KUSA Website - Member Portal Enhancements - Beta Testing |
Litter RegistrationSingle Dog RegistrationAffix Kennel Name ApplicationTrial Mating - 5 Gen.Ped.Dog image upload |
Litter RegistrationSingle Dog RegistrationAffix Kennel Name ApplicationTrial Mating - 5 Gen. Ped.Dog image upload |
Biewer Terrier DNA Profile Procedure
The Kennel Union will only accept applications for registration of Biewer Terriers, on the KUSA Appendix Register, if the dog has been positively identified via DNA profiling and parentage has been verified via DNA parentage verification. The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Sceinces at Onderstepoort (OPVGL), is the only laborotary from which DNA certificates will be accepted for Biewer Terrier registrations. The laboratory is a member of the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG).
1. DNA (FTA) Kit
- Can only be requested by a registered practicing Veterinarian
- Breeder to arrange with their Veterinarian.
- Can request multiple DNA kits which Veterinarian may keep in stock for future use.
- Cost of DNA (FTA) kit = R35.00 each (includes Registered Mail)
- DNA (FTA) Kits will not be posted unless payment received.
- Bank Details: University of Pretoria, ABSA, Hatfield Branch 3355545, Account Number 2140000038. Reference AB916.
- Postal address of Veterinary practice must be provided in order to mail the DNA (FTA) kits
2. Contact for DNA (FTA) Kits
- All requests for DNA (FTA) Kits must be sent via email to Claudette van Zyl at OPVGL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or faxed to (012) 529 8310 (no telephonic requests please)
- Proof of payment to be attached
3. Collection of DNA Sample
- Must be collected by Veterinarian
- Dog must be positively identified via microchip scan and chip number to be corroborated against microchip certificate
- DNA material must be from blood sample (no buccal swabs will be accepted)
- No DNA samples will be accepted unless microchip number appears on sample submitted
- Declaration must be signed by Veterinarian & Owner
4. Submission of DNA Sample
- OPVGL application form to be completed, signed and stamped with Vet practice stamp
5. Two types of applications:
- Biewer Terrier Litter (DNA profile of parents on OPVGL database)
- Imported Biewer Terrier / Single dog application
(Certified Copy of Export Pedigree must accompany application)
- If parents are not DNA profiled by ISAG lab, OPVGL reserve the right to ask for parents to be profiled.
- Completed application form, proof of payment and FTA card, to be sent via registered mail or courier to OPVGL. Each FTA card must be inserted in to a separate envelope, clearly marked with the dog’s name and microchip number. Address: Dr. Cindy Harper, OPVGL, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X04, Onderstepoort, 0110
- Bank Details: University of Pretoria, ABSA, Hatfield Branch 335545, Account Number 2140000038. Reference AB916.
Biewer Terrier Registration Requirements
The Emerging Breed Register of KUSA documents emerging breeds within the Kennel Union of Southern Africa's jurisdiction. Breeds on this register must adhere to special requirements in order to be registered.
As a member of the FCI, dogs registered on the KUSA Appendix Register may be issued with an export pedigree and can be re-registered on another FCI member's Appendix Register.
Schedule 2: Appendix "C" Breed Specific Registration Requirements
Registration requirements for Biewer Terriers
Applications for the registration of Biewer Terriers will only be accepted if the dog has been positively identified via DNA PROFILING and parentage has been verified via DNA PARENTAGE VERIFICATION by a laboratory that is a member of the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG). The Veterinary Genetics Laboratory at the Faculty of Veterinary Science at Onderstepoort (OPVGL) is currently the only laboratory in South Africa that is a member of ISAG from which DNA Typing Certificates will be accepted for the registration of Biewer Terriers bred in the KUSA area of jurisdiction.
In the case of Biewer Terriers that are imported, DNA material will be required to be submitted to OPVGL for the issuing of a DNA Typing Certificate which must reflect the dog’s microchip number, DNA Profile number and DNA ID Number. Applications for registration of an imported Biewer Terrier will only be accepted if the required DNA Typing Certificate is attached to the KUSA Registration Application Form.
All Certificates of Registration issued to Biewer Terriers registered or reregistered with the Kennel Union must bear the DNA profile number and DNA ID Number of the dog.
