30.09.2021 | KUSA Office Relocation - Important Notice

Posted in KUSA News

As has been extensively publicised in Notices and Federal Council Minutes, the KUSA Office will be moving to new, smaller premises, located at 7 Bree Street, Cape Town, on Monday, 4 October 2021.

Private office space has been leased for a period of 12 months from a company that offers innovative, flexible and collaborative workspaces. The new premises will act as a hub, creating a hybrid working environment whereby staff can work from home for several days of the week and come into the office as required to attend meetings and do printing and courier despatches. This interim solution is envisaged to endure until the much-anticipated digital platform becomes available, allowing KUSA Members to download and print their own digital copies of Certificates. The introduction of the online digital platform is on track for the first quarter of 2022, by which time KUSA would hopefully have sourced and customised a suitable property to become its future permanent headquarters.

Until further notice, Members are requested NOT to visit the KUSA Offices (new or old) and NOT to arrange for third party Courier Company collection or delivery. Documents may be couriered to PostNet Long Street, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, clearly marked for the attention of KUSA, from which we will collect once or twice a week.  

Although every effort will be made to minimise disruption to service, some downtime is inevitable as we migrate from an onsite Business Server to a Virtual Business Server and upgrade all software packages and applications to online “in the Cloud” versions. It is anticipated that the KUSA staff will not be able to process applications for a period of three to four days. During this downtime, staff members will clear and pack up their workstations. Once we have settled into our new premises, Members will once again be able to visit the KUSA Office, strictly by appointment, and collection from the new KUSA premises will once again become an option.

The KUSA switchboard telephone number will remain unchanged (021 423-9027), as will the switchboard hours (9.00 am to 15.00 pm). We request Members’ understanding and acceptance that, over the next two weeks, all members of staff will not always be available to take telephone calls or promptly attend to email enquiries.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused during the move and ensuing transition period. Members will be kept informed of our progress with the move, resettlement and the resumption of full service delivery.