2024-09 Exco Minutes - Special Meeting - Published 2024-09-18

Posted in Minutes & Agendas



Mrs YC Jefferies (YJ) (Chair), Mr MA Alberts (MA), Mrs M Hancock (MH), Mrs C Patience (CP), Mrs GB Rossi (GBR).

Staff in Attendance: Mrs P Midgley (PM) (General Manager), Mr BG Robinson (GR) (KUSA Secretary), Mrs Z Petersen (ZP) (Administrator).

Apologies: Mr RB Jenkins

Mr RB Jenkins had recused himself and the meeting was chaired by Mrs YC Jefferies.




3.1 Application for a once-off inter-variety mating of Dachshunds – Long-haired to Smooth-haired

The decision reached at Exco 06-2024 to permit the inter-variety mating of a Dachshund Smooth-haired female to a Dachshund Long-haired male, as applied for by Mr RB Jenkins (Waydack), although taken by Exco in terms of Schedule 2 Regulation 1.1.7, had failed to take into account the overarching Regulation 1.1, which stipulates:

1.1 The Kennel Union may also accept for registration, subject to such terms and conditions as the Federal Council may stipulate from time to time : ( emphasis added )

In consequence, at a Special Meeting convened for the purpose, Exco “decided to withdraw their approval for such a mating but, noted that the application could be resubmitted, provided it followed due process, namely that as the request required dispensation from Schedule 02 Regulation 1.1, it should be submitted to Fedco with all necessary supporting documentation.”

Following the publication of the Minutes of the Special Meeting, Mr Jenkins duly applied to the Federal Council for the required permission to proceed with the proposed inter-variety mating and the matter was tabled for discussion at the Fedco Discussion Forum (FDF) on Tuesday, 13 August 2024, where Mr Jenkins’s application and supporting documentation were considered, as well as the various submissions by members of the Dachshund community opposing the application. In the interest of transparency, and in an attempt to hopefully broker consensus on this issue, Fedco recommended that the members of the two Dachshund Clubs (SA Dachshund Club & Teckel Club of SA) should be invited to a consultation meeting with a Fedco-appointed Task team, comprised of Cllrs N Redtenbacher, NJ du Preez, L Thornhill and RD Juckes, acting as mediators. Cllr Redtenbacher undertook to arrange the envisaged consultation/mediation meeting, which duly took place on Wednesday, 21 August 2024.

At the subsequent FDF, held on Tuesday, 27 August 2024, Cllr Redtenbacher reported on the outcome of the consultation/mediation meeting, which Cllr RD Juckes was not to attend, and informed the Federal Council that the forum had, unfortunately, not been able to reach consensus on the issue. She alerted Fedco to a joint proposal submitted to the meeting by the two Dachshund Clubs, the merits of which were not discussed at the FDF. However, it was acknowledged that it was incumbent on Fedco to revert to Exco with a recommendation for the matter to be finalised and outcome to be communicated to the interested parties by way of the Minutes of an urgent Exco Special Meeting convened for the sole purpose of dealing with this matter exclusively.

Exco was thereafter duly informed of Fedco’s unanimous recommendation that:

The proposed once-off inter-variety mating contemplated by Mr RB Jenkins should be authorised by Exco, in accordance with Schedule 02 Regulation 1.1.7 – Cross-matings, and impose the following provisos should the mating go ahead and a litter be produced:

1. First-generation progeny from this proposed inter-variety mating should be registered reflecting the coat variety according to the dominant expression of the gene (in this case all progeny will be Smooth-haired).

2. The Second-generation progeny, are also to be registered as per expression of the dominant gene, which should be clear by the age of 8 (eight) weeks and any Second-generation puppies intended for breeding will be required to be DNA tested for coat inheritance prior to mating and may only be permitted to be mated to dogs of the same gene expression .

3. The progeny from the present inter-variety coat mating should only be registered once there is clarity on the coat-type. Should this only become clear after the expiration period of the KUSA-regulated registration period, reclassification according to coat variety may be permitted in accordance with Schedule 02 Regulation 1.1.8 – Reclassification of Recessives.

4. In this particular inter-variety mating, the coat-variety classifications, i.e. Long-haired (LH) and Smooth-haired (SH), will be added as bracketed suffixes to the registered names of the Dam and Sire and, subsequently, to the registered names of their progeny , which should make it clear on every “Certificate of Registration and Certified Pedigree” issued by KUSA, that the registered progeny had resulted from a past inter-variety mating and indicate which coat-varieties of the ancestors had produced the offspring.

In the interest of urgency, Fedco had requested Exco to convene the present Special Meeting in order to reach a decision based on Fedco’s recommendation and to reflect such decision in the Minutes of the Meeting to bring the desired finality to this matter.

Decision: Exco unanimously approved Fedco’s recommendations.


YJ thanked all for attending and closed meeting at 13h25. It was agreed that the decision would be disclosed to Mr RB Jenkins under strict confidentiality and noted that the Minutes of this Special Meeting needed to be adopted at the next meeting of the Executive Committee scheduled for 17.09.2024.

Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.