

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05M - Regulations for Flyball

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules



Flyball is essentially a spectator sport involving a team knockout competition. Informality is encouraged and maximum discretion is granted to organizers but the safety of the dogs, handlers and spectators is paramount. The main elements of the sport are good sportsmanship and fun for the dog and handler.

1.1 The regulations relating to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3 (Championship Shows), Schedule 3(A) International Dog Shows (FCI), Schedule 4 (Non-Championship Shows) and Schedule 4A (Qualifying Shows) of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA), shall apply to competition for Flyball, so far as they can be relevant to Flyball and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule 5(M).

2.1 A club entitled to hold a Championship Show may hold Championship Flyball competitions in conjunction with any show or separately there from but may not hold Championship Flyball competitions more than once in any one calendar year.
2.2 Any club registered with Kennel Union of Southern Africa which is eligible to hold either non-championship or championship shows may hold any part of this schedule in conjunction with such shows or separate there from.
2.3 Each Club participating in any part of this Competition shall submit a Draft Schedule under terms of Schedule 3, Regulation 5, where any part of the schedule falls under those regulations.
2.4 The choice of Flyball Competition format shall be at the discretion of the presiding Flyball Judge of the day. The format must be announced to the competing teams prior to the commencement of the competition.

3.1 Any dog may compete which is:
3.1.1 registered with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in the Breed register, Development register or obedience and trial dog record;
3.1.2 owned by any department or service of the government of the Republic of South Africa or any other state recognised by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa;
3.1.3 owned by a public Corporation, recognised by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and whose eligibility is not in conflict with the regulation hereunder described or has not been disqualified or suspended from competition by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa;
3.2 Any reference to dogs in Regulations hereunder described shall be taken to include bitches.
3.3 The dog must have a valid Flyball record card and must be over the age of fourteen (14) months to participate in any Flyball event.

4.1 Runs, Heats and Races
4.1.1 Runs: One (1) dog within a heat running from the start to finish line.
4.1.2 Heats: Four (4) dogs in a team each running from the start to the finish line.
4.1.3 Races: Best of one or three heats.

4.2  Team Captain, Box Loader and Runner
4.2.1 Team Captain: A person, who may be a non-playing member nominated by the team or club which that team is representing, see regulation 11.5.2.
4.2.2 Box Loader: A person or team member who loads the balls into the Flyball machine for each dog during each Heat, regulation 10.16.1.
4.2.3 Runner: A person or team member whose purpose is to assist the team in anyway the team requires, regulation 10.16.2.

5.1  Competition / Regular Teams:
5.1.1  A Competition / Regular Team consists of the following:  A minimum of four dogs; not to exceed six dogs (reserves included). Team Captain and Box Loader Optionally a team may have a Runner and other participants in the ring to aid the team. At no  time may these optional participants interfere with the judges, the opposing team, or physically aid the dogs competing. The jump height of this class will be determined by the size of the smallest / veteran dog in the team. (see Regulation 6 regarding measuring of dogs). Dogs in this class will be eligible for points and titles as per Regulation 7 of this schedule.

5.2  Singles Teams:
5.2.1  A Singles Team consists of the following:  One dog and one handler.  A Box Loader.
5.2.2  This class may only be run before or after team event competition, as per the presiding judge’s decision. 
5.2.3 This class is not eligible for points and titles as per regulation 7 of this schedule. 
5.2.4  The rules of running (regulation 12 of this schedule) will be observed except that:  The handler shall choose their desired jump height (Regulation 6.2 of this schedule).  Dogs will race other dogs or be run individually. Handlers are required to indicate in advance whether  their dog/s will run against others or not.  Each dog will be given one race with three heats to set their best possible time.  Dogs will be ranked by fastest time.  Infractions will not be re-run and will result in a ‘no finish’ (NF) with no recorded time.  The heat is not awarded a win, loss or tie; only the time is recorded on the score sheet.  The fastest time of the dog for that show will be tracked by each province.  A singles dog that has participated in the singles class in at least ten (10) separate shows in a calendar year and has successfully completed at least one heat at each of those tournaments will be awarded a singles certificate and rewarded the title of Single Dog Racer – e.g. Single Dog Racer 2008. The certificate will be issued by the Provincial Flyball Sub-committee. The design of the certificate will be at the provinces discretion.

