

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05L - Appendix G - Regulations for the Annual National Agility Inter-Provincial Competition

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules




Interpretation of terms.
Throughout this Schedule unless inconsistent with the contents there of:
“KUSA” means the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
“NAIP” means the Annual National Agility Inter-Provincial Competition
“NAIP Sub- Committee” means the Sub- Committee formed annually to co-ordinate the Annual National Agility Inter-Provincial competition.
“NAC” means the National Agility Committee formed in terms of Regulation 10 of Schedule 6A of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
“Province” means a geographical centre as defined in Regulation 2.1.1 of Schedule 3 of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
“Team” means those dogs of a particular size category competing in this competition.

1.1 The regulation relating to licensing and other matters to do with shows, is set out in Schedule 3, Regulations for Championship shows and Schedule 4 for Non-Championship shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa shall apply to this competition and so far as they can be relevant to the Annual National Agility Inter-provincial competition and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule.
1.2 The regulations, as set out in Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility of the constitution of the Kennel Union, shall apply to this competition Mutatis Mutandis

2.1.1 Any club affiliated to the Kennel union of Southern Africa and is eligible to hold either non-championship or championship shows may hold any part of the event named in this schedule in conjunction with such shows or separate therefrom.
2.1.2 Any recognised organisation with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, i.e.: an Agility Sub-committee is eligible to hold this event providing it is licensed under KUSA rules and regulations and is held under a show licence.
2.1.3 A draft Schedule shall be submitted under terms of Schedule 3, Regulation 5, or Schedule 4 Regulation 6.

3.1 Any dog may compete which is registered or recorded with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and whose eligibility is not in conflict with the regulations hereunder described or has not been disqualified or suspended from competition by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa;
3.2 Dogs, that have not been registered or recorded with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa at the commencement of the competition, may compete in any qualifying rounds subsequent to their registration or recording.

4.1 Until or unless this Schedule 5E (?) is amended or altered, the host Club for these events shall be designated as:
Any Club in any participating Province which is qualified to host any of the events covered by this schedule.

5.1 Each year after the Annual NAIP, a NAIP Sub-Committee will be formed to co-ordinate all matters pertaining to the following year’s NAIP. This to be organized by the NAC each year.
The NAIP Sub-Committee will comprise of one (1) member from each Province and its duties will include:
5.1.1 Nominating the Province in which the NAIP will be held, which will be on a rotating basis and no Province shall hold this event more than once in three (3) consecutive years.
5.1.2 Each Provincial member of the NAIP sub-committee is responsible for all matters concerning that Province in respect of the Annual National Agility Inter-Provincial Competition.
5.1.3 Each Provincial member of the NAIP sub-committee is responsible for informing the host Province for the NAIP of the number of teams from that Province that will be competing in the NAIP. The names of the team members and their dogs, the running order of the teams and any other information that is required to ensure the success of the NAIP.

6.1 Number of teams, handlers and dogs:
6.1.1 Each Province is eligible to enter only one (1) team by size category comprised as under:
Large Dog Team: Minimum five (5) handlers and six (6) dogs. 
Medium Dog Team: Minimum three (3) handlers and four (4) dogs.
Small Dog Team: Minimum three (3) handlers and four (4) dogs.

6.2 Qualifying Dogs:
6.2.1 Only Agility Two and Agility Three dogs are eligible for team selection. Dogs must have been placed with a clear round in Agility Two.
6.2.2 All dogs that are eligible to compete must have valid Agility record cards. 
The dogs will compete in either Large, Medium or Small category as specified on their record cards.
6.2.3 Each combination (handler and dog) must permanently reside in the Province or Centre that they represent and may not represent any other Province. If a handler relocates to another Province after being selected for a team, their position in the team is to be forfeited.

6.3 Availability of handlers and dogs:
6.3.1 Handlers who qualify for the NAIP must finalise leave and travel arrangement four (4) weeks prior to the event.
The qualifying handlers will be given written notice that they will be expected to confirm their availability by that date. Any handler who can not comply with this requirement will be obliged to withdraw their dog(s).
6.3.2 If unforeseen circumstances result in a late withdrawal and the reserve(s) is / are unavailable, the choice of a replacement will be left to the Province’s selection committee.
6.3.3 A dog may only be handled at the NAIP by a person who handled the dog in at least one (1) out of the four (4) qualifying rounds.

