2019-06 Fedco Minutes

Posted in Minutes & Agendas




Mr CJL Griffith (Chairman) - CG

Mrs JM Hubbard (Vice-Chairman & Chairman – NAPC) – JH

Mrs JD Barrow (Chairman – EC&BPC) - JB

Mr RJ Dempsey (Chairman – KZNPC) - RD

Mrs CM Immelman (Vice-Chairman – DOGSPC) - CI

Mrs DE Powell (Chairman – WCPC) - DP

Mr BG Robinson (Chairman – DOGSPC) – GR

Mrs L Wilson (Chairman – Exco) – LW

Staff in Attendance:

Mrs P Midgley (General Manager) – PM

Ms SA Thornberry (Secretary) – ST

Mr K Farmer (Office Manager) - KF

Mrs A Bastick (Shows Department) - AB


Mrs C Buitendach (Chairman - FS&NCPC)

The Chairman opened the meeting and welcomed all present.

With eight Federal Councillors present, the Chairman declared a two-thirds majority for the changing of Articles and Schedules to be six, whereas five would constitute a simple majority required for other decisions.

The Chairman requested all present to stand and observe a minute’s silence in honour of the following persons who had passed away since the last Fedco meeting:

Stafford Baker (EC), Julia van Rooyen (GAU), Sandra (Debbie) Snashall (GAU), Arthur J Seef (GAU),

Solomon (Solly) Makhubi – former groundsman at Goldfields Showgrounds (GAU), Ken Holmes (GAU), Riette Steyn (GAU), Robbie Upton (W Cape), Thelma Metcalfe (W Cape), Derek McCarthy (KZN), Joe Field (formerly GAU) and Howard Bichard (GAU).

The Minutes of the meeting held on 1 and 2 December 2018 were formally adopted and confirmed unanimously.

Proposed DP, seconded GR


3.1.1. Declaration of Interests – Fedco Members - Article 12.5

The Article reads:

“Any member nominated to sit on the Federal Council, Executive Committee of the Kennel Union as well as the Executive Members (Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer) of any Provincial Council of the Kennel Union, shall declare within one (1) month of appointment to the Secretary in writing all their interests, of whatsoever nature, in dog related activities. Where the governing body of the Kennel Union, or such person or persons to whom the authority is delegated, determine that any interests are in conflict with those of the Kennel Union, such nominated members’ appointment shall ipso facto be terminated.”

Declarations of Fedco Members to be considered by Fedco. 

The declarations of interests of Fedco Members were considered and it was resolved, unanimously, that none of the interests declared constituted a material conflict with the activities or interests of KUSA. 
Proposed CG, seconded JH 

3.1.2. Declaration of Interests – Exco Members – Article 12.5

Declaration of Exco Members to be considered by Fedco. 

The declarations of interests of Exco Members were considered and it was resolved, unanimously, that none of the interests declared constituted any conflict with the activities or interests of KUSA. 
Proposed CG, seconded JH

3.2. KUSA Budget 2019/2020

The proposed Budget for 2019/2020 was discussed and adopted unanimously.

Proposed JH, seconded CG.

In the budget, increases to Provincial Council and National Sub-Committee budgets were capped at seven (7) per cent, in line with increases approved for KUSA Staff Members. Although it was understood that there might be an extraordinary imperative to deviate from this benchmark in select cases, it should, in future, be consistently applied when increases are contemplated in the drafting of Provincial Council and National Sub-Committee budgets  In consequence, Provincial Councils and National Sub-Committees would be requested to observe and work within the cap when submitting future budgets.

3.3. Loss of Affiliation – Article 9

Note: The following ruling was made at Fedco 06-2017:

“Effective 01.01.2018, no licences will be issued for either Championship, or Non-Championship, Shows, unless Clubs are up to date with all returns required in terms of the KUSA Constitution.”

The following ruling was made at Fedco 12-2017:

“Clubs that fail to comply with the provisions of Articles 9.1.3 and 9.1.4 for a period of eighteen months from the Fedco Meeting where the breach was reported, will be recommended for disaffiliation.”

3.3.1. Article 9.1.3

“ Failure to submit Minutes of Annual and/or Special General Meetings together with audited Financial Statements and Balance Sheets where applicable in terms of Article 8.6.2.”

Information will be tabled prior to the meeting.


The following Club has elected to close down:

Afghan Hound Association of Southern Africa

Fedco confirmed the disaffiliation of the following Clubs in terms of Article 9.1.3:

Celtic Breeds Club of the Western Transvaal ( tabled December 2017 and June 2018)

Smooth Fox Terrier Club of SA (tabled December 2017 and June 2018)

Other Clubs currently in default:

Australian Shepherd Dog Club of East Gauteng

Financial Year-end 31 Jan 2019. AGM should have been held by 30 April 2019.

Reminders sent 30.05.19 and 04.06.19.

Club advised on 04.06.19 that it was in the process of finalising its Financial Statements and would hold an AGM as soon as they were completed.

Eastern Districts Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31 July 2018. Meeting should have been held by end October 2018. Reminder sent 28.03.2019. No Meeting held. Financial Statements need signing off, after which a meeting would be called in July 2019 [Show planned for early October 2019].

Defaulting Clubs - General

After further discussion on the Office’s handling of the licences to defaulting Clubs, it was agreed that the status quo should remain for the time being, but that the matter was in urgent need of reassessment.

To be carried forward to Fedco 12-2019 Agenda.

Grand Central Utility Breeds Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

Highveld Pomeranian Breeders’ Association

Financial Year-end 31 Oct 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 Jan 2019.

Meridian Rottweiler League

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM Minutes received 05.06.2019. Financial Statements not yet completed. According to the Club, bank signatories needed to be sorted out, after which an SGM would be convened to confirm the Financial Statements, by then hopefully completed.

Mpumalanga Bulldog Club

Financial Year-end 28/29 Feb 2019. AGM should have been held by 28 May 2019.

The full Committee had resigned and a member had undertaken the task of getting the Club back on track. 
Further information awaited.

Pretoria Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 30 March 2019. 

SA Alsatian (German Shepherd Dog) Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. Minutes of AGM received. Audited Financial Statements awaited.

SA Great Dane Association

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.


Dog Training Club of Bredell

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

Jacaranda City Kennel Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

Jubilee Toy Dog Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019. AGM Minutes received. Signed audited Financial Statements awaited.

Nördlicher Verein Für Deutsche Hunde Rassen (German Breeds Club)

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

West Rand GSD Club

Financial Year-end 31 Oct 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 Jan 2019. Meeting scheduled for 26.01.2019. The Club Chairman advised that the Committee Members refused to apply for KUSA membership and that some had relocated and that he would also be relocating. The grounds used were also no longer available. Since the Club was no longer viable, it had requested NAPC to assist with its closure. Due to members defaulting on payments, the Club had no financial reserves. AB advised the Chairman that a final audit on the Club’s books still needed to be done prior to closure.

Reminders to the above Clubs had been sent on 20.06.2019.


Natal Border Collie Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

Reminder sent on 20.06.2019


Herding Club of the Eastern Cape

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

Reminder sent on 20.06.2019


Belgian Shepherd Dog Club of Western Cape

Financial Year-end 30 June 2018. AGM should have been held by 30 Sep 2018.

Cape Terrier Club

Financial Statements outstanding – currently with auditor.

Reminders sent on 05.06.2019 & 20.06.2019.

Cape Utility Dog Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019 and was now scheduled to take place in July 2019.

Western Province Bull Terrier Club

Financial Year-end 31 Dec 2018. AGM should have been held by 31 March 2019.

White Swiss Shepherd Dog Club of the WC

Financial year-end 31 Jan 2019. AGM should have been held by 31 April 2019.

The Club was currently trying to set up meeting.

Noted . DP undertook to follow up.

Reminders to the above Clubs had been sent on 20.06.19.

3.3.2. Article 9.1.4

“9.1.4 Failure to adhere to Kennel Union Constitutional requirements in respect of: Any event to be held, being held, or which was held under a Kennel Union licence Schedule of Documents and Returns to be sent to the Secretary of KUSA, Schedule 8.”

Information will be tabled prior to the meeting.


Penalties Outstanding

Pug Club of Gauteng - 22 Sept 2018 - Non-Championship Show - R222.00

Latest reminder sent 20.06.2019

Noted . GR to follow up with Club.

Needless to say, no Show licences should be issued by the KUSA Office to any of the Clubs listed under 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 until the breaches have been remedied.

3.4. Revision and Harmonisation of Provincial Councils Constitutions (Fedco 12-2017 item 7.19, Fedco 06-2018 item 3.8, Fedco 12-2018 item 3.7)

Task Team GR, LW and CB, assisted by Mr R Shortland (RS). RS had prepared a document for consideration by the Task Team. It was further agreed at Fedco 12-2018 that Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen would stand down in alternate years.

Any completed work to be tabled for consideration.

Work in progress.

3.5. By-laws of Provincial Sub-Committees (Fedco 12-2017 item 7.20, Fedco 06-2018 item 3.10, Fedco 12-2018 item 3.9)

Task Team GR, LW and CB, assisted by Mr R Shortland (RS).

A document prepared by RS was circulated to the Task Team by LW on 28.01.2019.

It was confirmed that these would be termed “By-Laws” and not “Terms of Reference”

It was further confirmed that provision for virtual meetings for Provincial Sub-Committees should be included in the document.

Work in progress.

To be carried forward to Fedco 12-2019 Agenda.

3.6. Codes of Conduct (Fedco 06-2018 item 7.30, Fedco 12.12.2018 item 3.10)

Proposed amendments, additions and deletions to be tabled.

3.6.1. Code of Conduct for Elected or Appointed Officials of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa – Proposed new Code

The Code of Conduct for Elected or Appointed Officials of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa was tabled and approved with one abstention, subject to certain amendments proposed by Exco at its face-to-face meeting held on 11 May 2019. Fedco recommended that the proposed amendments be drafted by GR in consultation with KUSA’s Legal Adviser, Brig Gen Nico du Preez (NdP), after which the document should be re-distributed to Fedco Members for final comment, prior to uploading to the website. 
 JH, seconded DP 
Effective immediately.

3.6.2. Code of Conduct for KUSA Members – Proposed new Schedule 9

Work in progress. 

The Code of Conduct for KUSA Members, proposed to replace the current Schedule 9, had also been considered at the Exco face-to-face meeting. There were a number of proposed changes, which had been referred to GR for consideration. 

