KUSA Documents

Application to hold a Show

Posted in KUSA Documents


Posted in KUSA Documents





At the Special Meeting of the Federal Council held on Thursday, 4 April 2024, the following amendments to Schedule 10 Appendix 1 (Group Course) and Schedule 10 Appendix 3 (Breed Specialisation Course) pertaining to the application of the pass mark across the various sections of the following examination papers:

  • Paper 1 Group Course or Breed Specialisation Course
  • Paper 2 Group Course
  • Paper 2 Breed Specialisation Course

Exam candidates intending to sit any of these papers must note that, effective from the upcoming June 2024 exams, it will no longer be possible to pass an exam on the strength of a pass mark obtained in only one section of a two-sections paper (Paper 1) or a pass mark obtained in only two sections of a three-sections paper (Paper 2 – Group Course & Paper 2 – Breed Specialisation Course.)


In the past, the pass mark of 80% was calculated on the candidates’ total mark over the 2 Sections of Paper 1, i.e.

  • Canine Physiology (150 marks)
  • KUSA Regulations & Procedures (50 marks)
    – 200 marks in total,

requiring the candidate to obtain 160 marks across the 2 Sections.

In future (i.e. effective from the June 2024 exams onwards), a Paper 1 candidate will have to obtain at least 120 marks in Canine Physiology and at least 40 marks in KUSA Regulations & Procedures to pass Paper 1. Failure to achieve the required pass mark in both of the 2 Sections will result in outright and automatic failure of Paper 1, irrespective of whether the marks achieved in one or the other Section are sufficient to yield an average of 160 marks across the 2 Sections.


In the past, the pass mark of 75% was calculated on the candidates’ total mark for the 3 Sections of Paper 2, i.e.

· KUSA Breed Standards (for the particular Group) (200 marks)

  • Canine Physiology (60 marks)
  • KUSA Regulations & Procedures (40 marks)
    – 300 marks in total,

requiring the candidate to obtain 225 marks across the 3 Sections .

In future (i.e. effective from the June 2024 exams onwards), a Paper 2 (Group Course) candidate will have to obtain at least 150 marks inKUSA Breed Standards and at least 45 marks inCanine Physiologyand at least 30 marks in KUSA Regulations & Procedures to pass Paper 2 (Group Course). Failure to achieve the required pass mark in any of the 3 Sections will result in outright and automatic failure of Paper 2, irrespective of whether the marks achieved in either or both of the other two Sections are sufficient to yield an average of 225 marks across the 3 Sections.


In the past, the pass mark of 75% was calculated on the candidates’ total mark for the 3 Sections of Paper 2, i.e.

  • KUSA Breed Standard and Assignment (for the particular Specialisation Breed) (160 marks)
  • Canine Physiology (50 marks)
  • KUSA Regulations & Procedures (40 marks)
    – 250 marks in total,

requiring the candidate to obtain 187.5 marks across the 3 Sections.

In future (i.e. effective from the June 2024 exams onwards), a Paper 2 (Breed Specialisation) candidate will have to obtain at least 120 marks in KUSA Breed Standard and Assignment and at least 37.5 marks in Canine Physiology and at least 30 marks in KUSA Regulations & Procedures to pass Paper 2. Failure to achieve the required pass mark in any of the 3 Sections will result in outright and automatic failure of Paper 2 (Breed Specialisation Course), irrespective of whether the marks achieved in either or both of the other two Sections are sufficient to yield an average of 187.5 marks across the 3 Sections.

To enact the changes, the Federal Council has authorised the following amendments to be made to the KBJLP Regulations:

Schedule 10 Appendix 1 Regulation 1.5 (from 1.5.6 onwards) (Group Course):

Insertions in bolded red underlining and deletions in [ struck out square brackets ]

1.5.6. Paper 1 will carry 200 marks with a minimum pass requirement of 80%[ ] for each of the two (2) sections of KUSA Regulations & Procedures and Canine Physiology .

1.5.7. Failure to achieve the required pass mark of 80% in any one of the two (2) sections as confirmed in Regulation 1.5.6, will result in automatic failure of Paper 1.

1.5.[ ]8. The duration of the examination shall be no longer than 2 hours.

1.5.[ ]9. Examination papers will be marked by the JEC Examination Officer and moderated by at least one qualified Moderator before results are made known.

1.5.[ ]10. Examination Candidates will be notified by the KUSA Office of their success or failure in the examination and a percentage mark shall be given.

1.5.1[ ]1. No correspondence will be entered into following the examination.

1.5.1[ ]2. If the Candidate is successful, he/she may register with the KUSA Judges’ Department to begin studies for one of the following:

1.5.1[ ]2.1. a Group Course (See Reg. 2. below)

1.5.1[ ]2.2. the Junior Showmanship Course (See Schedule 10, Appendix 2) or

1.5.1[ ]2.3. a Breed Specialisation Course (See Schedule 10, Appendix 3)

1.5.1[ ]3. If the Candidate is unsuccessful, he/she may register to rewrite the examination at any future examination opportunity.

1.5.1[ ]4. A re-marking facility will be available on payment of a fee, as determined by the KUSA Office.

Schedule 10 Appendix 1 Regulation 2.5 (from 2.5.5 onwards) (Group Course):

Insertions in bolded red underlining and deletions in [ struck out square brackets ]

2.5.5. Paper 2 will carry 300 marks with a minimum pass requirement of 75% [ across all papers. for allthree (3) sections individually, i.e. 75% for each section of KUSA Breed Standards, KUSA Regulations & Procedures and Canine Physiology.

2.5.6. Failure to achieve the required pass mark of 75% in any one of the three (3) sections as confirmed in Regulation 2.5.5, will result in automatic failure of the Paper 2 for the Group Course in question.

2.5.[ ]7. The duration of the examination shall be no longer than 3 hours.

2.5.[ ]8. Examination scripts will be marked by the JEC Examination Officer and moderated by at least one qualified JEC Moderator before results are made known.

2.5.[ ]9. Examination Candidates will be notified by the KUSA Office of their success or failure in the examination and a percentage mark shall be given.

2.5.[ ]10. No correspondence will be entered into following the examination.

2.5.[ 10 ]11. If the Examination Candidate is successful, he/she may register with the KUSA Judges’ Department to begin studies for a new course of study, if desired.

2.5.[ 11 ]12. If the Examination Candidate is unsuccessful, he/she may register to rewrite the examination at any future examination opportunity.

2.5.[ 12 ]13. A re-marking facility will be available on payment of a fee, as determined by the KUSA Office.

Schedule 10 Appendix 3 Regulations 7.4.3 & Regulation 7 (from 7.5 onwards) (Breed Specialisation Course):

Insertions in bolded red underlining and deletions in [ struck out square brackets ]

7.4.3. KUSA Breed Standard & Assignment (See 6.5. above) (160 marks)

7.5. Paper 2 will carry 250 marks with a minimum pass requirement of 75% [.] for all three (3) sections individually, i.e. 75% for each section of KUSA Breed Standard & Assignment, KUSA Regulations & Procedures and Canine Physiology.

7.6. Failure to achieve the required pass mark of 75% in any one of the three sections as confirmed in Regulation 2.5.5, will result in automatic failure of the Paper 2 for the Breed Specialisation Course in question.

