10.04.2024 | KUSA Statement DALRRD Directive

Posted in KUSA News


On 13 March 2024, the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) issued a directive that, with effect from 1 April 2024, all applications for Veterinary Import Permits must be accompanied by a confirmation of compliance with the Animal Improvement Act No. 62 of 1998 (AIA) issued by the Registrar of Animal Improvement in the DALRRD. This directive seeks to enforce the provisions of section 16 of the AIA and does not only apply to production animals, but also to dogs.

08.04.2024 | Important Notice

Posted in KUSA News





At the Special Meeting of the Federal Council held on Thursday, 4 April 2024, the following amendments to Schedule 10 Appendix 1 (Group Course) and Schedule 10 Appendix 3 (Breed Specialisation Course) pertaining to the application of the pass mark across the various sections of the following examination papers:

  • Paper 1 Group Course or Breed Specialisation Course
  • Paper 2 Group Course
  • Paper 2 Breed Specialisation Course

25.03.2024 | KUSA Classic 2024 Statement

Posted in KUSA News


It has been brought to the attention of the Federal Council and the Executive Committee of the Kennel Union that a few prospective attendees of the KUSA Classic 2024 have expressed concerns regarding the safety of travelling to KwaZulu-Natal and attending the Cluster over the period of South Africa’s General Elections. Fedco and Exco have noted these concerns, ostensibly based on a perception that KZN might be more volatile that other parts of the country, given the ANC’s legal action in the Electoral Court challenging the legitimacy of the ANC’s former military wing, uMkhonto weSiswe (MK), fronted by former President Jacob Zuma, to stand in the election.

In response to the safety concerns raised in certain quarters, the KUSA Classic Organising Committee (KCOC), immediately took steps to do a risk assessment of the situation and, in this process, also consulted with security experts. In its efforts to apprise itself of the possible risk involved in attending the KUSA Classic in late May 2024, the KCOC learnt that, although the state of alert of the country’s security forces would be escalated to hypervigilance as is customary during elections, there was, at this stage, neither evidence, nor expectation, that the security risk to KZN residents would be appreciably higher than to people elsewhere in the country.

25.03.2024 | Appointment Registrations & Canine Health Administrator

Posted in KUSA News



Photo 3
The Kennel Union is delighted to announce, after a careful selection and interview process, the appointment of Carol Immelman to the advertised position of Registrations and Canine Health Administrator on a part-time, limited duration contract basis.

As the holder of Kennel Union membership for the past fifty-two years, a Federal Councillor for almost a decade, during which period she was granted LIFE Membership and a well-known breeder and exhibitor of Dalmatians and Australian Shepherds, Carol is well-versed in the history of KUSA and its operations on numerous levels. She is no stranger to KUSA’s challenges as a Breeders’ Society and Registering Authority, where the ownership, propagation and promotion of purebred dogs are under sustained scrutiny and often criticism.

16.02.2024 | Announcement - Secretary of KUSA

Posted in KUSA News

On behalf of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) and the Federal Council, I have pleasure in announcing the appointment of Gérard Robinson as the Secretary of KUSA. With his wealth of experience in the corporate world, and many years’ involvement in the dog world as exhibitor, administrator and Judge, Gérard brings to the Kennel Union a bounty of much-needed skills and expertise. Over the past number of years and up to the present, he has served KUSA and the dog world at the highest level of governance. In assuming his KUSA secretarial responsibilities, Gérard will be stepping down as the Chairman of the Districts of Gauteng & Surrounds Provincial Council (DOGSPC), the office of Vice-Chairman of the Federal Council and other offices held at executive level.

16.01.2024 | FCI CACIB Certificates issued at FCI Shows held in 2023

Posted in KUSA News

Members are reminded that FCI CACIB Certificates are no longer printed and posted by the FCI Office.
Please be advised that the following FCI CACIB Show results have been confirmed.
13 MAY 2023 (NTKC)
25 MAY 2023 (KUSA)
18 AUGUST 2023 (GKC)
06 OCTOBER 2023 (TKC)
CACIB Certificates awarded are available for download from the FCI Website (https://www.fci.be/en/results/IB.aspx)

20.12.2023 | Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) Federal Council - Chairman's Report 2023

Posted in KUSA News

I begin this report by touching on some of the KUSA highlights and achievements during 2023. I believe that as a KUSA family, we have accomplished a great deal, overcoming some of the difficulties which faced us during the year. I mention but a few.