It was resolved, unanimously, that the proposed changes should be drafted by GR in consultation with NdP and that the revised document should be tabled for consideration at Fedco 12-2019. 
Proposed JH, seconded DP

3.6.3.  – Proposed new Code

Work in progress 

GR informed the meeting that he had not been able to start work on the drafting of a proposed Code of Conduct for Club Officials, but that he would make every effort to complete the work by Fedco 12-2019. 

3.6.4.  – Appendix A of Schedule 9

Work in progress. 

The proposed amendments to the Code of Conduct and Practice for KUSA Judges, mainly to accommodate certain provisions in the FCI’s Judges’ Code, were tabled and unanimously approved
Proposed GR, seconded RD

Effective immediately.

(Fedco 06-2018 item 7.21, Fedco 12-2018 item 3.12)

At Fedco 12-2018, CI had identified the requirement for a Question/Statement with tick-box to be inserted into the Show Entry Form. She undertook to attend to the amendment of the form as soon as possible after the meeting. 
Work in progress. (CI & PM)

3.8. Duties of a Club Show Manager (Fedco 12-2017 item 7.12, Fedco 06-2018 item 3.12, Fedco 12-2018 item 3.13)

Document circulated by JH. Fedco Members were requested to advise their comments on the document to JH by end of August, after which JH would finalise the document for approval at Fedco 12-2019.

Work in progress.

3.9. FCI

3.9.1. FCI New Non-Mandatory Commissions

At the recent General Assembly in China, three new Non-Mandatory Commissions were constituted:

Ÿ Education and Public Relations 
Ÿ Mondioring 
Ÿ FCI Youth

It is recommended that KUSA be represented on all three Non-Mandatory Commissions. The deadline for confirmation of Representatives is 15.06.2019, whereas the deadline for the submission of names of Representatives is 01.07.2019, the Youth Commission excepted.

The following KUSA Representatives on the Non-Mandatory Commissions were confirmed unanimously:

Education and Public Relations – Mrs Lori Thornhill.

Proposed LW, seconded JH

Mondioring – Clr J Hubbard

Proposed GR, seconded RD

FCI Youth – Ms Andria Haskins, such status quo to remain till Fedco 12-2019. 
Proposed CI, seconded GR

3.9.2. KUSA Representative on the FCI Rally Obedience Commission (Non-Mandatory)

For confirmation and ratification of the change of the KUSA-appointed Representative on the FCI Rally Obedience Commission.

The appointed Representative, Mr Rory Shortland, has volunteered to step down and agreed to the appointment of Mr Martinus (Tinus) van der Vyver as the KUSA Representative on this FCI Commission, in the interest of the expedition of the finalisation of FCI Regulations and the recognition of Rally Obedience as a Working Discipline recognised by KUSA, separate from Obedience.

Noted and confirmed unanimously. FCI to be advised.

Proposed LW, seconded DP

Effective immediately.

3.10. Introduction of Voluntary DNA Parentage Verification when Registering a Litter (Fedco 06-2018 item 7.18, Fedco 12-2018 item 3.17)

The following was recorded in the Minutes of Fedco 12-2018:

“As a means of encouraging voluntary DNA Parentage Verification, Fedco unanimously supports the idea of KUSA offering an “enhanced” Registration Certificate, at no extra cost, for any puppy of which the parentage has been DNA-verified.

It was decided that a procedure document should be compiled in collaboration with the ISAG-accredited Laboratories in the country, inter alia University of Pretoria (Onderstepoort Veterinary Sciences), Stellenbosch University and Inqaba Biotec, to assist Breeders to undertake the DNA testing of parents and puppies. A procedure document to be considered, together with any proposals for the enhanced Registration Certificate.

Work in progress. Further documentation to be tabled. 

CI tabled a specimen of the gold-foiled Premier Registration Certificate, which contained the citation “Parentage DNA Verified”. Given the space constraints on the pre-printed Certificate, it was agreed that CI had achieved an admirable result in the design and the Certificate with its gold-foiled emblem was unanimously approved. CI undertook to arrange for a stock of the foiled Certificates to be produced. 
Proposed GR, seconded DP

For immediate implementation.

JH undertook to contact the three identified ISAG Laboratories to explore possibilities around discounts for KUSA Members and CI agreed to proceed with an information leaflet to assist Breeders and Owners regarding DNA profiling and parentage verification once any discounts have been confirmed. An enhanced Registration Certificate was tabled and discussed and it was agreed that the document would be termed a “Premier Registration Certificate”. PM and CI to collaborate on a design for the Certificates and a method of their reproduction for consideration by Members of Fedco. 
Unanimously agreed . 
Proposed CB, seconded CI 

JH and LW deemed it important that the owners of individual dogs should also be able to apply for an enhanced Registration Certificate upon submission of a DNA Profile. The matter was debated and it was decided that a suitable proposal for recognising owners who voluntarily had their dogs DNA-profiled should be prepared for consideration at Fedco 06-2019.”

Work in progress.

JH tabled the following proposal for Fedco’s consideration:

KUSA Members who, on a voluntary basis, have had their individual dogs DNA profiled, may apply to KUSA for a replacement Registration Certificate, reflecting the DNA Profile Number. The issue of the replacement Registration Certificate would carry no charge. Application for a replacement Certificate must be accompanied by the original Registration Certificate and the DNA Profile Certificate from the Laboratory. The latter must comply with KUSA Regulations. 

Motivation: In order to promote DNA health testing and future parentage verification, it was important to encourage owners of individual dogs to have their dogs DNA profiled on a voluntary basis. To further promote voluntary DNA profiling, the cost of the replacement Registration Certificate ought to be waived.

CI supported the proposal, but thought that owners who were willing to have their dogs DNA profiled voluntarily, should be offered the option of obtaining an enhanced replacement Registration Certificate. She had designed a Certificate with the citation “DNA Profiled” in blue foil and believed that this Certificate, which would also carry the DNA Profile Number, should be offered as an alternative at the standard fee charged for the re-issuing of a Registration Certificate. 

Discussion ensued and there was strong support for a two-option replacement Registration Certificate – one only displaying the DNA Profile Number and offered gratis, and the other displaying the DNA Profile Number with a foiled embellishment and offered at a fee. The provision of a copy of the DNA Profile Certificate would be acceptable for this purpose. It was ultimately decided that owners should be given the choice between the two types of replacement Certificate. 
Proposed GR, seconded CI

For immediate implementation.

3.11. Reciprocity Agreement – Zimbabwe Kennel Club (ZKC) (Exco 03-2019 item 9.7)

Recommendation that the current informal arrangement that exists between KUSA and the Zimbabwe Kennel Club be formalised in respect of eligibility to enter Shows, recognition of pedigrees and clearance and acceptance of Judges.

Exco recommends the appointment of one or more Fedco Nembers to make contact with the ZKC with a view to presenting a draft Agreement for consideration at Fedco 12-2019.


Fedco agreed that dogs registered with ZKC that are entered in KUSA-licensed events for Ob, DJ, Agility do not require DNA profiling, but do require a Show Clearance Certificate and for their owner to be a Member of KUSA.

It was decided that the arrangement between KUSA and the ZKC should be regulated by a Letter of Understanding, rather than by a formal Agreement. KF and LW undertook to draft such a Letter of Understanding in consultation with NdP, and thereafter to write to the ZKC with a proposal to formalise the relationship.


4.1. Any Matters Related to the Articles

4.1.1. Article 2 Interpretation of Terms

(Fedco 12-2017 item 7.6, Fedco 06-2018 item 4.1.2)

It was resolved at Fedco 12-2017 that the definition of Specialist Club might require amendment to provide for Grand Champion points earned at Specialist Clubs catering for Breeds with multiple varieties.

Work in progress. (CI, LW, PM)

4.1.2. Article 3 – Objects

Proposals NAPC

Motivation for the proposed amendments under items4.1.2, 4.1.3, 4.1.4 and 4.1.5:

Although decisions have been made as recorded in various Fedco Minutes, some of these decisions need to be carried through to KUSA’s Rules and Regulations, where they are not yet catered for. The following proposed housekeeping changes seek to enable KUSA to provide for worldwide trends around Breed Health and to update its Constitution with regard to its International affiliations and the obligations incurred as a result of these affiliations. The text of some Articles needed to be firmed up to avoid ambiguity and contradictory interpretations.

Amendments: [ Strike out in brackets ] & Insertions underlined.

Article 3.2

to promote Breed Health and to encourage the responsible [ breeding, ] not-for-profit breeding and showing of purebred [ pure bred ] dogs , thereby ensuring that their functional health and physical features meet the Standard set for each Breed, enabling them to work and carry out the distinctive functions for which they were bred.

Article 3.19

4.1.3. Article 19 – Review and Investigatory Committees 
On the advice of NdP, and with the unanimous agreement of Fedco, the following amendment to the Articles was added by the Chairman: 

Article 19.1 
Having informed the Federal Council, the Chairman of the Federal Council shall have the power to establish and appoint Review and Investigatory Sub-Committees for the purpose of dealing specifically with events, procedures or the viability of future proposals. The Chairman, membership and scope of such Sub-Committee shall be given in writing by the Chairman of the Federal Council to whom the Committee Chairman shall report. Whenever a Special Disciplinary Sub-Committee is established in terms of this Article, the provisions of Schedule 1 will apply. 

Article 19.2 
The Federal Council Chairman, when ordering the establishment of a Review and Investigatory Committee, may suspend any member, the workings and functioning of any Club, Provincial Council, Committee, Sub-Committee established in terms of the KUSA Constitution or the approved Constitution of an affiliated Club or PC, for the duration of the Investigation and on the conditions and disempowerment regulation required for the Investigation to be finalised and recommendations to be considered by the Chairman of the Federal Council, who may alter the recommendations and order the implementation and enforcement thereof. 

4.1.4. Article 21 - Jurisdiction of the Kennel Union

Article 21.4

4.1.5. Article 22 – [ Recognized Recognised Shows

4.1.6. Article 43 - Interpretation

Article 43.2

The decision of the Federal Council upon all questions of interpretations and its decision upon any matter affecting or relating to Affiliated Clubs, dogs registered at the Kennel Union, [and] recognised dog Shows , Judges and Judges’ affairs and agreements, affiliations or other arrangements referred to in Article 3.19 of the KUSA Constitution and any other matter whatsoever which is not provided for in this Constitution or any Schedules, Rules, Regulations and By-Laws, shall be final and binding.

Items 4.1.2 to 4.1.6 were approved unanimously.

