12.06.2024 | Clarity on Animal Improvement Act

Posted in KUSA News


Following an enquiry from the KUSA Office, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development (DALRRD) has clarified the uncertainty surrounding AIA Export/Import Permits for South African dogs travelling to attend Shows held in neighbouring countries, or abroad, and thereafter returning to the RSA.

Dogs travelling on either INTER-TERRITORIAL MOVEMENT PERMITS or PERMITS TO TRAVEL FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES, are also required to apply to DALRRD for an Import/Export Permit, as required under the Animal Improvement Act, using the Application to Import/Export Animals for Certain Purposes form.

· The AIA Import/Export Permit will cover both the exit from and re-entry to South Africa.

· The AIA Permit must be applied for first and then submitted, in conjunction with and attached to, the application for the Veterinary Permits.

· The AIA Permit is required in addition to the usual Veterinary Permits/Inter-Territorial Permits.

· The current cost of the AIA Import/Export Permit is R460.00 payable to DALRRD.

· An AIA Import/Export Permit can cover multiple dogs (it is not necessary to obtain one permit per dog).

  • The AIA Import/Export Permit is NOT required to be signed or endorsed by the Breeders’ Society or Registering Authority (i.e. KUSA)

Applications for AIA Import/Export Permits must be submitted directly to the DALRRD – Registrar of Animal Improvement – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. together with proof of payment of R460.00.

The Permits are to be collected from the DALRRD Production Unit Office.

DALRRD Permit Office telephone numbers are (+27) 12 319 7576 / 7590 / 7486 / 7474 / 7434