Shows, Events and Trials. Despite dwindling entries worldwide, the Clubs and Organisers have held a very full calendar of successful, enjoyable Shows, Events and Trials. We saw the return of a number of International Judge appointments, and we remain ever grateful to our local Judges who gave up their time and expertise to officiate during 2023.

14.08.2023 | Welcome! Dr. Carolyn Chelchinskey

Posted in KUSA News

Shortly after her election as Vice-Chairman of DOGSPC, it is the pleasure and privilege of the Federal Council to welcome its newest member to the Board table. Carolyn is a qualified veterinarian and, for the past 17 years, has worked for a major International Pharmaceutical Company, currently as Business Unit Manager of its Animal Health Division. This has enabled her to not only apply her knowledge as a veterinary scientist, but to also hone her business skills in a key corporate position.

10.08.2023 | Introducing FCI A2O Section Championship Shows

Posted in KUSA News



Following interest expressed by local Clubs to host an A2O Section Show in South Africa, KUSA has come to an agreement with the A2O on the terms on which KUSA, or any of its All-breeds member Clubs may, for the foreseeable future, acquire licences to host an A2O Section Championship Show at which the A2O’s Certificats d'Aptitude au Championnat (CACs) will be on offer in addition to KUSA’s CCs.

08.07.2023 | KUSA Breed Judges' Learning Programme - Examination Results

Posted in KUSA News


The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 of the above Examination for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:


Mrs C Coetzer – Working Group

Ms L Smook – Herding Group

Ms G Britz – Herding Group

Mr B Kelly – Hound Group

Mrs L Beckmann – Working Group

Mr J Taute – Hound Group

29.06.2023 | Exciting News- KUSA CLASSIC 2024 EVENT

Posted in KUSA News

We are pleased to announce that the 2024 KUSA CLASSIC Flagship Show weekend will be held at the Shongweni Club grounds in Durban KZN, from Thursday 30 May 2024 to Sunday 2 June 2024.

The KZN Provincial Council and Show Organising Committee look forward to hosting a spectacular event.

Watch this space for more information.

07.06.2023 | KUSA National Winners

Posted in KUSA News

KUSA National Dog use

2023 National Dog of the Year - CONGRATULATIONS

KUSA NAT DOG '23, GR CH, CH OBT A SONG OF FIRE AND ICE, JM, ZAW '23 (Australian Shepherd)

Owned by: Mrs L Olivier

 KUSA National Puppy use

2023 National Puppy of the Year - CONGRATULATIONS


Mrs S Engelbrecht

25.05.2023 | KUSA National Award Certificates 2023

Posted in KUSA News

Introducing digital KUSA National Award Certificates.

In response to the many requests from members for a more effective and user-friendly process to collect their coveted Award Certificates issued at KUSA Championship Shows, we are delighted to announce that for the first time KUSA National Award Certificates will be available on-line.

To download the Award Certificate, just logon to www.showassist.co.za, click on ‘Certificates’ (on the left-hand side), select the dog’s registration number, and download the Award Certificate on to your device.

We are certain that members will embrace the concept and appreciate the vibrant new design of the National Certificates.

Watch this space for further announcements in respect of KUSA’s move to digital and online platforms. 

03.03.2023 | Crufts Joe Cartledge Memorial International Junior Handling Competition 2023

Posted in KUSA News

Miss AJ Schoeman, the KUSA National Junior Handler of 2022, will proudly be representing KUSA and South Africa at the Crufts Joe Cartledge Memorial International Junior Handling Competition that will be held in Birmingham, UK on Friday 10 March, where a total of 34 countries will be represented.

We are confident that AJ will fly the South African flag with pride and aplomb and excel in the Junior Handling Competition. We wish AJ all of the best and trust that she will have a memorable experience.


17.02.2023 | FCI International Junior & Veteran Titles

Posted in KUSA News


C.I.B.-J® & C.I.B.-V®

FCI Circular: 25/2022 

In July 2022, the FCI announced that its General Committee had decided to introduce two new International Beauty Champion Titles for dogs of breeds that are fully recognised by the FCI (whether subject to a Working Test, or not), entered in the Junior (from 9 to 18 months) or Veteran (from 8 years and over) Class at FCI International CACIB Shows, in accordance with the FCI Regulations for FCI Dog Shows.