Proposed JH, seconded DP

Effective 01.02.2020

4.2. Any items Relating to Disciplinary Matters – Schedule 1

4.2.1. Schedule 1 Disciplinary Rules – Proposed Amendments (Exco)

The amendments below are pursuant to the amendments to Articles 3.19 and 22 being approved (see items 4.1.2 and 4.1.4 above):

Insert words underlined and delete words in [ struck through square brackets ]:

The Federal Council [(“FEDCO”) ](“Fedco”) of KUSA has under the provisions of Article 6, read with Articles 3.6, 3.17, 3.18 and 3.19 of the KUSA Constitution, made the Disciplinary Rules as contained in this Schedule 


1.16 The SCI or the DSC may extend any period determined in these Rules for doing any act. [, except for periods referred to in Rules 5.2 and 5.6. ]

1.20 The standard of proof required by the DSC and FAC when determining whether a Respondent or Appellant is guilty of any misconduct arising out of a complaint lodged in terms of these Rules, [ is proof on a balance of probabilities .] is determined by the members thereof, having fully acquainted themselves with the facts and circumstances germane to the complaint.



any members or persons or Club Committee or PC responsible for the maladministration of, or failure to properly execute the duties conferred on him, her or them after he, she or they have or has been elected or appointed to serve on any Club Committee or PC, or any other Council, Committee or Sub-Committee established in terms of the KUSA Constitution;


any member or person who has served or is currently serving as an elected or appointed official on a Club Committee, PC, other Council, Committee or any Sub-Committee established in terms of the KUSA Constitution or the approved Constitution of an affiliated Club or PC and who, within thirty (30) days of ceasing to function as a duly appointed or elected official of any of the aforementioned Committees, wilfully or negligently fails on request to properly hand over to the appointed or elected Secretary of such a Committee any records, accounts, bank accounts, money, property, assets, membership lists or any article or document necessary for the proper running and administration of such a Committee, that are in his or her possession or under his or her control.



A complaint together with the applicable complaint deposit to the amount set out in Schedule 7 to the KUSA Constitution must be lodged with the Secretary within five (5) days or otherwise determined as provided for in Rule 1.16 of the occurrence of the event, act, conduct, default or omission that forms the subject thereof or, from the time when the matter, which is the subject of the complaint, was discovered.


In relation to Rule 5.2, the SCI may, on application by a Complainant and proof that it was not reasonably possible to have had knowledge of the subject matter of the complaint, allow the Complainant to lodge the complaint together with the complaint deposit [ within five (5) days as determined in Rules 1.16 and 5.2 [ to the Secretary, who must accept such a complaint as regular ].


If the issues raised by a Complainant are the subject of a pending criminal case or civil action, the SCI may stay the complaint until such time as the action or case is resolved or determined by a final court judgement or as otherwise may be determined by the SCI.



disqualification from judging at, or taking part in the management of, a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence or as may be determined by any agreement or affiliation referred to in Article 3.19 of the KUSA Constitution ;


If the Respondent is a person officiating or judging at a Show or an event held under KUSA licence, or held in consequence of, or in accordance with, the provisions of Article 3.19 and/or Article 22 of the KUSA Constitution,or that is sanctioned by KUSA in terms of a valid judging contract or by official appointment, one or more of the following penalties, where applicable, may be imposed by the DSC for a complaint with regard to the execution of such an appointment or judging contract:


suspension or exclusion from officiating or judging at, or having any official connection with, or participating in an official capacity in, a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence, or held consequence of, or in accordance with, the provisions of Article 3.20 and/or Article 22 of the KUSA Constitution or from acting as an Officer of a Club;


disqualification from judging at, or taking part in the management of, a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence , or held consequence of, or in accordance with, the provisions of Article 3.20 and/or Article 22 of the KUSA Constitution ;

[Subject to adoption of the Code contemplated under item 3.6.1]

If the Respondent is a Club or PC, or any member or person who has been elected or appointed to serve on any Club Committee or PC or on any other Council, Committee or Sub-Committee established in terms of the KUSA Constitution, and such Respondent is found to be responsible for any maladministration of, or failure to properly execute[ ,] his or her official duties in that capacity, or found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct for Elected or Appointed Officials of KUSA, one or more of the following penalties may be imposed by the DSC:


In the case of a member or person who has been elected or appointed to serve on any Club Committee or PC or any other Council, Committee or Sub-Committee established in terms of the KUSA Constitution and who was found to be responsible for any maladministration of, or failure to properly execute, his or her official duties in that capacity –

despite any other provision of the Constitution, immediate removal of a Member or person as a Club Committee Member or Member of the PC or member of any other Council, Committee or Sub-Committee established in terms of the KUSA Constitution, either permanently or for a specified period, after which the Member or person may be re-elected or appointed; or



In consequence of any complaint made under these Rules, [ FEDCO ]Fedco and [ EXCO ]Exco may publish relevant [ such ] details [ of a regarding any matter heard by a DSC, or any appeal heard by a FAC, [ as may be fit to in order to inform KUSA Members , , foreign National Canine Organisations or Clubs affiliated to them, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), Government Departments or National Sports Control Bodies, or persons associated with any of these thereof] . Such publication may be made on the official KUSA website or in any other publication or communication that is appropriate.


FEDCO ]Fedco and [ EXCO ]Exco may extend publication of any lists referred to in Rule 13.2 by circulating them to KUSA-affiliated Clubsforeign National Canine Organisations or Clubs affiliated to them, the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), Government Departments or National Sports Control Bodies, or persons associated with any of these Such publication may be made on the official KUSA website or in any other publication or communication deemed appropriate.

Housekeeping: EXCO and FEDCO which appear in uppercase throughout Schedule 1 to be changed to lowercase Exco and Fedco in line with the Interpretation of Terms in the Articles. 

Approved unanimously, with amendment to Rule 5.6 indicated in red.

Proposed GR, seconded CG

Effective 01.10.2019

4.2.2. Case 02-2018 KUSA vs Mrs S Flavell – 06.11.2018

The following Case was finalised and full details reported to Fedco:

The DSC unanimously found the Respondent guilty ito Rules 4.1.1 and of Schedule 1 with regard to social media (Facebook) comments which are defamatory, prejudicial and/or injurious in nature to a KUSA Judge, namely Mrs C Buitendach, who was acting in her official capacity as a KUSA Judge at the Jacaranda City Kennel Club (JCKC) FCI Show held on 24.08.2018.

The DSC imposed the following penalties:

Rule 11.1.2:

Suspension or exclusion from taking part in, or having any connection with, or attending or participating or handling a dog at a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence, or from acting as an Officer of a Club;

Rule 11.1.3:

Disqualification from exhibition or competition or evaluation of a dog owned by him or registered or recorded in his name, or jointly with another or others, or in the name of a nominee;

Rule 11.1.5:

Disqualification from judging at, or taking part in the management of a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under a KUSA licence;

The above penalties take effect on 15.12.2018, for a period of six (6) months and are SUSPENDED IN FULL for a period of three years until 14.06.2021, on condition that the Respondent does not contravene any of the provisions as provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1 or any other provision in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis for a valid complaint in terms thereof during the period of suspension.

No appeal was lodged.


4.2.3. Case 01-2019 KUSA vs Mr DK Riley – 20.02.2019

The following Case was finalised and full details reported to Fedco:

The DSC unanimously found the Respondent guilty ito 4.1.1 and and of Schedule 1, considered the appropriate penalties to be imposed and took into account that this was not a ‘first offence’. The Respondent is currently under suspension for a similar offence for which he was found guilty by the DSC on 31.07.2018.

Careful consideration of the Respondent’s reply to the complaint did not reveal any remorse or mitigating factors.

Having recorded the above, the DSC imposed the following penalties, which take effect on 01.03.2019, for four (4) years, three of which are suspended:

Rule 11.1.2:

Suspension or exclusion from taking part in, or having any connection with, or attending or participating or handling a dog at a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence, or from acting as an Officer of a Club;

Rule 11.1.3:

Disqualification from registration, recording, transfer, exhibition or competition or evaluation of a dog owned by him or registered or recorded in his name, or jointly with another or others, or in the name of a nominee;

Rule 11.1.5:

Disqualification from judging at, or taking part in the management of a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under a KUSA licence;

The initial 12 months of the above penalties take effect on 01.03.2019. The remaining thirty-six (36) months will be suspended for a period of thirty-six months until 28.02.2023 on condition that the Respondent does not contravene any of the provisions as provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1 or any other provision in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis for a valid complaint in terms thereof during the period of suspension.

No appeal was lodged.


4.2.4. Case 02-2019 – KUSA vs Mr L Kruger – DSC 25.2019

The following Case was finalised and full details reported to Fedco:

The DSC found the Respondent guilty in terms of Rules 4.1.1 and of Schedule 1 with regard to an attempt to solicit a judging appointment for himself by contacting the President of the Philippine Kennel Club Inc (PCCI) by means of social media (Facebook). Penalties at Rules 11.1.2, 11.1.3 and 1.1.5 were imposed. 

An Appeal against the decision and penalties imposed by the DSC was lodged.

After consideration by the Federal Council Appeals Committee (FAC) on 25.04.2019, the decision was upheld and the following penalties (a) and (b) were confirmed:

(a) Rule 11.1.2:

Suspension and exclusion from taking part in, or having any connection with, or attending or participating or handling a dog at a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under KUSA licence, or from acting as an Officer of a Club;

(b) Rule 11.1.3:

Disqualification from exhibition or competition or evaluation of a dog owned by him or registered or recorded in his name, or jointly with another or others, or in the name of a nominee;

The above penalties at (a) and (b) to take effect on 28.03.2019 for a period of twelve months, six months of which are suspended until 27.02.2020, on condition that the Appellant does not contravene any of the provisions as provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1 or any other provision in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis for a valid complaint in terms thereof during the period of suspension.

The FAC further unanimously concluded that the penalty imposed by the DSC at (c) was somewhat harsh:

The FAC consequently varied the wording of the penalty to be consistent with the prescribed wording as contained in Schedule 1 Rule 11.1.5 and reduced the penalty and conditions of suspension as follows:

(c) Rule 11.1.5:

Disqualification from judging at, or taking part in the management of a Show, Obedience Class, Working Trial or Field Trial or other event held under a KUSA licence.

The penalty at (c) above to take effect on 28.03.2019 for a period of four (4) years of which three (3) years are suspended. The initial effective period of twelve (12) months of the above penalty to take effect on 28.03.2019. The remaining thirty-six (36) months is suspended until 27.03.2022 on condition that the Appellant does not contravene any of the provisions as provided for in Rule 4 of Schedule 1 or any other provision in the KUSA Constitution, Rules and Regulations that would form the basis for a valid complaint in terms thereof during the period of suspension.

