Requirements for Champion Status: W.e.f. 01-01-1994, at Rottweiler Specialist Championship Breed Shows, dogs entered for any class must be positively identifiable by microchip only, to be eligible for exhibition. Requirements for Championship Status:
a) W.e.f. 01-01-1993, only one CC (Challenge Certificate) gained before the age of 18 months, to count towards Championship status. The remainder required, to be attained after the age of 18 months.
b) W.e.f. 01-01-1993, a ‘V’ (Excellent) grading must be granted to a dog/bitch by a Rottweiler Breed Council approved Specialist Judge, before a Rottweiler can be awarded Championship status.
c) W.e.f. 01-01-1993, applicants for Championship status for their dogs must be able to produce acceptable documentation (i.e. at least 5 CC points) as well as evidence of positive identification (tattoo or microchip number), attesting that the dog / bitch has been X-rayed for CHD and that the hip scores were found to be in the range of A1 to B2 (inclusive).
d) W.e.f. 01-01-1993, a dog/bitch must have been Breed Assessed by a Rottweiler Breed Council approved
Breed Surveyor, prior to Championship status being granted (note - the Breed Assessment (BA) does not
include a physical Fighting test). This is a minimum requirement. The Breed Suitability Test (BST/ZTP), a
more advanced (and optional) qualification, is similar to the BA routine, except that it requires a physical
Fighting test, in place of the visual challenge contained in the BA test (Jan. 2008 update)