KUSA Club Announcements

Club Announcements & News

Posted in KUSA Club Announcements

Notice to Affiliated Clubs

We bring to your attention various amendments to the KUSA Articles & Schedules, most of which will become effective as of 1 January 2019.
For ease of reference, herewith please find a summary of the amendments. Please take careful note of all amendments.
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of KUSA - affiliated Clubs
As of 1 February 2019, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Clubs must be members of the Kennel Union. [Refer to Fedco 12-2017 Item 7.11]
New Specimen Club Constitution
Clubs are urged to update their Club Constitutions in order to comply with current regulatory requirements and take advantage of changes in technology to make provision for teleconference meetings etc.
Click here to download a copy of the new specimen Club Constitution.
Show Managers
As of 1 January 2019, Show Managers must be members of the Kennel Union. This is applicable to all Show Managers/Test Managers and Field Trial Managers across all Disciplines.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.10] 
Mandatory to display the KUSA logo on Championship Show Schedules
The official Schedule of any Championship Show shall display the KUSA logo in a format, version and size specified by the Kennel Union Office.
Clubs are requested to desist from using the 125 year celebration logo and to only use the attached logo, either in black or blue. The size of the logo may be changed to fit the page, but must be at least equal in size to the Club’s and Sponsor’s logos.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.9]
New Clause to appear on Championship Show Schedules
Save for the Breed Classes offered at Specialist Club Championship Shows, all dogs entered and exhibited at Championship Shows must be registered in the ownership of members of the Kennel Union.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 4.5.2]
In-Show Challenges at Championship Shows
Only two (2) dogs shall be placed in all In-Show Challenges at Championship Shows where dogs of more than one Group are exhibited.
Further, as of 1 January 2020, the various Best in Show Challenges, whether at a Group, multiple Group or All-Breeds Championship Show, shall be judged by the same Judge.
Please take note of this new regulation when planning 2020 Championship Shows.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 4.5.3]
Class/Breed Clashes at Championship Shows
There is no obligation on a Judge to accommodate an exhibitor who is not able to be present in the ring due to a class or breed clash. Depending on the circumstances, particularly the anticipated time of the delay, it is up to the Judge to make whatever concession they feel is reasonable, but there is no obligation whatsoever to make any concession at all.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.28]
Printing of Reserve Challenge Certificates (RCCs) awarded at Breed Championship Shows.  The printing of Reserve Challenge Certificates will be optional and RCCs need only be issued if requested by Exhibitors. The Certificates should be made available as soon as is convenient after the award.[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.5] 
Breed Standard Nomenclature changes effective 1 January 2019
Herding Group

Finnish Lapponian Dog changes to Suomenlapinkoira
Pumi (New Breed recognised)
Gundog Group
Lagotto Romagna Waterdog changes to Lagotto Romagnolo (Romagna Water Dog)
Terrier Group
Cesky Terrier changes to Czech Terrier
Time restrictions between judging appointments.
Please note the time restrictions between judging appointments that will become applicable as of January 2019.
1.1   Between two Non-Championship Shows in the same province: a period of 3 months must pass between judging the same Breed, Group or Group Final.
1.2   Between two Non-Championship Shows in different provinces: there is no time restriction.
1.3   Between a Non-Championship Show and a Championship or Qualifying Show in the same province: a period of 3 months must pass between judging the same Breed, Group or Group Final.
1.4   Between a Non-Championship Show and a Championship or Qualifying Show in different provinces: there is no time restriction.
1.5   Between two Championship or Qualifying Shows in any province: a period of 3 months must pass between judging the same Breed, Group or Group Final.
1.6   Between Best in Show/Best Puppy in Show at any All-Breeds Show in any province: a period of 3 months must pass.
1.7   Between any other Best Class in Show Finals at All-Breeds Shows in any province: there is no time restriction.
Geographical Centres
For better administration the Geographical Centres as described in Article 13.2 and Schedule 3 Regulation 2.1.1 have been amended and aligned to the nine Provinces of South Africa.  
Champion Dogs – Breed/Conformation
Schedule 3 Regulation has been made void. The requirement that no more than four (4) of the minimum five (5) points are gained in one centre
will no longer be applicable as of 1 February 2019. All of the required five (5) points may be attained in one centre (Province) as of February 2019.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 4.1.3]
FCI changed name of IPO to IGP
References to IPO are to be changed to IGP on Show Schedules, Judges Contracts and Workbooks.
Club Constitutions and Club Names including the term IPO are to be updated timeously to meet the 1 January 2019 deadline.
Show Clearance Certificates
Show Clearance Certificates may be renewed after the initial 12 month period granted, upon application and payment of the applicable fee. All registered owners of the dog must be members of the Kennel Union for the duration of the validity of the Show Clearance Certificate.
The amended Articles and Schedules have been posted on the KUSA website under the Forthcoming Amendments banner (Click here to view or download)

