2020-02 Exco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas


Via Telecon: Mr RB Jenkins (BJ) (Chair), Mrs Y Jefferies (YJ), Mrs S Meyer (SM), Mr M Anderson (MCA), Mr M Alberts (MA)
Staff in Attendance: Mrs P Midgley (PM (General Manager), Miss SA Thornberry (ST) (Secretary), Mr K Farmer (KF) (Office Manager)
(Note: the telephone connection to SM was frequently interrupted due to bad weather in her area.)

Brig Gen NJ du Preez (Vice-Chair) (NdP)

The following recent death was noted with sadness:
Timothy Teale – FT Judge (W Cape), Bobby Algar (KZN)

The Minutes of the meeting held on 21.01.2020 were formally adopted.

3.1 SA Dog Show Manager (Pty) Ltd (Exco 10-19 item 10.2, Exco 11-19 item 3.3)
Follow up on outstanding monies owed to Clubs..
Work in progress.

3.2 Members’ Advertisements – KUSA Website (Exco 01-2020 item 3.2)
We bring to the attention of Exco an advert published on the KUSA website in October 2019 and linked to the member’s personal website on which it is advertised that they register their litters with other dissident registries.

KUSA Code of Ethics states:
not permit purebred dogs registered on KUSA’s breed registers, to mate with dogs of a different breed (save for permissible inter-variety matings between KUSA-registered dogs as provided in Schedule 2 Regulation 4.1), or with unregistered dogs of the same breed, or with cross-bred dogs, or with dogs registered with organisations, societies or associations not recognised by KUSA;
as required by Schedule 2 Regulation 4.3, read with Regulation 4.6, register all puppies in a litter with KUSA that are alive on the date of registration, which must take place within twelve (12) months of whelping. Ensure that Breeders’ Restrictions (Endorsements on the Registration Certificates) are placed on any puppies that, for various reasons, are not considered suitable for breeding;
Documents attached to agenda.
After discussion it was agreed that the member be advised that, as she is acting in contravention of the Code of Ethics, the advertisement will be withdrawn.

3.3 Protection of KUSA Trademark – Registration with CIPC (Exco 01-2020 item 10.2)
Work in progress.
Carry forward to next agenda.

3.4 Schedule 5E(22) - Regulations for Northern Areas Top Dog Competition (Exco 01-2020 item 9.7)
Following the approval of amendments at Exco 01.2020, it was noted that further amendments to make provision for Dog Dancing were to come forward for this February Meeting.
No further information. Remove from future agendas.

4.1 Office Report
After discussion the Office Report was approved.
BJ conveyed thanks to Dawn Rosier, who retires on 29.02.2020, for her many years of service to KUSA and wished her well in her retirement.

4.2 Finance
After discussion, the Financial Reports for January 2020 were approved.

5.1.1 Case 04-19 - hearing 19.12.2019
Complaint 1: – Complainants Mr WS Kruger, Mrs LT Kruger, Mr GC Schultz and Mrs CM Immelman vs Respondent Mrs AM Colborne
Complaint 2: – Complainants KUSA and Miss MS van Vuuren vs Respondent Mrs AM Colborne
The two separate complaints were aggregated in terms of Schedule 1 Rule 4.5 and heard simultaneously by the DSC as they related to the same Respondent with somewhat related facts.

Complaint 1:
This matter concerns social media postings by the Respondent which it is alleged are unsubstantiated as well as improper, dishonourable, disgraceful and discreditable and prejudicial in nature to the above-named Complainants who are all Members of KUSA, as well as the Australian Shepherd Bitch, Charisma Red Alert (Jadore) Reg No ZA013635B18 and Australian Shepherd Dog, Stone Ridge Long Live Cowboys (Cort) Reg No ZA001036C18 which are registered with KUSA.

Although the above-mentioned members’ names were not per se mentioned in the social media postings by the Respondent, it is alleged that it is easy to recognise the identities of the individuals, who are described as “cheating”, and the identities of two dogs which are alleged to have been “dyed” prior to the Sasolburg Kennel Championship Show held on Saturday 28th September 2019, in order to improve their chances of winning “BIG TIME !!!”.

Complaint 2:
This matter concerns derogatory WhatsApp messages which it is alleged are unsubstantiated as well as improper, dishonourable, disgraceful and discreditable and prejudicial in nature to the above-named Judge, sent by the Respondent to Miss MS van Vuuren the day after the Sasolburg Kennel Club Championship Show held on 28th September 2019, at which Ms Van Vuuren was acting in her official capacity as the Herding Group Judge. It is alleged that the Respondent impugned and criticized Ms Van Vuuren’s judging and called her “untruthful” and tainted her integrity as a Judge.