The FAC further ordered that, in consequence of the above penalties imposed on the Appellant, the KUSA Office is to immediately withdraw all clearances forwarded to local Clubs in terms of Schedule 3 Regulation 20.1.1 and letters of clearance to foreign Canine Authorities issued in terms of Schedule 10 Regulation 5.1 to 5.3 of the KUSA Constitution in favour of the Appellant, to judge shows at local Clubs and Clubs of those foreign Canine Authorities during the period of disqualification and suspension and, if they have not already done so, to immediately inform all such foreign Canine Authorities, including the FCI, of the finding and penalties imposed on the Appellant and to further publish such in terms of the provisions of Schedule 1 Rule 13 of the KUSA Constitution.


4.3. Any Matters related to the Registration of Dogs – Schedule 2

4.3.1. Schedule 2 Appendix “B” – Breed Standards (Fedco 12-2018 item 4.4.4)

Insert words underlined and delete words in [ struck through square brackets ]


1. For each Breed listed in Appendix 'A' of this Schedule, there shall be a written description called a Breed Standard, save and except where a single Standard has been adopted for those Breeds where the varieties are distinguished by coat type and/or size. The Breed Standards shall be published separately from, but form part of, this Appendix to Schedule 2.

2. Once adopted, a Breed Standard may not be altered or amended, save for the correction of spelling errors, conversion of measurements, or the insertion of omissions from the Standard by the country of origin, development or patronage, as the case may be.

3. Should notification be received that a Breed Standard accepted by KUSA has been altered or amended, save in terms of paragraph 2 above, by the country of origin, development or patronage such amendments shallautomatically be adopted in accordance with the KUSA Breed Standards Protocol and advised to the Federal Council tabled[ at [ the] its first practicable meeting.[ of the Federal Council.]

4. Amendments adopted in terms of paragraph 3 above will be advised to Judges and Members as soon as practicable after the meeting of the Federal Council at which they were reported and be implemented on 1 January or 1 July, whichever is feasible.

Motivation :

To line up with the Protocol for change of origin of Breed Standards as discussed at Fedco 12-2018 under item 4.4.4.

The finalised Protocol document will be tabled.

Approved unanimously

Proposed CI, seconded CG

Effective 01.10.2019

4.3.2. Schedule 2 Appendix “C” – Breed Specific Registration Requirements

Proposed housekeeping amendments attached.

(Carried over from Fedco 12-2018 item 6.3.2)

Approved unanimously

Proposed LW, seconded RD

Effective 01.10.2019

4.3.3. Schedule 2 Appendix “E” Breed Specific Requirements for Imported and Exported Dogs Reg 2.1.4 Rottweilers - Imported

The Kinolski Savez Republike Srbjie (Kennel Club of Serbia) has confirmed that we may accept HD and ED results from the Veterinarska ambulanta NS Vet.

To be added to the list of institutions lodged with KUSA by the RBC in Schedule 2 Appendix “E” Regulation 2.1.4.

Approved unanimously

Proposed JH, seconded GR

Effective immediately.

4.4. Any Matters Relating to Breed Standards

4.4.1. Amendments to FCI Breed Standards

Toy Group


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Utility Group

French Bulldog

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Japanese Spitz

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Peruvian Hairless Dog

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Please note name change from Peruvian Hairless Dog to Perro Sin Pelo del Perú

[Although a single Breed Standard, Schedule 2 lists this Breed in three different sizes – Large, Medium and Small. CCs/CACIBs and BOBs must be awarded to each size individually.]

Shar Pei

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

German Spitz (Mittel)

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Working Group

Dogo Canario

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Note name change from Dogo Canario to Presa Canario

4.4.2. Amendments to The Kennel Club Breed Standards

Herding Group

Collie (Smooth)

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Hound Group


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Toy Group

Chinese Crested

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Utility Group


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Poodle (Miniature)

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Poodle (Standard)

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Poodle (Toy)

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.


Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Boston Terrier

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda.

Items 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 were approved, unanimously

Effective 01.01.2020

4.4.3. Amendments to the KUSA/Zimbabwe Breed Standard

Hound Group

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Revised Breed Standard attached to Agenda. 

LW explained that, given Fedco’s stance on the ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback, the essential change that needed to be made to the Breed Standard to was to classify “Dogs without ridge” as a Disqualifying Fault. 

The Faults should be listed as follows in the Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard: 

Overly shy dogs 
Incorrect crowns on ridge 

Aggressive behaviour 
Dogs without ridge 
Any dog showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified 

The proposed changes to the Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard were unanimously approved
Proposed GR, seconded LW

Effective 01.01.2020

It was noted that KUSA should notify the FCI of the changes to the Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard, thereby to ensure that it was noted that the absence of a ridge would, in future, be considered a Disqualifying Fault. This amendment by the country of origin would hopefully avert further discussion on the possibility of recognising the ridgeless Rhodesian Ridgeback as a variety of the Breed.

LW reminded Fedco that the Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard still lacked a suitable illustration and mentioned that she had obtained the name of a Canadian illustrator who produced excellent drawings, working from photographs. She proposed writing to this Illustrator to check on requirements, fees, etc. 

Alternatively, LW had come across an apt illustration in a book, The Complete Rhodesian Ridgeback, in the KUSA library. The book, authored by Peter Nicholson and Janet Parker, contained an illustration entitled, Ridgebacks Holding Lion at Bay, by Marilyn Farmer Rhodes. The book was published by Ring Press in the UK in 1991 and LW suggested that KUSA should send a letter to the publisher to request permission to use the illustration on the official Rhodesian Ridgeback Breed Standard. GR agreed to try to obtain contact details for the publisher and then to draft an appropriate letter to request copyright permission. 

JH informed Fedco that the PowerPoint presentation on the Rhodesian Ridgeback, prepared by Ms Joy McFarlane, had not yet been lodged with the FCI. She was due to meet with Liz Megginson on a number of issues, including the PowerPoint presentation in question, since it was important for the presentation ultimately lodged with the FCI to have the sanction of the South African Rhodesian Ridgeback Club. 

4.5. Any Matters Related to Shows & Schedule 3

4.5.1. Schedule 3 – Preamble – Regulation 1.1 
and with the unanimous agreement of Fedco, the following amendment to the Schedules was added by the Chairman: 

The amendment of Schedule 3 Regulation 1.1. was unanimously agreed
Proposed CJ, seconded JH 

4.5.2. Schedule 3 – Show Schedules - Regulation 5.8.6

Housekeeping amendment:

5.8.6 – [ delete ] as indicated:

save and except for dogs entered ] for exhibition only, [ Children/Junior Handler Classes and Veterans ,] all exhibits must be entered in at least one (1) Breed Class

Motivation :

The existing Regulation contradicts Schedule 5K Regulations for Handler Classes, Clause 3.5, the last sentence of which reads “Any dog that is to be used for Handling must be entered at the same Championship Show.”

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed JB, seconded DP

Effective 01.10.2019

May be implemented immediately.

4.5.3. Schedule 3 – Changes - Various (Fedco 06-2018 item 3.4.1, Fedco 12-2018 item 4.5.3)

As reported at Fedco 06-2018, Exco had identified various Regulations in Schedule 3 as requisite of alignment and for harmonisation with the content of Schedule 1.

Several flaws had been identified in the document tabled and it was requested that it be brought to the attention of the author that it was difficult for Fedco to consider proposed changes to Regulations which have not been presented in accordance with the customary convention for Constitutional changes.

Work in Progress (Exco)

LW circulated a document for consideration and requested Fedco Members’ input to enable Exco to finalise the document for tabling at Fedco 12-2019. 

CI presented her redesigned Championship Certificates, which were received and approved by acclamation.

4.6. Schedule 4 Regulations for Non-Championship Shows

Regulation 6 Show Schedule

Housekeeping amendment:

Insert words underlined:

It shall be obligatory to provide a Show Schedule, which shall display a KUSA logo in a format, version and size specified by the Kennel Union Office for any Licensed Non-Championship Show.

6.1 Show Schedules shall contain inter alia:

6.1.1 Date of the Event

6.1.2 Venue

6.1.3 Starting time

6.1.4 Times when entries will be accepted

6.1.5 The names of the Judges for each Breed or Group/s and Variety Classes, Handler Classes, Best in Show, Best Puppy in Show or Working Discipline (OB, WT, IGP, ITT, DJ, CA, AG, FL, FT)

6.1.6 The entry fees

6.1.7 Club enquiries telephone number

6.1.8 Right of Admission Reserved

6.1.9 A statement that all exhibitors/handlers are personally responsible for the control of their dogs at all times and shall be personally liable for any claims which may be made in respect of injuries which may arise or be caused by their dogs. (Refer Reg. 4.4)

6.1.10 Name of Show Manager


It is considered that the above should be an obligatory item on Show Schedules in view of Regulation 3.8 of Schedule 4, which reads:

“The management of a Non-Championship Breed Show shall be the responsibility of the Show Manager who shall be a Member in Good Standing of the Kennel Union appointed by the Committee of the Show holding Club.”

Approved, unanimously.

Effective 01.10.2019


5.1. Schedule 5A – Regulations for Obedience Classes

The National Obedience Sub-Committee (NOSC) proposes the introduction of a new competition to be known as the KUSA Obedience Dog of the Year Awards. It is suggested that a new schedule, Schedule 5A (01), be added to the list of Schedules and that, as this competition is based entirely on events run under the Rules and Regulations of Schedule 5A, it be closely linked.

Concept :

Obedience Competitors are awarded points at all Shows held under Schedule 5A. These points are to be aggregated for all Shows in which a dog competes during a calendar year (1 January to 31 December).

In each KUSA Provincial Council as defined in Article 14.3, the dog achieving the highest number of points to be awarded a KUSA Certificate as follows:

Provincial Obedience Competitor of the Year

Class A Winner BRONZE AWARD (WESTERN CAPE) (example of province)

Class B Winner SILVER AWARD (Province)

Class C Winner GOLD AWARD (Province)

In addition, the dog achieving the highest points in each class nationally to be awarded a

KUSA National Obedience Competitor of the Year Certificate



Class C Winner GOLD AWARD

Motivation :

Similar to the Showdog of the Year Competition held for Breed Shows, the intention of this competition is to engender enthusiasm, encourage entries and reward consistent excellence.

The proposed new Schedule and sample Certificates will be submitted for tabling at the Fedco meeting.

Fedco believed that this should be a Schedule 5E Event and not an appendix to Schedule 5A. It was further suggested that, once the regulations have been finalised, the competition ought to run for two years on a provisional basis to iron out any glitches. It should be noted that the KUSA Office would not be involved in administering the competition and that the competition needed to be self-funding.