5.3  Pairs Teams:
5.3.1  A Pairs Team consists of the following:  Two dogs and two handlers.  A Box Loader.
5.3.2  This class may only be run before or after team event competition, as per the judge’s decision.
5.3.3  This class is not eligible for titles as per regulation 7 of this schedule. 
5.3.4  The rules of running (regulation 12 of schedule) will be observed except that:  Pair’s team shall choose their desired jump height (Regulation 6.2 of this schedule).  Pair’s teams shall race other teams.  Each team will be given one race with three heats to set their best possible time.  Pairs teams will be ranked by fastest time.  Infractions will not be re-run and will result in a ‘no finish’ (NF) with no recorded time.  The heat is not awarded a win, loss or tie, only the time is recorded on the score sheet.  The fastest time of the pair’s team for that show will be tracked by each province. A pairs dog that has participated in a pairs class in at least ten (10) separate shows in a calendar year and has successfully completed at least one heat at each of those tournaments will be awarded a pairs certificate and rewarded the title of Pairs Dog Racer - e.g. Pairs Dog Racer 2008. The certificate will be issued by the Provincial Flyball Sub-committee. The design of the certificate will be at the provinces discretion. No dog will be required to remain in any one (1) Pairs Team to obtain their points and Pairs Title.

5.4  Veterans Class:
5.4.1  Dogs seven (7) years and older will be eligible for this class. 
5.4.2  Dogs in this class will be required to jump the minimum jump height, regardless the height of the  dog.
5.4.3  Dogs in this class will be eligible for points and titles as per Regulation 7 of the schedule. 
Note: all four (4) dogs in a team need to be seven (7) years and older to be eligible for points and titles as per Regulation 7 of schedule. 
5.4.4  Dogs in this class are also eligible to compete in the competition class if they choose to do so.

6.1  Method of measuring
The elbow to accessory carpal bone measurement will be used to determine the height of the jumps in the competition class. The measurement is done by measuring the distance between the dogs elbow and accessory carpal bone of the dog’s front leg. (See Regulation 6.2) 
This measurement must be done by a qualified championship judge and recorded on the local provincial Flyball sub-committee data base and the dog’s record card. Where possible, when measuring  dogs it must be done on a level/ flat surface i.e. table; cement or wooden floor.


Measurement Table

Measurement (mm)

Jump Height (mm)

170 and below


Over 170





7.1   Points:
Points towards Flyball titles may be gained at championship shows providing a minimum of three (3) teams have entered and compete or non championship shows providing a minimum of two (2) teams have entered and compete.
Points are awarded to each team in accordance with best time achieved. 
One (1) bonus point will be awarded for consistency if a team runs two (2) heats clear in a competition.        
Points are awarded as follows:

Teams Times (Seconds)

Points per Dog

18 seconds and under


18.01 up to 20.00 seconds


20.01 up to 24.00 seconds


24.01 up to 28.00 seconds


28.01 up to 32.00 seconds


Each dog in a team must have their record booklet endorsed by the judge with the appropriate points for every show entered, regardless of the points obtained, as per regulation 15.
7.2 Points for Reserves
If at any time during a competition a reserve is used the points gained towards any Flyball Titles must be shared equally, rounded down if necessary, between the original team member and the reserve and their record cards endorsed accordingly. Points must be rounded down for each team member concerned.
Example: Qualifying team gains 5 points for each dog and the reserve is used.
Dog 1 = 5 points
Dog 2 = 5 points
Dog 3 = 5 points
Dog 4 = 2 points
Reserve = 2 points

7.3    Titles
7.3.1 Flyball Dog:
The title of Flyball Dog will be granted to any dog that has earned one hundred (100) points or more, in any combination, at Championship Shows or Non Championship Shows. A KUSA Flyball Dog Certificate will be issued to this effect, and the abbreviation FD can be placed behind the dog’s name.
7.3.2 Flyball Dog Excellent:
The title of Flyball Dog Excellent will be granted to any dog that has earned one hundred (100)  points or more.   
These points must be earned consecutively at a maximum of four (4) Championship or Non-Championship shows. A KUSA Flyball Dog Excellent Certificate will be issued to this effect and the abbreviation FDX can be placed behind the dog’s name.
7.3.3 Championship Status:
A Flyball Championship Certificate may be issued to any dog gaining three hundred (300) points or more in any combination ,of which a maximum of one third (100) points may be obtained at Non  
Championship Shows. The abbreviation CH FLY can be placed in front of the dog’s name.  
7.3.4 Th One and Only Title: 
The title of Th One and Only will be granted to any dog that has earned fifteen hundred (1500) points or more, in any combination, at Championship or Non Championship Shows. 
The abbreviation Th One & Only can be placed in front of the dog’s name.
7.3.5 Flyball Grand Champion:
The title of Flyball Grand Champion will be granted to any dog that has earned three thousand (3000) points or more in any combination, at Championship or Non Championship Shows. The abbreviation GR.CH (FLY) can be placed in front of the dog’s name.