The DSC considered all the evidence presented on the papers, including the said admissions as well as an additional letter that was received by the Secretary from the Complainants and which was read out by the Secretary and were included in the evidence by the DSC.

The DSC found that the Respondent engaged in conduct which is in breach of Rules 4.1.1 and of Schedule 1 of the KUSA Constitution and unanimously found the Respondent guilty on both counts.

The DSC imposed the following penalties on the Respondent:
Complaint 1:
In terms of Rule 11.1.1 of Schedule 1, the Respondent is suspended from membership of KUSA for a period of six months which includes suspension from taking part in, or having any connection with, or attending or participating or handling a dog at a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence, or from acting as an officer of a Club in terms of Rule 11.1.2 of Schedule 1 and disqualification from judging or taking part in the management of a KUSA-licensed event in terms of Rule 11.1.5 of Schedule 1.

In terms of Rule 11.5 of Schedule 1, the DSC suspended the sentence in full for a period of 3 years on condition that the Respondent does not contravene any of the provisions provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1, or any other provisions in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis of a valid complaint during the period of suspension.

Complaint 2:
In terms of Rule 11.1.1 of Schedule 1, the Respondent is suspended from membership of KUSA for a period of six months which includes suspension and disqualification from judging or taking part in the management of a KUSA-licensed event in terms of Rule 11.1.5 of Schedule 1.

In terms of Rule 11.5 of Schedule 1, the DSC suspended the sentence in full for a period of 3 years on condition that the Respondent does not contravene any of the provisions provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1, or any other provisions in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis of a valid complaint during the period of suspension.

The DSC ruled that both the above penalties will take effect on the 15th of January 2020 and will run concurrently.

The DSC further ruled that the R5,000.00 complaint deposit must be reimbursed in full to the Complainants in terms of Rule 11.9 of Schedule 1.
No appeal was lodged.

5.1.2 DSC Workshop (Exco 01-2020 item 5.1.2)
NdP recommended that a workshop be held on the process and procedures of Schedule 1.
It had been suggested that an appropriate time would be the next F2F meeting, once a date has been determined.
BJ then recommended that a F2F Meeting should not be held this year. Arrangements for a special telecon to be discussed with NdP.

