Notice to Affiliated Clubs, Provincial Councils and National Sub Committees Re: Use of Training Dog Collars
This serves to remind all KUSA Clubs, Members and Organisations that the use of Prong (Spike) and Electric Shock Collars as a means of training dogs is not condoned by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
This notice serves to remind all KUSA Members of the following:
1. In 2007 KUSA published the following:
Spike and Electric Shock Collars
Members are reminded that the use of spike and electric shock collars for the training of dogs is prohibited and anyone found using them may be liable to having Disciplinary action taken against them. Members should also be aware that should spike or electric shock collars be used, it is possible that, if discovered by the authorities, they could be charged with an offence in terms of Section 2(F) of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962 (as amended).]
Extract of Section 2(F) of the Animal Protection Act No 71 of 1962 (as amended) :
2. (I) Any person who-
(f) uses on or attaches to any animal any equipment, appliance or vehicle which causes or will -cause injury to such animal or which is loaded, used or attached in such a manner as will cause such animal to be injured or to become diseased or to suffer unnecessarily;
2. KUSA Regulations are specific under SCHEDULE 05B(04) – Working Utility Dog, where it states:
3.3 Collars
The Judge(s) will ensure that during the exercises each dog under his jurisdiction wears only a plain training collar. Nothing will be attached to collars during exercises except leads when required. No spiked collars to be used. Tick collars and repellent devices will be allowed.
a. When it comes to training the physical as well as the psychological health of the dog is top priority. It is imperative then that the dog be handled in a fair, orderly and humane way .
b. It remains the ethical responsibility of man to raise and adequately train the dog. The applied methods must meet the standards of behavioural sciences, especially in regards to the breed. In order to achieve the upbringing, training or training effect, it is important to not utilize force and to use positive methods for the dog. Furthermore, it is imperative to decline the use of techniques that do not utilize the proper training, raising and training aides . Using a dog for dog sport has to be oriented to his capabilities, his competitive spirit and his willingness. Influencing the dogs training capabilities through the use of medication or animal cruelty must be avoided .
4. KUSA Schedule 05B(02) – Regulations for International Working Dog Trials and International Tracking Dog Trials (IGP) states:
3.3.7: Where there is a conflict between the Regulations for the International Utility Dog Trials and the International Tracking Dog Trial of the FCI and KUSA Schedules and administration, the KUSA Regulations will apply insofar as they do not alter the FCI IGP Trial rules.
5. KUSA Schedule 9 – Code of Ethics for Members of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) states:
KUSA Members shall, at all times, ensure that dogs owned by them, or entrusted to their care,
3.13 are not trained or worked beyond their willingness or capabilities and strictly confine training to methods that are humane and which do not cause undue fear, distress, or pain;
Members shall, at all times,
5.7 refrain from verbally or physically abusing any dog for not having performed to the expected standard or for having failed to achieve an expected award, or for any other reason whatsoever;
6. KUSA Regulations are specific under SCHEDULE 05M – Regulations for Flyball where it states:
10.2 Collars, Flyball harnesses and Leg wrapping
10.2.1 All dogs competing are to wear a flat buckle collar or Flyball harness of any material. Nothing in size. No hanging parts are allowed that are liable to flap around when the dog is racing. Holding any dog by the scruff of the neck or other parts is not permissible and will result in disqualification from the team.
10.2.2 Protection wrapping on dog’s legs may be used. Such wrapping should in no way impair the dogs’ performance and should not have any loose or hanging parts to it.
10.2.3 Unacceptable collars for all dogs attending Flyball events will include:
● Electronic collars
● Dummy electronic collars
● Pinch, pressure or prong collars
7. Other areas within the KUSA Constitution where there are references to the use of collars are:
Schedule 05N – Basic Working/Behaviour Test (BH)
1. On Lead Heeling - the on-lead dog, wearing an animal rights approved collar or harness
This is a serious matter. First and foremost, please ensure that dogs are trained by trainers who are keeping up with the modern view of positive reinforcement training. Prong, spiked and electric collars are simply cruel, being used to apply an aversive (stimulus that is painful or unpleasant) in order to prevent the animal from performing a particular behaviour. Under the Regulations of the Animal Protection Act the use of these collars is a Criminal Offence. KUSA has no alternative but to institute disciplinary action against those members or clubs which are found to utilise this method of training.