21.12.2022 / Fedco Chairman’s Report 2022

Posted in KUSA News



The Year of 2022 saw some sort of normality creeping back into our lives, but there is no doubt that some of the after effects of the coronavirus pandemic in respect of the social, psychological, and economic pressures are still with us today.

Nevertheless, I optimistically believe that, as Members of KUSA, we are a resilient force, and we shall continue to overcome some of the hardships, which still face us and that 2023 will be a much more manageable year.

2022 was punctuated by many highlights. I’d like to remind you of a few of them.

29.11.2022 | KUSA Breed Judges' Learning Programme

Posted in KUSA News



The following Learner Judges were successful in passing PAPER 2 of the above Examination for the Groups indicated and may now judge at Championship Show Level:


Mr K Young – Toy Group

Prof M Nicolau – Hound Group

Ms J Kern – Gundog Group*

Ms M Tregoning – Herding Group

Ms N Baxter – Gundog Group

Ms G Brits – Working Group

14.11.2022 | Important Notice Postnet Fee increase

Posted in KUSA News


Fee Increase - PostNet2PostNet Courier Service

PostNet have announced that, due to economic and inflationary pressures, they are obliged to increase the PostNet2PostNet Pre-paid Courier Service fee by 10% to R109.00, effective 1 December 2022. 

KUSA is unable to absorb this price increase and has no option but to pass it on to Members making use of the service. As it takes 10-15 working days to process applications, all applications submitted for processing from 16 November 2022 onwards, must be accompanied by proof of payment of the increased Courier Fee (R109.00).

The price increase only applies to the PostNet2PostNet Pre-paid service. PostNet2Door Non-Express @ R185.00* (Major Centres) and PostNet2Door Non-Express @ R275.00*(Regional Centres) are unaffected by the increase.

Members are urged to refrain from sending any form of documentation to the KUSA P.O. Box address. The central Post Office, that serviced Cape Town for many years, suddenly closed this week and, without notice, all P.O. Boxes were moved to another location.

19.10.2022 | Exclusion of Dogs from Exhibition Due to Aggression

Posted in KUSA News


In the case of a dog aggression incident having taken place at a KUSA Show, the following procedure is to be followed as described in Schedule 3 Regulation 14.

Regulation 14 – Exclusion of dogs

A Show Committee will have the power to exclude, refuse or remove any dog which is, owing to disease, savage disposition, or any other cause, not in a fit state for exhibition at a specific Show. Once a dog has been excluded or refused admission or has been removed from the precincts of a Show because of disease, savage disposition or any other cause, it will not be brought into the Show at any time or under any circumstances.

The Show Secretary, on behalf of the Show Committee, shall submit to the Secretary within seven (7) days of the close of the Show a written report supported by sworn statements of any witnesses and all other evidence available to the Show Committee at the time of the incident.

Exclusion of Dogs (TEO) Temporary Exclusion Order Manual. https://bit.ly/3EQq9wn

08.07.2022 | For attention: National Conveners of Dogsports, Provincial Council Secretaries and Ad hoc Sub Committee’s

Posted in KUSA News

Your attention is drawn to the following extract from the Minutes of the Fedco meeting held 06-2022. The office will be in touch with you shortly to assist you in drafting these amendments.

Examinations for Judges on the Schedules for the various forms of Dogsport as well as Schedules 3 and 9 Appendix “B” 

Submitted by the KUSA Office:

The Chairman explained that, in the area of Judges’ qualification, the various dogsport Schedules generally contained the requirement of a “written exam” on their own Schedules as well as Schedule 3, although some Schedules did not specify whether the exams were to be written with, or without, the use of reference material.

08.04.2022 | FCI Concession for Awarding the Title of FCI A2O International Beauty Champion (FCI-C.I.B.)

Posted in KUSA News


With the termination of the National State of Disaster announced by the President, effective from the 5 April 2022, notice is hereby given of the withdrawal of the FCI concession for the awarding of the title FCI International Beauty Champion (FCI-C.I.B).

With immediate effect, the following criteria will need to be met to earn the title of International Beauty Champion (FCI-C.I.B.) as per the Regulations for FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania (A2O) Section International Championship :

  • Four (4) FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s,
    • awarded by four (4) different Judges,
    • from three (3) different Countries.

The period for accumulating FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s under the FCI concession , would thus be limited to the period 1 January 2020 to 4 April 2022.

