

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05L - Appendix F - Regulations for the Agility Non-Contact National League

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules




1.1 The regulation relating to licensing and other matters to do with shows, is set out in Schedule 3, Regulations for Championship shows and Schedule 4 for Non-Championship shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa shall apply to this competition and so far as they can be relevant to the Annual National Agility League competition and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule.
1.2.1 The regulations, as set out in Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility of the constitution of the Kennel Union, shall apply to this competition Mutatis Mutandis

2.1 Any club affiliated to the Kennel union of Southern Africa and is eligible to hold either Non-Championship or Championship Shows may hold any part of the event named in this schedule in conjunction with such shows or separate therefrom.
2.2 Any recognised organisation with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, i.e.: an Agility Sub-committee is eligible to hold this event providing it is held under a show Licence or demonstration licence.
2.3 A draft Schedule shall be submitted under terms of Schedule 3, Regulation 5, or Schedule 4 Regulation 6, where any part of the event named in this schedule falls under those regulations.

3.2 Any dog may compete which is registered or recorded with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa and whose eligibility is not in conflict with the regulations hereunder described or has not been disqualified or suspended from competition by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa;
3.3 Dogs, which have not been registered or recorded at the Kennel Union at the commencement of the competition, may compete in any leg of the competition subsequent to their registration or recording.

Until or unless this Schedule 5L Appendix F is amended or altered, the host Club for these events shall be designated as: Any affiliated Club in any participating Province qualified to host any of the events covered by this schedule.

5. Qualifications for Entry
5.1 Entry shall be open to all dogs who are registered with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa in terms of Regulation 3.1 above and have qualified to compete in the respective Agility grade provided for in Schedule 5L 
5.2 An entry fee decided by the administrating committee, the National Agility Committee (NAC), will be levied on each dog per calendar year.  Said entry fee will be in addition to the entry fee levied by any host club for any leg of the league.
5.3 The entry fee shall be payable in full before any dog is registered as a competitor in the league.
5.4 The League entry fee may be reduced at the discretion of the Administrating Province where entry into the league is made after the third leg of the league has been contested.
5.5 The Administrating Province will hold the entry fees on trust for all competitors in any league year. The Administrating Province will, at the end of each leg distribute prizes to the relevant placed competitors and at the end of the league year shall award prizes to the overall placed competitors, as decided by the committee. Such prizes will be awarded from the fund made up from all entry fees after deductions of all administering costs incurred by the committee. Prizes will be awarded in cash or by purchase of a trophy or other awards.
5.6 The National Agility League shall select from amongst its members a Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee shall keep a true record of its proceedings and a Receipts and Payment account.
It shall open an account at a recognized financial institution and all cheques must be signed by two members of the Committee who may not be members of the same household.
Subsequent to the holding of the annual National Agility League and the payment of all outstanding accounts and within sixty (60) days, the organizing Committee shall have the books of accounts Audited and copies of the audited accounts sent to the NAC Committee and KUSA.
The organizing Committee is responsible for any losses which might occur in the year that they are organizing the competition and any surplus funds, after the books have been audited, shall contribute towards the Team Leader and the KUSA team attending the following year’s Agility World Championships expenses.

6. Judging:
6.1 Any judge appointed shall be a qualified Championship Show Agility Judge and approved by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
6.2 Each leg of the league shall have a contact and non-contact course designed by a qualified Championship Show Agility Judge.
6.3 Judges will be drawn from Provinces selected by the Administrating Province. 
6.4 The course will be drawn on a specially designed National Agility League course design sheet.
(See Appendix One (1) of this Schedule).
6.5 The course will be of an Agility Two (2) standard in accordance with Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility.
6.6 The course designer (judge) will supply details of obstacle construction, for Small, Medium and Large classes, sufficient to allow all Provinces to construct the obstacles as identical as is reasonable.
6.7 Only the obstacles laid down in Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility are allowed to be used for this competition.
6.8 When calculating the distance to be run, measurements between obstacles shall be taken to and from the exact centre of the front element of each obstacle except the weave poles, collapsed tunnel, rigid tunnel and long jump where the following lengths shall be regarded as standard:
6.8.1 Twelve weave poles  - 7.0m
Ten weave poles   -   6m
Twelve weave poles  -    7.2m
6.8.2 Collapsible tunnel    - 3.5m
6.8.3 Rigid tunnel   -  6m in any shape.
6.8.4 Long jump   -           Small dogs:      - 0.45m
 -           Medium dogs:   - 0.8m
 -           Large dogs:      - 1.3m
6.9 The course designer (judge) shall for their course, supply a schedule of co-ordinates, see Appendix One (1) of this Schedule or on a separate sheet. These co-ordinates shall consist of two (2) measurements for each obstacle on their course. The measurements are to be taken one from each end of a common datum, which should be exactly forty (40) metres in length. The measurement shall be from each end of the datum to the exact centre of the front element of each obstacle and to the start of the collapsible tunnel, rigid tunnel, long jump and weave poles.
6.10 The judges selected to judge the events in the various Provinces shall use the co-ordinates to build the designed course at the venue selected by the various provinces’ controlling committees. The judge shall be responsible for ensuring that the placing and construction of each obstacle shall be as identical as possible to the course plan provided.
6.11 All events shall be judged as laid down for in Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility.
6.12 Under no circumstances may the Standard Course time stated on the Course design sheet be altered, in anyway, without express permission from the Administrating Province, who will consult with the course designer (judge) before giving permission to make such changes.

