Additions & Amendments -Effective 01 April 2013

Posted in Additions & Amendments


The additions and amendments to the Schedules listed below were agreed to by the Federal Council Members at its meeting held on 8/9 December 2012 and will become effective 01.04.2013.

N.B. The references refer to the Constitution and Schedules on the KUSA website (







Notice is hereby given in terms of Article 41 of The Kennel Union Constitution that the above named New Appendix F – Emerging Breeds – Biewer Terriers Schedule 2 will become effective on 01.04.2013 and copies will be circulated to all Provincial Councils and Affiliated Clubs as timeously as possible. They will also be placed on the KUSA Website and may be downloaded for gratis or hardcopies will be available to members at a price to be determined.

Regulation 10 – Transfer of registered ownership of a dog

Amend to read:

An application for the transfer of registered ownership for each individual puppy in a litter, may be submitted simultaneously to the application for registration of the litter, on the proviso that the breeder attaches to the application for registration of a complete litter, an official application for transfer of registered ownership at simultaneous time of registration of litter, signed by the breeder and each of the new registered owners. The certificates of registration will be sent directly to the designated registered owners.

Alternatively, whenever the owner of a dog wishes the Kennel Union to record a transfer of the registered ownership of such dog, application shall be made on the reverse side of the Certificate of Registration for such dog, signed and dated by the transferor and the transferee and accompanied by the fee prescribed in terms of Schedule 7. Certificates which have been separated, altered by Tippex or other means, mutilated or have had the format changed will not be acceptable to the KUSA.



Regulation 5 – Show Schedules

Amend to read:

5.8.1 puppies under four (4) months are not eligible for exhibition.

5.8.3 in estimating the number of prizes won, wins in Variety, Minor Puppy and Baby Puppy Classes, shall not count for entry in breed classes and wins at Non-Championship Shows and Match Meetings do not count, and wins at Championship Shows awarded after the date of entry to the instant Show do not count.

Regulation 7 – Entry for Exhibition

Amend to read:

7.4 No officer of the Show-holding Club shall complete any entry form, except his own nor shall he alter or amend any entry form after the entry has been made, nor shall he permit the alteration if or amendment of any entry form after the entry has been made save and except for the correction of bona fide errors by exhibitors in entries for the Baby Puppy, Minor Puppy, Puppy, Junior and Graduate Classes in respect of age determination where such errors are discovered by the officers of the Show-holding Club after acceptance of the entries.

7.7 For the purposes of making an entry in estimating the number of prizes won, wins in Variety, Baby Puppy and Minor Puppy Classes do not count for entry in Breed Classes, wins at Non-Championship Shows and Match Meetings do not count, and wins at Championship Shows awarded after the date of entry do not count.

Regulation 20 – Judges

Amend to read:

20.7.2 A Judge may judge the Best Baby Puppy, Best Puppy, Best Neuter Dog and/or Best in Show once only at an All Breeds Show in the Kennel Union area of jurisdiction in any six (6) month period.

Regulation 21 – Challenge Certificates and Reserve Challenge Certificates

Amend to read:

21.3 The winner of Neuter Dog Class, Baby Puppy Class or of a restricted class as defined in Appendix 1 hereto shall not be eligible for competition for a Challenge Certificate or Reserve Challenge Certificate unless such exhibit also complies with the requirement of Sub-Regulation 21.1 and 21.2 in respect of any other class referred to in Regulation 21.4.

Regulation 24 – Competition for Group Winners and Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show

Amend to read:

24.1 At every Championship Show where dogs of more than one Group are scheduled, the competition for Best in Show shall be preceded by the judging of Best Neuter Dog, Best Baby Puppy, Best Puppy and the Groups upon the basis of the groupings of the breeds as shown in Regulation for Classification, Registration & Transfer of the Registered Ownership of Dogs (Schedule 2).

24.2 All winners of Best Neuter Dog, Best Baby Puppy, Best Puppy of Breed and dogs awarded Best of Breed Awards shall be eligible for free entry into their respective Group Challenges.

24.3 The first four (4) exhibits in each Puppy Group and in the Group shall be placed 1 to 4 in order of merit (and may be announced in reverse order) but only the Puppy and Best of Group shall be eligible, free of entry fees to compete for Best Puppy and Best in Show. Best Puppy and Best in Show shall consist of seven (7) exhibits, the winners from each of the seven (7) groups. Provided that a minimum of two (2) exhibits are placed, the Clubs have the discretion to award further placings up to the total of seven (7). Whilst exhibits must be placed in order of merit, the results may be announced in reverse order.