5.2.1 Applications for Second Championship Shows
[Note: item 4.5.3 of Fedco 12-2019 Minutes (final paragraph):
“Exco was directed not to consider any requests for 2nd All-Breeds Championship Shows scheduled to be held in 2021 before the end of February 2020. AB was accordingly instructed to inform Clubs applying for 2021 2nd Championship Shows that their applications would only be tabled at Exco after February 2020.”]
Noted. Herding Club of the Eastern Cape - Championship Show - 31st October 2020 - DJ & Ag (First Application)
The above Club would like to host a second Championship Dj & Ag Show (converting its Non-Championship Show to a Championship together with Western Suburbs Dog School which will also convert its Ob, Ca, Dj & Ag Non-Championship Show into a Championship Show on the same weekend.
(See motivation attached)
Club affiliation, show returns, penalties are all up to date. AGM & Financials are due by the end of first quarter of the year. The Show is not in conflict with any other events. Previous shows appear to have been run well.
It was suggested that Clubs granted 2nd show licences should hold a promotional event such as a show or pet day in a public area for the purpose of promoting their Clubs/Breeds and KUSA. Western Suburbs Dog School - Championship Show - 01 November 2020 - Ob, Ca, Dj & Ag (First Application)
The above Club would like to host a second Championship Dj & Ag Show (converting its Non-Championship Show into a Championship Show) together with Herding Club of the EC which is also requesting to convert its Non-Championship Show into a second Championship Show for Dj & Ag on the same weekend.
(See motivation attached)
Club affiliation, show returns, penalties are all up to date. AGM & Financials are up to date. The Show is not in conflict with any other events. Previous Shows appear to have been well-run.
It was suggested that Clubs granted 2nd show licences should hold a promotional event such as a show or pet day in a public area for the purpose of promoting their Clubs/Breeds and KUSA. Victory Toy Dog Club - Championship Show - 23 October 2020 – Breed
The above Club is requesting to host a second Championship Show on the above date together with its first Championship Show.
(See motivation attached)
Club affiliation, Show returns, penalties are all up to date. AGM & Financials are due by the end of first quarter of the year.
The Club has invited an overseas judge for the last 3 years for its Championship Show, thereby upholding its motivation in respect of attracting exhibitors to enter a second Show, thereby generating additional funds for the Club. The Shows were all run smoothly. As requested by Exco, a Non-Championship Show was held in May 2019 and one is booked for May 2020.
It was suggested that Clubs granted 2nd show licences should hold a promotional event such as a show or pet day in a public area for the purpose of promoting their Clubs/Breeds and KUSA. Pietermaritzburg Kennel Club - Championship Show (Garden Show) - 6 September 2020 - Breed, Handler Classes
The above Club would like to host a second Championship Show on the 6th September in conjunction with Hibiscus and Margate Kennel Club Championship Shows at the Royal Show Grounds in Pietermaritzburg.
This has proved successful for four (4) years. Three overseas Judges will be appointed. Pietermaritzburg KC does not host breed shows, however it is planned to host a Seminar for breed judges and stewards.
(Motivation attached to agenda)
Club affiliation, show returns, penalties are all up to date. AGM & Financials are due by the end of first quarter of the year. The Show is not in conflict with any other events and Margate and Hibiscus Kennel Clubs are in agreement again for the Breed Shows being held with the Garden Show. Previous motivations have been carried out with the use of either 2 or 3 overseas Judges over the last 4 years. The Shows were run smoothly.
Approved, with the proviso that KUSA branding is displayed. East London Kennel Club - Championship Show – 01 August 2020 – Breed, Hcl
The above Club would like to host a second Championship Show on the 1st August 2020 in conjunction with Queenstown & Districts KC (Friday, 31st), its 1st Championship Show on the Saturday, 1st August 2020 and Port Rex Kennel Club (Sunday, 2nd August).
(See Motivation attached)
Club affiliation, Show returns, penalties are all up to date. AGM & Financials are due by the end of the first quarter of the year. The Show is not in conflict with any other events. Motivation is the same as previous events for this Cluster Weekend, anticipating to attract more entries. The Shows were run smoothly.
It was suggested that Clubs granted 2nd show licences should hold a promotional event such as a show or pet day in a public area for the purpose of promoting their Clubs/Breeds and KUSA.

5.2.2 Schedule 3 Regulations 5 - Show Schedules - Reg 16 (Exco 06-2019), (Exco 07-2019), (Exco 08-2019), (Exco 09-2019), (Exco 10-19), (Exco 11-19), (Exco 01-2020)
May Championship Shows - due November 2019
Shetland Sheepdog Club - Ob, Dj, Ag, Ca - 10 May 2020 - pending documents
Cape Field Trial Club - FT - 8-10 May 2020 - All documents received, except contracts
Northern Tshwane Kennel Club (FCI Show) - CACIB - 15 May 2020 -* Licence applications & fees received. Pending balance of documents. Incomplete Schedules received. Pending Judges & contracts. Schedule to be checked and judges cleared.
Northern Tshwane Kennel Club (1) - Br - 16 May 2020 - *as above
Northern Tshwane Kennel Club (2) - Br - 17 May 2020 - *as above
S.A. Short-Legged Terrier Club - Br - 16 May 2020 - pending documents (awaiting decision on type of Club)
S.A. Bulldog Club - Br - 16 May 2020 - pending documents
The Gundog Club - FT - 23-25 May 2020 - pending documents

June - Documents due December 2019
Natal Rottweiler Association - Br, BA, BST -13-15 June 2020 - pending documents
Golden Retriever Club of Tvl - FT - 13-16 June 2020 - pending documents
Highveld Belgian Shepherd Dog Club - IGP - 20 June & Breed - 21 June 2020 - pending documents

July - Documents due January 2020
Natal Gundog Club - 3 July 2020 - Br, Ca - pending documents
Hottentots Holland Kennel Club - FT - 10-12 July 2020 - pending documents
Cape Gundog Club - FT - 16-19 July 2020 - pending documents
Limpopo Bull Terrier Club - Breed - 25 July 2020 - pending documents
Queenstown & Districts Kennel Club - Breed - 31 July 2020 - pending documents

5.2.3 Schedule 3 Reg 14 – Exclusion of Dogs & Reg 19.8 Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) (Exco 01-2020 item
At Fedco 12-2019 it was agreed that an alternate procedure needed to be devised by Exco for
dealing with Dog Aggression, preferably in consultation with accredited Animal Behaviour Consultants.
The procedure should not only apply to Breed dogs, but also to dogs competing in Working Disciplines.