7.[ ]7. The duration of the examination shall be no longer than 3 hours.

7.[ ]8. The examination script will be marked by the JEC Examination Officer and moderated by at least one qualified JEC Moderator before results are made known.

7.[ ]9.The Examination Candidate will be notified by the KUSA Office of his/her success or failure in the examination and a percentage mark shall be given.

7.[ ]10. No correspondence will be entered into following the examination.

Prior to enrolment for any of the exams in question, Licensed Judges and Learner Judges are requested to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the changes to the KBJLP Regulations set out above. Needless to say, the changes impact on certain ancillary Judges’ Forms & Guides which will also be amended to clarify the revised application of the pass mark to the respective exam papers.

Registration closes on 19 January 2024


Portfolio submission closing date is: 15 April 2024

Exam Registration closing date is: 15 May 2024

Please note that all requirements need to have been met prior to registration.
Application forms can be downloaded from your KUSA Member Portal or you may ask one to be emailed to you from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exam Registration & Application Forms  (Open link here)

Proof of payment must be attached to Examination Registration Application forms.
Please use your Surname and KUSA Membership number as reference on bank deposit.


Registration closes on 01 July 2024


Portfolio submission closing date is: 01 September 2024

Exam Registration closing date is: 01 October 2024

Please note that all requirements need to have been met prior to registration.
Application forms can be downloaded from your KUSA Member Portal or can be requested by email from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Exam Registration & Application Forms  (Open link here)

Proof of payment must be attached to Examination Registration Application forms.
Please use your Surname and KUSA Membership number as reference on bank deposit.



SATURDAY, 11th November 2023

The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 of the above Examination for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:


Prof M Nicolau – Working Group

Mrs J Bednarek – Herding Group

Mr G Schultz – Gundog Group

Ms V Nicolau – Hound Group

Ms M Tregoning – Hound Group


Ms M Halmi – Utility Group *

Mrs L Olivier – Utility Group

Mr O Damon – Breed Specialisation - Rottweiler

The following Learner Judges were successful in passing the Schedule 03 & 09(B) DOGSPORT examination:


Mrs S le Roux


Mrs P Dold


Mr M Berry*


Mr F van der Walt


Ms S Blum


Mr V Barends*

Ms J Bonthuys

*We would like to congratulate Ms M Halmi, Mr V Barends & Mr M Berry on their distinctions.


Club Portal Login - Secretaries

Posted in KUSA Documents

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KUSA Club Secretaries’ Instructions for logging into Club Portals

The Club Secretary is required to have Member Portal access (free to all current members) before being able to log in to any Club portals.

In order to sign up for this, please click the following link and follow the instructions:


For any queries or assistance with this, please contact Karene: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Any person that will be capturing shows on a Club Portal will need to be added to that Portal, with permission from the Club – request access from This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Show Application Procedure

1. Fill in the Show application form – please use only the latest forms available from the KUSA website.

2. Pay the licence fee (See Schedule 07 for fees) and use the ORG no as the payment reference.

3. Send the relevant fully signed Application Form and POP to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

4. The Shows Department will process the application, add the event to the Calendar, and let the Secretary know once the show has been prepared on the Club Portal.

Club Portal

Please do not add a show on your own – wait for authorization from the Shows Department

1. Once the show has been prepared by the Shows Department, log into your own Member Portal.

2. Once logged in, hover your mouse over the “Clubs” heading at the top of the page without clicking.

3. A black dropdown menu will appear.

4. Click on “Club Portal Login”. No further passwords will be required.

5. The list of your linked clubs will show on this screen. Select the Club.

Tips for Capturing Events

Your event has already been added to the Club portal by the time you are requested to capture any event details. Do not work on an event before being given the go-ahead by the Shows Department.

Click edit to the left of the correct show. Please capture all fields in the main show window. Make sure that you save your work often.

Never click refresh on your internet browser while editing an event.
Next, click on “Officials” and fill in these fields. (all 6 fields for Champ shows, minimum 1 field for non-champ shows).

Do not alter any headings or control dates already captured by the Shows Department.
Do not work in the Judges’ section at all – Do not add Judges - Do not make any changes to Judges.

Do not Change the Show Name – this will affect the search option when exhibitors try and find it.

Changes to Events

If the club makes any minor changes to events, please feel free to go in and edit the portal accordingly. Never make changes to Judges, dates, or events on offer without contacting the Shows Department.
A copy of the show schedule will need to be sent to the Shows Department for record if you make any changes.

Code of Ethics

Posted in KUSA Documents



(Effective Date 01.03.2023) 

Persons become Members of KUSA and maintain their membership of KUSA for a variety of reasons, ranging from the establishment of a non-commercial kennel for the breeding of purebred dogs, to the participation in dog-showing and other forms of dogsport, to the judging or evaluating of conformation Shows and competitions for various Working Disciplines, to the desire to serve in an administrative capacity on the various structures which underpin cynology as a leisure activity.

This Code seeks to define the norms for ethical behaviour and conduct, incumbent on those elected to membership of KUSA. Every person, upon signing an Application for Membership or a Membership Renewal Form, or renewing their membership by paying the required Membership Fee on receipt of a Renewal Notice, shall be bound by this Code insofar as it applies to a Member’s involvement in any of the activities sanctioned or licensed by the KUSA, or in its administrative framework, as set out below.

Failure to comply with, or adhere to, this Code of Conduct for Members of KUSA may result in disciplinary action under Schedule 1 of the KUSA Constitution and the loss, or suspension, of membership, the imposition of persona non grata status by the Federal Council, or other penalty.


    • Members shall, through their diligent adherence to, and observance of, this Code of Ethics, give effect to the Object of the Kennel Union which encapsulates its laudable ethos of functioning as a world-class Registering Authority and Breeder’s Society for canines under the Animal Improvement Act,62 of 1998 and, as a full member of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), and as an administrator and regulator par excellence of all forms of Dogsport in South Africa.
  • Members shall not knowingly, or recklessly, misrepresent KUSA to any third party.
  • Members shall neither engage in any behaviour which is contrary to the general norms of acceptable decorum, nor fall short of the standards expected from them by the community at large.
  • When participating in any KUSA activity, or representing KUSA, Members shall conduct themselves politely and ensure that their ability to exercise sound judgment remains unimpaired during the full period of participation or representation.
  • Members shall always remain fully responsible for the dogs owned by them and left in the care of others.
  • Members shall, by any lawful means, always assist to comfort, or save, any dog in distress.
  • Members shall respect the reputations and sensitivities of other Members, Judges or Evaluators and elected or appointed KUSA Officials at all events and in all fora, including on social media platforms, such as Facebook, and on various Internet chat groups. In this regard Members are advised to take due cognisance of KUSA’s Best Practice Guidelines for Members in the Use of Social Media, published on the KUSA website.
  • It is incumbent on Members to familiarise themselves with the KUSA Constitution and the Regulations issued

pursuant thereto, as well as with the Statutes ( http://www.fci.be/en/FCI-Statutes-39.html ) and Standing Orders (http://www.fci.be/en/Standing-Orders-of-the-FCI-40.html) of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and, for relevant purposes, with the Rules and Regulations of other National Canine Organisation with which KUSA has reciprocal arrangements.