Yours sincerely,
Adele Bastick
Club Affairs

Club Newsletter October 2018

Posted in KUSA Club Announcements

Notice to Affiliated Clubs

We bring to your attention various amendments to the KUSA Articles & Schedules, most of which will become effective as of 1 January 2019.
For ease of reference, herewith please find a summary of the amendments. Please take careful note of all amendments.
Chairman and Vice-Chairman of KUSA - affiliated Clubs
As of 1 February 2019, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Clubs must be members of the Kennel Union. [Refer to Fedco 12-2017 Item 7.11]
New Specimen Club Constitution
Clubs are urged to update their Club Constitutions in order to comply with current regulatory requirements and take advantage of changes in technology to make provision for teleconference meetings etc.
Click here to download a copy of the new specimen Club Constitution.
Show Managers
As of 1 January 2019, Show Managers must be members of the Kennel Union. This is applicable to all Show Managers/Test Managers and Field Trial Managers across all Disciplines.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.10] 
Mandatory to display the KUSA logo on Championship Show Schedules
The official Schedule of any Championship Show shall display the KUSA logo in a format, version and size specified by the Kennel Union Office.
Clubs are requested to desist from using the 125 year celebration logo and to only use the attached logo, either in black or blue. The size of the logo may be changed to fit the page, but must be at least equal in size to the Club’s and Sponsor’s logos.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.9]
New Clause to appear on Championship Show Schedules
Save for the Breed Classes offered at Specialist Club Championship Shows, all dogs entered and exhibited at Championship Shows must be registered in the ownership of members of the Kennel Union.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 4.5.2]
In-Show Challenges at Championship Shows
Only two (2) dogs shall be placed in all In-Show Challenges at Championship Shows where dogs of more than one Group are exhibited.
Further, as of 1 January 2020, the various Best in Show Challenges, whether at a Group, multiple Group or All-Breeds Championship Show, shall be judged by the same Judge.
Please take note of this new regulation when planning 2020 Championship Shows.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 4.5.3]
Class/Breed Clashes at Championship Shows
There is no obligation on a Judge to accommodate an exhibitor who is not able to be present in the ring due to a class or breed clash. Depending on the circumstances, particularly the anticipated time of the delay, it is up to the Judge to make whatever concession they feel is reasonable, but there is no obligation whatsoever to make any concession at all.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.28]
Printing of Reserve Challenge Certificates (RCCs) awarded at Breed Championship Shows.  The printing of Reserve Challenge Certificates will be optional and RCCs need only be issued if requested by Exhibitors. The Certificates should be made available as soon as is convenient after the award.[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 7.5] 
Breed Standard Nomenclature changes effective 1 January 2019
Herding Group

Finnish Lapponian Dog changes to Suomenlapinkoira
Pumi (New Breed recognised)
Gundog Group
Lagotto Romagna Waterdog changes to Lagotto Romagnolo (Romagna Water Dog)
Terrier Group
Cesky Terrier changes to Czech Terrier
Time restrictions between judging appointments.
Please note the time restrictions between judging appointments that will become applicable as of January 2019.
1.1   Between two Non-Championship Shows in the same province: a period of 3 months must pass between judging the same Breed, Group or Group Final.
1.2   Between two Non-Championship Shows in different provinces: there is no time restriction.
1.3   Between a Non-Championship Show and a Championship or Qualifying Show in the same province: a period of 3 months must pass between judging the same Breed, Group or Group Final.
1.4   Between a Non-Championship Show and a Championship or Qualifying Show in different provinces: there is no time restriction.
1.5   Between two Championship or Qualifying Shows in any province: a period of 3 months must pass between judging the same Breed, Group or Group Final.
1.6   Between Best in Show/Best Puppy in Show at any All-Breeds Show in any province: a period of 3 months must pass.
1.7   Between any other Best Class in Show Finals at All-Breeds Shows in any province: there is no time restriction.
Geographical Centres
For better administration the Geographical Centres as described in Article 13.2 and Schedule 3 Regulation 2.1.1 have been amended and aligned to the nine Provinces of South Africa.  
Champion Dogs – Breed/Conformation
Schedule 3 Regulation has been made void. The requirement that no more than four (4) of the minimum five (5) points are gained in one centre
will no longer be applicable as of 1 February 2019. All of the required five (5) points may be attained in one centre (Province) as of February 2019.
[Refer to Fedco 06-2018 Item 4.1.3]
FCI changed name of IPO to IGP
References to IPO are to be changed to IGP on Show Schedules, Judges Contracts and Workbooks.
Club Constitutions and Club Names including the term IPO are to be updated timeously to meet the 1 January 2019 deadline.
Show Clearance Certificates
Show Clearance Certificates may be renewed after the initial 12 month period granted, upon application and payment of the applicable fee. All registered owners of the dog must be members of the Kennel Union for the duration of the validity of the Show Clearance Certificate.
The amended Articles and Schedules have been posted on the KUSA website under the Forthcoming Amendments banner (Click here to view or download)

Yours sincerely,
Adele Bastick
Club Affairs