Requirements for Registration of Rottweiler Litters:
1) W.e.f. 01-01-1993, all litters must be tattooed or have some other form of positive identification acceptable to KUSA (e.g. Identipet or Virbac microchip implants).
2) W.e.f. 01-01-1993, at the time of mating, the Sire must be a minimum age of 18 months or older and the Dam 22 months or older at the time of whelping.
3) W.e.f. 01-01-1994, any Rottweiler which is presented for hip X-rays must be positively identifiable, either by tattoo or microchip. The identification number should be reflected on the X-ray plate and also on the CHD Certificate.
4) When applying for the registration of a litter, the applicant (owner of the Dam) must be a current member of KUSA.
5) W.e.f. 01-01-1994, all Rottweilers used for breeding must be registered with KUSA and have CHD certification within the range of FCI A1 to (and inclusive of) FCI C2. Only Rottweilers with hip scores of FCI A1, A2, B1 or B2 may be mated to Rottweilers with FCI C1 or C2 hips. Rottweilers with FCI A1, A2, B1 or B2 hips may be mated to one another (FEDCO update effective 01 Jan. 2007)
6) W.e.f. 01-01-2009, radiologists to perform (mandatory) elbow X-rays together with hip X-rays (to minimize
costs). No grading recommendations made for ED at this stage - this to build an ED data-base / statistics.
Info to be reviewed after (at least) 5 years, after which breeding guidelines will be recommended to KUSA.