The proposed new Schedule and sample certificates were not tabled, since they had not been received.

Noted and deferred. 

Canine Good Citizen (CGC) 
The necessity of dogs being microchipped in order to undergo any level of CGC assessment was discussed and the majority of Fedco Members were of the view that CGC assessment of non-microchipped dogs made no sense. In consequence, it was decided, with one abstention, that dogs presented for CGC assessment needed to be microchipped. 

It was noted that there was a great deal of confusion as to whom should be authorised to conduct CGC assessments on dogs issued with Temporary Exclusion Orders (TEOs). The entire CGC system was, in fact, in dire need of prescription of procedures and it was decided, unanimously, that Exco, in collaboration with CI and KF, should present a proposed procedures document for CGC assessment at Fedco 12-2019. 
Proposed DP, seconded GR

5.2. Schedule 5B(1) – Regulations for Working Trials (Classic) - nil

5.3. Schedule 5B(4) – Regulations for Working Utility Dog (WUD) - nil

5.4. Schedule 5B(2) – Regulations for International Working Trials and International Tracking Trials (IGP)

5.4.1. Proposal from NIGPSC that all reference to “Record Card” in the above Regulations needs to be replaced with “Workbook”.

Agreed that in any existing Workbooks, IPO must be manually changed to IGP.

5.4.2. Regulation 3.3.2 – proposal NIGPSC:

Insert words underlined:

IGP Licenced Judges are required to attend at least one Refresher Seminar every 3 years to maintain [ his] theirJudging status. (In the event of any KUSA IGP Judge not attending a Refresher Seminar in a 3 year period or longer, he or she will be required to act as a Learner (IGP) Judge once with a KUSA Licensed Judge (IGP) and submit one (1) satisfactory Report to the officiating KUSA Licensed Judge (IGP) before he or she can accept a further IGP judging appointment.)

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed GR, seconded RD

Effective 01.10.2019

5.5. Schedule 5B(3) – Regulations for Tracking Trials - nil 

5.6. Schedule 5C – Field Trials

Field Trials – Mandatory Membership of KUSA (Fedco 12-2018 item 5.6.6)

As reported at Fedco 12-2018, the problem of NFTA Members’ participating in KUSA events without incurring the obligations imposed on KUSA Members was obviously a serious one, which needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency. JH and GR informed the Fedco of their intention to meet with the Chairman of the FTLC and the appropriate Executive Members of the National Field Trials Association (NFTA).

As envisaged, JH and GR met with Dr Alan Kloeck and Mrs Marie Wynne of the FTLC on 22 January 2019. This resulted in a follow-up meeting on 20 February 2019, where they were joined by Dr Bob Winter, Mrs Trudi Winter and Mr Deon Jordaan of the NFTA. The latter meeting was organised ahead of the AGM of the NFTA to enable the NFTA Officials to raise KUSA’s proposals with the NFTA membership at the AGM. The various NFTA Clubs obviously needed to take the matters raised by the NFTA Officials at the AGM back to their constituents and feedback from the NFTA is awaited.

At the meeting of the FTLC held on 03.04.19, a letter from the Transvaal HPR Club was tabled in which the Club objects to mandatory membership of KUSA. A copy of the letter is attached, with the following comment noted from the minutes of the above FTLC Meeting: “After discussion Dr Kloeck agreed that the HPR Club letter would be submitted to KUSA as they had requested, but he did not hold out any hope that it would be favourably considered.”

Further comments at the meeting are recorded as follows: “Mr Holman stated that the KUSA requirements for membership are in line with international standards.” and “Mrs Wynne expressed the opinion that the HPR Club seemed more concerned about the financial implications than the recognition given by KUSA events in which their dogs participate.” 

JH updated Fedco on subsequent developments, including her most recent correspondence with Mrs Trudi Winter. In Mrs Winter’s email of 24 June 2019, she explained that the NFTA was in the middle of its field trialling season and that she didn’t anticipate having “something in place” before September 2019. 

Mrs Winter nevertheless assured JH that, although the matter was “complex”, she believed that progress had been made. She affirmed her understanding that the current agreement would become redundant upon completion of negotiations, which would also be the case in the unfortunate event of a suitable alternative agreement, or arrangement, could not be reached. 

JH begged Fedco’s indulgence in permitting her and GR to continue dealing with this matter to the best of their abilities. She believed the KUSA negotiating team was eminently capable of exercising sound judgement in their efforts to bring this matter to a favourable conclusion. 
Work in progress. 
Noted and agreed.

5.7. Schedule 5D – Regulations for Dog Jumping - nil

5.8. Schedule 5E - Regulations for Special Events

5.8.1. Schedule 5E(02) (TKC Interprovincial and TKC Supreme Champion of the Year Competitions(Fedco 06-2018 item 5.8.1, Fedco 12-2018 item 5.8.2)

Clause 4.2 deferred from Fedco 12-2018.


5.9. Schedule 5G – Regulations for Dog Carting

5.9.1. Amendments to Schedule 5G

Proposed amendments submitted by NSC attached to Agenda.

Approved, unanimously. 
Proposed CI, seconded DP

Effective 01.10.2019

5.10. Schedule 5K – Regulations for Handler Classes - nil

5.11. Schedule 5L – Regulations for Agility

5.11.1. Proposed Amendments to Schedule 5L

The National Agility Sub-Committee has proposed amendments to Schedule 5L. Documents attached to Agenda.

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed DP, seconded JB

Effective 01.10.2019

5.11.2. KUSA SA Agility Championships (Fedco 12-18 item 9.13)

At Fedco 12-2018, a discussion ensued on the experience and qualification of Judges eligible to officiate at the KUSA SA Agility Championships. As the portfolio-holder for Agility, RD undertook to consult with the Agility fraternity on possible amendments to Schedule 5L to provide greater clarity on the experience and qualifications required of Judges invited to officiate at the KUSA SA Agility Championships. 
Any further information will be tabled. 
Work in progress. To be carried forward to Fedco 12-2019 Agenda.

RD undertook to request the National Sub-Committee to create a 5m “no-go area” around the ring to minimise the possibility of dog aggression.

It was confirmed by all that KUSA Qualifying Certificates would continue to be awarded at FCI CACIAG Shows, as has been the practice since 2012 and which was permissible under FCI Rules.

Agreed, unanimously.

Proposed RD, seconded JB

CI requested that the National Sub-Committee By-laws be reviewed with regard to Provincial Council Representatives on National Sub-Committees being required to continue serving on the Provincial Council Sub-Committees for the full term of their service on the National Sub-Committee. There was general agreement that this matter needed to be investigated and that, if necessary, the By-laws of National Sub-Committees be amended to limit the term of National Representatives who resign from Provincial Sub-Committees.

To be carried forward to the Fedco 12-2019 Agenda.

5.12. Schedule 5M – Regulations for Flyball - nil

5.13. Schedule 5F - Aptitude Testing - nil

5.14. Schedule 5Q – Regulations for Rescue Dog Trials - nil

5.15. Schedules 5R and 5S - Dancing with Dogs

5.15.1. Schedule 5R Heelwork to Music (HTM)

Regulation 15 Judges

Qualification of judges

Proposal DOGSPC

Delete words in [ struck out square brackets ] and insert words underlined.

A prospective Judge needs to complete the following sequence to the satisfaction of KUSA:

a. Attend a Judging Workshop/Training Course and be allocated a Mentor (who shall be a Senior Judge) provided by the appropriate KUSA Sub-Committee.

  • After a recorded meeting with their Mentor to discuss the process, they will be considered Learner Judges and be eligible to move on to the next step. This report must be submitted to KUSA.

b. Shadow judge a minimum of 4 [2] live events and submit a Report for scrutiny to their Mentor and Judge of the day. The Mentor will provide a written comment on the submitted Report. On approval of these Reports [this Report], they will be considered Junior [Learner] Judges and be eligible to move on to the next step.

c. [Co-j] Judge a minimum of 2 [1] live event s under the supervision of a Senior Judge and submit a Report to the Judge of the day for scrutiny and approval for each event. On approval of these [this] Reports they will be considered Senior Judges and be eligible to judge competitions.

d. Attend at least one Judging Workshop/Training Course in every two-year cycle.

  • Failure to judge in a two-year cycle will result in a Judge needing to co-judge a minimum of one live event and submit a Report for scrutiny and approval.

e. [Judges qualified as at September 2017 supplied to KUSA by the current DWDIA Committee will automatically become KUSA qualified Judges.]

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed GR, seconded JB

Effective 01.10.2019 

Fedco approved that KUSA would be represented by Kathy Clayton at the meeting of the FCI Dog Dancing Commission in 2020, at her own expense.

5.15.2. Schedule 5S Musical Freestyle (MF)

Regulation 15 Judges

Qualification of Judges

Proposal DOGSPC

Same wording as for 5.15.1 above.

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed GR, seconded JB

Effective 01.10.2019

5.16. Schedule 10 – Any Matters related to Breed Judging

5.16.1. Judges Education Council (JEC)

GR delivered his Chairman’s Report to Fedco. The Report dealt with, inter alia, the following issues: 

Ÿ Implementation of the revised KUSA Breed Judges’ Learning Programme on 1 July 2019: 
GR advised that approximately 280 letters had been sent to Learner Judges in January 2019, urging them to apply to the JEC Administrator for the conversion of their credits. Few of the Learners met the deadline of 12 April 2019 and, by the end of June 2019, only around thirty Judges had confirmed their Conversion Categories. The JEC Administrator estimated that a further sixty Judges still needed to confirm their conversion status and, since the implementation date had been reached, the only solution was to deal with the outstanding conversion confirmations on an in-need basis during the roll-out of the revised Programme. 

Ÿ Amendments to : 
GR explained that certain lacunas had been identified in the above Schedules and explained the reasons for the proposed amendments to Schedule 10 Appendices 1 & 3 ahead of the implementation of the revised KUSA Breed Judges’ Learning Programme. Due to the lack of Assessors in Centres other than Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, one amendment compelled “observed” appointments to take place in one of those Centres. Further amendments dealt with Breed Specialisation, where certain Programme requirements needed to be fulfilled at a Specialist Show for the Breed in question. 

The amendments presented were unanimously approved
Proposed JH, seconded CI 
Effective 01.10.2019 
May be implemented immediately. 