8.1  Void
8.2 Training and Qualification of Judges 
8.2.1    A person wishing to become a Flyball Judge should make application in writing to the Flyball Sub-Committee of the Provincial area in which s/he normally resides. In areas where there is no Provincial Council, application should be made direct to KUSA.
8.2.1 Such application should provide proof that the applicant has acted as an Official (Steward, Marshall, Timekeeper, Scribe and Scorer) or Competitor at various Flyball events.
8.2.2 Once a person has been accepted by his Provincial Council Sub-Committee or by KUSA, and before s/he may accept a Flyball Non-Championship Show appointment, s/he must attend a course and achieve the required pass rate in all elements of the course as stated in Regulations 8.2.4 to 8.2.8.
8.2.3 Candidate Judge shall attend a course, which shall cover the Rules and Regulations, Schedule 5M, judging techniques and course layout design.
This course shall be run by two (2) Championship show Flyball judges. On completion of the course, the Candidate Judge shall then take an Examination and a Practical test, which shall consists of the following:
8.2.4 A written examination on KUSA Rules and Regulations, Schedule 3 (Unless previously completed).
8.2.5 An oral or written examination on the Flyball Schedule and judging techniques.
8.2.6 Sketch or illustrate a Flyball Course layout, including dimensions.
8.2.7 Practical judging of two Flyball teams. The layout of the course for the practical examination will be undertaken by the examiners and not by the Candidate judges.
8.2.8 Once a Candidate judge has successfully passed the examination, s/he will be required to judge two (2) Non-Championship shows at which a minimum of two Flyball Teams shall be present and exhibited. The Provincial Council Flyball sub-committee will arrange for each judging appointment carried out by the Candidate judge to be observed by a qualified Flyball judge who will report back to the Provincial Council Flyball sub-committee and endorse the Candidate judge’s Record Card if passed.
8.2.9 Once all the requirements set out in 8.2.3 to 8.2.9 inclusive, have been met and the Candidate Judge’s Record Card has been endorsed by the Flyball Test Judges, such Record Card will be sent to KUSA who in turn will issue a Flyball Judges License to that Judge and thereafter that judge will be able to judge at Championship Show level.

8.2.10 In the event of a judge not judging for a period of two (2) calendar years or more such a judge may not judge a Championship show but shall first judge a Non-Championship show.
8.2.11 All Judges shall, if permanently domiciled in the KUSA area of jurisdiction, be members in good standing of the Kennel Union, both at the time of accepting the invitation and undertaking the appointment.

8.3 Before approving a foreign judge to officiate at any event held under this Schedule the Kennel Union of  Southern Africa shall be satisfied that such judge is recognized and approved to judge such events in  his country of permanent residence, as it is proposed that s/he should judge within the KUSA area of jurisdiction. A copy of Schedule 5M must be provided to any visiting judges prior to any judging taking  place.

8.4  Training and Qualification of Flyball Officials.
8.4.1 A person wishing to be a Flyball official must have a thorough knowledge of the Flyball Regulations, Schedule 5(M).
8.4.2 It is the judges’ responsibility to ensure that each Flyball official at a show has a thorough knowledge of the Flyball Regulations, Schedule 5(M).

9.1 Flyball Show Manager
The management of Flyball competitions shall be entrusted to the Flyball show Manager who shall be appointed by the committee of the club holding the show and who shall not enter or work a dog or dogs at the Flyball competition at which he is officiating.

9.2 Disputes
Any disputed matter requiring a decision on the ground shall be decided by the Flyball Show Manager and the Judge. However, the control of all matters connected with the dogs during competition shall rest with the Judge but the Flyball Show Manager, if required, may be called upon for assistance.

9.3 Complaints
Complaints lodged by Team Captains on behalf of the team will be dealt with in accordance with the KUSA Regulations. Refer to the appropriate Regulation in Schedule 3 for Championship Shows and Schedule 4 for Non-championship shows.

9.4 Other matters
Any matter not provided in these Regulations or in the Kennel Union Constitution and Schedules shall be decided upon by the Judge and the Flyball Show Manager. In the case of an equality of votes, the judge shall have a casting as well as a deliberative vote and the decision made shall be final.

9.5 Flyball officials and their responsibilities
9.5.1 The show holding club shall provide:
A Judge, who will start each race by whistle, and will have overall responsibility for the competition. The Judge will also position himself or herself between the two lanes near the start/finish lanes.