At Exco 02-2020, it was agreed that Exco Members should take this back to the various Provcos, collate information and discuss further at the F2F Meeting.

A revised TEO procedure was received from Mark Anderson (MCA) on 30.01.2020 for discussion and feedback. This was also circulated to Exco Members and a further copy is attached to this agenda.

In the meantime, the present system is to remain, i.e. CGC (Bronze) followed by examination by three Judges.
BJ thanked MCA for his proposal. After discussions with Clrs Robinson and Hubbard, BJ will be putting out a revised document for circulation in the next couple of weeks. YJ said she had some comments which she will send to BJ.
Noted. Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) – Ch Ilruca Deyzel – Boxer - Reg No: ZA015834B11. (Exco 01-2020 item
TEO issued 12.12.2019, following a biting incident at the Jacaranda City Kennel Club Show held on 24.11.19.
No reply was received at the date of the last meeting.
No reply was received at the date of this meeting.
Noted. Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) – Mardusmara Maveric – Boxer - Reg No ZA002841B19 (Exco 01- 2020 – item
TEO issued on 13.11.2019 following incident at Western Province Kennel Club Championship Show held
on 27.10.2019.
Reply received and circulated on 27.01.2020. Exco confirmed the decision that the Boxer should successfully undergo a CGC (Bronze) and then be examined by three Judges.
The Chairman of the WCPC Obedience Sub-Committee has been in contact with the owner regarding CGC arrangements.
Noted. Jacaranda City Kennel Club – Championship Show held 24.11.2019 (Exco 01-2020 item
Following the decision made at Exco 01-2020 regarding an incident involving a child, a letter of warning was sent to the owner of the dog as well as a letter to the child’s guardian with regard to supervision of underage children.
In response to this an email has been received from the child’s guardian. (Copy circulated on 12.02.2020)
Exco noted the contents of the above-mentioned email and agreed to uphold the action taken at the January meeting and indicated its satisfaction with the content of the letter sent by the Secretary.
A further letter to be sent to the child’s guardian advising the above. Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) – Highleigh Midnight Pepper - Pembroke Welsh Corgi –NAPC Top Dog
TEO issued 27.01.2020 to Pembroke Welsh Corgi Highleigh Midnight Pepper Dog exhibit no 216, ZA011098B19, Microchip No 953010003507909 (owned by Mrs DA Darroll and Miss MA Cole) for showing aggression to the Judge, resulting in the Corgi being excused from the ring.
Info circulated to Exco on 27.01.2020.
Any response from the owners will be tabled.
No response.
Noted. Temporary Exclusion Order (TEO) – Boxer - Dawkendale Ace’s High – Liesbeek Kennel Club Non- Championship Show held 02.02.2020
TEO Issued on 13.02.2020 following incident at the above Show where the Boxer pulled away from his handler/owner and attacked a Bullmastiff that was walking nearby with his handler.
Although the owner of the dog was asked to submit a response for the March Exco, a communication was received just prior to this meeting and circulated. Time did not permit thorough consideration of the contents and it was decided to defer the matter to the next meeting, when NdP will be available for guidance.
To be carried forward to next agenda. SA Bull Terrier Club – MTS held on 01.02.2020
Dog Aggression Report received on 11.02.2020. Sworn statements and clarification of information awaited.
At the time of the meeting, a statement from the Judge was awaited.

5.2.4 OTHER CLUB / SHOW MATTERS Application to host a Championship Show outside of Province.
The Dobermann Club (Gau) and the Dobermann Club of the Cape are requesting to host shows on the same weekend in Cape Town - Week 47 (18 Oct 2020) together with Cape Town Kennel Club.
See Motivation letter attached from Miss D. Lucas (Dobermann Club's appointed Show Manager for 2020)
Letters of support from the Dobermann Clubs are attached.
Letter from Ms D. Lucas as organiser is also attached.
Pending letter from Cape Town Kennel Club - both shows intended to be held on 18 Oct 2020).
Dobermann Club (WC) - All documents and payments are up to date. AGM/Financials due end of the first quarter.
The Dobermann Club (Gau) - All documents and payments are up to date. AGM/Financials due end of the first quarter.
At the Federal Council Meeting held June 2018, item 7.16 - Specialist Clubs holding Championship Shows outside their traditional Centres. It was confirmed that Exco had the powers to grant a Club permission to hold a Show outside its traditional Centre but, in assessing an application for a Specialist Club wanting to move its Show to a different part of the country, recommended that all the circumstances be thoroughly interrogated by Exco and that Exco applied the utmost discretion before granting such licence on a one-off basis.
Not approved.
Exco was of the opinion that The Dobermann Club should host its events in Gauteng. It was highly unlikely that people in Gauteng and some other Provinces would travel the distance to Cape Town. It was suggested that the Dobermann Club of the Cape could make application to host a 2nd Championship Show to see if more entries could be attracted from outside the Cape.