  • Persons who have successfully applied for membership of KUSA, or have successfully renewed such membership, who fail to observe any of the provisions of this Code of Ethics for Members of KUSA or any of its Appendices, resulting in a judgment against such persons in a Court of Law, may be dealt with in terms of KUSA’s Disciplinary Rules – Schedule 1.

In all its dealings with KUSA members of staff, or with appointed or elected KUSA Officials, Members shall,

  • in all personal or telephonic dealings, conduct themselves politely, considerately and courteously;
  • when resolution of a problem is not immediately possible, undertake to submit the query in writing, clearly setting out and problem and attaching all supporting documentation, so that the necessary research may be done and external enquiries made, with a view to finding a solution;
  • if resolution is not achieved within a reasonable time, escalate the problem to senior members of staff of KUSA, the Provincial Council Chairmen, or the Executive Committee;
  • refrain from ranting on social media, or in public, and desist from rancorous actions to malign and defame KUSA or any of its staff members, or any elected or appointed KUSA Official acting in the execution of designated duties.
  • mindful that elected or appointed KUSA Officials serve in a voluntary capacity, refrain from verbal or physical abuse of KUSA Officials acting in the execution of their designated duties.
  • when feeling disaffected by the actions of any KUSA Official acting in the execution of designated duties, raise their grievances through the appropriate official channels.

KUSA Members shall, at all times, ensure that dogs owned by them, or entrusted to their care,

  • are properly housed, fed, watered and exercised;
  • if, having to be confined to a crate for any reason, be placed in a crate large enough to allow the dog to stand up to its full height and to turn around with ease;
  • shall receive the necessary veterinary attention from a veterinary practitioner when ill or injured and regularly be assessed for any biosecurity risk and, if an infection is detected, immediate steps be taken to contain and eliminate the risk;
  • have adequate shelter when not kept indoors and not left confined in a vehicle unattended and/or in areas exposed to the elements;
  • are provided with a fenced, or walled, exercise area of sufficient size to restrict the movement of the dogs to the area provided;
  • are kept in full compliance with applicable Municipal By-laws;
  • positively enhance the reputation of dog owners and dog breeders by ensuring that the dogs are kept in an area which is clean and hygienic and never left unattended in an environment where they can cause harm to people, other dogs, other animals or property, or cause a public nuisance or pose any danger to the community. To this end, dogs must be kept on lead and under effective control in public places, except in spaces designated for the training of dogs to return on command;
  • receive the best affordable nutrition, grooming and healthcare to keep them in peak physical condition and, when it is no longer possible to provide this level of care, to take immediate pre-emptive steps to rehome the dogs, thereby to ensure their future care and comfort;
  • shall not be disposed of to a pound or to an animal rescue centre;
  • are properly identifiable by microchip and, if practicable, by registration;
  • are not being left to foul public spaces or exhibition areas, without excrement being cleaned up;
  • will be transported in vehicles that are properly ventilated and/or air-conditioned, preferably in properly secured travel crates;
  • are not trained or worked beyond their willingness or capabilities and strictly confine training to methods that are humane and which do not cause undue fear, distress, or pain;
  • if used in a film, advertisement, promotion or any medium of public display, are depicted in a manner consistent with the characteristics and temperament of the breed in question and not portrayed in a manner which reflects negatively on dogs in general;
  • will only be kept for companionship and not used for any outlawed activities such as dog-racing or dog-fighting;
  • shall not have their ears cropped;
  • shall not be involved in any activity or practice which infringes the Animals Protection Act No. 71 of 1962, the Veterinary or Para-veterinary Professions Act. No. 19 of 1982, or the Animal Improvement Act No. 62 of 1998.

Members who breed dogs shall

  • pursue the fundamental goal of dog-breeding, i.e. strive to breed functionally and clinically healthy dogs with a construction that conforms to the Breed Standard adopted by KUSA for the breed in question, free of exaggeration, and with a temperament typical for the specific breed, which will have the expectancy of a long and happy life for the benefit and pleasure of their owners and the dogs themselves;
  • only breed with a view to promote the health and wellbeing of the progeny and the bitch and base their selections for breeding on knowledge, research, honesty and international cooperation;
  • take all reasonable steps to reduce the incidence of hereditary diseases, including researching the bloodlines for the occurrence rate of hereditary diseases and commissioning the available health tests for the hereditary diseases for which the breed shows a predisposition;
  • cooperate with scientists, veterinarians and other breeders on genetic health issues and make every effort in the selection of breeding lines to prevent the result of unhealthy offspring;
  • take all possible steps to ensure that dogs bred by them do not suffer from any disorder that impedes the dogs’ sight, breathing or ability to move freely, or which might otherwise be detrimental to the dogs’ comfort and wellbeing;
  • not sell or dispose of dogs unless they are in a peak state of health or, if this is done, then with full disclosure of the condition to the new owner and upon receipt of a signed acknowledgement from the new owner that the dog has been accepted in full knowledge that it was suffering from a specific pre-existing health condition;
  • ensure that the Registration Certificates of all dogs afflicted with health of disability conditions contain the endorsement “N/P Progeny not Eligible for Registration”;
  • not breed specifically or predominantly for a pet-supply or commercial market and only for the non-commercial purpose of improving the quality, or working ability, of the breed and, to this end, through constantly striving to improve their knowledge of their chosen breed;
  • save in extenuating circumstances, to be adjudicated by the Executive Committee, strictly adhere to Schedule 2 Regulation 12.2 by not breeding from a bitch that has not reached twelve (12) months of age;
  • save in extenuating circumstances, to be adjudicated by the Executive Committee, strictly adhere to Schedule 2 Regulation 12.3 and not breed from a bitch to the extent that she is caused to whelp more than twice in a period of eighteen months;
  • preserve, or preferably extend, the genetic diversity of the breed by refraining from matador breeding (using the same stud dog for most matings on account of it being considered the best specimen of the breed at any given time) and heavy inbreeding;
  • in the interest of genetic diversity, generally avoid “first generation” matings, i.e. father-daughter, brother-sister or mother-son matings;
  • in the interest of improving breed health, avoid further breeding from bitches that failed to give natural birth due to anatomical deficiencies, or inherited inertia, or bitches that showed mental instability in the acceptance of her puppies, or had been diagnosed with hereditary agalactia (failure to lactate sufficient milk);
  • not permit purebred dogs registered on KUSA’s breed registers, to mate with dogs of a different breed (save for permissible inter-variety matings between KUSA-registered dogs as provided in Schedule 2 Regulation 4.1), or with unregistered dogs of the same breed, or with cross-bred dogs, or with dogs registered with organisations, societies or associations not recognised by KUSA;
  • save in extenuating circumstances, to be adjudicated by the Executive Committee, strictly adhere to Schedule 2 Regulation 12.4 by not permitting a bitch to whelp more than five times during her lifetime;
  • as provided in Schedule 2 Regulation 12.5, not mate a bitch of eight years or older, unless a veterinary certificate has been obtained testifying to the bitch being in peak breeding health;
  • as required by Schedule 2 Regulation 4.3, read with Regulation 4.6, register all puppies in a litter with KUSA that are alive on the date of registration, which must take place within twelve (12) months of whelping. Ensure that Breeders’ Restrictions (Endorsements on the Registration Certificates) are placed on any puppies that, for various reasons, are not considered suitable for breeding;
  • unless necessitated by special circumstances, not transfer from their care, by sale or otherwise, any puppy under eight (8) weeks of age;
  • not knowingly transfer from their care, by sale or otherwise, a puppy to a person residing in a foreign country known to be involved in the use of dogs for the meat trade, dog-fighting, or dog-racing;
  • ensure that new owners of puppies/dogs acquired from them shall be informed in writing, preferable by private contract, signed by both parties, that the Registration Certificate of the puppy/dog has been/would be endorsed, which the new owner needs to acknowledge.
  • make every effort to ensure that any person acquiring a dog from them understands the requirements for proper care, welfare and responsible ownership of dogs and take all reasonable steps to establish that the new owner has the time and facilities to fulfil their responsibilities towards the dog;
  • provide the person acquiring a dog with such documentation as agreed in advance by contract, or in correspondence, which will conceivably include the following:

    • If the sale, transfer or other form of acquisition is governed by contract, a copy of the agreement, signed by both parties and duly witnessed;
    • The dog’s vaccination and deworming record;
    • The dog’s microchip certificate;
    • Details of the dog’s dietary and immunisation requirements.
    • Breed-specific information;
    • Information about responsible dog ownership;
    • Depending on the agreement, the dog’s Registration Certificate, or copy thereof. Should the Registration Certificate not be available yet, a signed declaration by the Member that the Registration Certificate (or copy thereof) was owing to the person acquiring the dog and that, depending on the agreement, the documentation would be delivered/sent as soon as it became available.
    • Any other information considered relevant, such as nutritional guidance, puppy training advice, socialisation suggestions, etc.
  • keep detailed records of all litters bred, copies of Registration Certificates and Microchip Certificates, as well as the contractual information and contact details of every new owner and maintain reasonable contact with persons who have acquired their dogs, offering continued advice and reasonable assistance;
  • not purposefully misrepresent the characteristics of a breed in order to encourage the sale/acquisition of a dog;
  • not sell a dog to a commercial pet trader or pet shop;
  • not knowingly transfer from their care, by sale or otherwise, a puppy to a person on whom persona non grata status has been imposed by the Federal Council.
  • keep detailed records of all stud services and the resulting litters;
  • keep detailed records of all co-owned dogs not residing with the Member and the contractual arrangements governing co-ownership;
  • not indulge in any activity or practice which infringes the Animals Protection Act No. 71 of 1962, the Veterinary or Para-veterinary Professions Act. No. 19 of 1982, or the Animal Improvement Act No. 62 of 1998.
  • familiarise themselves with content of document entitled FCI International Breeding Strategies, published by the FCI and available on ( http://www.fci.be/en/Breeding-42.html).

Members shall, at all times,

  • act with decorum and courtesy towards fellow competitors and elected or appointed KUSA Officials and display good sportsmanship and conduct at all times so as to reflect credit upon themselves, while adhering to the Rules and Regulations pertaining to KUSA-licensed Shows and events;
  • refrain from misrepresenting or maligning the conformation, characteristics or performance of a competitor’s dog either before, during, or after, a Show, or event;
  • exercise restraint in the use of profane, or obscene, language when within earshot of people who do not form part of the Members’ immediate circle;
  • refrain from using narcotics or illegal recreational drugs at any Show, or event, and sharing such substances with competitors or other attendants.
  • consume alcohol at any KUSA-licensed Show, or event, moderately and never permit their reasoning or judgment to become impaired by alcohol consumption, thereby becoming a nuisance to others, possibly resulting in acts of disorderliness, or aggression.
  • ensure that a dog used in competition is properly sheltered against the elements - heat or cold - and that it has access to clean water throughout the day;
  • refrain from verbally or physically abusing any dog for not having performed to the expected standard or for having failed to achieve an expected award, or for any other reason whatsoever;
  • strive to compete fairly and not seek, through actions, or interactions, to gain an unfair advantage at any level of competition;
  • abide by Schedule 3 Regulations 38.5 & 38.6 regarding the preparation of dogs for exhibition and desist from treating dogs’ coats, noses, or skin with any substance intended to change the colour on any part of a dog, or enhance the profusion or texture of the coat;
  • under no circumstances permit any part of a dog’s anatomy to be altered, whether surgically, or by other means, in order to enhance the dog’s conformity to the Breed Standard, thereby to increase its chances for awards in the show ring.
  • forego exhibiting dogs that are injured or ill and have received treatment to “mask” the condition, which therefore illegally affects their appearance, performance, or reactions;
  • be acquainted with content of the document entitled International Guidelines about Dog Doping, published

by the FCI and available at( http://www.fci.be/en/Doping-84.html) and ensure that they desist from any practice to artificially manipulate a dog’s appearance, performance, or health, identified therein and, should random testing of breeds be directed by the Show Manager, be prepared to voluntarily subject a dog entered at a Show to veterinary scrutiny and blood tests;

  • be familiar with the Regulations applicable to conformation Shows or Working Disciplines events, thereby to ensure punctuality and preparedness;
  • desist from purposefully delaying judging or evaluating in order to accommodate another competitor or manipulate the judging or evaluating schedule;
  • desist from trying to get the order of judging or evaluating changed to accommodate their or others’ late arrival, or their presence in other rings;
  • keep the necessary paperwork to hand in order to assist the Club Officials doing duty in the Show Office to resolve any query expeditiously and without fuss;
  • treat the officiating Judge or Evaluator with the utmost respect and accept his/her decisions graciously, refraining from engaging the Judge or Evaluator in quarrelsome exchanges and subjecting him/her to disparaging remarks;
  • refrain from berating or insulting the officiating Judge or Evaluator at the Show, especially in the presence of other competitors, or KUSA/Club Officials, or later on social media platforms and in various Internet chat groups;
  • desist from socialising with an officiating Judge or Evaluator prior to judging or evaluating, which includes being accommodated by the Judge or Evaluator, accommodating the Judge or Evaluator, or travelling with the Judge or Evaluator;
  • avoid placing an officiating Judge or Evaluator in a compromising situation when Members’ close relationship with the Judge or Evaluator is generally known and be mindful of the recommended procedure in circumstances of potential conflict, i.e. withdrawal from competition by way of a “lap of honour”;
  • heed the requests of the Show Manager, Ring Stewards or Marshalling Stewards, or other KUSA/Club Officials deployed on the day to assist with the organisation of a Show or event;
  • heed any requests of the Show Manager to adhere to Rules and Regulations imposed by the owners of the grounds, or the Club, or the show-holding entity;
  • be mindful of the fact that the various forms of dog competition involve running, for which appropriate and sensible attire is required, and refrain from detracting from the dogs, or their performance, by being inappropriately dressed;
  • refrain from getting involved in disputes between competitors, unless bearing witness to incidents for the purpose of providing affidavits;
  • be humble in victory and gracious in defeat;
  • decline to indulge in any activity or practice which infringes the Animals Protection Act No. 71 of 1962, the Veterinary or Para-veterinary Professions Act. No. 19 of 1982, or the Animal Improvement Act No. 62 of 1998.

