2017-02 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas


In accordance with the above Article, Clr L Wilson was unanimously elected as Chairman of Exco and Clr RB Jenkins as Vice-Chairman.

Via telecon:
Clrs L Wilson (Chairman) RB Jenkins (Vice-Chair), DC Sparg, R Juckes, NJ du Preez,
R Zeeman
Staff in attendance: Mrs P Midgley, Miss SA Thornberry (Secretary), Mrs A Bastick and Miss D Rosier
Apologies: Clr CJL Griffith

The following recent deaths were noted with much regret:
Dr Ada Schmidt Dumont (Windhoek)
Mr Nick J Claasen – E Cape – well known Judge of Working Disciplines.

The Minutes of the meeting held on 22.11.2016 were formally confirmed.


3.1 DNA Profiling/Parentage Verification (Exco 10-15 item 10.5; Exco 11-15 item 3.7; Exco 11-15 item 3.7; Exco 01-2016 item 3.5; Exco 02-16 item 3.3; Exco 04-16 item 3.3, Exco 11-16 item 3.2)
Work session to be held in February 2017 with the intention of preparing a proposal for Fedco 06-17.
Task team – PM, RJ & Clr Hubbard.
RJ and PM have met and discussed. RJ to present report for March 2017 agenda.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.2 Hot Weather Policy at Dog Shows (Exco 04-16 item 3.7, Exco 07-16 item 3.4, Exco 11-16 item 3.3, )
Proposal presented to Fedco 12-16. The following decision is taken from the unconfirmed minutes of Fedco 12-16:
“The general feeling was that the onus should be on dog owners to ensure the comfort of their dogs in hot weather, and not on Clubs.
Clubs can assist with announcements when the heat starts getting uncomfortable.”
Noted with the comment that a suitable clause could be included in the Code of Ethics.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.3 Nampo Agricultural Show in Bothaville (Exco 05-16 item 10.2, Exco 11-16 item 3.4)
RJ advised that discussions with various parties indicated that KUSA participation at NAMPO would be extremely costly and it was agreed that the project should be closed for now.

3.4 Terms of Reference for Provincial Sub-Committees (Exco 07-2016 – item 3.10, Exco 09-16 item 3.8, Exco 11-16 item 3.5)
Mr Shortland’s document was circulated to Exco members for discussion at the March meeting.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.5 Schedule 3 Regulation 14 – Exclusion of Dogs (Exco 04-16 item 9.7, Exco 05-16 item 9.7. Exco 07- 2016 item 3.6, Exco 10-16 item 3.6, Exco 11-16 item 3.6)
NdP has submitted proposed changes to the above regulation. These will be circulated to Exco for discussion at the March meeting.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.6 Underage Puppy shown in Baby Puppy Class at JKC Non-Championship Show held on 30.10.2016 (Exco 11-16 item
Letter dated 04.01.17 sent to owner of puppy pointing out the regulations and requesting an explanation. The owner has responded as follows:

“I have no explanation as I was not the exhibitor of the dog.”
Note: When similar circumstances were presented to Exco previously it was noted that this is difficult for Club Secretaries to control at Non-Championship Shows unless all exhibitors are required to present registration certificates when entering a show.

A further letter has been sent to the owner – reply awaited.
Resolved that the dog be disqualified and any awards be withdrawn.

3.7 Schedule 3 Regulation 14 & 17 Exclusion of Dogs (Exco 11-16 item 9.8)
Due to a incident at the Cape Town Kennel Club Championship Show held on 16.10.2016 resulting in the Judge being bitten, a barring notice was issued iro Rottweiler Bitch Liberlumar Ebony, Reg No ZA050807B14. The owner was advised of the Exco’s recommendations regarding CGC (Bronze and Silver), as well as an assessment under three Judges.
Representations were received on behalf of the dog from Attorneys Bouwer Potgieter, however, as the documents only arrived in the Office this morning, there was insufficient time for the Committee to peruse them.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.8 Qualifying Shows on the DSP computer system (Exco 11-16 item 10.2)
Item withdrawn.

