

Dear Madam or Sir,

We have the pleasure of informing you that the results of the ABOVE FCI International CACIB dog show have been confirmed.

The official list of results confirmed is available on and the CACIB can be printed ONLINE by the owners. 

A detailed list of the CACIB confirmed (sorted by catalogue number) is enclosed for your convenience

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SATURDAY, 29th June 2024
The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:
Ms S van Niekerk – Utility Group *
Ms M van Vuuren – Working Group
Ms V Nicolau– Terrier Group
Mr S Graham – Working Group
Ms A Haskins – Hound Group

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Schedule 05H(01) - Regulations for Breed Working Test

Posted in KUSA Constitution & Schedules




1. Licensing and Holding of BREED WORKING TEST (BWT) 
2. Management of BREED WORKING TEST (BWT) 
4. Schedule and Description of Exercises for BREED WORKING TEST (BWT)
5. Additional Specifications per Breed 

1.1 Licensing and Show Regulations
Every application for a Licence to hold a BWT shall be made not less than one (1) calendar month before the proposed date.
The Regulations relating to licensing and to all other matters to do with shows as set out in Schedule 3 Championship Shows and Schedule 4 Non-Championship Shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) shall apply to Breed Working Test so far as they can be relevant to BWT and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule 5H.
1.2 Scope of Licence
Only a Club representing a Breed which:
a) requires additional qualifications for Breed Champion Status in terms of the Constitution and requiring BWT as an additional qualification for Breed Champion Status 
b) OR which requires qualifications for entry into the working dog class
c) OR which is customarily entered in either IPO, Schutzhund or classic working trials events may apply for and be issued with a licence to hold a BWT. Such a Club may hold a Breed Working Test under the same Licence as any other Championship or Non-Championship Show or under a separate Licence.
1.3 Marks and Qualification
1.3.1 Qualification is subject to the dog having scored a minimum of seventy (70) marks for each Group A, B and C (Tracking, Obedience and Defence Work) and a total result of two hundred and twenty (220) marks or more out of three hundred (300), provided it does not fail in the steadiness to gunshot test. Once qualified, a dog may not enter again.
1.3.2 The owner of any dog which has been awarded a Breed Working Test Qualifying Certificate may use the abbreviation as an appendage to the dog’s registered name. The abbreviation to be used is BWT. In order to have the qualification placed on any registration records, a copy of the relevant Qualifying Certificate must be submitted to KUSA.
1.4 Eligibility of Dogs for Competition
1.4.1 Only dogs which are registered with KUSA on the Breed Register, may enter in BWT.
1.4.2 A dog having qualified IPO Grade 1is not eligible to enter.
1.4.3 The minimum age for a dog on the day of his participation in a Breed Working Test is fourteen (14) months.
1.4.4 Only dogs which appear to be in good health can take part in BWT.
1.4.5 Bitches in season may take part in BWT subject to the following conditions :
The bitch in season is kept strictly apart from all other dogs on her arrival at the test grounds.
The Test Manager and the Judge must be informed immediately upon arrival by the competitor that he has with him a bitch in season.
The grounds where Groups B and C (Obedience and Defence Work) are to be held can only be entered by the bitches in season when ALL other competitors have completed Groups B and C.