24.4 Best Neuter Dog, Best Baby Puppy then Best Puppy in Show shall be judged before Best in Show is judged.

24.5 At every Championship Show where dogs of more than one breed, but confined to one Group only, are scheduled, only the Best Neuter Dog, Best Baby Puppy, Best Puppy and Best of Breed winners shall be eligible to compete for Best Neuter Dog, Best Baby Puppy in Show, Best Puppy in Show and Best in Show, free of entry fees, for Best in Show save where dispensation is granted by the Executive Committee.

Regulation 26 – Age Restrictions

Amend to read:

No puppy under the age of four (4) months on the first day of the first day of the show shall be eligible for entry.

Regulation 31 – Objection to Dogs and Disqualifications

Amend to read:

31.3.4 that it is not entire, except for the Neuter Dog Class, it does not possess two testicles, apparently normal, which are both descended and can be felt in the scrotum.

Regulation 38 – Preparation of Dogs for Exhibition

Amend to read: the spaying of bitches. The neutering of dogs, these male dogs may only be entered in the Neuter Dog Class.


Definition of Classes :

The following additions to be added to Classes that are optional:

NEUTER DOG (ND) For dogs of any age that have been castrated for any reason whatsoever (not eligible for CC or BOB)

BABY PUPPY CLASS (BP) For dogs of four (4) and under six (6) months of age on the first day of the show (Not eligible for CC or BOB. With separate classes for dogs and bitches)


Regulation 9 – Entry for Exhibition

Amend to read:

9.10 For the purpose of making an entry, in estimating the number of prizes won, wins in Variety, Baby Puppy and Minor Puppy Classes do not count for entry in Breed Classes, wins at Open Show, Limited Shows and Match Meetings do not count, and wins at Championship Shows awarded after the date of entry do not count.


Regulation 1.5 – Registering and Eligibility of Dogs for Competition

Amend to read:

1.5.10 Awards or Certificates gained in Grades 3 and 4 are valid for Grades 5 and Grade 6. Any Awards or Certificates gained in Grades 5 and 6 are valid for Grades 1 and 2 

Regulation 2.5 – Competing Dogs

Amend to read:

Any dog at the age of 14 months on the first day of the show may compete. Any bitch that is in season may not compete.

Regulation 3.3 – Collars

Amend to read:

Nothing will be attached to collars other than identification tags which may be up to 25mm in size during exercises. At the handler’s discretion the dog may compete without a collar.

Regulation 3.9 – Rewarding Dogs

Amend to read:

No food or food substance or object in any form whatsoever may be offered or given to a dog in the arena. However, words of praise and encouragement are permitted during the competition.

Regulation 4.2 – Grade 1, Grade 3, and Grade 5

Amend to read:

4.2.1 Time allowed for Grade 1, Grade 3 and Grade 5 dogs to complete the exercise to be minimum 2,5 and a maximum of 3,5 metres per second for the first round of a table "A" competition.

Regulation 5.1 – Course

Amend to read:

5.1.1 The course designer/builder will arrange the obstacles as determined in 4.1.3, 4.1.4, 4.2.3 and 4.2.4 according to the Grade competing. The Start and finish poles shall be positioned a minimum of four (4) metres in from the boundary rope. Both the start and finish poles shall be so positioned that they are approximately parallel to the first or last obstacle and approximately in line of flight from the first or last obstacle and no more than two (2) meters from the first or last obstacle. The Start and Finish lines of each obstacle shall be marked on the left side with a white flag as the dog approaches or be painted white. The right side by a flag of any colour but not white or be painted any colour but not white. All obstacle numbers must be placed against the right hand wing of the obstacle; for obstacles that do not have wings the obstacle number and/or any flag shall be placed at least one (1) metre clear of the obstacle and in such manner that it does not interfere with either dog or handler. The obstacles shall be arranged in such a way that they are no danger to the dogs or handlers and placed so that the distance to be travelled by the dogs in order to negotiate the next obstacle shall not be less than six (6) metres nor more than 12 meters. The course design must include at least one (1) 180 degree change of direction of travel. A run-off course used in a Table A competition shall also include at least one (1) 180 degree turn. Each obstacle must be negotiated in the order indicated. The approach to the hoop/ hole/ tyre, long jump and spread obstacle shall be in a straight line from the previous obstacle.