3.9 Breeders Class (Appendix 1 Definition of Classes - Schedule 3) (Exco 11-16 item 10.3)
LW to circulate the different definitions used by The Kennel Club and FCI for comparison with KUSA’s definition which reads as follows:
“BREEDERS (BR) For dogs where the exhibitor is the Breeder. The Breeder is the owner of the dog at the time of whelping.”
To be carried forward to next agenda.

3.10 Dobermann Club of Natal – (Exco 11-16 Item 9.2.2.)
The following amendment was deferred pending clarification regarding amalgamation of roles in the 2nd paragraph.
The Club has amended the clause as indicated below:
Delete words in [ ] and insert words underlined:
At its AGM held 12th March 2016, the above Club approved the following Amendments to its Club Constitution.

The office bearers of the Club shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Director of Training, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer [,the latter two]. Any two roles assigned to one individual is at the discretion of the Management Committee, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
Not accepted.
Further clarification required as such a clause could result in the Chairman and the Treasurer being the same person.

Postal Votes
Although the following amendment was not objected to by Exco at the meeting held in November 2016, an email dated 01.01.2017 was received from David Thompson asking that Exco should look at this in more depth as he is of the opinion that postal votes are not far removed from proxy votes and he is totally against both.

Voting by proxy is not permissible, but postal votes are accepted if such [proxy] vote, properly signed, is [handed to] received by Secretary before the commencement of the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

The last time a policy decision was made on this subject appears to be in February 1984 when the Fedco resolved unanimously “that proxy votes be not permitted in any Club Constitution but that there was no objection to postal votes under suitable arrangements.”
Clause 22 was approved.

3.11 Fedco 12-16 Minutes
The Chairman reported on decisions made at the December Fedco meeting.

There was a brief discussion on the decision regarding membership becoming compulsory for dog owners who show at Championship Shows. RJ suggested that a discounted rate could be introduced for those who are paid-up members of Clubs. The Chairman asked RJ to compile a proposal for the next meeting.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

4.1 Office Report
Upgrade to VDSL Internet Service:
In the last quarter of 2016, we experienced serious disruption to the internet service on a daily basis. As the K9 Admin system is an internet based web portal, this had an impact on output, productivity and staff morale. The admin portal would time out several times a day or alternatively the internet speed was exceptionally slow. Together with Siesol (IT Maintenance Contractor), we systematically looked at all aspects of the KUSA IT system (software, hardware, firewall, server etc.) to try to identify the root cause of the problem. In the end it was identified as a problem with bandwidth and internet speed. After considering the options available (upgrade to Fibre or upgrade the Telkom ADSL service) it was decided to upgrade to a Telkom VDSL 20MB service at a minimal extra cost of R75.00 per month opposed to Fibre which would cost an extra R1 500 per month.
A new router had to be purchased at R3 000.
There was an immediate improvement and we no longer experience daily timing out of the portal.
We are still experiencing some problems with the speed of the internet which will be monitored.
May have to consider upgrading to Fibre if internet speed is found to continue to hamper operations going forward.

Staff Performance Reviews:
Performance Reviews were conducted in January 2017.
Salary Increases (deferred from September 2016) were approved by D Thompson & C Griffith.
Goals and targets set for 2017.

SARS Tax Exemption:
The Annual Financial Statements for period ending 31 August 2016 was submitted to SARS Tax Exemption Unit.
Annual Tax Return (IT12EI) for 2016 was submitted to SARS.

Facebook – Dog of the Month:
EXCO 11-2016:
“Consideration to be given to posting on FB and website the list of breeds to be featured in ‘breed of the month’ for 2017 in order that interested parties can submit information and photographs. Consideration also to be given to posting KUSA statistics on FB.”
Example of type of campaign envisioned will be circulated. (NB. Rough Concept).
Discussion indicated that although the envisioned campaign had merit there were concerns about how well it would be monitored and decided to put the above proposal on hold for the time being. The dog of the month presently being featured will continue in the meantime.
It was also suggested that the FB page could be used to promote DNA testing.

