Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6, 4.7 & 4.10 Dispensation for Registration granted January 2024

Posted in Fedco/Exco Official Announcements

Published on KUSA Website February 2024 

Approved by Exco at its meeting held on 23 January 2024:

Dobermann (Reg 4.6 / 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 05.05.2021, eight (8) puppies, breeders, Mrs RC Diedericks and Mr M Diedericks.

Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Reg 4.6 / 4.7 Late Registration)

Litter whelped 15.09.2021, one (2) puppy, breeder, Mrs DG Jackson.

(Reg 4.10 Dispensation for Registration of an Extraordinary Nature)  

Request for transfer of GSD registered on the Appendix Register to the Primary Breed Register.

Single dog whelped 30.05.2022, owners, Ms K Nieuwoudt and Mr FJ Myburgh