05.04.2022 | Chris Griffith and his contribution to Dobermanns in South Africa

Posted in KUSA News

A tribute by Brian Blades

Former Chairman of the Federal Council of KUSA, Chris Griffith, has passed away, aged 90. Before becoming Chairman of Fedco, Chris was Chairman of the Dobermann Club of Natal for many years, as well as Chairman of the KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Council.

Chris’s Dobermann journey began with a puppy bitch from the United Kingdom, “Dizown Dressed to Kill”, known as Scarlett, imported as a family pet and companion with no intention to breed or show. When Scarlett arrived, it was evident that she was an outstanding puppy and Chris was persuaded to attend the Dobermann Club of Natal’s Championship Show in July 1994.

On arrival at the show, Chris informed me that Scarlett would not walk on a lead and was an absolute hooligan. At the show, Scarlett quickly grasped what was required of her and was judged Best Puppy in Show. With this success, and being a true competitor, Chris was keen to repeat Scarlett’s debut success. A few weeks later, he entered an All-breeds Championship Show, where Scarlett was once again awarded Best Puppy in Show. A second beautiful trophy got Chris hooked on dog-showing and led to the founding of his well-known Southernbell Kennels shortly thereafter.

14.03.2022 | Christopher John Lawson Griffith | 03.06.1931 – 13.03.2022

Posted in KUSA News

It is with profound sadness that the Kennel Union informs its Officials, Members and Associates of the passing of Chris Griffith on 13 March 2022 in Lidgetton, KwaZulu-Natal.

Chris served as the Chairman of the Provincial Council of KwaZulu-Natal of KUSA for a number of years, during which he represented this Province on the Federal Council of KUSA. In June 2015, Chris stepped in as Acting Chairman of the Federal Council when David Thompson requested a leave of absence due to ill health. Chris completed David’s term in an acting capacity and was elected Chairman of the Federal Council of KUSA in December 2016 for a four-year term. In December 2020, Chris stepped down as Chairman of the Federal Council and handed the baton to Jenny Hubbard.

10.09.2021 | Important Notice to KUSA Members

Posted in KUSA News


Termination of the use of the SA Post Office as KUSA’s service provider for the despatch of documents

Relocation of the KUSA Office – Courier Services

Due to the high volume of returned, undelivered, or lost mail, it is no longer viable for KUSA to make use of the South African Post Office (SAPO) in the despatch of documents.  Postnet offer reliable courier services – Postnet2Postnet Pre-paid @ R99.00*, Postnet2Door Non-Express @ R185.00* (Major Centres) and Postnet2Door Non-Express @ R275.00*(Regional Centres), which are all trackable.

22.10.2021 | FCI International Champion Concession

Posted in KUSA News


1. According to the Regulations for FCI Asia, Africa & Oceania (A2O) Section International Championship, the following criteria need to be met to earn the title of International Beauty Champion (FCI-C.I.B.):

• Four (4) FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s,
• awarded by four (4) different Judges,
• from three (3) different Countries.

2. Following an appeal to the FCI for the relaxation of these requirements for South Africa for a finite period, i.e. until the National State of Disaster Regulations are repealed, we are pleased to advise that the FCI’s General Committee has agreed to KUSA’s request on behalf of exhibitors.

3. In consequence, for as long as the National State of Disaster prevails, South African dogs would be permitted to gain their FCI-C.I.B. titles by meeting the following criteria:

• Four (4) FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s,
• awarded by four (4) different South African Judges,
• or by a combination of four (4) different South African and foreign Judges,
• subject to the following:

4. The period for accumulating FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s under South African Judges in order to apply for the FCI-C.I.B., will be from 1 January 2020 up to the date of the repeal of the National State of Disaster.

5. FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s awarded by foreign Judges prior to 1 January 2020 will be considered for supplementation of those earned under South African Judges post 1 January 2020 to fill the required quota of four (4) FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s in order to apply for the FCI-C.I.B., provided that such FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s have been earned within the period of three years before 1 January 2020, i.e. between 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019, and provided further that the combined submission is acceptable to the FCI.

6. The FCI has not, as yet, committed to any dispensation on the issue of FCI-C.A.C.I.B.®s earned subsequent to the repeal of the National State of Disaster supplementing those earned under South African Judges as from 1 January 2020.