Ÿ Breach of new Article 25.2 regulating unbroken KUSA Membership of Judges post the Effective Date for the Implementation of the Article on 1 February 2020: 
The new Article 25.2 which would become effective on 01.02.2020 provided as follows: 

25.2 Judges shall maintain continuous and unbroken membership of the Kennel Union from the time their formal studies or activities towards a judging qualification commence until their voluntary retirement from judging, advised in writing to the Executive Committee, or their incapacitation (at the discretion of the Executive Committee), or their death. 

GR reminded Fedco of the reason for the new Article, i.e. to deter Judges from allowing their KUSA membership to lapse between judging appointments and thereby compromise the veracity of the Judges List KUSA was expected to provide to the FCI, in effect vouching that all the Judges on the list were in good standing. 

It was, however, of no use regulating unbroken membership for Judges without devising the penalties for breaches of an Article of the KUSA Constitution post the Article’s effective date. GR proposed a scale of penalties for membership lapses commensurate with the number of months of the lapse. Consequently, in addition to the Subscription Fee and the Re-election Fee, a defaulting Judge would be expected to pay a penalty for the number of months his membership had been allowed to remain lapsed, based on the monthly Subscription Fee (annual Membership Subscription ÷ 12) applicable at the time. In that way, KUSA would at least not be financially prejudiced by Judges who breach the Constitution in order not to pay membership fees between Judging appointments. Other than apologising to the FCI for any inaccurate affirmations, there was obviously little to be done about the embarrassment to KUSA caused by Judges defaulting on the payment of their membership fees. 

The above proposal was accepted and approved without dissent. 
Proposed RD, seconded LW 

Even though unlikely, JH thought that it should be possible for a Judge who had properly retired in terms of the above Article to be recalled to judge, say, at a special Show, or event. GR agreed and undertook to draft a proposal for consideration at Fedco 12-2019. 

Ÿ Examination Fees under the Revised KUSA Breed Judges Learning Programme: 
Examination Fees were currently charged at a “per paper” rate. Up to the present, the Part 1 examination had comprised three papers, with the Ethics paper offered “free”. As from 1 July 2019, Ethics would no longer be examined, with more intensive papers being set for Anatomy and KUSA Rules & Regulations which, together, would constitute the future Part 1 paper. It was therefore proposed that the Part 1 paper should be charged at a composite rate equal to the rate for two papers and that this should be reflected as a single amount in the Subscription & Fees document compiled pursuant to Schedule 7. Needless to say, the reference “(Ethics paper – no charge)” in the Subscription & Fees document should be deleted. 

The above proposal was unanimously accepted and approved
Proposed CG, seconded DP 

Ÿ Reinstatement of Judges’ Expired Credits: 
GR explain that a problem had been identified by the JEC pertaining to Judges who failed to fulfil their Programme obligations, thereby allowing their accumulated credits to expire. When they were ready to resume their judging activities, these Judges invariably applied to Exco to have their credits reinstated and their applications were routinely approved. 

Exco was often not in a position to properly assess the circumstances leading up to the expiration of credits and the JEC was of the view that the Council was the only authority with the necessary background information to recommend reinstatement of credits, or to confirm the loss thereof. In consequence, the JEC appealed to Fedco to entrust the function of reinstatement (or not) of credits to the Council exclusively. Whether credits were re-instated, or not, it would require an appropriate letter of reprimand to be sent by Exco to the Learner Judge in question following the “verdict”. Such letters of reprimand were routinely sent by the KUSA Office on behalf of Exco and the JEC would be prepared to give the Office guidance on the wording of such letter. 

There were no objections to this proposal and it was decided, unanimously, to delegate the function of assessing applications for the reinstatement of credits to the JEC with immediate effect. JH informed Fedco that a special form would be designed for Learners to use when applying for reinstatement of credits. 
Proposed GR, seconded JH 

Ÿ All Training Initiatives envisaged to be credited to Judges under the KUSA Breed Judges’ Learning Programme to be Accredited by the JEC: 
Although the JEC appreciated certain training initiatives for Breed Judges in the various Provinces, they defeated the purpose when the JEC was either not advised of them in order to promote them, or not provided with an Attendance Register in order to verify claims of attendance. Without having access to the seminar content, it was also difficult for the JEC to confirm whether the training initiative in question met Programme requirements. 

Fedco agreed that privately organised training initiatives for Breed Judges, however well-intended, posed a frustrating situation for the JEC, since the Council had no control over attendance, or content. It was therefore resolved, unanimously, that Clubs and other entities offering General Seminars, or Breed Seminars, or indulging in educational initiatives without the JEC’s prior knowledge and accreditation, needed to be aware that Learner Judges attending them would not be able to claim such “unaccredited” encounters as credits towards their qualifications. 
Proposed DP, seconded CI 

Ÿ Assessors losing their Qualifications: 
This matter was briefly discussed and Fedco resolved, unanimously, that Assessors who had previously qualified could not be divested of their qualifications on account of the fact that they had, for whatever reason, not attended a later Orientation & Assessors’ Workshop or similar refresher session. As a result, for purposes of the revised Programme, Assessors who had previously qualified would be supplemented by, and not replaced by, those who had gained their qualifications at the Orientation & Assessors’ Workshops in Gauteng, Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal in September last year. 
Proposed LW, seconded RD 

JH was of the view that perhaps the FCI’s “five-year-rule”, applicable to Judges, might also be considered for Assessors. That would mean that Assessors who have been inactive for five years, or more, would be obliged to attend a Refresher Course before resuming Assessor duties. JH undertook to give this idea more thought and, if convinced of its feasibility, to revert to Fedco 12-2019 with a proposal. 

Ÿ Actions going forward: 
An behalf of the JEC Administrator, GR appealed to the KUSA Office to encourage Learner Judges to use their Unique Judge’s Numbers as a reference when addressing KUSA Breed Judges Learning Programme-related issues. This number was made up of ZA/[first three letters of the Judge’s surname] [Judge’s KUSA Membership No.]. PM cautioned that, although the KUSA Office could appeal to Judges to use their Unique Judge’s Number, there was unfortunately no guarantee that such an appeal would be heeded. 

A letter needed to be sent to Club Secretaries by the KUSA Office as soon as practicable after the implementation date of the revised Programme to provide directives on completing the new Show Return Form, which was scheduled for upload to the KUSA website by 1 July 2019. A letter was also required to be sent to all Learner Judges as soon as possible after the implementation date to remind them of the new Regulations taking effect on 1 July 2019 and to stress the fact that they would not be permitted to accept judging appointments for a new Group, unless they have completed the Hallmarks and Breed Test Assignments and have had those signed off. 

LW reminded the JEC that the development of the GSD Breed Specialisation Course was overdue and urged the JEC to take immediate steps to ensure that the Course was on offer by next year. Should Ms McFarlane not have the time, or capacity, to develop the Course within the timeframe, LW offered her services to do so. 

GR undertook to appeal to the Curriculum Developer to develop the GSD Breed Specialisation Course without delay. Should she be unable to do so due to work, or other constraints, he would revert to LW to take her up on her offer. 

LW thought that, since communication between the JEC and Exco would conceivably increase as a result of some of the above decisions, it would perhaps be prudent to provide the JEC with its own heading on future Exco Agendas and Minutes. GR and JH deemed it an excellent idea and expressed their appreciation to LW for this consideration. 


6.1. Rottweiler Breed Council of KUSA (RBC) - nil

6.2. Federation of Boxer Clubs of SA Breed Council (FBCSA BC)

6.2.1. Schedule 5F (9.1.7) and (9.1.8) Boxer Breed Assessment & Survey Procedures

With the formation of the FBCSA BC in 2018, all references to SABOX on Schedule 5F (9.1.7 and (9.1.8) have been changed and the document updated accordingly, together with other proposed changes (document attached to Agenda).

Other proposed changes:

Paragraph 3 - Eligibility

“We request a change in our hip score requirements and on the Advanced Registration Requirements of the Boxer Breed Standard. Motivation letter attached to Agenda.

We request a change to the wording regarding the heart testing to ‘have been examined and certified [for] free ofcardiac disorders and to conform to the requirements as set out by [ SABOX the FBCSA BC from time to time’.

Paragraph 5 - Documentation Required - Schedule 5F (9.1.7) and (9.1.8)

We would like to add that a KUSA-accredited Scrutineer also be acceptable to examine and score for hip dysplasia.

Approved, unanimously.

Effective 01.10.2019

6.2.2. Qualifications for Advanced Registration Certificate (as listed in Breed Standard)

Proposed amendment (in line with above):

Before submitting any application, the following requirements must have been fulfilled:

1. Must be on the Kennel Union Breed Register

2. Be positively identified by microchip or DNA

3. Be over twenty-four (24) months of age

4. Be a Kennel Union Breed (Conformation) Champion

5. The registered name of the dog must contain an Affix (Kennel name)

6. The dog must have passed a FBCSA BC Breed Assessment/Breed Survey

7. The dog must have passed an Aptitude Test

8. Hip score must not be worse than [ C1 C2

Approved, unanimously.

Proposed JH, seconded DP

6.3. German Shepherd Dog Liaison Council (GSDLC)

6.3.1. GSD Specialist Judges (Fedco 12-2018 item 6.3.3)

GSDLC would like to nominate the following Judge as a Specialist GSD Judge:

Mr Kevin Young

The above Judge had inadvertently been omitted from the list tabled under item 6.3.3 at Fedco 12-2018.

Mr Young was proposed by Rotek GSD Club. Letter and CV circulated to Fedco with Agenda.

A lengthy discussion ensued on the international developments pertaining to GSDs, following the cancellation of the Cooperation Agreement between the WUSV and the FCI. These developments had the potential of having a considerable impact on the GSD scene in a number of countries, including South Africa. 

In view of the above, it was decided, unanimously, that Fedco’s confirmation of any further GSD Judges should be deferred to Fedco 12-2019, at which time there would hopefully be greater clarity on the effect of the International developments. 

For the avoidance of any misunderstanding, Fedco clarified that the Judges approved at Fedco 12-2018 were to fill a local need to award Gradings to GSDs in South Africa (ZA), this status to be reviewed once the South African GSD Specialisation Course, currently in development, has been approved and cleared for introduction. The necessary rectification and standardisation of the information currently displayed on the KUSA Judges’ Portal pertaining to the accreditation granted to the Judges at Fedco 12-2018, needed to be addressed as a matter of urgency. 
Proposed CG, seconded LW 

6.3.2. Licence for a Grand Victor Specialist Show

The GSDLC was aware that, in terms of Schedule 5(E)19A, the licence of an all-breeds show-holding Club could be used for the hosting of German Shepherd Dog Grand Victor and Junior Grand Victor Competitions. However, the GSDLC sought dispensation from Fedco for such Specialist GSD Show, or other event, contemplated to be held under an all-breeds Club licence, also be hosted by the GSDLC on behalf of its Member Clubs, and not only by an individual Club. 