6.4 Withdrawals from Provincial Teams:
6.4.1 If a dog is withdrawn from any team, the replacement will be the first reserve. The second reserve will be promoted to first reserve status and the next dog in the qualifying table will become the second reserve. Regulation 7.2 must be taken into account when substituting dogs.
6.4.2 The reserves will not be expected to travel to the NAIP event.

7.1 Qualifying Rounds:
7.1.1 Four (4) qualifying rounds will be completed at least four (4) weeks prior to the NAIP event. The NAIP Sub-committee will specify the dates for each qualifying round in conjunction with their respective Provincial Agility sub-committees. 
7.1.2 Each qualifying round will consist of one (1) Contact and one (1) Non-contact course and, where possible must be run on the same day.
7.1.3 The qualifying rounds shall be held at Open or Championship Shows
7.1.4 The best three (3) out of four (4) qualifying rounds will be taken into consideration for each dog when compiling each Province’s team/s and/or points table.
7.1.5 If two (2) or more dogs in the table finish on the same number of points, the fourth qualifying result for each of those dogs will be taken into account to determine their places. If they are still tied the dog with the most bonus points, refer to Regulation 11.1, will be placed highest.

8. Courses:
8.1. The judge of the qualifying event will supply the course, Contact and Non–contact, and it must comply with Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility.

9.3 Scoring:
9.3.1 A qualifying table will be compiled using the points scoring system in Regulation 11.1.
9.3.2 Dogs that are unable to compete in a qualifying round for any of the following reasons, will be allocated eight (8) points, but is ineligible for any bonus points. Is committed to representing a Province in any competition on the day of the qualifying event. If a handler is judging a qualifying round or another discipline on the day at a show. If a bitch is in season.
9.3.3 A dog that is absent for any other reason will receive points as per Regulation

10.1 NAIP may be held in conjunction with other KUSA events over the same weekend, i.e. Championship Shows etc., and must be licensed with KUSA.

10.2 Courses:
10.2.1 Two (2) different judges will judge the NAIP. One (1) judge must be from a Province outside the host Province. Each judge will set one (1) Contact and one (1) Non-contact course, totalling four (4) rounds per size category. 
10.2.2 Where the host Province of the NAIP encounters time constraints for the NAIP event, the format, at their discretion, may be altered from two (2) Contact and two (2) Non-contact rounds to one (1) round each of Contact and Non-contact. 
When such alteration of the NAIP event format is required, the judge of the event must not reside within the host Province.
10.2.3 Small, Medium and Large dogs will jump the same course except the obstacle parameters must comply with Schedule 5L for each height class.
10.2.4 The Standard Course Time (SCT) must be the same for all classes, Small, Medium and Large.
10.2.5 The course will be of an Agility Two (2) standard.
10.2.6 All equipment used at the NAIP event must comply with Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility

10.3 Running order:
10.3.1 The running order of the Provinces will be determined by a draw, carried out before the NAIP event. Team members will run consecutively except in the case of bitches in season, see regulation 10.3.4.
10.3.2 The running order of each team will be by the team members in consultation with the Province’s NAIP representative, subject to no handler running two (2) dogs, being permitted to run their dogs consecutively with a minimum of two (2) competitors running their dogs, between the first and second dogs run. The running order will be communicated in writing to the NAIP holding Province prior to the event, by a date specified by the host Province.
10.3.4 All bitches in season must run consecutively at the end of each class, Small, Medium and Large.

10.4 Scoring:
10.4.1 Teams of six (6) competitors:
The best five (5) dogs scores, along with the corresponding times for each team will be taken for each round. The dog with the worst score will have that score dropped from the total in each round.
10.4.2 Teams of four (4) competitors:
The best three (3) dogs scores, along with the corresponding times for each team will be taken for each round. The dog with the worst score will have that score dropped from the total in each round.
10.4.3 Points will be allocated in each round as per Regulation 11.1
10.4.4 The host Province must ensure that the scoring of the results are timiously announced. At least two (2) scorers are to be present for the purpose of assisting the scribe by tallying each combinations points, Regulation 11.1. Further assistance may be used at the discretion of the host Province.