30.09.2021 | KUSA Office Relocation - Important Notice

Posted in KUSA News

As has been extensively publicised in Notices and Federal Council Minutes, the KUSA Office will be moving to new, smaller premises, located at 7 Bree Street, Cape Town, on Monday, 4 October 2021.

Private office space has been leased for a period of 12 months from a company that offers innovative, flexible and collaborative workspaces. The new premises will act as a hub, creating a hybrid working environment whereby staff can work from home for several days of the week and come into the office as required to attend meetings and do printing and courier despatches. This interim solution is envisaged to endure until the much-anticipated digital platform becomes available, allowing KUSA Members to download and print their own digital copies of Certificates. The introduction of the online digital platform is on track for the first quarter of 2022, by which time KUSA would hopefully have sourced and customised a suitable property to become its future permanent headquarters.

Until further notice, Members are requested NOT to visit the KUSA Offices (new or old) and NOT to arrange for third party Courier Company collection or delivery. Documents may be couriered to PostNet Long Street, 2 Long Street, Cape Town, clearly marked for the attention of KUSA, from which we will collect once or twice a week.  

16.09.21 | The Judges Education Council (JEC) – Support Officer

Posted in KUSA News

When Mrs. Gael Morison recently emigrated to the UK, she resigned from her position as Support Officer of the JEC. As the JEC’s Support Officer, Mrs. Morison fulfilled the essential function of signing off Learner Judges’ Portfolios and officiated as External Examiner of requested re-marks of Learner Judges’ exams.

Until such time Fedco is in a position to appoint a replacement Support Officer, experienced All-breeds Judge, Dr. Heidi Rolfes, has agreed to fulfil the functions previously performed by Mrs. Morison until further notice.

The JEC is extremely grateful to Dr. Rolfes for being prepared to take time out from her busy career as a practising scientist to devote her expertise as former academic to assist with the education of Learner Judges on an interim basis.


Posted in KUSA News

After reaching three year of operation during the latter half of 2020, the JEC embarked on a process of reassessment with a view to improving its service andefficiency and structured a proposal to the Federal Council to reassign Key Functions to align more closely with the hitherto identified strengths of the current members of the JEC. During this undertaking, it became evident that a further appointment to the JEC would be advisable and this recommendation was included in the proposal.

At the Special Meeting of the Federal Council held on 26 October 2020 & 2 November 2020, the following positions under the re-structured JEC were approved by the Federal Council, as well as the Key Functions assigned to them:

Chairman (Fedco Member) - Gérard Robinson – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Vice-Chairman (Fedco Member) – Jenny Hubbard – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Admin, Development & Examination Officer – Joy McFarlane – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Assessment Officer – Tania Edwards – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Resources Officer – Nikki Redtenbacher

Support Officer – Gael Morison This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Federal Council – Election of Office Bearers

Posted in KUSA News

At the Federal Council meeting held on 4 & 5 December 2020, the following persons were elected:

Election of Chairman of the Federal Council and Election of President – Article

Nomination received for Chairman of the Federal Council:

Mrs JM Hubbard

Clr Hubbard was elected for four years from 01.01.2021 until 31.12.2024.

Nomination received for President:

Mrs DE Powell

Clr Powell was elected as President for four years from 01.01.2021 until 31.12.2024.

IMPORTANT NOTICE for KUSA Licensed Judges When Officiating at FCI and Non-FCI Events

Posted in KUSA News

Earlier this year, KUSA reported on the judgement handed down by the District Court in Dortmund, Germany, which concluded that the Verband für das Deusche Hundewesen (VDH) had violated German and European antitrust laws by seeking to restrain the Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde (SV) from releasing its German Shepherd Dog Specialist Judges to member organisations of the Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde (WUSV) that are not members of the FCI’s National Canine Organisations (NCOs) in various countries of the world. This decision came about as the result of a legal challenge mounted by three WUSV-affiliated Clubs in various countries against an earlier directive issued by the VDH.

The VDH appealed the Dortmund finding to the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf and, on 7 September 2020, the Higher Court ruled in favour of the VDH, causing the three claimants to lose their case.

UPDATE: GSDFSA Vs Registrar DALRRD and Others Statement

Posted in KUSA News

Members may recall that, in the Fedco update posted mid-May 2020, it was reported that the German Shepherd Federation of South Africa (GSDFSA) had applied for a Judicial Review under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) to have certain actions of the Registrar of Animal Improvement in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) (since renamed Department of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development – DALRRD) set aside. The impugned actions were the Registrar’s decision to register KUSA as the Breeders’ Society for 218 canine breeds (including German Shepherd Dogs) and as a Registering Authority for canines.