Fedco could find no valid reason why the requested dispensation should not be granted and it was approved, unanimously, that the GSDLC could apply for, and be granted, the use of an all-breeds Club licence to host a Specialist GSD Show, or other event. 
Proposed GR, seconded CG 

No matters were raised.


8.1. GSDFSA’s Application for a Judicial Review under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) 
The Chairman updated Fedco on the Application the GSDFSA had made to the High Court in terms of section 6 of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act to have the Registrar: Animal Improvement’s actions to register KUSA as a Canine Breeders’ Society and as a Registering Authority for multiple Breeds set aside. The application cited the following Respondents: 

Ÿ First Respondent: The Registrar of Animal Improvement – Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries 
Ÿ Second Respondent: The Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
Ÿ Third Respondent: The Kennel Union of Southern Africa 

On the advice of KUSA’s external Legal Counsel, Fedco concluded that KUSA had no choice but to oppose the application, since it not only contained several inaccuracies, but was also out of time. However, before the KUSA’s answering affidavit could be submitted, the State Attorney (acting on behalf of the Registrar and the Minister) filed the “record” of the decision, i.e. all the documents relating to the decision to register KUSA as a Breeders' Society and Registering Authority. The GSDFSA’s Counsel advised that they were considering the documents in order to decide whether to alter the GSDFSA’s Application. Changes to the GSDFSA’s founding affidavit might necessitate changes to KUSA’s answering affidavit, which therefore had to be placed on hold, pending the GSDFSA’s further action. 

8.2. High Court Application brought by Mr Louis Kruger under PAJA 
Mr Louis Kruger had lodged an Application with the High Court under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act No. 3 of 2000 to have the penalties imposed by KUSA’s Disciplinary Sub-Committee (DSC), as mitigated by the Fedco Appeals Committee (FAC), set aside or, alternatively, remitted to the DSC, or the FAC, to consider the question of guilt and/or penalties afresh. The penalties were related to the DSC’s finding of guilt following a complaint brought by an Official of a foreign National Canine Organisation. 

Fedco’s authorisation for Mr Johan Warffemius, Attorney at Senekal Simmonds Corporate Lawyers, Johannesburg, to act for KUSA in this matter, obtained by round robin, was unanimously confirmed
Proposed DP, seconded JB 

8.3. Feedback from the FCI General Assembly, Shanghai, China – 28 & 29 April 2019 
JH gave her report on KUSA’s first attendance of a General Assembly as part of the newly constituted Asia, Africa and Oceania (AAO) Section of the FCI. The KUSA delegation comprised JH and LW and the report highlighted the advantages of belonging to the AAO Section, which enabled KUSA to avail itself of certain flexibilities and privileges the Section had negotiated with the FCI for the holding of Shows and the issuing of Sectional Awards. 

It was noted that Dr Tamás Jakkel (Hungary) had taken over from Mr Rafael de Santiago (Puerto Rico) as the President of the FCI for a two-year term. Both KUSA Delegates felt confident that Dr Jakkel would continue to take a special interest in South African affairs in the same manner as his predecessor did. 

8.4. Imported Dogs from FCI Countries 
Given FCI Standing Order 20.11, which regulates, “When a dog is sold abroad, the new studbook registration number and initials of the new studbook must be recorded on the original export pedigree. This information is to be certified by the stamp and signature of the National Canine Organisation which keeps the studbook. It is forbidden to issue a new pedigree to an imported dog.”, there has been confusion in the KUSA Office as to whether a new Registration Certificate should be issued to a dog imported from an FCI country. 

Fedco unanimously confirmed that the “pedigree” referred to by the Standing Orders was not the same as a Registration Certificate and that a fresh Registration Certificate should be issued to imported dogs, irrespective of the addition of an Affix. 
Proposed CI, seconded JH 

8.5. Obedience and Trial Dogs Record 
Exco submitted that Fedco had erred when, at Fedco 12-2018, as part of a housekeeping exercise, it had made mandatory KUSA membership applicable to owners registering their dogs on the Obedience and Trial Dogs Record. KUSA membership should not be a requirement for registering a dog on this Record and membership was also not a requirement for participation in a Non-Championship Show. 

After consideration, it was agreed, unanimously, to revert to the previous wording of Schedule 2 Regulation 15.1.2, which therefore needed to be restored as follows (deletion in [ struck through square brackets ]): 

15.1.2 The provisions enumerated in this regulation in relation to Membership and Affixes shall apply to all applications for the registration of dogs in the Kennel Union Breed Registers, the Breed Appendix Registers, Emerging Breed Register and the Field Trial Registers for Pointers and Setters [, as well as the Obedience and Trial Dogs Record ]. 
Proposed LW, seconded JB 
Effective 01.10.2019 
May be implemented immediately. 

8.6. Handler Patterns 
Exco had requested the Handler Patterns – a four-pager setting out the permissible patterns for competitive Handling – be annexed to Schedule 5(E)11, Schedule 5(E)12 and Schedule 5(K). 

There was no objection and it was agreed, without dissent, to annex the document to the Schedules in question. 

8.7. Foreign Judges with incomplete South African Groups 
Groups in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA sometimes did not correspond with the groupings in South Africa, resulting in visiting Judges from such countries occasionally not being qualified to judge all the Breeds in a South African Group. In the past, this had compelled Clubs to appoint a local Judge to do the “mop-ups”, i.e. judge the odd Breeds that the foreign Judge was unable to judge. 

When judging in Australia, South African Judges were normally granted dispensation to judge Breeds they were not qualified for. There was support for the notion that, if Judges were qualified to a certain level, they should be granted dispensation by KUSA to judge the odd Breeds they were not qualified to judge in their home countries. There were, however, also some reservations expressed. 

After discussion, Fedco requested GR and LW to consider the matter and, if warranted, present a proposal for consideration at Fedco 12-2019. 

8.8. KUSA Showdog of the Year 
It was argued that WODAC was not the ideal venue for the presentation ceremony of the above award and that it should, at the very least, take place at a KUSA-licensed Show or other KUSA-sanctioned special event. 

Discussion ensued and it was agreed, unanimously, that, subject to the Club’s agreement, the presentations would take place at the Championship Show of Goldfields Kennel Club (GKC) on 24 (or 25) August 2019. LW was charged with informing Brian & Sharon Blades of Fedco’s decision and thanking them for permitting the presentation ceremony of KUSA Showdog of the Year to take place at WODAC over the past number of years. GR was charged with approaching Mr Johan Warffemius, Chairman of GKC, with a request for his Committee’s consent to the awards being presented at the GKC Show. 

It was further agreed that the final points for KUSA Showdog of the Year should be released on 15.07.2019, once LW and CI have checked them. 

8.9. Dog Tail Docking 
From time to time, KUSA was required to respond to questions from the media and others on dog tail docking and it was important that the message conveyed by the KUSA Office to external enquirers struck the desired impartial and factual tone. 

GR had prepared a briefing document on the subject for KUSA Staff Members, which CG had annotated. It was believed that the Staff should be apprised of the views of the various interest groups, as these would ultimately inform an appropriate KUSA response to enquirers, or to those seeking a KUSA statement. 

It was agreed, unanimously, that GR should properly format the annotated document to be used for internal briefing purposes and that all external communications on this issue should be subjected to GR’s prior scrutiny and, at his discretion, to wider consultation with other Fedco Members. 
Proposed JH, seconded LW 

8.10. Storage of Registration Certificate Booklets (1944 – 1986) 
PM apprised Fedco of the space situation at the KUSA Office and lamented the fact that critically needed office space was being taken up by a storeroom, packed to the rafters with Registration Certificate Booklets from a bygone era. 

Fedco inspected samples of the booklets which, although of some sentimental value, was proving a challenge to store. The fact that they needed to be paged, made their digitisation unviable and quotations to store them off-site in a facility like Metrofile had proved too expensive. 

The Members of the Fedco undertook to give the matter further thought and to revert at Fedco 12-2019 with suggestions for a possible solution. PM said she believed that the same information contained in the Registration Certificate Booklets was also recorded in the Kennel Union Gazettes of the time and said the KUSA Office would check whether there was an alternative source from which the information could be gleaned. 

8.11. Colours of Ancestry of Dogs to be recorded on Registration Certificates 
PM said she was not sure why this was being raised again, since she was convinced that the recording of colours against the names of ancestors had been implemented in terms of a previous decision of Fedco. She nevertheless undertook to check and revert. 

[PM had since advised Fedco as follows: “Having had the opportunity to follow up with the Data Capture Department, we can confirm that the inclusion of the coat colours of the ancestry has been the norm since Jan/Feb 2019.”] 

8.12. The Unauthorised Display of the KUSA Logo on Websites 
There seemed to be an increasing use of the KUSA logo on mainly scam websites as a ruse of validating these nefarious operations. These websites were often hosted in foreign countries, beyond the reach of the South African criminal justice system. 

The offending sites were nevertheless set up to scam South African puppy buyers and it was decided, unanimously, that take-down and cease and desist notices should be sent to these websites, regardless of the fact that enforcement might not be possible. JH provided the Office with a copy of such a take-down notice sent to a website by the FCI and it was agreed, unanimously, that the sending of a take-down and cease and desist notice should be standard procedure for KUSA and that a file should be kept with screenshots of the offending website pages and the notices sent. Should an opportunity of law enforcement arise at some stage in the future, KUSA would at least be able to prove that it had taken all reasonable steps to protect its rights. 
Proposed JH, seconded GR 

8.13. Flyball Entry Form 
Changes to the Flyball Entry Form as proposed by Exco were tabled and approved
Proposed LW, seconded JB 

8.14. Number of Dogs required for Championship Shows – Ruling on Moratorium 
Clarity was sought on whether Re-qualifying Shows needed to attain the required number of dogs as per Schedule 4A, or whether they were also covered by the moratorium in place for the minimum number of dogs to be present and exhibited in order to retain Championship Show-holding Status. For instance, if a Championship Show held by a Specialist Club is required to have an entry of 20 dogs under Schedule 4A, but only achieves an entry of 18, under the moratorium, the Club retains Championship Show-holding status, provided it pays Show Entry Fees for 20 dogs. The question was, however, whether the same concession extended to Specialist Clubs that have lost their Championship status and needed to re-qualify by holding a Re-qualifying Show. If they do not achieve the required entry under Schedule 4A, could they pay the Show Entry Fees for the required number of dogs and be granted Championship Show-holding status? 