9.5.2 The local Flyball community shall provide the rest of the officials necessary to run a competition smoothly, which include:  A Scorekeeper, who will keep score, draw for running order and allocate running lanes.  Two Lane Stewards, one per lane who will monitor hurdle infringements and the passing of dogs at the Start/finish line. These stewards are to be positioned in-line with the start/finish line, facing inwards. Two Box Stewards, one at each box, who will ensure that the Box Loaders do not infringe the regulations. These stewards are to be positioned in-line with the box, facing inwards. Two Timekeepers, one per lane. Should there be electronic timers for each lane, a back up Timekeeper is necessary per lane.
The Lane Stewards, Box Steward and Timekeepers may be one and the same persons and will be positioned to officiate over their respective lanes at the judges’ discretion.  A steward will indicate, using the fault indication system-(see regulation 10.7.5), which dog must rerun. It is the handler’s responsibility to note the stewards’ signal and rerun their dog. The steward must report to the judge any infringements by a team prior to being declared a winner, i.e. failure to rerun a dog once signaled.
9.5.3 The stewards are to remain in position until each heat is declared finished.
9.5.4 If necessary, during a race, a judge or steward must reposition themselves in such a manner as not to distract or interfere with competing dogs.
9.5.5 No judge, steward, timekeeper or marshal may interfere with or guide a dog in anyway during a competition, i.e. verbal 
9.5.6 Dogs may go around any judge or steward without penalty and if at anytime a ball bounces off a judge or steward, it shall be deemed in play.

9.6 Misbehavior of dogs at a show:
Physical disciplining of a dog or serious uncontrollable behavior of a dog at a Flyball competition may be penalized, at the discretion of the Flyball Judge, by excluding the dog and/or handler from further competition at the show and by ordering the exhibitor of the dog to forfeit any positions or points gained in the competition. After consultation with the judge, a reserve dog may be allowed to run in place of the excluded dog.  Harsh handling will be severely condemned and will result in immediate elimination, independently of any complaint that could be lodged against the handler. Any dog that the presiding Judge determines is not physically able, or under control, to compete in a safe manner will be excused from the event.

9.7 Handler of dog
Either the owner or a deputy may handle the dog but it must be one or the other.  Once the dogs have commenced working, an owner must not interfere with his dog if he has deputised another person to handle it. The dog shall be handled by the same handler throughout a competition held under one license. Substitution may not take place even though the competition may be spread over several days, save in cases where a handler is injured and then only with permission of the judge.  No dog may be entered in or be a reserve for more than one team on the day of a show.

9.8  Dress
Where a team has a uniform this may bear the name of the team.

9.9 Competing dogs
9.9.1 The following dogs are ineligible to enter Flyball competitions: Pregnant bitches. Lactating bitches. Bitches in heat.  Dogs that are apparently ill or hurt.

9.9.2    Spayed bitches and castrated dogs are eligible to enter Flyball competitions.
9.9.3   Dogs coming from or going to a region infected with rabies must have a valid inoculation certificate against rabies, which must be produced on demand.

9.10 Conditions
It is the responsibility of the Flyball Manager and of the Judge to ensure that all teams compete under the same conditions as far as this is practical.

9.11 Weather
It shall be at the sole discretion of the Judge whether or not competition should be interrupted on account of inclement weather. Cancellation of a Flyball show or any part of a Flyball show shall be at the discretion of the judge after consultation with the Flyball Manager.

9.12 Starting times
The Team Captain shall be responsible for his team and shall not only be informed of the starting time for the event but is also responsible to see each member of his team is informed. All competitors and dogs including reserves shall be present at the site of a show at least thirty (30) minutes before that time. The judge shall have the discretion to postpone the starting time for a reasonable period provided it does not prejudice other teams if competitors are delayed through competition elsewhere in the show falling behind schedule. Such postponement shall be made known to all competitors who are present. Any team member who is not present at the end of such postponement shall be regarded as having withdrawn from the competition and shall not be allowed to compete. In such instances a Reserve may be substituted for the missing team member, such Reserve shall compete as a full team member for the rest of the competition for which the license was issued. A “late” competitor cannot be used as a Reserve. The judge has discretion to commence a competition without all teams present, provided that a team has been called three (3) times and then, if not present, the team shall be marked absent.

9.13 Order of competition
9.13.1   The order of competition shall be determined by a draw amongst the Team Captains entered for that event or the order of competition may be determined by a random draw of teams in advance. The Judge, or any person, whom he delegates, shall announce the teams on standby before the previous race  begins. As team names are drawn, lanes are allocated from left to right.
9.13.2 At no time will a team be required to change lanes once each race has commenced.

9.14 Provision of equipment
Each team is responsible for the provision of its own equipment, which shall be a Flyball box, a spare Flyball box and balls. The rest of the equipment will be supplied by the show holding club, Provincial Flyball Committee or Flyball community and must comply to these regulations, i.e. hurdles, Backstop board/barrier if required and fault indication system

9.15 Competition by officials at shows
9.15.1 A Judge at a show may not enter or handle a dog in the same Discipline (Breed, Obedience, Working Trials, IPO, Dog Jumping, Agility, Carting etc.,) as that in which he is officiating. This restriction does not apply in respect of another show held on the same day but held under another license.
9.15.2 KUSA representative may not enter, exhibit or handle a dog registered in his name at any KUSA licensed event held at the same venue on the day that he is officiating, nor in the same discipline held under the same license on any day.