The above application was heard on 9 March 2020 and on 11 May 2020, the Honourable Shanaaz C Mia, Judge of the High Court, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, dismissed the application with costs.

Important Club Notice - Show Disclaimer

Posted in KUSA News


We refer all those involved in the organisation and management of KUSA-licensed Shows and Events to the Minutes of Fedco 06-2020, in particular to Items 3.12.2 (Clubs’ Disclaimer Notice) and 3.12.3 (Clubs’ Right of Admission Reserved Notice). These Minutes were distributed to all interested parties in July 2020 by the KUSA Office and the respective Provincial Councils and are also available of the KUSA website.

At its meeting held in June 2020, the Federal Council resolved that, for the reasons set out in detail in the Minutes, it would be mandatory for Clubs and other Show and Event organisers to display the following Notices at all KUSA-licensed Shows and Events:

Notice to Affiliated Clubs, Provincial Councils and National Sub Committees Re: Use of Training Dog Collars

Posted in KUSA News

This serves to remind all KUSA Clubs, Members and Organisations that the use of Prong (Spike) and Electric Shock Collars as a means of training dogs is not condoned by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

This notice serves to remind all KUSA Members of the following:

1. In 2007 KUSA published the following:


Spike and Electric Shock Collars

Members are reminded that the use of spike and electric shock collars for the training of dogs is prohibited and anyone found using them may be liable to having Disciplinary action taken against them. Members should also be aware that should spike or electric shock collars be used, it is possible that, if discovered by the authorities, they could be charged with an offence in terms of Section 2(F) of the Animals Protection Act No 71 of 1962 (as amended).]

Extract of Section 2(F) of the Animal Protection Act No 71 of 1962 (as amended) :

2. (I) Any person who-

(f) uses on or attaches to any animal any equipment, appliance or vehicle which causes or will -cause injury to such animal or which is loaded, used or attached in such a manner as will cause such animal to be injured or to become diseased or to suffer unnecessarily;

2. KUSA Regulations are specific under SCHEDULE 05B(04) – Working Utility Dog, where it states:

3.3 Collars

The Judge(s) will ensure that during the exercises each dog under his jurisdiction wears only a plain training collar. Nothing will be attached to collars during exercises except leads when required. No spiked collars to be used. Tick collars and repellent devices will be allowed.


a. When it comes to training the physical as well as the psychological health of the dog is top priority. It is imperative then that the dog be handled in a fair, orderly and humane way .

b. It remains the ethical responsibility of man to raise and adequately train the dog. The applied methods must meet the standards of behavioural sciences, especially in regards to the breed. In order to achieve the upbringing, training or training effect, it is important to not utilize force and to use positive methods for the dog. Furthermore, it is imperative to decline the use of techniques that do not utilize the proper training, raising and training aides . Using a dog for dog sport has to be oriented to his capabilities, his competitive spirit and his willingness. Influencing the dogs training capabilities through the use of medication or animal cruelty must be avoided .

4. KUSA Schedule 05B(02) – Regulations for International Working Dog Trials and International Tracking Dog Trials (IGP) states:

3.3.7: Where there is a conflict between the Regulations for the International Utility Dog Trials and the International Tracking Dog Trial of the FCI and KUSA Schedules and administration, the KUSA Regulations will apply insofar as they do not alter the FCI IGP Trial rules.

5. KUSA Schedule 9 – Code of Ethics for Members of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) states:


KUSA Members shall, at all times, ensure that dogs owned by them, or entrusted to their care,

3.13 are not trained or worked beyond their willingness or capabilities and strictly confine training to methods that are humane and which do not cause undue fear, distress, or pain;

Members shall, at all times,

5.7 refrain from verbally or physically abusing any dog for not having performed to the expected standard or for having failed to achieve an expected award, or for any other reason whatsoever;

6. KUSA Regulations are specific under SCHEDULE 05M – Regulations for Flyball where it states:

10.2 Collars, Flyball harnesses and Leg wrapping

10.2.1 All dogs competing are to wear a flat buckle collar or Flyball harness of any material. Nothing in size. No hanging parts are allowed that are liable to flap around when the dog is racing. Holding any dog by the scruff of the neck or other parts is not permissible and will result in disqualification from the team.