The course distance shall be measured by the Judge following the average dog’s path.

5.1.3 The course shall have a time controlled Start and Finish line. The minimum width between the posts of the Start and of the Finish shall be 1.2m. Timing shall commence when either handler or dog impinges the area between the Start posts and stop when the dog passes between the Finish posts.

Regulation 5.2.2 – Vertical Hurdles

Amend to read:

Uprights, wall jump(s), brush jump(s), cross poles.

Height of horizontal or, at centre, of cross poles:

Grade 1: min. 50 cm, max. 65 cm

Grade 2: min. 50 cm, max. 60 cm

Grade 3: min. 25 cm max 35 cm

Grade 4: min. 20 cm max 30 cm

Grade 5: min. 35 cm max 45 cm

Grade 6: min. 30 cm max 40 cm

Width: 1.2m

When a vertical hurdle consists of one (1) single horizontal bar the maximum height will be 60cm. No single horizontal bar will be used in Grade 2 or Grade 4.or Grade 6

All vertical hurdles in excess of 60cm shall have at least two (2) crossbars on the front element, spaced not less than 30cm apart.

Regulation 5.2.4 – Hoop or Tyre Jump

Amend to read:

The mounted or suspended hoop or circle with an aperture diameter between 45cm and 60 cm, the height from the ground to the centre at the centre of the aperture to be 80cm for Grade 1 and Grade 2 and 55cm for Mini and Midi dogs. Width of the jump inclusive of the framework, 1.2m and total height to the top of the jump, inclusive of the frame, not less than 1.2m. A collapsible type tyre where the lower half of the tyre dislodges from the upper half of the tyre may also be used.

Regulation 5.2.6 – Bending Poles

Amend to read:

A minimum of six (6) and a maximum of twelve (12) poles, each to be a minimum of 40cm and a maximum of 60cm apart in a straight line (recommended 45cm to 50cm) and a variation from the straight line up to 5cm is acceptable. Each pole must have a minimum height of 1.2m, half of the poles must have a white flag or be painted white, the other half any colour but not white. The first flag/pole on the entry shall be white, and thereafter alternate with any colour but not white. The dog has to move through the poles in such a way that his left shoulder is always facing a white pole/flag.

Regulation 7.3 – The Hoop / Tyre Jump

Amend to read:

Dog attempts to jump through the Hoop or Tyre but hits the surround and causes the entire obstacle to fall or a collapsible type tyre where the lower half of the tyre dislodges from the upper half of the tyre - five (5) faults. The dog jumps over or runs under the obstacle - ten (10) faults. The dog must be brought back and must renegotiate the obstacle and will be disqualified if it takes another obstacle before it has done so. The dog places a paw or both paws in the aperture of the obstacle and immediately negotiates the obstacle - no penalty.


New Regulation 3.8

3.8   It is permissible for a handler to handle a neutered dog in any Handler Class


Notice is hereby given in terms of Article 41 of The Kennel Union Constitution that the above named revised Schedule will become effective on 1.4.2013 and copies will be circulated to all Provincial Councils and Affiliated Clubs as timeously as possible. They will also be placed on the KUSA Website and may be downloaded for gratis or hardcopies will be available to members at a price to be determined.


Regulation 4.2


Amend to read:

4.2.3 Each year the SAAC Sub-Committee will select two (2) judges to officiate at the SA Agility Championships event. A general invitation will be sent each year by 30 September to all current Championship Show Agility Judges inviting applications to judge the following year’s SA Agility Championships. Applicants need to have judged at least 2 classes of A3 Contact Agility and 2 classes of A3 Non Contact Agility in the previous 12 months from date of application. Applicants will also need to submit a brief CV on their Agility Judging. Any judge will only be allowed to judge this event once every 3 years.


Regulation 1.2 - Bonus points

Amend to read:

1.2.1 Dogs with clear rounds will also be awarded bonus points for beating the Standard Course Time, by the exact amount of seconds to the hundredth of a second under the Standard Course Time.


Regulation 1 – Licensing and Show Regulations

Amend to read:

1.1 The regulation relating to licensing and other matters to do with shows, is set out in Schedule 3, Regulations for Championship shows and Schedule 4 for Non-Championship shows of the Constitution of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa shall apply to this competition and so far as they can be relevant to the Annual National Agility League competition and so far as they do not conflict with the specific terms of this Schedule.