Members acting as elected or appointed KUSA Officials shall

  • fully abide by this Code insofar as it also applies to them in their interaction with KUSA employees or other KUSA Officials, as dog owners, as dog breeders, as exhibitors or competitors at KUSA Shows or events, or as Judges or Evaluators officiating for KUSA locally, or for the Clubs of National Canine Organisations in foreign countries with which KUSA has a relationship through its membership with the FCI, or through direct reciprocal arrangements;
  • in addition, be bound by and in all respects be subject to adherence to, the Code for Elected or Appointed KUSA Officials forming Appendix A

Members acting as Judges or Evaluators for conformation Shows or Working Disciplines events locally or overseas shall

  • fully abide by this Code insofar as it also applies to them in their interaction with KUSA employees or KUSA Officials, as dog owners, as dog breeders, as exhibitors or competitors at KUSA Shows or events, or as elected or appointed KUSA Officials;
  • in addition, be bound by and in all respects be subject to adherence to, the Code of Conduct and Practice for KUSA Judges forming Appendix B
  • The Federal Council shall be the only authority for the interpretation of this Code of Ethics for Members of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and its decision thereon shall be final.

In the compilation of this comprehensive Code of Ethics for Members of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, the Codes published by DOGS NSW, DOGS Victoria and DOGS Tasmania were consulted and the use of some provisions in those Codes is gratefully acknowledged.



(Effective 01.04.2020)

  • This Code applies to KUSA Officials (“Officials”) serving in their delegated capacities as
  • Members of the Federal Council
  • Members of the Executive Committee
  • Members of a Disciplinary Sub-Committee appointed in terms of Schedule 1
  • Members of a Fedco Appeals Committee appointed in terms of Schedule 1
  • Members of a Review and Investigatory Committees appointed in terms of Article 19
  • Members of Breed Councils
  • Members of Liaison Councils
  • Members of the Judges Education Council
  • Members of National Sub-Committees
  • Members of Provincial Councils
  • Members of Provincial Sub-Committees
  • This Code seeks to guide Officials serving in their various delegated offices to ensure that the functions, duties and responsibilities entrusted to them by KUSA are discharged diligently and in accordance with the provisions of the KUSA Constitution and in adherence to the Governing Rules of the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) and obligations incurred by KUSA in terms of reciprocal agreements with foreign National Canine Organisations (NCOs).
  • It is expected of Officials guided by this Code to abide by it and to embrace the culture of honesty and trustworthiness which it seeks to inculcate and the values of fairness, objectivity, integrity and excellence it endeavours to advance.
  • This Code presumes that persons offering themselves for election or appointment to various delegated offices as Officials do so in the full knowledge that their resulting relationship with KUSA shall be one of trust and confidence.
  • This Code posits that it is binding on Officials for the duration of their terms of office.

Officials shall, at all times, when executing their official duties,

  • act with honesty, integrity and in good faith in any matter submitted for their consideration or subjected to their adjudication;
  • be independent and objective and take all reasonable steps to apprise themselves of such facts and information by way of deposition or testimony to ensure that their judgments are based on fact and evidential proof;
  • avoid placing themselves under obligation to any individual or entity (including Clubs or Provincial Councils of KUSA), which might affect their ability to act impartially and objectively;
  • avoid prejudice or bias on the grounds of sex, race, disability, lifestyle, culture, ethnicity, beliefs, colour, gender, sexuality, or age;
  • recognise and acknowledge that their primary responsibility is to KUSA and its organisational integrity and have due regard for the interest of all stakeholders of KUSA;
  • fully acquaint themselves with the KUSA Constitution and abide by the Rules and Regulations governing KUSA;
  • respect and endorse KUSA’s Full Membership status of the FCI and acquaint themselves with the Statutes, Standing Orders and Regulations of the FCI, which are binding on KUSA and its members, and fully abide by the Governing Rules of the FCI to the extent that these Rules are not in conflict with the KUSA Constitution;
  • respect and defend KUSA’s status as a Breeders’ Society and Registering Authority under the Animal Improvement Act 62 of 1998 (AIA) and refrain from engaging with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF) on KUSA’s registered status, such function being strictly reserved for those members of the Federal Council specifically delegated thereto;
  • comply with the spirit and letter of National laws and with the principles enshrined in this Code, cognisant of the fact that the law takes precedence over the KUSA Constitution, as does the KUSA Constitution over customs, practices and policies in conflict with it;
  • take immediate action to remedy any complication, or rectify any problem, after which such matter and action taken must be reported to the appropriate authority;
  • if found to be in breach of any of the above, or placed in a position of conflict of interests, whether by discovery or conscience, vacate any office held voluntarily.

Officials shall not

  • use the powers of their offices for any purpose other than to achieve the objectives of the tasks or responsibilities delegated to them;
  • take improper advantage of their delegated offices;
  • permit personal interests, or the interests of any persons or bodies, to conflict with the interests of KUSA;
  • make improper use of information acquired in the course of performing their duties to achieve personal gain or secure preferment;
  • allow any conflict of interests to arise as a result of knowledge or information gained in the discharge of duties and, should such conflict arise, declare it forthwith;
  • permit personal views, or beliefs, to influence or compromise the official positions of their offices when addressing any matter in person, or in writing.

Officials shall

  • have a duty (fiduciary and otherwise) to act diligently and conscientiously in fulfilling their delegated functions, duties and responsibilities and exercising any powers entrusted to them;
  • use their best efforts to discharge their delegated duties and responsibilities in a competent and timely manner and not undertake any task or work they are not confident to complete in that manner;
  • conduct themselves in a manner that promotes cooperation and cordial relations with KUSA and all constituted structures within KUSA;
  • encourage fellow Officials to comply with this Code;
  • refrain from criticising or deriding fellow Officials;
  • desist from engaging in any conduct likely to bring KUSA or any of its constituted structures into disrepute.

Officials shall

  • recognise that some information or documents to which they are likely to have access in the discharge of their duties might be deemed privileged or confidential and shall exercise sound judgment in the disclosure of information or documents to which they have access to third parties;
  • have regard for sensitive information entrusted to their confidence by another Official or by a committee on which they serve and hold such information in confidence pending authorisation for disclosure;
  • observe and strictly abide by the Confidentiality provisions set out in section 19 of the AIA, which stipulates as follows: “No person shall disclose to any other person information acquired by him or her in the performance of his or her functions in terms of this Act, or the constitution of an animal breeder's society, or the constitution of a registering authority and which relates to the business or affairs of another person, without the express written approval of such other person, except when required by any court of law or under any legislation.”; and
  • report any breach of confidentiality brought to their notice to the Chairmen of Councils or Committees on which they serve, or otherwise to the General Manager of KUSA.
  • The Federal Council shall be the only authority for the interpretation of this Code for Elected or Appointed Officials of KUSA and their decision thereon shall be final.