9.16 Catalogue number
A handler must display their catalogue number prominently while in the arena.

9.17 Arena and Lane Layout
9.17.1 The competition arena must not be less than 30 m x 12 m.
9.17.2   A minimum distance of 8 m in length behind the start/finish line must be available to allow adequate  run through for dogs.
9.17.3 There shall be a distance of 1.83m from the start/finish line to the first hurdle.
There shall be a total of four (4) hurdles, which must be placed 3.05m apart, and there shall be 4.57m from the last hurdle to the box pedal. The backstop if required shall be no less than 2.15m behind the box and shall extend between the boxes to minimize interference.
9.17.4 Racing lanes shall be a minimum of 3m to a maximum of 6m apart.
9.17.5 The start/finish poles for each lane are to be a minimum distance of 2 m apart.
9.17.6 The obstruction of gangways is prohibited.
9.17.7   Each competition arena must be enclosed/demarcated by ropes, tape or other suitable means
9.17.8 When the competition is to be held outdoors the Flyball box must be adequately secured, in addition to the box loader standing on the box and without obstructing competing dogs, so as to prevent excessive displacement of the box during each race.
When competitions are held indoors, the floor shall have a suitable surface in order that races may be held without injury to handler and dog, i.e. a rubber matting/carpet of a minimum width of 1m. The matting must extend under the Flyball box as to prevent excessive displacement during a race. If necessary weights may be used, in addition to the box loader standing on the box, to prevent this occurrence without obstructing the competing dogs in any way. The rubber mating/carpet must extend the full length of the Flyball course. A diagram of a typical setup of a Flyball arena can be seen below:

10.1 Knowledge of the rules
All competitors should have a thorough knowledge of the rules.

10.2 Collars, Flyball harnesses and Leg wrapping
10.2.1   All dogs competing are to wear a flat buckle collar or Flyball harness of any material. 
Holding any dog by the scruff of the neck or other parts is not permissible and will result in disqualification from the team.
10.2.2 Protection wrapping on dog’s legs may be used. Such wrapping should in no way impair the dogs’ performance and should not have any loose or hanging parts to it.
10.2.3   Unacceptable collars for all dogs attending Flyball events will include:
• Electronic collars
• Dummy electronic collars
• Pinch, pressure or prong collars
• Choke chains or choke collars
10.2.4  All leashes and leash tabs, regardless of length, must be removed prior to the dog running the course,  including warm-ups.

10.3 Interference with competitors
The Judge of a Flyball competition shall remove from competition any dog, which behaves in an uncontrollable manner, or any handler who interferes willfully with another competitor or his dog. The Judge may expel from competition any dog, which he considers unfit to compete, or any bitch, which appears so attractive to males as to be a disturbing element and allow one of the reserves to take its place. In the case of doubt, an official veterinarian shall be called to give his opinion but the Judge's decision is final.

10.4 Withdrawal from competition
The owner or handler entering a dog in a Flyball competition does so at his own risk and the dog must compete unless expelled by the judge or excused by the Judge and Flyball Manager.

10.5 Disciplining
From the time the judge takes control of the assembled teams in the arena prior to racing until he dismisses the teams after the results have been announced, no handler shall physically discipline his dog, inside or outside the arena. In the event of such physical disciplining occurring, or in the event of serious uncontrollable behavior of a dog in the arena, the judge may exclude that dog from further competition and allow one of the reserves to take its place. Should the team not have a reserve, it shall not be allowed to continue to compete with the remaining three handlers.

10.6 Warm-ups / Practice
10.6.1 Each dog on the team, including reserves, shall be allowed two practice runs prior to a competition or the judge may prefer to designate a reasonable time period for warm-ups/practice prior to each competition in order to acquaint dogs with the additional equipment, i.e. hurdles.
10.6.2 No practice or training may take place in such a way as to interfere with or distract competing dogs or their handlers.

10.7 Handlers' commands
Handlers may use the dog's call name, any verbal commands or visual signals without penalty. The use of any kind of whistle, whistling or baiting (Food) is prohibited. The use of tug toys in the ready area is allowed on the following conditions:
- that it does not interfere with other teams
- no throwing of tugs allowed

10.8 Competition progress
The first dogs in each team will be released on the judge's whistle. Subsequent dogs will only be allowed to pass the start/finish line once the preceding dog has passed the start/finish line with any part of its body. The dog must return with the ball in its mouth, see regulation 12.1.

10.9 Scores
The winning times of each race are to be entered by the scorer/judge on the score sheet and announced to competitors and spectators.