Membership Renewals:
Fedco 12-2017 - Informal Meeting.
The KUSA Office and EXCO were asked to review the procedure for the reconciliation of payments deposited into the KUSA bank account with the aim to reduce the number of payments not being
able to be allocated to a specific member.
To be reviewed.

EXCO is to give consideration to the question whether Members have to sign and submit a membership renewal application form each year when their membership is renewed?
Costings to be obtained to set up a sms messaging service. (Signed up to Cell Find messaging portal)
Fedco has requested that second reminder renewal notices be re-introduced.
After discussion, it was agreed that PM would send the applicable forms to NdP and RZ to look at and report back at the next meeting. RJ suggested that a tick box could be used to indicate that by paying the membership renewal fee the applicant is accepting the KUSA Rules and Regulations. Provision would also need to be made for change of contact details.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

Financial Reports for November, December 2016 and January 2017
After discussion the Financial Reports for November, December 2016 and January 2017 were

Case 06-2015
A Court date was set for late November after which arrangements for a hearing will proceed if necessary. It is understood this has been postponed.

Case 04-2016
The matter was stayed whilst the SCI awaited written confirmation from Complainant re pending criminal charge.
Note: Complainant has verbally advised the Secretary that SAPS was not proceeding with a criminal case due to his not being able to provide them with additional information as a result of the amount of travelling he has done, but that he wishes KUSA to proceed. The Secretary asked him to put this in a written statement and the SCI would decide whether or not to proceed. No such statement has been forthcoming.

Club Secretaries are to be made aware that, following Fedco 12-16, there is a New Licence Application Form. PM advised that all the decisions pertaining to Clubs will be included in a Newsletter for circulation to Clubs.

Schedule 3 Reg 1.2.2 – minimum number of dogs required to retain Championship status
AB referred to the moratorium agreed to at Fedco 06-2014 that for a period of time there would be no requirement for a minimum number of dogs to be present and exhibited in order for a Specialist or Group Club to retain Championship status.
The moratorium was put in place from 01.012013 to 31.12.2017, and the system to be monitored after which it should be decided whether the regulations should be amended. During the period of the moratorium Clubs are required to pay the levy for the minimum number of dogs present and exhibited as per Schedule 3, even if fewer dogs than the prescribed minimum are present and exhibited. If the number of dogs present and exhibited is greater than the prescribed number as per Schedule 3, the levy is payable for all the dogs exhibited. The KUSA Office will be required to provide statistical information for Fedco to make an informed decision.
June Fedco agenda.

5.2.1 KUSA CLASSIC 2017 – KwaZulu-Natal – 26, 27 & 28 May 2017
Qualification for Crufts 2018 for International Large Dog Agility. Combined score from Contact and Non-Contact at the 2017 KUSA Championship Show Grade 3 Agility Large Dogs.
The Agility NSC is in agreement with this.

5.2.2 KUSA Classic 2017 – Working Trials – Port Elizabeth – 14-17th July 2017 – Nationals and Championship Show
Budget awaited.

5.2.3 KUSA Classic 2018 – Free State & N Cape
Budget to be submitted.

5.2.4 KUSA Classic 2019 - Gauteng
The request for this event to be hosted by Western Gauteng Kennel Club is to be reviewed in light of the existing policy that Provcos are invited to make such applications.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