5.2.5 KUSA Classic 2020 Gauteng – Nationals Agility, Dog Jumping, Flyball, FCI CACIAG (Agility) Show – 26.04.2020
To be held in conjunction with NAPC Bumper Weekend.
Noted - budget to be requested. 2020 Gauteng – Nationals Breed FCI CACIB Show, Obedience, Carting and Handling
To be held Thu 28 May to Sun 31 May 2020.
(Incorporating KUSA Championship Show/KUSA Winners (Breed), Obedience, Carting, Agility, Dog Jumping and Flyball.)
2020 KUSA Classic Breed.
Noted – budget to be requested. 2020 Gauteng – KUSA Nationals and Championship Shows – WT (Classic), WUD
To be held Sat, 20th June and Sun, 21st June 2020.
Budget requested on 06.02.2020 – attached to agenda.
Noted. 2020 Western Cape – KUSA Annual Event - IGP Meisterschaft - 29-31 May 2020
The above event will be hosted in Cape Town together with the Dobermann Club of the Cape Championship IGP Grades 1 & 2.
The organising Committee are requesting dispensation for these events to be held over three (3) days.
29th May - Meisterschaft Tracking
30th May - Meisterschaft Obedience
31st May - Meisterschaft Protection (after IGP 1 & 2)
Dobermann Club of the Cape - Championship IGP - Grade 1 & 2
29th May - Obedience
30th May - Tracking
31st May - Protection

Note: Schedule 3, Reg. 2
"2.1 Unless dispensation is granted by the Executive Committee, no Championship Show shall exceed two (2) days duration and no Championship Show shall be held outside the Centre in which the show-holding Club is domiciled".
Dispensation granted. 2021 KUSA Classic - 28-30 May 2021 (Exco 01-2020 item
Gauteng has offered to host event if no other proposals are received by February Exco.
Email from Clr Hubbard on behalf of DOGSPC and NAPC tabled at Exco 01-2020.
Agreed that Clrs Robinson and Hubbard be advised that as no other proposals have been received, the offer from Gauteng to hold the 2021 event be accepted, with thanks.





5.7.1 The following Assessment has been approved by the Provincial Council Working Trial (Classic) Sub- Committee.
Second Assessment:
Mrs Y. Taentzer (GAU) - TD 2 - Dobermann Club - Championship Show - 5th August 2018
Noted with congratulations.

5.8.1 Unconfirmed Minutes of Meeting of FTLC held on 02.01.2020
Received and circulated on 30.01.2020

5.9 IGP
5.9.1 The following judge completed KUSA requirements and qualified as a BH & AD Judge:
Miss S. Brunner (KZN)
Noted with congratulations.

5.10.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Dog Jumping Judges:
Mrs D. Hewer (KZN)
Mr Q. Nortje (KZN)
Noted with congratulations






5.16 Tracking Trials (TT)
5.16.1 The following Judges completed KUSA requirements and have been accepted as Tracking Trial Judges:
Prof. C. Botha (GAU)
Mrs C. Hulse (GAU)
Mrs L. Theunissen (GAU)
Noted with congratulations.


Work in progress.

5.19 FCI
5.19.1 Communications sent to Fedco Members:
13.01.20 FCI Junior Open Agility World Championship 2020 Invitation
16.01.20 FCI Commission for Utility Dogs: Invitation and Agenda for a meeting to take place in Apeldoorn (Netherlands) 14 & 15 March 2020 & Minutes of the meeting held on 16 Sept 2019, Biedermannsdorf, Austria.
16.01.20 FCI Commission for Mondioring: Correct version of documents – Notice of meeting of the Commission, 8 Feb 2020, Hungary & Agenda. Minutes of the meeting held 1 Oct 2019, Nedza, Poland
16.01.20 Mondioring – Invitation and Agenda (final)
31.01.20 New FCI Banner: “We Belong Together”
05.02.20 Information from the FCI Commission for Education and PR
05.02.20 FCI Youth Commission: Trip Details – Meeting 21-22.03.20 (Belgium) and items for the agenda.


Next meeting scheduled for 18.02.2020.