10.2.2 Protection wrapping on dog’s legs may be used. Such wrapping should in no way impair the dogs’ performance and should not have any loose or hanging parts to it.

10.2.3 Unacceptable collars for all dogs attending Flyball events will include:

● Electronic collars

● Dummy electronic collars

● Pinch, pressure or prong collars

7. Other areas within the KUSA Constitution where there are references to the use of collars are:

Schedule 05N – Basic Working/Behaviour Test (BH)

1. On Lead Heeling - the on-lead dog, wearing an animal rights approved collar or harness

This is a serious matter. First and foremost, please ensure that dogs are trained by trainers who are keeping up with the modern view of positive reinforcement training. Prong, spiked and electric collars are simply cruel, being used to apply an aversive (stimulus that is painful or unpleasant) in order to prevent the animal from performing a particular behaviour. Under the Regulations of the Animal Protection Act the use of these collars is a Criminal Offence. KUSA has no alternative but to institute disciplinary action against those members or clubs which are found to utilise this method of training.


Posted in KUSA News

The German Shepherd Dog fraternity worldwide has noted with interest the judgement handed down by the District Court in Dortmund, Germany, that the Verein für das Deusche Hundewesen (VDH) had violated German and European antitrust laws by seeking to restrain the SV from releasing its German Shepherd Dog Specialist Judges to member organisations of the Weltunion der Vereine für Deutsche Schäferhunde (WUSV) that are not members of the FCI’s National Canine Organisations (NCOs) in various countries of the world. This prompted KUSA to seek confirmation from the FCI that, since this ruling was based on antitrust principles, it sought to bring about parity in all groupings’ access to SV Judges, whether German, or otherwise, irrespective of affiliation.

KUSA consulted with the Executive of the Asia, Africa and Oceania (A2O) Section of the FCI and received confirmation that KUSA-affiliated Clubs were equally entitled to apply for, and be granted, SV Judges to officiate at German Shepherd Dog Specialist Championship Shows in South Africa. The President of the A2O Section, Mr Augusto Benedicto Santos III, undertook to state the FCI’s position on this matter in writing and has subsequently provided KUSA with the letter below.

Following the Dortmund ruling, it is now abundantly clear that KUSA-affiliated German Shepherd Dog Specialist Clubs may no longer be denied access to SV Judges and hopefully it won’t be too long before one or more of our Clubs will host a Specialist German Shepherd Dog Judge from Germany to officiate at a Show held under a KUSA-licence!

July 29, 2020

Dear Jenny


I refer to our recent Zoom meeting and thank you for seeking the counsel of the Executive of the Asia, Africa and Oceania Section of the FCI on certain issues affecting the Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA). It was most useful to learn more about the challenges faced by KUSA in South Africa and I hope that Gopi and I were able to make a productive contribution towards addressing some of them.

You raised, inter alia, the issue of the availability of SV Judges to officiate at KUSA-licensed events following the judgement handed down by the District Court of Dortmund, Germany when, on 4 March 2020, the Court confirmed its interim injunction of 12 February 2020 by way of oral proceedings. As you correctly pointed out, the Court found that the instruction issued by the VDH to the SV in December 2019, violated European and German antitrust laws. In essence, the VDH’s instruction sought to prevent the SV from making specialist German Shepherd Dog Judges available to WUSV member Clubs in foreign countries where those Clubs did not belong to the FCI’s National Canine Organisations (NCO).

KUSA Statement

Posted in KUSA News

KUSA statement on developments in the Netherlands affecting brachycephalic breeds

20th of June 2020

The Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) stands in solidarity with the National Canine Organisations (NCOs) around the world in advocating for the health and preservation of purebred dogs. The circumstances that have led to the recent decision by the Raad van Beheer op Kynologisch Gebied in Nederland (Dutch Kennel Club), to limit the registration of twelve purebred brachycephalic breeds, and further allow cross-breeding to increase muzzle length, is most disappointing. The impact of this decision will affect many responsible breeders in that country, making it impossible for them to continue improving the health and conformation of these breeds, within the framework of their breed standards.

These restrictions will have the greatest impact on the responsible breeders who focus on breeding healthy dogs, which best represent the breed standard, with no impact on those who breed indiscriminately. 

The prevalence of health problems in brachycephalic breeds is of concern to KUSA, particularly those pertaining to respiratory function and temperature regulation. These conditions related to Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS) can have a serious and lasting effect on the welfare of affected dogs.