2.1.1 Test Manager
The management of a BREED WORKING TEST shall be entrusted to the Test Manager who shall be appointed by the Committee of the Club holding the BWT. He will have organised suitable Tracking grounds which meet with the requirements of the Regulations, provision made for a sufficiently large terrain to hold the Obedience and Defence work, a KUSA Registered Assistant (IPO) equipped with the approved protection outfit and equipment. The presence on the field of at least one (1) hide and a hedge jump in good condition are also his responsibility. Additionally, the Test Manager is responsible for the orderly running of the Test and is at the disposal of the Judge/s during the whole event.
2.1.2 Disputes
Any disputed matter requiring a decision during the period of the Test shall be decided by the Test Manager and the Judge/s. However, the control of all matters connected with the dogs during the Test shall rest with the Judge/s but the Manager, if required, may be called upon for assistance.
2.1.3 Complaints
Complaints lodged by competitors will be dealt with in accordance with KUSA Regulations.
2.1.4 Misbehaviour of dogs at a Test Serious uncontrollable behaviour of a dog at a BWT may be dealt with at the discretion of the Test Manager. Any action taken in terms of this Regulation shall be reported to KUSA within seven (7) days of the close of the Test. The Assistant (IPO) may, if he is of the opinion that a dog is uncontrollable, stop and appeal to the Judge for the dog to be disqualified from the rest of the Defence Work.
2.2 Number of dogs to be tested
2.2.1 When judging all Groups (A, B and C), a maximum number of twelve (12) dogs may be tested per day per Judge.
2.2.2 If the number of entries is excessive, the Committee of the Club holding the BWT shall appoint an extra Judge or Judges whose name(s) shall be communicated to KUSA for approval prior to the holding of the Test.
2.2.3 In the situation described in 2.2.2 the Test Manager must allocate an entire ‘Group’ or ‘Groups’ to be tested by the individual Judge (e.g. one (1) Judge does the complete Group A Tracking, another Judge does the complete Group B Obedience, one (1) or both Judges do Group C Defence work). Any competitor qualifying under this Regulation will have his Qualifying certificate signed by all the Judges who judged his dog.
2.3 General attitude and conduct of the handlers
2.3.1 Either the owner or his deputy may handle the dog but it must be the one or the other. Once the dog has commenced work an owner must not interfere with his dog if he has deputised another person to handle it. 
2.3.2 Each handler must report at the start of each Group with his dog on leash in the ‘Heel’ position, to the Judge, giving his and his dog’s name
2.3.3 All instructions given by the Judge or Test Manager must be carried out by all participants.
2.3.4 The handlers should handle their dogs in a sporting manner. If a handler deliberately treats his dog in an unsporting manner, he can be excluded from continuing the Test. Such a decision depends on the Judge’s discretion and may not be disputed. No appeal will be entertained.
2.3.5 All commands may be given by the handler in his mother tongue. The dog’s name may be used in conjunction with the command.
2.3.6 During Groups B and C each dog must be handled on a ‘neck chain’ (dead choke chain). Leather or spike collars are forbidden.
2.3.7 The carrying or the offering of food or other inducement to a dog while the test in in progress is forbidden. 
2.3.8 In all exercises the left side of the handler will be regarded as the working side. If the handler suffers from a physical disability requiring his dog to be handled on the right side, he must notify the Judge and ask his permission to do so before the commencement of the Test.
2.4 Conditions
It is the responsibility of the Test Manager and of the Judge/s that all dogs compete under the same conditions as far as this is practical.
2.5 Weather
Cancellation on account of inclement weather of a Test or any part of a Test shall be at the discretion of the Test Manager on consultation with the Judge/s.
2.6 Starting Time
All participants shall be informed of the starting time and shall be present at site of the Test at least thirty (30) minutes before that time. Any participant who is not present thirty (30) minutes prior to the informed starting time, may be considered by the Judge as having withdrawn.
2.7 Provision of Tracking Articles
All tracking articles, with size in accordance to the official description, must be provided by the organising club.
2.8 Order of Competition
The running order shall be determined by a draw among the participants. Any participant who is not present at this draw shall not be permitted to take part. (See Regulation 1.4.5 with regard to bitches in season taking part).
2.9 Assistants
Only KUSA Registered Assistants (IPO) may officiate at any BWT. During all exercises of Group C Defence Work, the Assistant (IPO) will wear a suitable protection outfit, non-slip sport shoes and carry a padded leather covered flexible stick. Before the start of Group C, the Judge must inspect and approve the entire outfit of the Assistant (IPO). 
2.10 Competition by Officials at Shows
2.10.1 A Judge at a Show may not enter or handle a dog in the same discipline (Breed, Obedience, Working Trials, IPO, Dog Jumping, Agility and Carting) as that in which he is officiating. A Judge at a Show may not handle a dog in any discipline on the day/s that he is officiating. A Judge at a Show may not handle a dog in any discipline on the day/s that he is officiating.
2.10.2 A KUSA representative may not enter, exhibit or handle a dog registered in his name at any KUSA Licensed event held at the same venue on the day that he is officiating, nor in the same discipline held under the same licence on any day.
2.11 Catalogue Numbers
Handlers must display catalogue or entry numbers prominently during the Test.