7. Administration:
7.1 A Province’s Agility Sub-Committee chosen by that Sub-committee or the National Agility Committee (NAC) will administrate the league.
7.2 The nominated Province Sub-Committee, will be responsible for the following:
7.2.1 Sourcing courses from judges, these judges must be from different Provinces.
7.2.2 Distributing each course to the league representatives timeously.
7.2.3 Finalising closing date for results for each leg.
7.2.4 Finalising national results for each leg.
7.2.5 Publishing the national results for each leg and the final results/log. [This can be done by sending a copy of the results to each Provinces league representative.]
7.2.6 Distributing each leg’s prizes at the end of each leg and the final overall prizes.
7.2.7 Collecting entry fees and forms from each Provinces league representative.
7.2.8 Banking these fees into a central pool for administrative purposes.
7.3 Each Province’s Agility Sub-committee will be responsible to nominate a League representative which will liase with the appointed League Administrator. Their duties will be as follows:
7.3.1 To collect all entry fees and forms for their Province.
7.3.2 Forward all fees and entry forms to the relative administrating Province.
7.3.3 To, in conjunction with that Province’s Agility Sub-committee and/or clubs, schedule dates on which each leg will be run in that Province.
7.3.4 To issue details of each particular leg in their Province to all competitors.
7.3.5 To organise a qualified judge to judge each leg of the competition.
7.3.6 To obtain each leg's course, from the Administrating Province, timeously and ensure that the judge of each leg has the course on the day of the event.
7.3.7 To tabulate the results of each leg for that Province and to ensure that these results are supplied to the League administrator by the closing date specified.
7.3.8 Publishing the national results so as competitors may see where they were placed on the final table.
7.4 Timing
7.4.1 Should it be impossible for a Province to run a leg by the stipulated closing date an application for an extension to that date must be made to the administering Province. Once granted, if necessary, the club under whose licence the event is being held must apply to the local Provincial Secretary for an amendment to that licence.
7.4.2 An extension may be granted up to a maximum of thirty (30) days after the stipulated closing date.

8.  The Competition:
8.1  The league shall consist of four (4) separate competitions/legs in each participating province. Each leg shall comprise one (1) round of contact agility and one (1) round of non-contact agility.
8.2  The four (4) legs of the league shall be contested during the months from February to November.
8.3 The league event may be held and form part of any licensed show with the permission of the host club.
8.4 A dog may compete at any Centre holding a leg of the league but if it subsequently competes at another Centre where the same course is being used only the results from the first competition shall be valid in the league log.
8.5 Substitution of a dog’s handler may take place during the duration of any league year without any effect on the dog’s score/points.
8.6 If a handler relocates to another province during the league year, the combination may continue to enter this competition, subject to Regulation 8.4.
8.7 Scoring system: As per Regulation 9 of this Schedule.
8.8 Final placings in the Annual League Table and the title “Agility League Dog for (Year)” shall be determined by the accumulated scores incurred in the best three (3) non-contact rounds and best three (3) contact rounds of the four (4) legs for each competing dog.

9. Scoring:
9.1 Clear rounds.
Dogs with clear rounds will be awarded ten (10) points.
9.2 Bonus Points.
• Overall Winning dog of each round: one (1) Bonus point
Dogs with clear rounds will also be awarded bonus points for bettering the Standard Course Time by a certain margin. Bonus points will be awarded for every two (2) seconds that the SCT is bettered, e.g.:
• 2 to 3,99 seconds faster than SCT: one (1) bonus point.
• 4 to 5,99 seconds faster than SCT: two (2) bonus points.
• 6 to 7,99 seconds faster than SCT: three (3) bonus points.
• 8 to 9,99 seconds faster than SCT: four (4) bonus points.
And so on.

9.3 Dogs with faults in each competition will be awarded points as follows:
• 0,01 to 5 faults: eight (8) points.
• 5,01 to 10 faults: six (6) points.
• 10,01 to 15 faults: four (4) points.
• 15,01 to 20 faults: two (2) points.
• 20,01 to 25 faults: one (1) point
• More than 25 faults, or elimination: No points
9.3.1 Void

10. Prizes and Awards
10.1 In all sections of this competition, prizes and awards may be awarded provided that such prizes and awards do not contravene the provisions of Schedule 3, Regulation 29 of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa. The details of such prizes and awards are published in the Show Schedule relating to each event.
10.2 The title awarded, under section 8.8 above shall not be eligible for recording on the dog’s certificate of registration.

11.  Sponsorship
The event covered by this Schedule may be sponsored permanently, or on an annual basis by any organisation acceptable to the Federal Council of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, administrating Province and the host club. In years when the event is sponsored the title of the National Agility League, may be preceded by the name of the Sponsor. Should the Administrating Province or the Sponsor wish to disassociate with the event, this may not be done so as to prejudice the holding of the events in that year or any succeeding years. For this reason, a contract must be drawn up between the Administrating Committee and any Sponsor, establishing the rights and obligations of all parties should any of them wish to withdraw from associating with this Competition.
Dress code in accordance to the Sponsors wishes.
The event covered by this schedule may be sponsored permanently or on an annual basis by any organisation acceptable to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, the administrating province and host clubs.

12. Sanitation
All Competitors are responsible for the removal of faeces deposited by their dogs. Any Competitor failing to do so is liable for instant disqualification.

Compiled by: R.Shortland
Date: 15.08.02

Appendix One (1) follows……

Fedco 05/03 – Effective 1 September 2003

Fedco 12-2012/NP/Updated 07.02.2013

Most recent changes to this Schedule has an effective date of 01.04.2013