10.10 Equal scores
In the case of teams having equal times in a race, a deciding heat or heats will be run at the discretion of the judge.

10.11 Abnormal circumstances
If, in the Judge's opinion, any team's performance was prejudiced by peculiar and/or unusual circumstances not covered in these Regulations, the Judge may require the teams involved to repeat the heat.

10.12 Adhering to regulations
The Judge shall not require any dog, handler or team to do anything nor penalise a dog, handler or team for failing to do anything, which is not required by these Regulations.

10.13 Judge's orders
Judges or Steward's orders and/or announcements are required to be clearly spoken so as to be heard by everyone following the judging.

10.14 Events outside the Regulations
In the event of circumstances arising not covered by KUSA Rules and Regulations, the Judge will have discretionary powers to make a ruling subject to confirmation by KUSA. In such instances, the judge must submit a written report to KUSA setting out all details within fourteen (14) days of the close of the show.

10.15 Equipment
10.15.1 Hurdles
The hurdles shall be to the following specifications:
Height : 30 cm and 20 cm high Regulation 6.2
Internal Width: 600mm.
Hurdle material thickness: Must not exceed 10mm.
Material: Wood or a similar material.
Hurdles shall be white except for the uprights, which may be any colour or bear sponsors' advertisements on the outer face, however the edges must be white in colour for visibility purposes to competing dogs.
A hurdle may have a protective strip on the inner width to protect the dogs from injury whilst running as long as the total height of the jump remains within specification.
A diagram of a typical Flyball hurdle can be seen below:

10.15.2  Box
Each team is to supply its own Flyball box and spare Flyball box that is to conform to the following specifications: All boxes are to have a mechanical, not electrical, pedal release mechanism. The boxes may be painted or decorated as the team wishes. The ball, when released, must have a free, unobstructed flight of not less than 610mm from the point that the ball is released to the point the ball hits the ground, in the direction of the start/finish line or poles. Boxes dimensions:

  • Width: shall not exceed 610mm
  • Height: shall not exceed 500 mm
  • Depth: shall not exceed 1200mm

The dimensions include a release mechanism, but do not include any platform the box loader uses to hold the box in place. Boxes should be constructed with the comfort and safety of the dog in mind. 
Sharp edges must be avoided and adequate padding and protection should be used. Any curved or flat front box may be used so long as the box is within the dimensions as mentioned in regulation The catapult box may be used at demonstrations.
10.15.3 Backstop
A backstop board or barrier may be provided at the box end of the run so as to prevent missed balls from rolling too far. The barrier should extend between the running lanes to minimize interference. The barrier must not obstruct the judges or stewards view of the racing lanes. The barrier dimension should be as follows:

  • Height: shall be a minimum of 700mm
  • Width: minimum 2.5 m per section
  • Material: any light weight material that does not allow any type of ball to pass through, i.e. mesh or netting and as long as it will not injure a dog that may come into contact with it.

Backstops should not comprise of jumping equipment and must not pose any danger to competing dogs.
A diagram of a typical backstop board can be seen below:

10.15.4 Balls
Each team shall supply its own un-punctured regulation balls, i.e. tennis balls, of any colour for standard sized dogs. In the case of toy or miniature breeds, squash, racket balls or approved balls may be used. Approved balls must bounce and roll.

10.16  Conduct of the Box Loader and Runner
10.16.1 Except during the warm up, to retrieve a loose ball, or get a fresh supply of balls to load, the box loader must remain in the upright position behind the box, and may only offer verbal encouragement to any dog in their team. 
The box loader is to remain in position until the outcome of the heat is determined by the judge. If, in the opinion of the judge, a box loader assists a dog, except where provided for in the rules, the dog shall run again.

10.16.2 Runners may not interfere with any teams running or judging except to do the following: Set up knocked down jumps; this must be done with minimal interference with a team’s run. To retrieve loose balls.  To assist their team as the team may require.

10.17  Start/Finish Line and Poles
The Start/Finish Line shall be clearly marked across the width of each racing lane and flanked by Start/Finish poles. The Start/Finish line and poles will always be a contrasting colour against the running surface.

10.18 Regulation Jump Heights:
In the event that a team is found to have run a heat on the incorrect jump heights the following must be instituted by the presiding judge:
10.18.1 Team runs on lower height:
The team forfeits the heat.

10.18.2 Team runs on higher heights:
The team must re-run for time/s and placing.

11.1 Entry to Competition
It shall be the responsibility of the Team Captain to ensure that the official KUSA Flyball entry form is completed and that s/he signs the Declaration as laid down in Schedule 4 Regulation 4.4.

11.2 Entry fees
11.2.1 Entry fees will be per team as the show holding club deems necessary.

11.3 Catalogue
The catalogue shall list the catalogue numbers, name of each dog and team entered, including reserves. Each dog or the team shall be allocated a catalogue number which the team members will display during competition.