Note : This Test must NOT be regarded as a competition.
3.1 The judging of a Breed Working Test will be carried out by a licensed Judge (IPO) currently on the KUSA Register for Judges (IPO) who shall be permanently domiciled in the KUSA area of jurisdiction, be a member of the Kennel Union in good standing, both at the time of accepting an invitation and undertaking an appointment. No mandatory intervals are required between judging appointments. The method of judging is based on the directives as given for International Profung Ordung (IPO) - Schedule 5B (2) (IPO).
3.2 Knowledge of the Regulations
All handlers are expected to have a thorough knowledge of the Regulations for BWT.
3.3 Practice
Judges may allow the participants to practice the jump prior to the commencement of Group B (Obedience) but no other practice shall be allowed. Before starting the Defence Work the Judge should instruct the Assistant (IPO) in a practice run with a dog which is not entered, for which permission to be present has been granted by the Test Manager.
3.4 Marking of Participants
As each dog completes a Group, his score must be entered by the Judge on his score sheet and that score must be made known to the handler. Scores may not subsequently be changed except to correct arithmetical errors. The scores awarded and commented on by the Judge should also be made known to the spectators as soon as it is practically possible.
3.5 Announcement of Results
At the completion of the Test the Judge will announce to the participants and the spectators the names of the dogs which have qualified in the Test.
3.6 Adhering to the Regulations
No Judge shall require any dog or handler to do anything nor penalise a dog or handler for failing to do anything which is not required by these Regulations or in this Schedule.
3.7 Judge’s Orders
Judge’s verbal orders must be clear to enable everyone to follow the judging.
3.8 Events outside the Regulations
In the event of circumstances arising not covered by KUSA Rules and Regulations, the Judge/s will have discretionary powers to make a ruling subject to confirmation by KUSA. In such instances the Judge must submit a written report setting out all details to KUSA within fourteen (14) days of the Test.