(Effective as of 01.04.2020 for Judges)

(Effective as of 01.04.2022 for Evaluators) 

The conduct and practice of Judges or Evaluators officiating for the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in all forms of dogsport, whether as a Learner Judges or Evaluators, or Licensed Judges or Evaluators, must stand up to the highest level of scrutiny and the comportment of Judges or Evaluators should manifest their status within dogsport. Judging or Evaluating at Kennel Union-licensed events, or at events in foreign countries, requires the Judge or Evaluator to be a member of the Kennel Union and, apart from adherence to the normal Conditions of Membership, the Code of Ethics (Schedule 9) and the Terms and Conditions of Contract as per the Judging Contract (J1), Judges or Evaluators at any level shall be bound by this Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa:

  1. In General:

    • Judges or Evaluators shall maintain continuous and unbroken membership of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa throughout their judging or evaluating career as contemplated in Article 25.2 of the Kennel Union Constitution.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall be mindful of their elevated and esteemed status in dogsport and in all their actions and dealings set an example for all participants in the sport.
    • In their communications with Club or Show Officials, Exhibitors and Competitors, Judges or Evaluators shall act with dignity, authority and decorum and their conduct in all interactions shall be above reproach.
    • In accepting assignments, whether local or foreign, Judges or Evaluators act as ambassadors of the Kennel Union and in word and deed shall take the utmost care to neither embarrass themselves, nor the Kennel Union.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not accept an invitation to judge or evaluate unless they are sure, or have ascertained, that they are entitled to do so.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not accept an invitation to judge or evaluate unless they can declare with a reasonable degree of certainty that they would be able and fulfil the assignment and be fit to do so in accordance with the expectations of the show-holding Club, or entity.
    • Judges or Evaluators who need to withdraw from assignments, for whatever reason, need to give notice of their intentions to withdraw at the earliest possible opportunity and in a manner prescribed by their contract.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall ensure that their arrangements regarding reimbursement of expenses by show-holding Clubs or entities are clear and unambiguous, thereby to avoid causing embarrassment or discontentment for either party.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not claim any expenses from a show-holding Club or entity to which they are not entitled and for which they cannot provide proof of entitlement.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall embrace continued education as an integral part of their judging or evaluating ethic and undertake self-motivated learning throughout their judging or evaluating careers.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall keep themselves apprised of changes to the Kennel Union’s regulatory framework applicable to Judges or Evaluators and judging or evaluating and in their duties and assignments as Judges and KUSA Members, diligently comply with all Kennel Union Regulations and be able to confidently apply them in any situation.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall keep themselves apprised of changes to the FCI’s regulatory framework applicable to Judges or Evaluators and judging or evaluating and diligently and consistently apply these regulations in an FCI judging or evaluating environment, unless they are in conflict with the Kennel Union’s Regulations.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall be meticulous in noting changes to Breed Standards of breeds they are licensed to judge or evaluate and diligently apply these changes once they become effective.
    • At shows held under the Regulations of the FCI, Judges shall meticulously and consistently apply FCI Breed Standards to all the breeds they are contracted to judge.
    • Judges shall not interpret any Breed Standard in a manner which conflicts with the functional health of the dog.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not solicit judging or evaluating assignments, either locally or overseas, which includes, without limitation, pleading, asking, petitioning or canvassing for an assignment, either directly, or through an intermediary, in any manner or by any means whatsoever, except for Licensed Judgers or Evaluators, Senior Judges or Evaluators and All-breeds Judges volunteering to assist Club Committees in filling the roles at Non-Championship Shows pursuant to Schedule 10 Appendix 1 Regulations 4.1.3, 5.1.4 and 6.1.4.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not solicit the entry of any Dog, Exhibitor and/or Competitor.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not travel to a show or event with a person who will be exhibiting a dog under them or otherwise competing in an event judged or evaluated by him.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not accept accommodation from a person who will be exhibiting a dog under them or competing in an event judged or evaluated by them.
    • Prior to the show or event to be judged or evaluated by them, Judges or Evaluators shall avoid socialising with persons likely to compete under them.
    • If placed in an unavoidable compromising position as a result of a close relationship with an Exhibitor/Competitor, if and when practicable, Judges or Evaluators shall encourage the option of a “lap of honour”, instead of subjecting dogs to assessment and placement for awards that may ultimately be deemed suspect.
    • It is suggested that, during a discernible period (at Judges’ or Evaluators’ discretion) preceding any judging or evaluating assignment, Judges or Evaluators shall avoid acting as a spectator to the judging or evaluating of dogs they are likely to judge or evaluate at such scheduled assignment.
    • In deference to the principles of neutrality and impartiality and in order not to show favour, Judges or Evaluators shall exercise the utmost discretion when discussing dogs likely to be judged or evaluated by them, or by other Judges or Evaluators, with any person.
    • Similarly, in upholding the principles of neutrality and impartiality, Judges or Evaluators shall exercise sound judgement when commenting on dogs likely to be judged or evaluated by them, or by other Judges or Evaluators, on Social Media, as not to reveal predilection or dislike.
    • When commenting on dog- or dogsport-related issues, Judges or Evaluators shall use Social Media advisedly and prudently and confine their opinions to reasoned discourse based on fact, resisting speculation, innuendo and aspersion.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not criticise the work of other Judges or Evaluators, either verbally, in print or on Social Media.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall refrain from engaging in offensive conduct or defamatory statements aimed at discrediting the Kennel Union or the FCI.
    • Judges’ or Evaluators’ shall be mindful of the fact that they derive their judging or evaluating licence from the Kennel Union and thereby assume the responsibility not to act in a manner which is inconsistent with the grant of such licence. A licence entrusted in good faith can be revoked when no longer deemed to be in the best interests of the licensor and it should be understood that KUSA will not countenance being besmirched and its reputation tarnished, by those holding its licences.
  2. In the Ring:

    • Judges or Evaluators shall be courteous, polite and respectful towards Exhibitors/Competitors, Ring Steward or Club Officials.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall be punctual for assignments and avoid inconveniencing show-holding Clubs, Exhibitors/ Competitors or Show Officials through lateness.
    • Judges or Evaluators shall not leave the showgrounds before they have completed all their assigned/contracted duties.
    • Judges or Evaluators officiating at a particular Show or KUSA-licensed event shall not have access to a Show Catalogue and shall neither view, nor consult, such catalogue published or distributed in any format whatsoever, including but not limited to, on social media platforms, private chat groups, or forms of personal communication, whether inside or outside the judging or evaluation ring, or before or during a judging or evaluating assignment.
  • Judges or Evaluators shall assess dogs in conformation shows, or their performance in other forms of dogsport, in a thorough, competent, systematic and kind manner.
  • When judging or evaluating, Judges or Evaluators shall exercise the highest degree of objectivity and discard any knowledge of a dog’s background, previous accomplishments or ownership.
  • Having regard for the weather, Judges or Evaluators shall dress in a manner which creates a neat, professional, yet comfortable, appearance in the ring, avoiding billowy attire, ostentatious headgear and bulky or noisy accessories.
  • Judges or Evaluators shall not smoke or drink alcohol in the ring and refrain from judging or evaluating while clutching a beverage.
  • Although it’s permissible for Judges to have electronic devices in the ring for the review of breed standards, when necessary, such devices shall otherwise remain switched off and under no circumstances shall Judges take telephone calls, or consult and reply to text messages while in the ring.
  • Judges or Evaluators shall desist from addressing handlers by their first or last name in the ring.
  • Judges or Evaluators shall complete all the requirements of an assignment diligently and efficiently, with due regard for any time constraints imposed by the show-holding Club.
  1. Interpretation

    • The Federal Council shall be the only authority for the interpretation of this Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by KUSA and their decision thereon shall be final.

In devising this Code of Conduct and Practice for Judges Licensed by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, we gratefully acknowledge the papers and guidelines of the American Kennel Club, Canadian Kennel Club, Australian National Kennel Council and Dogs New Zealand. 



All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.

