Transfer of Registered Ownership of a dog
Regulation change for transfer of registered ownership
Changes to Schedule 2, Regulation 10 were approved by FEDCO in December 2012.
KUSA members should take note of the following when it comes to the transfer of registered ownership of a KUSA registered dog.
The following regulation now stands:
An application for the transfer of registered ownership for each individual puppy in a litter, may be submitted simultaneously to the application for registration of the litter, on the proviso that the breeder attaches to the application for registration of a complete litter, an official application for transfer of registered ownership at simultaneous time of registration of litter, signed by the breeder and each of the new registered owners. The certificates of registration will be sent directly to the designated registered owners.
Alternatively, whenever the owner of a dog wishes the Kennel Union to record a transfer of the registered ownership of such dog, application shall be made on the reverse side of the Certificate of Registration for such dog, signed and dated by the transferor and the transferee and accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7. Certificates which have been separated, altered by Tippex or other means, mutilated or have had the format changed will not be acceptable to the KUSA.
The advantages of these changes include:
- Reduction in red tape, admin, costs and time for the breeder. (Save on postage, telephone etc.)
- Eliminate need to print 2 sets of certificates of registration per pup registered (1ST in name of breeder; 2nd in name of transferee)
- Easier for the new owners and less change of transfers not been recorded
- Benefit of more accurate data base and access to greater number of dog owners for membership drives, marketing campaigns etc.
- Application processed once instead of having a 2nd processing procedure to effect transfer.
Changes to the Procedure:
- The new version of the application form allows for the initial & surname of the new owner to be recorded on the application form for each pup. It will assist to link the correct transfer of ownership document for each of the pups to be transferred at registration.
- A New application form will be required for registration of transfer of ownership which is to be attached to the application for registration of the litter. An Application for the Transfer of Registered Ownership Simultaneous to Registration of Litter must be completed for each puppy to be transferred (a separate form for each pup) and must be attached to the application for registration of the litter. Members may opt to transfer ownership of the entire litter or part of the litter at time of registration or may continue to register litters in their names.
- The Application for Transfer of Registered Ownership Simultaneous to Registration of Litter must be completed and signed by all the registered owner(s) of the dam and all the (joint) owners in whose name the pup is to be registered. (A separate transfer application form is required for each pup in the litter to be transferred).
- The data capture system in its current form is able to accommodate the simultaneous processing of litters and transfer of ownership, however if the new owner is a current member and would like their Kennel Name to be added as a Suffix to the registered name of the dog, this extra step will have to be processed separately using a different data capture screen option. Kennel Names must be current to be added to the registered name of the dog. If lapsed, the Kennel Name will not be added to the registered name of the dog at time of registration. Members are urged to ensure their Kennel Names remain registered & current.
Application Forms:
- Application for Registration of Complete Litter – BREED Register only can be downloaded by clicking here >> Litter Registration Application BREED register
- Application for Transfer of Registered Ownership Simultaneous to Registration of Litter can be found by clicking here >> Application for Transfer of Registered Ownership Simultaneous to Registration of Littertransfer
For further information or assistance please contact the KUSA Information Service Department (021) 423-9027.