11.4 Teams
11.4.1 Each team shall have a name.
11.4.2 Each team shall have a captain whose responsibilities shall include:
11.4.3  Ensuring that entries are submitted correctly to the show holding club in terms of Regulation 11.1.and 11.2.
11.4.4  Ensuring that all the members of the team are aware of starting times and are present at the arena in  terms of Regulation 9.12.
11.4.5 Ensuring that the necessary equipment (balls and Flyball boxes) are at the show.
11.4.6 Ensuring that the teams' box loaders know their responsibilities and Regulations.
11.4.7  Reserves may be used in the case of injury to either dog or handler or to replace a dog that consistently makes mistakes. This may only take place upon consultation and approval of the judge. Once a “Reserve” has taken the place of a “Declared” member of the team the “Declared” member shall not be permitted to compete again at that competition.
11.4.8  The actual runners (Dogs and Handlers) in a team shall be declared before the commencement of the first race.

12.1     Each dog must jump the four (4) hurdles in succession, trigger the box and return over the hurdles with the ball in its mouth.
12.2 Only when a dog in a team has passed the start/finish line with any part of its body, whether in the air or on the ground, shall the next dog in that team pass the start/finish line.

12.3 Timekeepers are to start the timers when the first dog of the team passes the start/finish line and finish when any part of the fourth dog or the last dog to rerun, crosses the start/finish line.
12.4 A heat is completed when both teams have had their fourth (4th) or last dog to rerun, cross the finish line or when the Judge ends the Heat by means of a whistle.    
12.5 Dogs may start from a stationary or running start. A dog must be released prior to going through the  start / finish line.
12.6 At no time may a handler infringe the start / finish line.
12.7 Fault Indication System.
12.7.1 The Lane Steward or the Judge will indicate which dogs must re-run using a suitable system.(see regulation 12.7.4)
12.7.2  Each team member will be required to wear a coloured bib or a bib with a letter of the alphabet to identify the running order of the team. The bib may be of any material and should in no way impair the handlers’ performance and should not have any loose parts to it. The letter must be clearly visible, front and back. If a sponsors/team logo is printed on the bib, it may not be larger in size than the letter identifying the running order on the bib.
12.7.2 The colours may be standard for all teams and shall be in the following order:

  • First dog and handler: -      Red or A        
  • Second dog and handler: - Yellow or B        
  • Third dog and handler:  -    Blue or C            
  • Fourth dog and handler: -   Green or D        

If Bibs with the letters A, B, C and D are used, the Bibs must all be the same colour.
12.7.3 When a reserve is required, the team may change running order and Bibs as long as the colour or letter system remains as per regulation 12.7.3.
12.7.4 Fault Systems: Each lane can have its own system; it must be easy to use by each Lane Steward or Judge and may take any of the following forms:
Chart system: For the use with coloured Bibs whereby a white/black card is flipped over each corresponding colour card to indicate a clear run. Any coloured card/s left indicates a re-run
for the corresponding dog or 
Coloured Flag system: For the use with coloured Bibs whereby a flag of the corresponding colour Bib is held up by the Lane Steward to indicate a re-run for the corresponding dog.
Red Flag System :For the use of both the letter or coloured Bibs whereby a red flag is held up by the Lane Steward to indicate a re-run for the corresponding  letter as indicated verbally by Lane Steward to the Judge and handler at fault.

13.1 Round Robin-Three (3) Heat System
13.1.1 Each team entered would run against all other teams entered. 
13.1.2  Scoring System for three (3) Heat Round Robin
1 Point for winning a Race.
0 points for losing a Race.
The overall winner would be the team with the most points and if there were to be a tie, a winner is determined by a run-off race 
13.1.3 Allocation of points towards Flyball Titles. During each race each teams times must be recorded on the scores sheet/s. Points are awarded to each team in accordance with best time achieved. One (1) bonus point will be awarded if best time is achieved more than once in a competition.  Heats will count towards  qualification for Flyball titles-see regulation 7 and example below:

Race Order:
Four teams entered each team will run three times, for five teams entered each team would
run four times and so on…… as follows:

RACE 1 ‐ 4 vs 1
RACE 2 ‐ 2 vs 3
RACE 3 ‐ 1 vs 3
RACE 4 ‐ 4 vs 2
RACE 5 ‐ 3 vs 4
RACE 6 ‐ 1 vs 2

RACE 1 ‐ 5 vs 2
RACE 2 ‐ 4 vs 1
RACE 3 ‐ 3 vs 5

RACE 4 ‐ 2 vs 4
RACE 5 ‐ 1 vs 3
RACE 6 ‐ 4 vs 5

RACE 7 ‐ 2 vs 3
RACE 8 ‐ 5 vs 1
RACE 9 ‐ 3 vs 4
RACE 10 ‐ 1 vs 2

Scoring System:









Team D




Team A







Team B




Team C








Team A




Team C







Team D




Team B







Team C




Team D








Team A




Team B





For winning a race, a team scores “1” point and for a loss “0” points.