Fedco 12-16/updated SAT/29.03.2017

Fedco 06-2017/updated SAT 30.08.2017

Fedco 06-2018/updated LS 17/01/2019

Fedco 06-2019/updated YW 01/07/2019

Fedco 12-2019/ updated PM 20.01.2020

Fedco 12-2021/ updated PM 10.03.2022 Reg 4.26 & App B Reg 2.4

Fedco 12-2022/updated CPA “Evaluating” Fedco 12-2021 Item 5.21.1

Fedco 12-2022/updated PM 09.01.2023

                              The most recent changes to this Schedule have an effective date of 01.03.2023

Constitution & Schedules

Posted in KUSA Documents

Constitution & Schedules

Filename Size Date & Time
An Adobe Acrobat file Articles - Effective 01 May 2024 327.21 KB 2024-05-22 06:22:20
An Adobe Acrobat file By-Laws for National Sub-Committees 410.28 KB 2020-03-06 11:54:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Constitution and Schedules - Effective 01 March 2023 150.25 KB 2023-03-17 05:04:34
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 01 - Disciplinary Rules - Effective 01 March 2023 276.04 KB 2023-01-09 11:51:39
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 02 - Appendix A - Effective 01 May 2024 140.7 KB 2024-02-19 05:31:37
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 02 - Regulations for the Classification Registration and Transfer of the Registered Ownership of Dogs - Effective 01 May 2024 410.93 KB 2024-02-19 05:31:37
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 03 Regulations for Championship Shows - Effective 01 September 2024 604.55 KB 2024-07-29 07:11:30
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 03A - Regulations for FCI International Dog Shows - Effective 01 January 2024 255.2 KB 2024-02-02 13:02:05
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 03B - Regulations for FCI A2O Section Championship Shows - Effective 01 February 2024 301.2 KB 2023-11-10 06:01:22
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 04 - Regulations for Non-Championship Shows - Effective 01 January 2024 234.57 KB 2024-02-02 13:03:34
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 04A - Regulations for Qualifying Shows - Effective 01 September 2023 223.82 KB 2023-08-22 12:44:05
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05A - Regulations for Obedience Classes - Effective 01 September 2023 288.27 KB 2024-02-02 11:39:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05B(01) Regulations for Working Trials (Classic) - Effective 01 September 2024 469.88 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:17
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05B(02) - Appendix B FCI Guidelines for International Utility Dog Trials and International Tracker Dog Trials IGP 1.16 MB 2021-02-22 07:33:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05B(02) - Regulations for International Working Dog Trials and International Tracking Dog Trials (IGP) - Effective 01 September 2024 267 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05B(03)(TT) - Regulations for Tracking Trials - Effective 01 September 2023 175.73 KB 2024-02-02 12:45:47
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05B (04) - Working Utility Dog - Effective 01 September 2023 218.8 KB 2024-02-02 12:33:28
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05C(1) - Regulations for Retriever Field Trials - Effective 01 January 2024 487.34 KB 2024-02-13 05:31:11
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05C(2) - Regulations for Spaniel Field Trials - Effective 01 January 2023 454.81 KB 2023-01-19 11:44:57
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05C(3) - Regulations for Hunt, Point, Retrieve - Effective 01 January 2024 635 KB 2024-02-13 05:32:26
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05C(4) Regulations for Shooting Ratings - Effective 01 January 2024 350.78 KB 2024-02-13 05:33:33
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05C(5) Regulations for Gundog Hunting Tests - Effective 01 January 2024 1.59 MB 2024-02-13 05:35:47
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05C(6) - Regulations for Versatile Tests - Pointing Breeds - Effective 01 January 2024 646.93 KB 2024-02-13 05:34:33
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05D - Regulations for Dog Jumping Grades - Effective 01 January 2025 567.36 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05D - Regulations for Dog Jumping Grades - Effective 01 September 2024 582.28 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(01) - Regulations for S.A.L.K.A. Junior Dog of the Year - Effective 01 April 2019 168.8 KB 2019-03-26 10:32:06
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(02A) - Regulations for TKC Supreme Champion of the Year Competition - Effective 01 September 2023 137.31 KB 2023-08-19 05:57:45
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(02B) - Regulations for TKC Interprovincial Dog Jumping Competition of the Year - Effective 01 January 2023 182.65 KB 2023-04-03 12:36:19
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(03) - South African Working Dog Invitation Stakes (SAWDIS) - Effective 01 September 2024 353.02 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(04) - The Regulations for the KUSA S.A. Dog Jumping Championship - Effective 01 September 2024 214.45 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(05) - Regulations for the Pretoria Kennel Club Champ of Champions Class 60.17 KB 2016-03-23 07:52:46
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(06) - Regulations for the KUSA - IGP (Meisterschaft) Annual Event - Effective 01 April 2022 215.52 KB 2022-03-30 06:08:49
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(07) - Regulations for the Goldfields Dog of the Year Competition - Effective 01 September 2023 219.46 KB 2023-07-13 09:41:11
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(08) - Regulations for the Gordon Taylor Memorial Competition 129.63 KB 2020-10-07 08:13:06
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(09) - Regulations for the Pretoria Kennel Club Premium Puppy Class 59.86 KB 2016-03-23 07:52:52
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(10) - Regulations for the Kwa-Zulu Natal Supreme Dog Competition - Effective 01 September 2024 141.08 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(11) - Regulations for the Kennel Union National Awards - Effective 01 March 2023 204.87 KB 2023-03-17 05:01:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(12) - Regulations for the KUSA National Handler of the Year Competition - Effective 01 September 2023 471.53 KB 2023-08-24 06:51:47
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(13) - Regulations for the Kennel Association All Breeds Supreme Puppy of the Year Competition 284.61 KB 2016-03-31 11:30:37
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(14) Regulations for Western Cape Top Dog Invitational - Effective 01 September 2024 147.5 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(15)(1.3) - The Rules and Regulations governing the Supreme Bull Terrier of SA and Bull Terrier Major Trophy Show - Effective 01 September 2022 309.38 KB 2022-08-08 07:25:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(15)(1.4) - Golden Reef Working and Herding Dog of the Year Competition 251.12 KB 2016-03-23 07:53:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(15)(1.6) - Regulations for Eastern Districts Kennel Club Supa 7's - Effective 01 March 2024 167.95 KB 2023-12-08 06:49:28
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(15) - Regulations for KUSA Registered Special Events 139.08 KB 2016-03-23 07:53:19
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(16) - Regulations for the National Dog Jumping League - Effective 01 January 2023 541.78 KB 2023-01-23 10:03:25
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(17) - Regulations for D.O.G.S. Best of the Best Competition 231.7 KB 2020-10-07 08:22:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(18) - Regulations for the South African Rottweiler Sieger Show - Effective 01 September 2022 96.42 KB 2024-02-08 13:24:39
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(19 A) Regulations for GSD Grand Victor Competition - Effective 01 September 2024 196.66 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(19 B) - Regulations for German Shepherd Dog Grand Victor IGP 395.85 KB 2021-02-23 06:52:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(20) - Regulations governing the W. Province Inter-Club Obedience Match Meeting 165.92 KB 2016-03-23 07:53:27
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(21) - Rottweiler Specialist Championship Show - Effective 01 September 2022 128.15 KB 2022-08-08 06:41:54
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(22) - Regulations for Northern Areas Top Dog Competition - Effective 01 September 2023 167.29 KB 2023-08-19 05:57:44
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(23) - Regulations for the KUSA Winners Show 132.24 KB 2020-01-30 08:52:38
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(24) - Regulations for KUSA Showdog of the Year Competitition - Effective 01 March 2024 112.19 KB 2024-02-02 05:44:09