5.2.5 Applications for Second Championship Shows Free State Terrier Club – Friday 25th August 2017. (Br)
The above Club would like to apply for a second Championship Show. This will be held in conjunction with Northern Free State Kennel Club’s All Breed Championship Show.
After the success of this event held in 2016, the Club would like to again host a 2nd Championship Show.
All Show returns, penalties, AGM/Financial Documents and Affiliation have been received.
Approved. Northern Free State Bull Terrier Club – Saturday 8th April 2017 (Br)
The above Club would like to apply for a second Championship Show
As a Club which has hosted shows for many years, a trend that Non-Championship Shows do not get the attendance previously experienced has been noted. With all members being working people and the effort to get the show going being almost the same we find that our members become demotivated and only 10 to 15 entries are received after the effort expended. Furthermore, their faithful and long-time sponsors are reluctant to sponsor Non-Championship Shows. The suppliers experience harsh economic times and rightfully demand proper and worthwhile exposure for their support, something they believe will not happen at a Non-Championship Show. The Club believes that Non-Championship Shows shows serve a purpose but it does not make sense for them to continue with these Shows.
All Show returns, penalties, AGM/Financial Documents and Affiliation fees have been received.
Approved. TKC Kennel Club – Sunday 8th October 2017 (Br,Ob,Dj,Ag,Fly,Hcl)
The above Club would like to apply for a second Championship Show.
The Club always has International Judges and then they had a ‘back-to-back’ show they shared expenses with the other Club. This no longer happens. The 2nd Championship Show in 2016 was a success and entries were excellent.
Furthermore, the Club has not cancelled its Non-Championship Shows and is continuing with them as TKC feels that it is important to have learner Judges and Ring Stewards trained at these shows.
All Show returns, penalties, AGM/Financial Documents and Affiliation fees have been received.

5.3.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and are Licensed for the Group/s and Finals listed:
Mrs C. Buitendach (GAU) (Herding Group, BIS & BPIS)
Mr J. De Abreu Marques (WC) (Gundog Group, BIS & BPIS)
Mr J.N. Meyer (WC) (Toy Group)
Mr F. van der Linde (GAU) (Toy Group)
Noted with congratulations.

Good luck to Amy Kiefer for the third time representing KUSA at Crufts.

Meeting of Obedience NSC scheduled for 01.03.17 by teleconference.

5.6.1 The following judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Working
Trial Judges:
* (Schedule 3 exam completed)
Mr G. Baigrie (GAU)*
Mr D. Gerber (GAU)*
Mr R. Shortland (EC)
Noted with congratulations.

5.6.2 The following Assessments have been approved by the Provincial Council Working Trial (Classic Sub-Committee).
First Assessment:
Mrs K. Pohl (WC) – CD Trial – Cape Welsh Corgi Club – Non-Championship Show – 4th April 2016.
Second Assessment:
Mrs K. Pohl (WC) – CD Trial – Kennel Association – Non-Championship Show – 10th July 2016.
Noted with congratulations.

5.6.3 The following Judge’s Report was scrutinised and approved by KUSA Scrutineers:
Second Report:
Mrs C Patterson-Abrolat (GAU) – PD Trial – Birch Acres Dog Training Club – Championship
Show – 22 October 2016. (PD Trial Licensed Judge)
Noted with congratulations.

5.7.1 The following Judge completed the KUSA requirements and has been accepted as a WUD
Mrs M. Pietersma (GAU)
Noted with congratulations.

Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of FTLC held on 26.01.17
Received and circulated on 07.02.17.

5.8.1 IPO
Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 07.01.17
Election of Office Bearers:
Due to the resignation of Mr C van Hattem, Mr J Rautenbach was elected as Convener and Chairman.
Mrs R Claasen was elected as Secretary.

5.9.1 The following judges completed KUSA requirements and has been accepted as a Dog Jumping
Mr D Brown (GAU)
Miss S van Wyk (GAU) (incl. Schedule 3)
Noted with congratulations.

5.10.1 The following judge’s report has been approved by the Provincial Council Sub-Committee:
First Report:
Miss M. Fourie (WC) – Cape Town Kennel Club - Championship Show – 29 October 2016.
Noted with congratulations.

5.11.1 The following judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Agility
* (Schedule 3 exam completed)
Mrs T. Clinton (WC)*
Mrs S. Grobler (KZN)*
Mrs J. Hatton (GAU)*
Mrs C.D. Knox (GAU)*
Mr W.H. Knox (GAU) *
Mrs A. Minnaar (WC)
Noted with congratulations.

