20.12.2023 | Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) Federal Council - Chairman's Report 2023

Posted in KUSA News

I begin this report by touching on some of the KUSA highlights and achievements during 2023. I believe that as a KUSA family, we have accomplished a great deal, overcoming some of the difficulties which faced us during the year. I mention but a few.

Shows, Events and Trials. Despite dwindling entries worldwide, the Clubs and Organisers have held a very full calendar of successful, enjoyable Shows, Events and Trials. We saw the return of a number of International Judge appointments, and we remain ever grateful to our local Judges who gave up their time and expertise to officiate during 2023.

KUSA Clubs. The Clubs have by and large come to grips with the challenges that they faced post COVID. There is evidence that the Club Committees are settling into working within the timeframes in respect of planning their shows in 2024 to avoid penalties. This commitment to work within the regulations is alleviating a lot of the stress put on the KUSA Staff who are now able to process the workload timeously and efficiently.

Judges/Evaluators. Members who are interested in pursuing the paths of judging and evaluating are steadily joining the various educational programmes again. Congratulations to all who wrote and successfully passed their examinations.

KUSA Classic Flagship Shows and Events. The KUSA Classic Breed and Dogsport Shows and Events, were successfully held in 2023, organised and hosted by the Northern Areas Provincial Council (NAPC). The Shows, Events and Nationals were well supported by KUSA Members. Breed were able to host six International Judges and the Dogsport divisions in the various provinces did a sterling job. The NAPC Bumper Dogsport weekend, hosted the Nationals for the various KUSA Dogsport Events with the exception of Flyball, which was held in Cape Town with a very pleasing entry of Flyball Teams.


Thank you to the Provincial Councils, Breed and Liaison Councils, National Sub-Committees, Affiliated Clubs, and the various Ad hoc Sub-Committees for your support and for the work you do to promote, preserve, and protect our dogs, hobby and sport.

To the newly affiliated Clubs, welcome to the KUSA family and I wish you every success in your future endeavours.

I thank all the Sponsors who have generously supported the KUSA Clubs and their Shows/Events during the past year. Without your assistance and generosity, our Shows/Events would not be the success that they were, and I sincerely hope that every effort was made to showcase your products.

KUSA – Financial Situation. KUSA’s Audited Financial Statements will be distributed with the Fedco 12-2023 Minutes. The results exceeded our budgeted expectations, and we thank the KUSA Office for exercising financial prudence throughout this financial year.

KUSA – K9 Administration System Upgrade. This development is an integral part of taking KUSA into a competitive digital arena – the way of the future. Under the guidance and responsibility of the General Manager, Pascale Midgley together with the Development Team, the progress during 2023 was steady and testing of the various components have commenced.

Judges Education Council of KUSA (JEC). The JEC established in terms of Article 3.11 of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) as a sui generis Council, continues to operate nationally under the provisions of their Constitution and under such additional powers as may be delegated to them from time to time by the Federal Council of KUSA. New developments are recorded within the Fedco 12-2023 Minutes.

International Events. KUSA was represented at the 2023 FCI General Assembly in Geneva by me and Michael Vorster. Our report is contained within the Minutes of the Fedco 12-2023 meeting. I thank the Federal Council of KUSA for their mandate to represent KUSA and to our FCI Section, Asia, Africa, and Oceania, for their guidance and excellent advice.

Ongoing Projects and achievements:

• Breed Standards Upgrade. Fedco budgeted for and embarked upon a project to upgrade the Breed Standards into a format which will be standardised for all Breed Standards. The Project has now been completed and the KUSA Office will attend to the announcement and upload of the new Breed Standards onto the KUSA website in the early part of 2024.

• KUSA Constitution. The checking, upgrading, modernisation of the KUSA Articles and Schedules continues to be worked on. This is a long-term project, and we sincerely hope that we will get the support from the stakeholders for the final sign off of the newly formatted Schedules.

• KUSA Club Constitutions. The request for Clubs to adopt, as far as is possible, standardised Constitutions is underway. Excellent progress has been made. Thanks go to the KUSA Office who manages the process under the guidance of Gérard Robinson who has spearheaded this essential project. Clubs who have not taken up this opportunity are urged to please do so and assist with the finalisation of this project.

• Breed Health. Continues to play an important role in the health and wellbeing of our Breeds. The appointed Task Teams are committed to their assigned tasks. Refer to the Fedco minutes for updates on progress made.

•KUSA Office Staffing. Having shown considerable profits over the past three years to place the organisation on a strong financial footing for the future, the 2023/24 budget approved by the Federal Council has taken into consideration the imperative need to address the staff shortages within the KUSA Office. We have already secured the services of two Limited Duration Contract Employees to assist in the Shows and Judges Department. Other crucial appointments are on the cards for early 2024. In light of this decision, it is projected that, at best break-even will be realised, for the financial year ending 31 August 2024, with the aim to better serve our Members and address capacity constraints due to shortages in Human Capital.

Further Appreciation.

My sincere thanks are extended to:

The members of KUSA for your ongoing support. Without your support, KUSA would not be the strong organisation that exists today.

The Executive Committee, under the chairmanship of Bruce Jenkins. Fedco joins me in thanking each of the members of Exco for giving up their valuable time to ensure good governance and effective oversight over KUSA’s administrative affairs.

The Executives of the various Provincial Councils, and their representatives, thank you for your sterling efforts in all matters relating to the duties of Provincial Councils.

Fedco commends the Judges Education Council under the leadership of Gérard Robinson for their ongoing commitment to the education and development of KUSA Judges.

The KUSA staff, ably led by Pascale Midgley, I express my gratitude for their continued dedication to provide an efficient and effective service to members and the public.

The COVID-19 Pandemic changed many aspects of our lives as we moved into what is called the new normal. Unfortunately, a lot of us are finding it difficult to adjust into this new lifestyle which brought with it a lot of financial stress both in our personal situation and within our beloved hobby and sport. We all expected relief from stress, a relief which did not altogether materialise, leaving us sometimes uncertain and angry, often clouding our moral standing and values. It has not been difficult to feel hard done by during the past 18 months! Just when we thought things were going to get better, we were pulled into a further forced adjustment, having to cope with excessive electricity load shedding, untenable weather swings, water shortages and a very uncertain political situation.

It is hard to rise above this, believe me, I also know, but rise above it we must! How we achieve this is different for each of us. I certainly don’t have the recipe, but what I aim to do is to go back to basics and concentrate on the respect that is needed to be given to all. To endeavour to be reasonable, responsible, and rational in all things and in my day-to-day dealings. Feeling angry and being volatile at times is not the way to go forward. It simply achieves nothing and leaves uncertainty and regret in most instances. I leave these thoughts with you all for 2024. Let’s work together to make 2024 a better calmer year for us all.

I would like to thank my colleagues on the Federal Council for all the assistance and support I have received. I am grateful and privileged to work with a team of highly informed, proactive Councillors - a team that truly works together for all things KUSA. I too, do the best I can to serve KUSA.

In closing, I wish you and your loved ones and all your very special dogs, a successful 2024 filled with a show of kindness and patience to all animals and especially to our fellow colleagues and friends.

Have a wonderful festive end to 2023, blessed with joyous times, good health and may you and your families stay safe and secure.

Jenny Hubbard 1 December 2023