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(25) The Rottweiler Regional Sieger Show - Effective 01 September 2022 128.3 KB 2022-08-08 06:43:11
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(26) Jacaranda City KC Grand National Champion Competitition 322.42 KB 2018-03-23 08:11:06
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(27) - Regulations for the KUSA Provincial Obedience Dog of the Year Awards - Effective 01 April 2020 89.94 KB 2020-01-09 07:01:18
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(28) Regulations for GSD Specialist Championship Shows - Effective 01 September 2024 146.65 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(29) - Regulations for KUSA South African Agility Championships - Effective 01 September 2023 129.81 KB 2023-08-19 05:57:44
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(30) - Regulations for KUSA Agility World Championship Trials - Effective 01 September 2023 129.94 KB 2023-08-19 05:57:44
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05E(31) Regulations for KUSA Dog Jumping Inter-Provincial Competition - Effective 01 September 2024 142.85 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:16
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F (9.1.2) - Regulations for German Shepherd Dog Breed Assessment - Effective 01 September 2024 170.61 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:15
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F(9.1.3 & 9.1.4) BA & BST & CT Procedures - Effective 01 September 2024 584.08 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:14
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F (9.1.5) - Regulations for Aptitude Tests - Effective 01 September 2024 229.14 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:14
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F (9.1.7 and 9 .1.8) - Regulations for FBCSA BC Breed Assessment & Survey Procedures - Effective 01 September 2024 162.73 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:13
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F (9.1.11) - Regulations for Bullmastiff Character and Breed Assessments - Effective 01 September 2024 154.33 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:13
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F - Regulation 9.1.10 Regulations for Boerboel Character and Breed Assessments - Effective 01 September 2024 199.39 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:13
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05F - Regulations for Breed Assessments 113.73 KB 2016-03-23 07:53:41
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05G - Regulations for Dog Carting - Effective 01 September 2023 189.83 KB 2024-02-02 06:00:32
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05H - Regulations for Breed Working Test - Effective 01 September 2024 208.86 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:14
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05J - Regulations for KUSA Registered Helpers (IGP) - Effective 01 April 2022 176.07 KB 2022-03-30 06:18:44
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05K - Regulations for Handler Classes - Effective 01 September 2023 475.23 KB 2023-08-19 05:57:43
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix A - FCI World Agility Championships 227.45 KB 2024-09-20 12:16:32
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix B - FCI Agility Obstacle Guidelines 1.17 MB 2023-08-16 11:37:09
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix C - Regulations for the selection of KUSA dogs to compete at the FCI Agility World Championships - Effective 01 September 2024 171.07 KB 2024-09-20 12:16:30
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix D - Regulations for the KUSA South African Agility Championships - Effective 01 September 2024 174.77 KB 2024-09-20 12:16:31
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix E - Regulations for Agility Judges- Effective 01 September 2024 144.72 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix F - Regulations for KUSA National Agility League - Effective 01 September 2024 162.52 KB 2024-09-20 12:16:36
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L - Appendix G - Regulations for the Annual National Agility Inter-Provincial Competition 245.6 KB 2023-01-19 12:07:47
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L-Appendix H - FCI Agility Judging Guidelines 1.57 MB 2023-08-16 11:37:09
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L-Appendix I - Agility Regulations of FCI - Effective 01 January 2023 842.92 KB 2023-01-19 12:17:07
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05L-Regulations for Agility Classes - Effective 01 September 2024 186.87 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:13
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05M (New Appendix A) - Regulations for Flyball Championships 64.79 KB 2016-03-23 07:54:31
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05M (New Appendix B) - Regulations for the National Flyball League - Effective 01 April 2020 280.33 KB 2020-03-03 13:41:35
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05M - Regulations for Flyball - Effective 01 September 2024 648.46 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05N - Basic Working and Behaviour Test (BH) 109.98 KB 2016-03-23 07:54:39
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05P - The Addition of the Endurance Test and Companion Dog (AD) - Effective 01 October 2020 351.02 KB 2020-09-16 12:50:41
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05Q - Regulations for Rescue Dog Trials - Effective 01 September 2024 635.78 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05R - Regulations for Heelwork to Music (HTM) - Effective 01 September 2024 291.43 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05S - Regulations for Music Freestyle (MF) - Effective 01 September 2024 193.33 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:12
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05T (A) - Rally Dog Sign Set - Effective 01 October 2024 742.37 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:11
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05T - Regulations for Rally Dog - Effective 01 October 2024 202.09 KB 2024-07-29 06:38:11
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05U - KUSA Regulations for FCI-Mondioring - Effective 01 September 2022 223.58 KB 2022-08-08 06:51:09
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05U Appendix A - International Rules of Mondioring Competition - Effective 01 September 2022 873.87 KB 2022-08-08 06:51:20
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 05U Appendix B - BH ZA Requirements for Mondioring - Effective 01 September 2022 162.91 KB 2022-08-08 06:51:14
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 06 - Regulations for Executive Committee 177.7 KB 2016-03-23 07:54:49
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 06A - Regulations for Permanent Sub-Committees of Federal Council 56.23 KB 2016-03-23 07:54:51
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 07 - Subscription and Fees 145.65 KB 2024-10-02 06:44:13
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 07 - Subscription and Fees Price List- Effective 01 October 2024 324.92 KB 2024-10-02 06:39:28
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 08- Schedule of Documents & Returns - Effective 01 May 2024 183.31 KB 2024-02-19 12:17:53
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 09 - Code of Ethics - Effective 01 March 2023 317.02 KB 2023-01-10 09:17:23
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 09 Appendix B - Code of Ethics for Judges - Effective 01 March 2023 203.38 KB 2023-01-10 09:17:21
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 10 Appendix 1 Group Course - Effective 01 June 2024 261.72 KB 2024-04-08 14:18:36
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 10 Appendix 2 Junior Showmanship - Effective 01 January 2024 188.65 KB 2024-01-25 05:44:49
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 10 Appendix 3 Breed Specialisation Course - Effective 01 June 2024 256.76 KB 2024-04-08 14:18:36
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 10 KUSA Breed Judges’ Learning Programme - Effective 01 January 2024 311.34 KB 2024-04-08 14:18:24
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 11 - Classification of certain branches of Dogsport as Companion Events 119.69 KB 2023-01-09 14:44:10
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 11(A) - Regulations for Canine Good Citizen - Effective 01 September 2023 256.25 KB 2024-02-02 05:54:01
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 11(B) - Regulations for Scent Work - Effective 01 February 2022 458.63 KB 2022-04-04 06:07:22
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 11(C) - Regulations for Trick Dog - Effective 01 September 2024 230.07 KB 2024-07-29 07:39:18
An Adobe Acrobat file Schedule 11(C) - Trick Dog Guidelines for Handlers & Evaluators 469.29 KB 2024-07-29 07:43:17


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Exam Registration closing date is: 15 May 2024



Exam Registration closing date is:  01 October 2024