5.11.2 The following Judge has been issued an Agility Judges’ Licence:
Mr R. Hall (GAU)
Noted with congratulations.

5.11.3 Judging Criteria – Age
KUSA Judges are required to be at least 18 years of age, however, this is no longer clear in the Regulations, resulting in a minor being permitted to judge a Non-Championship Agility event.
It was agreed at the May 2010 Fedco meeting that the following Articles be moved to Schedule 3:
Article 25– Judges (25.1 to 25.5)
Article 26 – Powers of Club Show Committees
Article 27 – Champion Dogs (27.1 to 27.8)
Article 28 – Breeders Diploma
Accordingly, the above Clauses were in Schedule 3 as Clauses 34, 41, 42 and 43.

Article 25 re Judges was therefore moved to Sch 3 Reg 34 – 34.5 – this includes the wording “….be a member in good standing of the Kennel Union, who shall be over the age of 18 years….”

Schedule 4 also had the same wording for many years until 2013.

At Fedco 05-2012, it was resolved “that all items that are presently in Schedules 3, 4 and 4A relating to Judges and/or Judging to be moved to the new Schedule 10.”

The amended Schedules were circulated to Fedco and approved at the December 2012 Fedco meeting with an effective date of 01.07.13.

This resulted in the reference to the age limit being moved out of 4 to Schedule 10, which is specifically for Breed Judges and not for Working Disciplines. It, however, still remains in Schedule 3.

Schedule 5L, which clearly sets out the requirements to become an Agility Judge, makes no reference to the age limit. Schedule 5L Reg 1.1 does say under 1.1 Licensing and Show Rules “The Regulations relating to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3 (Ch Shows), Schedule 3A and Schedule 4 (Non-Ch Shows) of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of SA shall apply to competition for Agility Shows so far as they can be relevant to Agility Shows and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule 5L.” This may have covered the age limit had it not been removed from Schedule 4.

Maybe this age limit clause should be put back in the Articles.

Email dated 9.02.17 from the father of the candidate judge was circulated on 15.02.17.

Discussion ensued regarding the above as well as the circumstances leading up to the candidate judge being permitted to undertake the judging appointment on 5.02.17. Exco believes that this loophole should be closed as it was never the intention that a person under the age of 18 should be permitted to judge. The Office is aware that the candidate judge wishes to apply for two more Non-Championship Show appointments before November this year
After further discussion, it was noted that only the Federal Council could interpret the rules and before
referring the matter to Fedco, Clrs Du Preez and Zeeman should do a thorough examination of the relevant regulations before making a recommendation for Fedco’s consideration.

AGM of NSC scheduled for 17.03.17.



5.15 TT – nil


5.17 FCI
5.17.1 Circulars sent to Fedco Members:
24.11.16 FCI World Championships for Utility Dogs
24.11.16 Minutes of FCI Agility Meeting 26/27 Sep 16
24.11.16 Calendar 2016 to 2019 FCI Championships
25.11.16 Mondioring World Championships
08.12.16 Dog Dancing – invitation and agenda for meeting in Helsinki 27.1.17
08.12.16 General Assembly 30/31 Oct 16 – decisions
12.12.16 Calendar FCI Races and Coursings 2017
12.12.16 Havanese – change of country of origin to Cuba
20.12.16 FCI Judges Guidelines re ULNA measuring at International Flyball competitions
20.12.16 Specifications for the Flyball Open World Cup of FCI.
21.12.16 Judges revealed for Eukanuba World Challenge
06.01.17 Rescue Dogs Meeting 25/26 Feb invitation
06.01.17 Show Judges Meeting 05.02.17
06.01.17 Circular 1/2017 Regulations for FCI International Championships
06.01.17 Deadlines for Newsletter 2017
06.01.17 Agility Meeting 4&5th Feb 17 – invite and agenda
20.01.17 Show Judges Meeting 05.02.17 – addition to agenda
01.02.17 FCI Youth – new sub-section on website

6.1 SABOX - nil

6.2 Rottweiler Breed Council (RBC) – nil

6.3 German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council
Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 29.10.2016
Received and circulated on 23.11.2016
The Chairman (LW) undertook to discuss with the Chairman of the GSD Liaison Council and obtain clarity on certain matters.