NB: Login to access the KUSA Online Services Transaction Menu (Restricted to Registered Users only)
KUSA Online Services - Operating Instructions |
Litter RegistrationSingle Dog RegistrationAffix Kennel Name ApplicationTrial Mating - 5 Gen. Ped.Dog image upload |
Join KUSA today
The Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) promotes the improvement and general well-being of dogs, encourages responsible breeding and showing of pure bred dogs, regulates training classes and events, licenses dog shows, obedience tests, working trials and much more.
KUSA is a member of the FCI (Fédération Cynologique Internationale), the biggest canine organization in the world. The FCI has 76 full members with one in almost each country in the world, from Austria to Venezuela. See the full list here: FCI members
In 2016, KUSA celebrated 125 years of working for and with dogs in Southern Africa. Founded in 1891, the South African Kennel Club, now the Kennel Union of Southern Africa aka KUSA, is the combination of the Southern African Kennel Club of Port Elizabeth (founded 1883) and the South African Kennel Club of Cape Town (founded 1889). Today, KUSA is primarily a registration and administrative organization with nearly two hundred affiliated clubs and four thousand members. KUSA licenses over six hundred Championship and non-Championship events annually.
You will need to be a member of KUSA to:
- Register a dog with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa
- Register or renew an Affix (Kennel Name)
- Breed with a KUSA Registered bitch or stud
- Be a KUSA Judge
- Be a delegate of a Provincial Council
- Be a member of the Executive Committee
- Be a member of the Federal Council
- Enter dogs in KUSA licenced Championship Shows
KUSA members are very valuable to us and the KUSA team has been working hard throughout the year to increase the benefits for KUSA members, whether you show, train or breed your dogs.
Benefits of becoming a KUSA member:
- Receive electronic Notices directly in your e-mailbox;
- Advertise on the exclusive Members' Advert Page on the KUSA website;
- Free entry to the McQueen Memorial Reference Library in Cape Town;
- Purchase exclusive litter statistics and special reports
- Obtain privileged access to the KUSA Members Portal and Club Portal with online services;
- Research ancestry using the KUSA Mate Select and Trial Mating tools; (Currently unavailable)
- May enter FCI events hosted overseas if meet entry qualifications.
- Participate in the various dog related disciplines such as Agility, Dog Jumping, Carting, Flyball, IGP, Field Trials, Dancing with dogs, Rescue dogs, Rally Obedience and Mondioring.
- Make your dog up to be a Champion, Grand Champion or Supreme Champion
With all of these great benefits, KUSA membership is open to all canine enthusiasts and dog lovers in Southern Africa. Please invite your friends, family and puppy buyers to join KUSA and get involved in the world of dogdom. For more information, please visit our website at www.kusa.co.za, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., give us a call on 021 423 9027 or visit our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/mykusa.
KUSA Membership Costs
Initial Fees
New members – New members must pay an election fee of R436 to be presented to the Executive Committee of KUSA for election. Cost: R436 incl VAT
Returning members – If you were a KUSA member and your membership has lapsed for more than 1 month you are required to pay R436 for re-election by Exco. Cost: R436 incl VAT
Annual Fees
Join KUSA for one year for only R770 (excluding initial fee). After 5 years of unbroken membership, you become eligible for a discounted annual fee
Join KUSA now by completing the Membership form found here. Submit your completed form with proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
KUSA Affixes
View the current list of proposed, published and lapsed here: Affixes/Kennel Names
Download the Affix/Kennel Name Application Form
Download the Affix Renewal Form
How do I register a KUSA affix or kennel name?
To register an affix, an application must be made on an official Kennel Union form signed by the applicant and setting out all the information required therein. This form must be accompanied by the application fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7.
In addition to the Affix desired by the applicant, four alternative names must be provided. Keep the following in mind when deciding on names:
- A number and descriptive word is not registerable
- The names of countries, provinces, towns or titles are not permitted
- A letter, number or numeral is not permitted
- An adjective or noun appropriate to the name of a dog is not permitted
- An adjective or noun appropriate to a colour definition appropriate to a breed of dog is not permitted
- First names (e.g. Gisela), common names for dogs (Fido, King, etc.), surnames are not permitted
- Registered company names or patented product names are not permitted
- Names indicative of the quality of the applicant's dogs (e.g. Champion, Superb) or any feature of the breed or its temperament are not permitted
- The word "Kennel/s" may not be included as part of the Affix.