10.5 Reserves for the NAIP:
10.5.1 Each Province / team will be allowed one (1) reserve per height category
10.5.3 The reserves will not be expected to travel to the NAIP.
10.5.4 A reserve may only be substituted for the following reasons: A handler or dog is injured at anytime during the NAIP event. The judge/s of the NAIP must be satisfied that the handler or dog is incapable of continuing. A handler or dog is injured at anytime leading up to the event.
10.5.5 The reserves that are present at the NAIP will be placed in the order they finished on the Province’s qualifying table when substituting. 
10.5.6 At no time is a handler or combination allowed to run for another Province.
10.5.8 The NAIP host Province must be notified prior to or on the day of the event who the reserves will be for each Province. This must occur before the competition commences. If there are no reserves at the event, that team runs without reserves.

10.6 Results:
10.6.1 The results shall be announced at a prize giving after the NAIP event.
10.6.2 Throughout this competition, prizes and awards may be offered provided they are not contrary to the provision of Regulation 2 of Schedule 3. (Regulations for Championship shows of the Constitution of KUSA.) Details of such prizes and awards shall be published in all show Schedules relating to this competition and in any invitation sent to Provincial NAIP Committees.
10.6.3 A set of results must be sent to the NAIP Sub-Committee for the NAC records, within thirty (30) days of the NAIP event.

11.1 The scoring system for the qualifying rounds and NAIP will be as follows:

11.1.1 Clear rounds.

Dogs with clear rounds will be awarded ten (10) points.

11.1.2 Bonus Points.
• Overall Winning dog of each round: one (1) Bonus point
Dogs with clear rounds will also be awarded bonus points for bettering the Standard Course Time by a certain margin. Bonus points will be awarded for every two (2) seconds that the SCT is bettered, e.g.:
• 2 to 3,99 seconds faster than SCT: one (1) bonus point.
• 4 to 5,99 seconds faster than SCT: two (2) bonus points.
• 6 to 7,99 seconds faster than SCT: three (3) bonus points.
• 8 to 9,99 seconds faster than SCT: four (4) bonus points.

And so on.

11.1.3 Dogs with faults will be awarded points as follows:
• 0,01 to 5 faults: eight (8) points.
• 5,01 to 10 faults: six (6) points.
• 10,01 to 15 faults: four (4) points.
• 15,01 to 20 faults: two (2) points.
• 20,01 to 25 faults: one (1) point
• More than 25 faults, or elimination: No points Dogs that do not compete or are eliminated in any leg/round, shall be allocated the worst penalties incurred by a competitor competing in that leg/round.
E.g. Dog No six (6) ends up with thirty three (33) faults and earns the worst score of all the dogs that competed in that leg/round. Any dog that did not compete or was eliminated during that leg/round will then also receive 33 faults.

The event covered by this Schedule may be sponsored permanently, or on an annual basis by any organization acceptable to the Federal Council of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, administrating Province and the host club. In years when the event is sponsored the title of the NAIP may be preceded by the name of the Sponsor. Should the Administrating Province or the Sponsor wish to disassociate with the event, this may not be done so as to prejudice the holding of the events in that year or any succeeding years. For this reason, a contract must be drawn up between the Administrating Committee and any Sponsor, establishing the rights and obligations of all parties should any of them wish to withdraw from associating with this Competition.
12.1 The raising of sponsorship and obtaining a suitable venue for the NAIP will be the responsibility of the NAIP host Province, by enlisting the members of that Province and the Provincial Agility Sub-Committee.
12.2 Dress code in accordance to the Sponsors wishes.

12.9 The NAIP shall select from amongst its members a Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee shall keep a true record of its proceedings and a Receipts and Payment account.
It shall open an account at a recognized financial institution and all cheques must be signed by two members of the Committee who may not be members of the same household.
Subsequent to the holding of the annual NAIP and the payment of of all outstanding accounts and within sixty (60) days, the organizing Committee shall have the books of accounts Audited and copies of the audited accounts sent to the NAC Committee and KUSA.
The organizing Committee is responsible for any losses which might occur in the year that they are organizing the competition and any surplus funds after the books have been audited shall be transferred to the account of the following year’s organizing Committee.

13 Sanitation
All Competitors are responsible for the removal of faeces deposited by their dogs. Any Competitor failing to do so is liable for instant disqualification.

Compiled by: R. Shortland & N. McInnes 
Date: 05.08.2002

Fedco 05/03 – Effective 1 September 2003