

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05L - Appendix C - Regulations for the selection of South African dogs to compete at the Agility World Championships

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules

                                                                                         APPENDIX ‘C’                                                                                                    



1.1    AWC shall mean the Agility World Championships.
NAC shall mean the National Agility Committee. 
The AWC Sub-Committee shall mean the Sub-Committee specially formed each year to coordinate the AWC Trials and South African Team administration.

2.1    A core committee with a member from each province will be formed for a minimum term of two (2) years.  Each year the hosting province will be allowed additional members on this committee.
The AWC Sub-Committee will comprise at least one (1) member from each Province (Gauteng, Kwazulu-Natal, Free State, Eastern Province and Western Province with the inclusion of Border, Southern Cape and Boland) and it’s duties will include:
2.1.1    Scheduling and managing the Final Trials Event.
2.1.2    Raising sponsorship for the South African team. This will be done on a national basis, by enlisting members of the Provincial Sub-Committees for assistance. 
2.1.3    Appointing the Team Leader and other relevant members of the South African squad that will travel to the AWC. 
2.1.4    Assisting the Team Leader and members of the South African Team with their preparations for the AWC. 
2.2    An aim of the NAC and AWC Sub-Committees will be to develop at least two (2) teams of people with the knowledge and experience to run the South African Trials Event. The first team should be made up of people based in the Northern Provinces (Gauteng, Free State and Kwazulu-Natal) to take responsibility for the South African Trials Event when it is held in these Provinces. The other team should be made up of people from the Southern Provinces (Western Province, Southern Cape, Boland, Eastern Province and Border) to take responsibility for the South African Trials Event when it is held in these Provinces.
2.3    The committee shall elect from amongst its members a Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer who shall have the authority to sign Cheques. The Cheques shall be signed by any two (2) of those persons.  The committee shall keep a true record of all proceedings and a receipt and payments account. The contest to participate in the World Championships must be run on a breakeven situation. All profit/loss to accrue or be carried by the contest. A Profit/Loss Account to be submitted to the NAC Convenor after completion of the contest.

3.    VOID.
4.1    Eligibility.
4.1.1    Dogs must be in Agility 2 with a qualification before the start of the South African Trials to be eligible to compete in the South African Trials.  
4.1.2    The AWC committee will publish a Show Schedule for the SA Trials by the 31st January each year.
4.1.3    Bitches in season will be allowed to compete in the South African Trials, on condition that they are kept apart from the other dogs and run last. The onus will be on the handler to bring the bitch’s condition to the attention of the judge at the Trial.
4.1.4    Handlers may enter the South African Trials, by completing and submitting an official KUSA entry form, payment of the entry fee as determined by the AWC committee and payment of the deposit as determined by the AWC committee. The closing date for entry into the SA Trials will be 31st March.
4.2    Organization.
4.2.1    The South African Trials event will be run by members of the AWC Sub-Committee assisted by members of the host Province’s Agility Sub-Committee. Refer to Paragraph 2.2.
4.2.2    The venue for the South African Trials event will be rotated between the Provinces as often as possible, but the timing of the event and conditions stipulated by sponsors may override this principle. Whenever possible the AWC Trials should be held indoors to simulate the conditions at the World Championships.
4.2.3    The South African Trials will be held at least eight (8) weeks prior to the deadline for entries for the World Championships. 
4.2.4    Each year the AWC Sub-Committee will select two (2) judges to officiate at the South African Trials, from a list of candidates nominated by the Provinces.
4.3    Format.
4.3.1    The Trials will consist of 5 rounds, 3 of which will be Contact Agility. All dogs will jump the same course, with the obstacles set at the heights prescribed for that Category.
4.3.2    The running order for the first round will be determined by a random computer draw.  The running order for subsequent rounds will be determined by the results table as it stands after each preceding round.  The dogs with the least number of points will run first and those with the most number of points will run last, i.e. reverse order of placings.  The computer will determine a reasonable gap between dogs for the handlers with more than one (1) dog.
4.3.3    The dogs will be awarded points for their performance in each round, using the points scoring system in Schedule 5L Appendix E.
4.3.4    After the conclusion of the Trials tables will be compiled to determine the dogs eligible for the South African team. 
4.3.5    World Agility Championships: Team Competition 
Team Selection: The top-scoring four dogs in each height category will be eligible for the SA team in that height category. If there are less than three breed registered dogs participating at the SA Trials in any particular height category, then no team will be entered into that particular event at the Agility World Championships.  
World Agility Championships: Individual Competition 
Selection: The results tables compiled at the conclusion of the SA Trials for the 3 different height categories will be combined into one results table. Eligibility to compete in the individual competition at the World Agility Championships will be determined as follows:
The South African Champion in each height category will be eligible, provided that they are breed registered.
There may be a maximum of six (6) dogs in any particular height category and a maximum of nine (9) dogs in total that will be eligible to compete in the individual competition.
The eligibility of dogs will be determined according to the combined results table.
Note: The dogs competing in the team event do not automatically qualify to participate in the individual event.
4.3.7    The next two (2) handlers and dogs in each category will be the reserves. They will not be expected to travel to the World Championships, but must be on standby to take their place in the team in the event of any withdrawals before the deadline date for entries.
4.3.8    The winning Dog in each category, Large, Medium and Small, will be awarded the AWC Trials Floating trophy and a miniature, which may be kept.