How do I get my affix accepted?
Acceptance of an Affix shall be at the sole discretion of the Executive Committee. Every Affix provisionally accepted by the Secretary shall be published once on the Kennel Union Website and any objections thereto shall be lodged with the Secretary within thirty (30) days of publication.
After publication of the Affix, every application and objection shall be considered by the Executive Committee, which may grant such application, with or without amendment, whereupon the Affix shall be registered, giving the grantee, during the continuance of such grant, the sole and exclusive right to use such Affix as part of a name when registering or changing the name of a dog on transfer of ownership. The grantee may not cede, assign, bequeath, sell or dispose of a registered Affix without the consent of the Executive Committee.
When an Affix has been granted and the current grantee/s wish to add, subtract or replace any surname from those in which the Affix is currently granted, the Executive Committee shall be empowered to instruct the Secretary to take the necessary action provided that the written agreement of all the existing grantee/s or their Executors has first been obtained and that the fee laid down in terms of Schedule 7 has been received and that there is no contravention of Regulation of this Schedule. In such cases the period of grant shall expire at the end of the period granted to the original grantee/s.
How does joint ownership work?
In terms of this Schedule, at any one time, no more than five (5) persons shall be permitted to hold joint registered ownership of any dog or hold joint registered ownership of any Affix.
Where an Affix is granted jointly to two (2) or more persons, it may be used by those people acting in concert, in any combination or singly.
Every grant of a registered Affix shall be published once on the Kennel Union Website and shall be valid for a period of five (5) years from the date of registration, subject to the grantee's right to re register such Affix for further periods of five (5) years upon payment of the prescribed re registration fee as stipulated in terms of Schedule 7.
Can I protect an international/foreign affix from usage in SA?
Any Affix registered in any country, the Canine Control Body of which is in reciprocity with or recognised by the Kennel Union may be protected on application by the Grantee or by the Committee of an Affiliated Breed Club or other interested party for a period of twenty (20) years, subject to renewal, upon payment of the fee prescribed.
What happens if my affix expires?
In the event of a grantee failing to re-register an Affix upon expiry thereof, the Secretary shall send written notice of such expiry to the grantee at his last known address and failing re-registration by the grantee within a period of thirty (30) days of such notice, the Secretary shall publish notice of such expiry once on the Kennel Union Website. Upon the grantee's failure to re register the Affix within thirty (30) days of publication, the grant shall lapse and the name of the Affix shall become available to any applicant for registration at the discretion of the Executive Committee.
How may I use my affix?
The grantee of a registered Affix shall utilise it only as a prefix, that is to say, the first word in the name, in respect of any dog bred by him or any dog bred from parents, each of which were bred by him, otherwise it shall be used only as a suffix, that is to say, the last word in the name.
No name indicative of an Affix may be used unless it is registered as such with the Kennel Union in terms of these Regulations.
No registered name, including Affix shall exceed fifty-five (55) characters, which will include a registered Prefix of one word limited to fifteen (15) characters; a common name (inclusive of spaces between words, apostrophes, hyphens or other punctuation marks) limited to twenty-five (25) characters in total, with the addition of a registered Suffix, on transf
Membership Forms & Affix Forms
Members Forms
Filename | Size | Date & Time |
Affix Renewal Form | 126.41 KB | 2024-08-28 06:13:54 |
Affix Renewal Form | 206.32 KB | 2024-08-28 06:13:54 |
Application for Registration of a New Affix | 290.5 KB | 2024-08-28 06:14:38 |
Application for Registration of a New Affix | 134.22 KB | 2024-08-28 06:14:38 |
Membership Renewal Form | 137.55 KB | 2024-08-28 06:17:50 |
Membership Renewal Form | 332.5 KB | 2024-08-28 06:22:12 |
New Membership Application Form | 247.5 KB | 2022-01-20 12:49:48 |
New Membership Application Form | 350.49 KB | 2022-01-20 12:49:51 |
Online Transactions
Please note: Only Credit Card payments are accepted for online applications. For EFT payments, please follow the traditional route of sending your documents and proof of payment directly to the KUSA office.
MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL – Renew your KUSA membership
AFFIX APPLICATION – Renew your KUSA affix/kennel name
LITTER APPLICATION – Apply for the registration of a litter
SINGLE DOG APPLICATION – Apply for the registration of a single, imported dog
TRIAL MATING (5 Generations with COEFFICIENT of INBREEDING) – See the results of potential matings with the KUSA Trial Mating Tool
DOG IMAGE UPLOAD – Update your dog's digital pedigree (5 generation) with a recent photo
Password/Login Details for Portal Access
(Only available to current KUSA Members)
KUSA Members are invited to apply for a user name and password in order to gain access to their personal details recorded on the KUSA database. Please complete the form below, ensuring all mandatory fields marked with * are filled.
You will receive confirmation of receipt of website profile application followed by written notification of username and password allocated.
The username and password will give members access to information linked to their unique membership profile only.
Information available for viewing:-
Member's contact details; membership and Kennel Name status; Judge's qualification history; details of each dog registered; details of each litter registered; history of applications submitted and paid to the KUSA office for processing and the progress status of applications submitted pending completion.
Please kindly contact our Website Administrator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for your login details or if you would like your password reset.
Registration Forms
Litter Registrations
To register a complete litter with KUSA, you will need one or more of the documents below. Complete the forms and submit with your proof of payment to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for processing.
Litter Registration Forms
Boxer Litter Registration Forms
All Boxer litter applications must first be submitted to the FBCSA Breed Council Registration Secretary, for verification. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Boxer litter registrations will only be processed if approval has first been attained from the FBCSA BC Registration Secretary.
Specialized Registrations
For more information on how to register litters bred with artificial insemination (AI), view the guidelines and required documents for each type below:
Artificial Insemination Forms
Date & Time
Artificial Insemination Declaration Form
187.35 KB
2022-07-29 06:03:59
Certificate of Insemination template
254.13 KB
2022-07-29 06:04:05
Confirmation of Ownership of Donor Semen
202.91 KB
2022-07-29 06:04:05
Semen Collection Certificate Template
174.79 KB
2022-07-29 06:04:08
Artificial Insemination Forms
Filename | Size | Date & Time |
Artificial Insemination Declaration Form | 187.35 KB | 2022-07-29 06:03:59 |
Certificate of Insemination template | 254.13 KB | 2022-07-29 06:04:05 |
Confirmation of Ownership of Donor Semen | 202.91 KB | 2022-07-29 06:04:05 |
Semen Collection Certificate Template | 174.79 KB | 2022-07-29 06:04:08 |
For puppies produced by artificial insemination, whether from local or imported semen:
- Local Frozen Semen – Semen Collection Certificate, Certificate of Insemination & Application for the Registration of a Complete Litter
- Imported Frozen Semen – Semen Collection Certificate, Certificate of Insemination, Confirmation of Ownership of Donor Semen, Certified Export Pedigree & Application for the Registration of a Complete Litter
- Fresh Semen – AI Declaration & Application for the Registration of a Complete Litter
Single Dog Registration
Single Dog Registration Forms
Renew your KUSA affix
Renew your KUSA affix. Don't wait until your KUSA affix lapses and you are forced to incur extra expenses to keep your affix.
To renew your KUSA kennel name (or affix), simply download the affix renewal form here, complete and sign the form, deposit your fees and forward your forms and proof of payment to the KUSA office.
Remember, your KUSA membership must be current to hold a KUSA affix.
Renew now to avoid extra fees and administration. Lapsed affixes are not automatically renewable and applicants will be required to re-apply for approval through the normal KUSA procedures at the full cost of R1410 for 5 years.
If you do not wish to renew your kennel name, a notice will be published on the KUSA website at www.kusa.co.za and after 30 days, the affix will lapse and it will become available to any applicant for registration at the discretion of the KUSA Executive Committee.
KUSA affixes are subject to Schedule 2, Regulation 8 of the KUSA constitution. To review the rules and regulations pertaining to KUSA affixes, visit the About Us section of this website and click on Constitution & Schedules.
For assistance or queries, contact the KUSA office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call us on 021 423 9027.
*Prices are subject to change. Please refer to the Subscription and Fees for updated prices.