7.1.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of DOGSPC held 29.11.2016
Received 30.12.16 and circulated on 06.02.17.
Quorum present.

Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 05.11.2016
Quorum present.
Received with the Minutes:
Confirmed minutes of 07.11.2015
Agenda i.r.o. KZNPC AGM held on 05.11.2016
Confirmed minutes of KZNPC AGM held on 05.11.2016
Chairman’s Report
Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 31/08/2016
Sub-Committee reports
Attendance Register

Unconfirmed Minutes of AGM held on 27.10.2016
Received 18.11.16 and circulated on 24.11.16
Quorum present.
Received with the Minutes:
Chairman’s Report
Sub-Committee Reports:
Flyball, Working Trials Classic, Judges

7.4.1 Minutes of Meeting of WCPC held on 21.11.2016
Received 01.12.16 and circulated on 13.02.17
Quorum present

7.4.2 Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of WCPC held on 17.01.2017
Quorum present.
Received with the Minutes:
Top Dog Profit and Loss
WCPC Profit and Loss
Agility Report
Events calendar
Agenda for next meeting 20.03.17

7.5.1 Minutes of AGM of EC&BPC held on 20.11.2016
Received 05.01.17 and circulated on 06.02.17
Quorum present.

7.5.2 Minutes of Meeting of EC&BPC held on 20.11.2016
Received 05.01.17 and circulated on 06.02.17
Quorum present.


8.1 54 new members and 107 lapsed members were elected.

9.1 Applications for Affiliation
9.1.1 Highveld Pomeranian Breeders Association
Application has been received together with the fee to become an Affiliated Specialist Breed Club.
At its inaugural meeting held 10th November 2016 it was agreed to become affiliated to KUSA. There are currently nine (9) members. Sponsoring Clubs are Jubilee Toy Dog Club (supported by Junior Kennel Club of Gauteng). The Club was recommended for approval at the D.O.G.S. Provincial Council Meeting held on 29th November 2016 at which a quorum was recorded as being present.
Choice of names in order of preference:
1. Highveld Pomeranian Breeders Association
2. Pomeranian Breeders Association
3. Pomeranian Toy Dog Club
4. Elite Pomeranian Breeders Association

Headquarters will be in the Western Centre of DOGSPC administrative area. Management Committee and quorums are as per the KUSA Specimen Constitution.
The Club has adopted the KUSA Constitution entirely.
that the Club be affiliated as a Specialist Club to operate in the DOGSPC Area. The first choice of name was granted.

NdP enquired how the East and West centres in Gauteng were allocated to Clubs and by whom. There appeared to be an inequality in some breeds with more Clubs being allocated to one centre and not another. This can have an effect on points gained towards Champion status (Sch 3 reg 42.2.2 refers – “not more than four (4) of the minimum five (5) points were gained in one centre,”
AB undertook to research rulings in this regard.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

9.1.2 Matrix GSD Western Cape
Application has been received together with the fee to become an Affiliated Specialist Breed
At its inaugural meeting held 11th December 2016 it was agreed to become affiliated to KUSA. There are currently nine (32) members. Sponsoring Club is Bellville GSD Club. The Club was recommended for approval at the Western Cape Provincial Council Meeting held on 21st November 2016 at which a quorum was recorded as being present.
Choice of names in order of preference:
1. Matrix GSD Western Cape
2. None
3. None

Headquarters will be in the Western Cape Provincial Council administrative area. Management Committee and quorums are as per the KUSA Specimen Constitution.
The Club has adopted the KUSA Constitution with amendments as follows:

