AKC Certified Export Pedigree: Everything You Need to Know
If your dog is a world traveler, his journeys just became easier.
The American Kennel Club (AKC) has launched the new AKC Certified Export Pedigree that merges into one document all the information required to obtain registration with foreign kennel clubs.
The new document makes it safer and less confusing to register dogs abroad. This is especially helpful for breeders who sell puppies overseas and those who show dogs in other countries.
“I am excited to announce the AKC Certified Export Pedigree is live,” says Linda Duncklee, Director of AKC Registration. “We will soon be sending information to all the foreign registries to let them know.”
AKC has reciprocal agreements with more than 200 foreign kennel clubs. To register an American-born, AKC-recognized breed with one of these registries, the dog first must be registered with the American Kennel Club and the owner must provide proof of this to the foreign organization.
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