Therefore after completion of the above event:-
Team A = 2 points
Team B = 1 point
Team C = 0 points
Team D = 3 points

Team D is declared the winner.
The fastest time would be 18.99 sec. from Race 5, giving each dog in Team “D” 31 points according to the point system. (30 points for running a time between 18.01 up to 20.00 sec. and 1 bonus point for consistency as they have run 2 heats and more clear)

13.2 Knockout:
13.2.1 Each team entered would run in a knockout format.
13.2.2 Allocation of points towards Flyball Titles Commencing with the quarterfinals, all times to be recorded on the score sheets. The team with  two (2) heat wins in the final will be declared the winner of the competition. The fastest time of the teams reaching the quarter finals to the finals will be taken for the scoring system; One (1) bonus point will be awarded if best time is achieved more than once in a competition. Heats will count towards qualification for Flyball titles-see regulation 7 and example below:

Race Order, 10 team example:

Allocation of points toward Championship Status:
Once a team has won, the winning race time of that team from the final Heat will be taken towards
the points for Championship Status

13.3 Round Robin – One heat System
13.3.1  Each team entered would run against all other teams entered. 
13.3.2  Scoring System for one (1) Heat Round Robin
1 Point for winning a Heat
0 Points for losing a Heat
The overall winner would be the team with the most points and if there were to be a tie, a winner is determined by a run – off heat
13.3.3 Allocation of points towards Flyball Titles During each Heat teams times must be recorded on the score sheet/s Points are awarded to each team in accordance with best time achieved. (One (1) bonus point will
be awarded for consistency if a team runs two (2) heats clear in a competition. Heats will count towards qualification for fly ball titles-see regulation 7

14.1 The score and teams’ sheet will include the following:
14.1.1   The team’s name, the team’s Captain’s name, each handler and dog’s name as well as the reserve handlers and dog’s name.
14.1.2 In a Round Robin competition the time for each heat must be recorded on this score sheet.
See examples of these sheets at the end of this schedule.

After each competition the Judge will endorse each dog’s record booklet, excluding reserves that have not run, with the appropriate points in accordance with Regulation 7.



If a dog's or handler's feet cross the Start / Finish line before the start is signalled or during the competition.


Dog reruns at end of team.


If a dog crosses the start/finish line before any part of the previous dog's body crosses the line or if a handler crosses the line at any time


Dog reruns at end of team.


Each dog must attempt every hurdle. If a dog misses a hurdle.


Dog reruns at end of team.


Dog does not trigger the box


Dog reruns at end of team.


Dog does not return with the ball.


Dog reruns at end of team


Ball declared out of play (i.e. outside the (demarcated arena)


Dog reruns at end of team.


Loader assists dog (except in terms of (Regulation 10.16.1)


Dog reruns at end of team.


The handler or any member of the team is faulted for assisting a dog.


Dog reruns at end of team.


Box malfunctions during heat

(Box loader to indicate that the box has malfunctioned)


Heat stopped.

Spare box substituted.

Heat rerun.


Spare box malfunctions.

(Box loader to indicate that the box has malfunctioned)


Team forfeits race


Dog relieves itself in the arena.


Team forfeits race.


Baiting or offering food or other inducement whilst in the arena.


Team forfeits race


Interference in racing lanes and "ready" area


The interfering dog's or handler's team forfeits race.


Distractions: Any member of a team bouncing or tossing balls, using a  flyball box or other means to distract the opposing team or dogs, whilst in the arena


The team of the distracting handler shall forfeit the race.


Ball bounces back into cup


Box loader reloads.

(A signal is permitted by box loader to push pedal).


Should any hurdle be knocked down, a dog is not to be penalised provided it clears the hurdle as though it were standing.

(Team’s Runner may replace hurdle with minimal interference).


No penalty.


The heat shall not be stopped for broken boards/hurdle unless the judge deems it necessary to prevent injury to the running dogs. Dogs must clear the hurdle as if it were standing. The hurdle must be replaced after the heat.


No penalty.


FLYBALL – PAIRS RACES          Show: _______________________       Date: __________




© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa 2008

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN 0-9584208-1-5

Fedco – 9/10 May 2008
Fedco 11-2011/MB/ Updated 02.04.2012
Fedco 05-2012/NP/Updated 18.12.2012
Fedco 12-2012/NP/Updated 07.02.2013

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.04.2013