Clause 5 - OBJECTS

The objects of the Club shall be:
a) to train, educate and support all members in all aspects of IPO (Internationale Prüfungs-
Ordnung) defined by the FCI and adopted from time to time by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa;
b) To organise and hold shows (including match meetings) in IPO / BH / FH / IPO-VO / IPO-ZTP / APr1-3 / FPr1-3 / SPr1-3 / STPr1-3 / TT (International Utility Dog Trials Qualifications) and other dog activities recognised by the KUSA as well as training for any or all of these activities.
that the Club be affiliated as a Specialist Club to operate in the WCPC area. The first choice of name was granted.

9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions
9.2.1 Toy Dog Breeders Association
At its AGM held 10th July 2016, the above Club approved the following amendment to its Club’s
Delete words in [ ] and insert words underlined:
(a) The financial year of the Club shall be the twelve calendar months ending [31st January] 30th September in each and every year.

9.2.2 Port Elizabeth Kennel Club
At its SGM held 13th June 2015 the above Club adopted the KUSA Specimen Constitution entirely, replacing its existing Constitution. (This includes Management Committee and Quorum).

9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 Dispensation for Registration
Rottweiler (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 23 September 2015, breeder Mrs E Scholtz.

German Short-haired Pointer (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 04 November 2015, breeder Mrs K Euvrard.

Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 19 November 2014, breeder Mr H Van Aardt.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litter whelped 26 May 2015, breeder Mr JJV Richards.

Rottweiler (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration)
Litters whelped 30 August 2014 (7 puppies) and 12 July 2014 (4 puppies), breeder
Mr S Naidoo.
Approved subject to receipt of payment.

9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 – Amendment to Registers - nil

9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates
Afghan Hound “Ch Scaramouche The Outlaw” Reg No ZA045482B14 Microchip 953010000147048. KUSA is in receipt of a signed Veterinary Certificate confirming that the above mentioned canine has lost one of his incisors (101) due to an injury and not as result of a genetic fault nor deliberate.

9.6 Schedule 05E(11) Regulations for KUSA National Awards
Reg 5 Qualifications for Entry:

To have been obtained on or before the closing date for the Show. The qualifying dates indicated below shall be determined by the dates on the relevant award cards.
5.1 Breed
5.1.1 National Dog Dogs which have been awarded KUSA (Breed) Championship status.
5.1.2 National Puppy For dogs under twenty-four (24) months on the day of the Show. The winner of Best Puppy in Show at [a] the KUSA Championship Show shall have automatic entry to the competition for National Puppy. Dogs which have been awarded Best Puppy in Show at All Breeds Club Championship Shows."

LW advises that a change to the wording at is necessary so that it is clearly understood that this is a puppy that has won at “The” KUSA Championship Show and not at “a” KUSA Championship Show.
Resolved to recommend the above change to Fedco via ‘round robin’ in order that it can be put into effect for the 2017 Classic weekend.
June Fedco agenda

10.1 NdP enquired if KUSA will be represented at the FCI General Assembly and was advised that it will be included on the Fedco agenda for June 2017.

10.2 Objections to Articles lodged ito of Article 40.3. It was confirmed that the deadline for objections was 31.03.17 and that any amendments objected to shall not be implemented if the majority of the overall total of affiliated clubs submit objections.

10.3 LW enquired if a Staff member (DR or AB) could attend the KUSA Classic 2017 in Durban to demonstrate how members can register on-line and use the Members portal and Club portal as users. PM asked if funds were available in the Classic Budget.

10.4 SARRC letter received 21.02.17 with regard to Rhodesian Ridgeback being moved from Sighthounds to Scent Hounds.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

10.5 NdP asked again about the Exco holding a ‘face-to-face’ meeting of Exco at least once. PM undertook to include with budget items for June Fedco.

Wed 22.03.17 at 13h00 (Tue 21.03.17 is a Public Holiday)

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the EXCO.