10.08.2023 | Introducing FCI A2O Section Championship Shows

Posted in KUSA News



Following interest expressed by local Clubs to host an A2O Section Show in South Africa, KUSA has come to an agreement with the A2O on the terms on which KUSA, or any of its All-breeds member Clubs may, for the foreseeable future, acquire licences to host an A2O Section Championship Show at which the A2O’s Certificats d'Aptitude au Championnat (CACs) will be on offer in addition to KUSA’s CCs.

The FCI’s A2O Section introduced its regional titles and awards, similar to those offered by the Americas & Caribbean Section, with the aim of increasing interest and entries at Championship Shows hosted by FCI A2O countries and encouraging participation from exhibitors residing in other countries within the FCI A2O region.

At an A2O Section Show, in addition to KUSA’s traditional awards, the FCI A2O CAC will be awarded to the Best Dog and Best Bitch in Breed, in other words, the Judge will award a Dog CAC and a Bitch CAC. Apart from these additional awards, the Show will be held under normal KUSA Championship Show Regulations, using the seven (7) Group system. FCI A2O CAC Certificates will be issued by the host Club in either printed or digital format.

 To attain the title FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania Champion (FCI A20 CH), a dog or bitch who is already a KUSA Breed Champion, or Champion of an FCI member country, must win four FCI A2O CAC Certificates, at any FCI A2O Championship Show organised by any of the KUSA-approved All-Breeds Clubs in any of the Areas of Jurisdiction of KUSA’s six (6) Provincial Councils.

*To attain the title of FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania Grand Champion (FCI A2O GR CH), a dog or bitch who is already a KUSA Breed Champion, or Champion of an FCI member country, must win eight (8) FCI A2O CAC Certificates, at any FCI A2O Championship Show organised by any of the KUSA-approved All-breeds Clubs in any of the Areas of Jurisdiction of KUSA’s six (6) Provincial Councils, provided that the eight (8) CACs would have been attained, in any contributing quantity, in at least two (2) different Provincial Council Areas of Jurisdiction.

*To attain the title of FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania Supreme Champion (FCI A2O S CH), a dog or bitch who is already a KUSA Breed Champion, or Champion of an FCI member country, must win twelve (12) FCI A2O CAC Certificates, at any FCI A2O Championship Show organised by any of the KUSA-approved All-breeds Clubs in any of the Areas of Jurisdiction of KUSA’s six (6) Provincial Councils, provided that the twelve (12) CACs would have been attained, in any contributing quantity, in at least three (3) different Provincial Council Areas of Jurisdiction, and must also win at least one (1) Best in Show at an FCI A2O Championship Show.

*With regard to the Grand Champion & Supreme Champion titles, dispensation has been accorded to South Africa with regard to obtaining awards in other A2O countries, given South Africa’s geographical remoteness and the quarantine restriction that are in place for the movement of livestock.

Although a dog has to be a KUSA Breed Champion or an FCI Country Champion at the time of applying for FCI A2O Championship status, it does not have to be a KUSA Breed Champion prior to entering and receiving its first or any subsequent A2O CAC.

Application for FCI A2O Championship will be made to the A2O Secretariat by the KUSA Office on behalf of the owner on receipt of the necessary documentation and an administration fee of R250.00. Once verified and approved by the A2O Secretariat, the FCI A2O Champion Certificate will be issued. Application Forms are available for download from the KUSA website. Click here 

We trust that these exciting new titles and awards will provide an additional incentive to compete at Championship Shows where A2O CACs are on offer. We look forward to All-breeds Clubs in the six (6) Provincial Councils of KUSA taking up the challenge to host an A2O Section Show in 2024.

The requirements for hosting A2O Section Shows in South Africa are extensively covered in the Minutes of Fedco 06-2023 under Item 18.2. These Minutes can be accessed on the KUSA website. Click here.