Minutes of Unconfirmed Meeting of KZNPC held on 28.01.2020
Received and circulated on 11.02.2020
Quorum present.
The Minutes include a proposal for Fedco to reinstate Schedule 3 Reg “not more than four (4) of the minimum five (5) points were gained in one Centre.” This clause was “voided” by Fedco wef 01.02.2019.”
Attachments also include a proposed revision of the TEO procedure as mentioned under item above.

Next meeting scheduled for 06.02.2020.
Noted. Minutes awaited.

Meeting held on 20.01.2020 – Minutes awaited.


YJ advised that a meeting was scheduled for later this month.

8.1 25 New Members and 28 Members (lapsed) were elected.

8.2 Article 10 Membership – 10.2:
“Any person who in the opinion of the Executive Committee has not misconducted himself in any way in connection with dogs, Training Classes and all events forming part of the Schedules of this Constitution or held under a Kennel Union licence, or in any way acted in opposition to the Code of Ethics, the fundamental objects and principles upon which the Kennel Union has been established, or in any other manner which would make it undesirable that he should be a Member, shall enjoy the privileges of a Member of the Kennel Union and shall be elected upon making written application on such form or in such manner as the Executive Committee may prescribe from time to time and paying an annual subscription fee as specified in terms of Schedule 7.”

“The Executive Committee may refuse to elect any applicant and refund any subscription fee tendered. Any application received from any person who has been expelled from membership, or who has been convicted in a Court of Law for an offence described in Schedule 1 Rule 2.4 or Schedule 9 Code of Ethics, will be rejected automatically.”

A new membership application was brought to the attention of the Exco, together with the KUSA “Confirmation of Membership” letter. This states that membership is only provisionally granted and is subject to final approval by the Exco.
The membership application signed by the applicant includes the following declaration under “Conditions of Membership”:
“In making application to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa for Membership, I/we attest as follows and agree to comply with the following conditions:
3. I/We confirm that I/We am or not now nor ever have been suspended or expelled by KUSA, or any Club, registry body or Association concerned with animals.

In November 2019, we were informed by another dog registry body that the applicant “has been banned for life as a result of repeated instances of presentation of forged proofs of payment and fraud”. Details of this information was attached to the agenda.

After discussion it was agreed that the application be rejected.

9.1 Applications for Affiliation/Closure
9.2 Amendments to Club Constitutions
9.2.1 S.A. Short-Legged Terrier & Working Terrier Club (Exco 01-2020 item 9.2.1)
At its AGM held 18 August 2018, the above approved a change to the name of the Club to include Working Terrier Breeds.
The name change was approved by DOGSPC 27 November 2018, however, it has taken some time to complete the new Constitution. The Club has adopted the new Specimen Club Constitution which was modified for a Group Club.
Exco expressed concern at the January Exco meeting about excluding some Terrier Breeds.
Motivation attached to agenda.
After discussion it was agreed that the amendments be approved subject to the breeds listed being only those that are included, not those that are excluded.

9.2.2 KZN Boxer Club
At its AGM held 5 February 2020, the above Club approved an amendment to its financial year-end.
19. Finance and Accounts
19.1 The financial year of the Club shall be the twelve (12) month period approved by the Members at the General Meeting of the Club where this Constitution was adopted, as amended from time to time by the Members at a General Meeting of the Club.
Reword to:
"The financial year of the Club, as approved by the Members at the Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be for the twelve-month period commencing on 1 January and terminating on 31 December of each year".

9.3 Schedule 2 Reg. 4.6 & 4.7 Dispensation for Registration
Dachshund (Miniature Long-haired (Reg. 4.7 Late Registration).
Litter whelped 03 May 2018, one (1) puppy, breeder Mrs B Brown.

9.4 Schedule 2 Reg. 9 Amendments to Register - nil

9.5 Schedule 3 Regulations 38.3.2 and 38.4 Veterinary Certificates – nil

10.1 At the request of NdP, BJ reported that an amendment is to be made to Schedules 3 and 4 to make it a requirement that underage children must be under the supervision of a parent or responsible adult while attending Dog Shows.
The appropriate wording is to be formulated for the Fedco Agenda.
To be carried forward to next agenda.

Tue 24 March 2020 at 13h00

Fedco Meetings 2020:
June 27 & 28 (closing date for agenda is 04 May 2020)
November 28 & 29

Meeting closed at 14h20 with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Unless otherwise stated, all decisions taken at this meeting are based on consensus of the members present at this meeting of the Exco.