GSDFSA vs Registrar AIA & Others

Posted in KUSA News

Fedco Update - German Shepherd Federation of South Africa vs Registrar of Animal Improvement and Others

Members will recall that the German Shepherd Federation of South Africa (GSDFSA) applied for a Judicial Review under the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act (PAJA) to have certain actions of the Registrar of Animal Improvement in the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) set aside. The impugned actions were the Registrar’s decision to register KUSA as the Breeders’ Society for 218 canine breeds (including German Shepherd Dogs) and as a Registering Authority for canines.

On 11 May 2020, the Honourable Shanaaz C Mia, Judge of the High Court, Gauteng Local Division, Johannesburg, delivered her Judgement in the above matter, explaining the main issue at stake as follows:

“The main issue for determination is whether the Registrar was empowered to take the decision to issue a certificate to KUSA as a Breeding society on the 23 October 2015 and as a Registering authority on 13 June 2016 without consulting the Federation before taking the decision. Flowing from that, taking into account the provisions of s 7 of PAJA which prescribes the timeframe of 180 days for the institution of a review application; whether the application for review was brought within the prescribed timeframe.

Media Release 2

Posted in KUSA News

Seizure of dogs by the Boksburg SPCA from the Springs property of KUSA Member

The widely reported seizure of Pomeranians and Yorkshire Terriers from the property of a KUSA member in Selcourt, Springs, is of extreme concern. KUSA was alerted to the seizure of the dogs on 10 February 2020 through a posting on the Boksburg SPCA’s Facebook page.

KUSA condemns any form of cruelty to animals. The extremely grave situation called for swift and decisive action and, as soon as the name of the person involved was disclosed by the SPCA, an investigation was instructed by the Chairman of the Federal Council under Article 19 of the KUSA Constitution.

Media Release 1

Posted in KUSA News

KUSA response to the post of 9 February 2020 on the Facebook page of the Boksburg SPCA, entitled SPCA CONFISCATES 41 PEDIGREE DOGS FROM KUSA-REGISTERED BREEDER

The Kennel Union of Southern Africa (KUSA) strongly condemns any form of cruelty to animals and was dismayed to learn about the serious allegations against an alleged KUSA member which, if found to be true, will result in disciplinary action against such member in terms of KUSA’s Disciplinary Rules.

KUSA has contacted the Boksburg SPCA to request details of the so-called breeder, but learnt that this information was privileged at the moment. Once the SPCA has released the name, the necessary research can be done and disciplinary action taken, if warranted.

It needs to be pointed out that the SPCA’s headline is inaccurate and misleading. KUSA does not register breeders and has neither the authority, nor the power, to bestow the title of “registered breeder” on any person. KUSA is primarily a registry where records of ancestry and genealogy of purebred dogs in South Africa are kept on behalf of its members.

New views required for Elbow Dysplasia certification submissions

Posted in KUSA News

The South African Elbow Dysplasia (ED) scheme was initiated in 1999 to assist breeders to improve breeding selection to reduce the incidence of this very common and often crippling disease in dogs, particularly larger working dogs. Certification is done according to the Guidelines of the International Elbow Working Group (IEWG) and as approved by WSAVA. The number of views required to certify dogs varies in different countries with increasing views resulting in more accurate grading.

In 1999 the minimum requirement of a single flexed lateral view of each elbow was instituted to start the SA scheme to minimise costs and gain greater breeder compliance. We are now 20 years further with additional knowledge of subtle radiological changes in dysplastic elbows as well as the X-ray digital era upon 98% of veterinary practices. This creates additional opportunities to improve ED grading accuracy with minimal cost implications.

In discussions with KUSA and the National Clinicians Group of the SAVA and based on IEWG guidelines and a recent article* on the incidence of hip and elbow dysplasia in South Africa, the following two views of each elbow will be required for elbow grading as from 1 June 2019:
• Fully Extended ML view
• Pronated CrCd view
Minimal, if any, cost changes to owners are envisaged with the introduction of the new views.

The KUSA HD/ED approved radiologists will also directly inform veterinarians of these changes. KUSA members are however requested to confirm the extra views with the veterinary practice at time of admission of their dogs for ED radiographs. Incorrect submissions of the old single elbow view will be accepted for the first three months after the implementation date to allow a smooth transition period. Updated HD/ED application forms are available on the KUSA website.