4.1 GROUP A - TRACKING (maximum 100 marks, track 90 and article 10 marks)
4.1.1 Track Laying. The handler will lay the track which is to be about 300 paces long with one (1) turn of ninety degrees. During the actual laying of the track the dog under test will be so placed that it cannot see the track being laid. The article for the track shall be a soft object in everyday use (e.g. cloth or leather) with approximate dimensions of 15 X 5 X 2cms, and must be handed out to the handler fifteen (15) minutes before commencing laying of the track.
4.1.2 Working the track. The dog is to be put on the track as soon as the handler has completed laying the track. The dog must track on a 10m long tracking lead.
4.2 GROUP B - OBEDIENCE (maximum 100 marks)
Note : The handler may request that the Judge or steward give instructions for the exercises.
4.2.1 STEADINESS TO GUNSHOT (Pass or Fail)
This exercise is judged separately. The dog, ‘off lead’, must heel with the handler whilst two (2) shots are fired from a distance of about twenty (20) paces from the dog and handler. The gun should be of 6 to 9mm calibre, or a starting pistol (cap type). Should the dog fail this test it must be eliminated from further exercises.
4.2.2 HEEL ON LEAD (20 marks)
The dog on lead, must follow the handler in a docile and happy manner, in such a way that the lead hangs loosely and the dog’s right shoulder must remain in the vicinity of the handler’s left knee. The lead is held in the left hand and both arms of the handler should move naturally. The execution of the exercise is in normal pace, with a halt and changes in direction to left, right and about turn. A verbal command is allowed for every start, change of direction and halt.
4.2.3 HEEL OFF LEAD (30 marks)
Before starting this exercise the handler must remove the lead from the dog and sling it across his back from left shoulder to right hip. The ‘Heel’ off lead should be executed in the same way as the ‘Heel’ on the lead. 
The dog, at the start of the exercise, is to be ‘off lead’ in the ‘Heel’ position. Upon orders from the Judge or steward, the handler will throw his own article, in the nature of a personal belonging, or dumbbell, for a distance of about 10 paces. Upon a verbal command from the handler, the dog should go immediately to the object, pick it up, and return briskly to the handler. The dog must sit in front of the handler and hold the object quietly until the handler gives the command to release the object, after which the dog should be commanded to return to ‘Heel’.
4.2.5 HEDGE JUMP (30 marks)
The jump should be 1.5 metres wide, opaque construction with a brush top , the height shall be 80cm. The handler shall begin the exercise in front of the jump with the dog in the ‘Heel’ position. The handler should leave the dog and proceed around to the other side of the jump. When stationary, facing the dog, the handler shall call the dog over the jump to sit in front, before commanding the dog to return to ‘Heel’. Commands will be allowed for the ‘Stay’, ‘Recall’, ‘Jump’ and finish.
4.3 GROUP C - DEFENCE WORK (maximum 100 marks)
Attack on handler (50 marks)
Escape and test of courage (50 marks)
4.3.1 ATTACK ON HANDLER (50 marks)
Upon orders from the Judge, the handler, with dog off lead, is to walk about twenty (20) paces towards a hide where the Assistant (IPO) is hidden. (Dog may be held by the collar without penalisation). The handler will suddenly be attacked from the front when he is about ten (10) paces from the hide. A hand-to-hand fight between the handler and Assistant (IPO) is not permissible. The dog must immediately intercept the attack by a firm hold of the Assistant (IPO). At this point the Assistant (IPO) gives the dog two (2) blows on the flanks, withers or thighs, with a flexible leather padded stick. Other parts of the dog may not be hit. Verbal encouragement is permitted. Upon orders from the Judge, the Assistant (IPO) must cease his action and stand still. The dog should let go immediately. A command to leave is permissible. The handler must proceed to restrain the dog by the neck chain.
Whilst the handler holds the dog, the Assistant (IPO) is to run away in a straight line while making a threatening gesture. When the Assistant (IPO) is at a distance of about thirty (30) paces, the handler is to send the dog after him. The handler may follow the dog but must maintain a distance of not less than five (5) paces from the dog. The Judge commands the Assistant (IPO) to about-turn when the dog has reached a point about twenty (20) paces from the Assistant (IPO). The Assistant (IPO) endeavours to keep the dog at bay by moving the arm carrying the flexible stick. This threatening movement should not be done at a level lower than the chest of the Assistant (IPO). The dog is to catch and take hold of the Assistant (IPO) who will put up a short fight before ceasing the struggle, on command from the Judge. The dog should leave immediately and stand guard. A command to leave is permissible. Upon orders from the Judge, the handler must go to and put the dog on lead. To qualify the dog must let go without physical assistance.

5.1.1 The Breed Working Test must be organised by a German Shepherd Dog Specialist Club.
5.1.2 Each dog entered must produce a Grading of Good, or better.
5.1.3 Each dog entered must be examined for tattoo identification.
5.2.1 Each dog entered must produce a Challenge Certificate awarded at a Breed Show, or be examined by a Working Group Judge for conformity to the Breed Standard.

(C) The Kennel Union of Southern Africa.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission in writing from the publisher.

ISBN 0-9584208-1-5  20.01.2005/AA