5.1    A team leader / manager will be appointed by the AWC Sub-Committee by 30 November each preceding year and his / her name announced at the National Trials. The Team Leader will travel to the World Championships with the team and will be responsible for the organizational and administrative matters at the World Championships.
5.2    The AWC Sub-Committee and the South African Team Leader will be responsible for the activities leading up to the World Championships, such as travel and accommodation plans, AWC entries, ensuring that the necessary veterinary certificates are in order, distribution of sponsorship money, clothing, etc.  The team leader will announce at least four (4) weeks prior to the South African Trials, all the documentation that will be required by handlers who qualify for the SA Team as well as all health requirements for the particular country where the Agility World Championships are being held for that year.
5.3    The sponsorship for the South African team and funds raised by the AWC Sub-Committee will be used as far as possible to cover the travel and accommodation expenses of the Team and the Team Leader. Any additional persons wishing to travel to the World Championships with the team shall be responsible for all their own expenses, unless they are nominated as extra officials, in which case the AWC Sub-Committee may decide to assist them financially.
5.4    Handlers who have qualified for the South African team must confirm their availability before the announcement of the South African Team. All entrants to the SA Trials need written proof that all the necessary travel and veterinary or other documents required for handler and dog are in order and current. Any withdrawal subsequent to the announcement of the team will be subject to a cancellation fee, which will be pre-determined by the AWC Committee.
5.5    Handlers who fail to comply with this requirement will be obliged to withdraw from the team. The reserves should also ensure that all their documents are in order so that they do not encounter problems if they have to replace a team member before the closing date for entries. 
5.6    The team leader or the designated team clothing coordinator shall decide upon the design of the team uniform, which shall be approved by the AWC Committee and sanctioned by KUSA. Team members shall be required to wear this uniform during the opening and closing ceremonies at the AWC, as well as during the competition at the AWC.
5.7    All South African Handlers representing KUSA at the Agility World Championships must be members in good standing of KUSA at the time of their competing at the Agility World Championships.

6.1    The event may be sponsored permanently or on an annual basis by any organization acceptable to the Federal Council of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa. In years when the event is sponsored, the title may be preceded by the name of the Sponsor. Should either KUSA or any Sponsor wish to disassociate themselves with the event, this may not be done so as to prejudice the holding of the event in that year or any succeeding years. For this reason, a contract must be drawn up between the KUSA and any Sponsor establishing the rights and obligations of both should either or both wish to withdraw from association with this Competition.

© The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

All rights reserved.  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the publisher.

ISBN 0-9584208-1-5

Fedco 11-2011/MB/Updated 25.01.2012
Fedco 06-14/NP/Updated 21.10.2014

The most recent changes are incorporated in this document and had an effective date of 01.01.2015