification of the entire litter.”

Discussion ensued on the above Regulation and in order for the Exco to consider exercising its right to request DNA parentage verification it was agreed that, in future, the date the litter was registered should also be included on the agenda.

9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates

9.5.1 Dobermann Bitch BEKANNTSCHAFT B’CARDI’S DREAM – Reg no ZA002939B11. Microchip No 900088000304643

Dental Record from Brackenfell Veterinary Clinic confirming that a fractured tooth was extracted.


9.6 Staffordshire Bull Terriers – judged on table at KUSA Show

Emails received from J Vermeulen and A Austin regarding the judging of Staffordshire Bull Terriers at SALKA Show on 07.02.2018. These were attached to the agenda.

LW advised that this was tabled at the JEC Meeting held over the past weekend (24/25 February) and feedback was awaited.

RZ commented that he was aware that some exhibitors request that their Staffordshire Bull Terriers are judged on a table.

To be carried forward to next agenda.


10.1 Life Members - LW reminded the Secretary that she needed information regarding the years of service of Exco Members.


Tue 20th March 2018

[Note: Fedco takes place on 23/24th Jun 2018 - closing date for Fedco 06-2018 is 24.04.2018]

The Meeting closed at 14h10 with a vote of thanks to the Chair

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.