The matter was debated and it was generally felt that, if the moratorium were to be extended to Re-qualifying Shows, it needed to be conditional on the achievement of a minimum entry to preclude re-qualification on nonsensical numbers. It was decided that the current requirements should continue to apply to all Qualifying Shows until December 2019 and it was agreed, unanimously, that the NAPC should be charged with tabling a fresh proposal, covering both Qualifying and Re-qualifying Shows, at Fedco 12-2019. 

8.15. Possible consequences of Judges withdrawing from Judging Appointments 
It was noted that the current KUSA Judging Contract (J1) did not provide for all eventualities following a Judge’s withdrawal from a contracted appointment. For instance, it was not acceptable for a Judge to enter a dog, or handle a dog, at a Show from which he had withdrawn. An additional problem faced by contracting Clubs was the reluctance on the part of some contracted Judges, who had withdrawn from contracts, to refund prospective payments made to them to cover airfares. 

It was agreed, unanimously, that J1 needed to be updated to prevent Judges from abusing the system, or financially prejudicing Clubs, once they’ve withdrawn from an appointment. Exco was charged with preparing the necessary amendments for tabling at Fedco 12-2019. 
Proposed GR, seconded JH 

LW stressed the fact that it would be futile preparing a new version of J1 if Clubs were to continue to use one of the previous versions of the contract when engaging Judges. The only way of ensuring that Clubs offered the latest version of J1 when contracting Judges, was for the KUSA Office to reject old versions of the contract sent in by Clubs. 

8.16. KUSA Judges withdrawing from Foreign Contracts and then Failing to Refund Funds paid to them for Purchasing Air Tickets 
Instances of KUSA Judges allegedly not refunding airfares paid to them by foreign Clubs after their withdrawal from appointments have been brought to Exco’s attention. Such conduct seriously tarnished the reputation of KUSA Judges but, in the absence of an official complaint from the contracting foreign Club, KUSA was unable to take any action against a Judge alleged to have indulged in such unscrupulous behaviour. 

8.17. KUSA’s inclusion in the Asia, Africa & Oceania (AAO) Section of the FCI 
It was noted that, following KUSA’s inclusion in the AAO Section of the FCI, certain flexibilities and privileges granted to this Section by the FCI had also become available to KUSA. These pertained, inter alia , to the attainment of Section and International Championship, the awarding of AAO CACs and the availability of AAO-specific titles. There were also concessions to align the FCI groupings more closely with the groupings of AAO countries’ national Shows. 

JH informed Fedco that useful information on these flexibilities and privileges has already been received and, once the documentation had been fully scrutinised, she would contact the Section Secretary to obtain any additional information required. 

8.18. Backdating of Junior Merit Qualifications 
Following the introduction of the Junior Merit title at Fedco 12-2017, some requests have been received to acknowledge qualifications earned prior to 01.01.2018, the commencement date set by Fedco. These requests have consistently been turned down. 

Exco tabled one further such request which had been referred to Fedco and, ostensibly, not circulated for a ruling at the time of receipt. In view of the fact that all prior requests had been turned down, it was resolved, unanimously, that no exceptions could be made. The request tabled was therefore declined. 
Proposed CI, seconded CG 

8.19. KUSA Championship Shows – Declining Entries 
The possible reasons for the decline in entries at KUSA Championship Shows were extensively debated and, in addition to forced austerity as a result of a lingering economic downturn, the majority of the Fedco Members attributed the poor support of Championship Shows around the country to the number of Championship Shows on offer. The statement was made that “there was only one pot of money to sustain a proliferation of Shows”. 

With the benefit of hindsight, the affiliation of certain All-breeds Clubs should perhaps have been more carefully considered at the time of their application, but it was also acknowledged that these affiliations had taken place in a more favourable economic climate. However, since these Clubs now existed, the situation around the granting of 2nd Championship Show licences needed to be even more carefully managed by Exco in future. 

In summary, Fedco’s additional suggestions to curtail the number of 2 nd Championship Shows included: 

Ÿ As far as possible, to restrict any licences granted in populous areas. 
Ÿ Where licences were justified, to permit no more than one extra Show per cluster weekend. There was no justification for turning a two-Show weekend into a four-Show weekend. 
Ÿ Decline permission for 2nd Championship Shows to Clubs which had been part of clusters prior to “divorce”; the example of Whale Coast and Overberg Kennel Clubs cited. 
Ÿ Reconsider 2nd (sometimes 3rd) Championship Shows granted to Specialist Clubs where the owners of exhibited dogs were not even required to be members of KUSA. To contain the proliferation of Shows of Specialist Clubs and the abundance of CCs on offer for certain Breeds, Exco might well consider a system of granting 2nd Championship Show licences to Specialist Clubs on a rotation basis. 
Ÿ There was probably also a good case to be made for a more stringent application of Schedule 3 Regulation 5.16: “ Where a Club, for any reason whatsoever, has been unable to finalise its Draft Schedule twelve (12) weeks before the first day of the Show, no licence shall be issued for that event. ” 

The Chairman requested the Chairman of Exco to discuss the above and other suggestions with her Committee and to revert at Fedco 12-2019 with firm criteria to be applied by Exco in its future granting of 2ndChampionship Show licences. 

8.20. Goldfields Kennel Club (GKC) – Request to hold a Championship Show in 2019 
Exco had considered GKC’s application to hold a Championship Show in August 2019 but, due to differences of opinion on this matter, had decided that Fedco would be the appropriate body to rule on the application. 

After discussion it was resolved, unanimously, that GKC should be permitted to hold its Championship Show for Breed and Working Disciplines, including the Dog of the Year event, on 24 & 25 August 2019. It was understood that the concession to hold the Show over two days, instead of on the Sunday only, was restricted to 2019 and it was noted that TKC had not relinquished its claim to the Saturday from 2020 onwards. 

DP deemed it essential that a KUSA Representative was appointed for the Show. All present agreed

LW requested Fedco’s permission for the above information to be released immediately to enable GKC to proceed with arrangements for its Show. The early release of the information was unanimously condoned
Proposed GR, seconded CG 

8.21. KUSA/SAVA Hip Dysplasia (HD) and Elbow Dysplasia (ED) Scheme 

8.21.1. Request from the Chief Scrutineer to add two new clauses to the HD & ED Appeals Procedure Document 
Prof Robert Kirberger requested amendments to be made to the Appeals Procedure in view of a recent case where the outcome of the Appeal was that, compared to the results of the First Scrutineer, the HD score of the Second Scrutineer was better, whereas the ED score of the Second Scrutineer was worse. This created a conundrum, since it was the first time such a situation had presented itself. Only one Grading Certificate could be valid and it was untenable for Owners to be placed in a situation where they could demand to choose between parts of the two Certificates. 

The two clauses Prof Kirberger proposed to add were: 
8. Note that if, for example, a Second Scrutineer gives a better grading for the hips, but a worse grading for the elbows, then this grading will stand and the Owner will have to live with the worse elbow grading. Should the hips receive a worse grading and the elbows a better grading, the original Certificate will be valid with the better hip grading. This implies that, for Appeals, hips take precedence over elbows, as some breeds have breeding restrictions for hip dysplasia, but for most breeds there are no elbow dysplasia restrictions. 
9. Only one appeal is allowed per dog. 

8.21.2. FCI Requirements for Official Hip Dysplasia Screening

Under cover of its Circular 27/2019 of 23 May 2019, the FCI provided its latest Requirements for Official Hip Dysplasia Screening, which incorporated minor amendments agreed by the FCI General Committee in February 2019. PM had scrutinised the document and had advised Fedco that “The amendments make provision for digital images as well as X-Ray images. The SAVA/KUSA HD & ED Scheme documentation does not require updating, as provision for digital images was included at the last update done earlier in the year.” 

In PM’s opinion, the SAVA/ KUSA HD Scheme met all FCI requirements. The only point of departure was in the Appeals Procedure, where the FCI regulation allowed for the Appeal panel to call for a second set of X-Rays if deemed necessary (“ The Owner may submit and the appeal panel can request additional radiographs (film or digitally processed image) (incl. Position 2) ”, whereas the KUSA Appeals Procedure stated that additional radiographs may not be submitted; only the original radiographs that were evaluated by the First Scrutineer may be submitted. 

PM had brought this point of departure to the attention of Prof Robert Kirberger and he suggested that the following be added to the Appeals Procedure document: “On rare occasions, additional radiographs may be requested by the radiologist doing the appeal and the costs of these radiographs will be for the dog Owner’s account.” 

It was suggested by Fedco that KUSA accepted Prof Kirberger’s proposed amendments, but thereafter to approach the FCI for some latitude in respect of the variation in the Appeals Procedure. The Chairman was of the view that Fedco should concur with what was currently proposed and that any further modification should be tabled at Fedco 12-2019, once the FCI had been consulted. All present accepted this suggestion. 

8.22. Sports Leave – Letters requested from KUSA 
On rare occasions, the KUSA Office was requested to provide a letter to a KUSA Judge stating, in essence, that the Judge would be representing South Africa when officiating in a foreign country. Such letter seemed to be required by the Human Resources Departments of companies in order to grant an employee so-called “Sports Leave”. 

The matter was discussed and it was resolved, unanimously, that KUSA was not able to provide a declaration to the effect that a person would be representing South Africa when judging overseas. KUSA was not a National Sports Body, recognised and supported by the Department of Sport and Recreation, and therefore could not defend such a statement. 

A KUSA Judge applying for a letter in order to secure Sports Leave when officiating overseas should be advised to approach the foreign inviting Clubs to provide letter of invitation which might satisfy a company’s requirements for granting Sports Leave. 


November 30 & December 01


June 27 & 28 (or 20 & 21) - to be confirmed 

December 05 & 06 (or November 28 & 29) – to be confirmed 


Since DP had indicated that this would be her last Fedco meeting prior to retirement from Provincial and National duties, the Chairman invited the Vice-Chairman to pay tribute to the KUSA President, currently the longest serving Member on the Federal Council. DP thanked JH for her kind words of gratitude and farewell of behalf of Fedco, but was pleased to assure her Colleagues that she would continue as President of KUSA. She was also not ready to give up judging Breed and Obedience, which had been part of her life for so many years.

This was also the last meeting for JB and RD, both of whom having declared that they would not be seeking re-election on their respective Provincial Councils. Thanks and appreciation were expressed to both of them for their exemplary service to KUSA as Provincial Council Chairmen and Federal Councillors.

The meeting closed at 12h28 with a vote of thanks to the chair.