Regulation 2 – Scope of License

Amend to read:

2.2 Any recognised organisation with the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, i.e.: an Agility Sub-committee is eligible to hold this event providing it is held under a show Licence or demonstration licence.

Regulation 4 – Host Club/Organisation

Amend to read:

Until or unless this Schedule 5L Appendix F is amended or altered, the host Club for these events shall be designated as:

Any affiliated Club in any participating Province qualified to host any of the events covered by this schedule.

Regulation 5 – Qualifications for Entry

Amend to read:

5.6 The National Agility League shall select from amongst its members a Convenor, Secretary and Treasurer. The Committee shall keep a true record of its proceedings and a Receipts and Payment account.

It shall open an account at a recognized financial institution and all cheques must be signed by two members of the Committee who may not be members of the same household.

Subsequent to the holding of the annual National Agility League and the payment of all outstanding accounts and within sixty (60) days, the organizing Committee shall have the books of accounts Audited and copies of the audited accounts sent to the NAC Committee and KUSA.

The organizing Committee is responsible for any losses which might occur in the year that they are organizing the competition and any surplus funds, after the books have been audited, shall contribute towards the Team Leader and the KUSA team attending the following year’s Agility World Championships expenses.

Regulation 6 – Judging

6.1 Any judge appointed shall be a qualified Championship Show Agility Judge and approved by the Kennel Union of Southern Africa.

6.2 Each leg of the league shall have a contact and non-contact course designed by a qualified Championship Show Agility Judge.

6.3 Judges will be drawn from Provinces selected by the Administrating Province.

6.4 The course will be drawn on a specially designed National Agility League course design sheet.

(See Appendix One (1) of this Schedule).

6.5 The course will be of an Agility Two (2) standard in accordance with Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility.

6.6 The course designer (judge) will supply details of obstacle construction, for Small, Medium and Large classes, sufficient to allow all Provinces to construct the obstacles as identical as is reasonable.

6.7 Only the obstacles laid down in Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility are allowed to be used for this competition.

6.8 When calculating the distance to be run, measurements between obstacles shall be taken to and from the exact centre of the front element of each obstacle except the weave poles, collapsed tunnel, rigid tunnel and long jump where the following lengths shall be regarded as standard:

6.8.1 Twelve weave poles – 7.0m

6.11 All events shall be judged as laid down for in Schedule 5L, Regulations for Agility.

6.12 Under no circumstances may the Standard Course time stated on the Course design sheet be altered, in anyway, without express permission from the Administrating Province, who will consult with the course designer (judge) before giving permission to make such changes.

Regulation 8 – The competition

Amend to read:

8.1 The league shall consist of four (4) separate competitions/legs in each participating province. Each leg shall comprise one (1) round of contact agility and one (1) round of non-contact agility.

8.2 The four (4) legs of the league shall be contested during the months from February to November.

8.8 Final placings in the Annual League Table and the title "Agility League Dog for (Year)" shall be determined by the accumulated scores incurred in the best three (3) non-contact rounds and best three (3) contact rounds of the four (4) legs for each competing dog.

Regulation 9.3 – Dogs with faults in each competition will be awarded as follows:

Amend to read:

9.3.1 VOID

Regulation 11 – Sponsorship

Amend to read:

The event covered by this Schedule may be sponsored permanently, or on an annual basis by any organisation acceptable to the Federal Council of the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, administrating Province and the host club. In years when the event is sponsored the title of the National Agility League, may be preceded by the name of the Sponsor. Should the Administrating Province or the Sponsor wish to disassociate with the event, this may not be done so as to prejudice the holding of the events in that year or any succeeding years. For this reason, a contract must be drawn up between the Administrating Committee and any Sponsor, establishing the rights and obligations of all parties should any of them wish to withdraw from associating with this Competition.

Dress code in accordance to the Sponsors wishes.

The event covered by this schedule may be sponsored permanently or on an annual basis by any organisation acceptable to the Kennel Union of Southern Africa, the administrating province and host clubs.


Regulation 5.1 – Competition/Regular Teams

Amend to read:

5.1.1 A Competition / Regular Team consists of the following: A minimum of four dogs; not to exceed six dogs (reserves included). Team Captain and Box Loader Optionally a team may have a Runner and other participants in the ring to aid the team. At no time may these optional participants interfere with the judges, the opposing team, or physically aid the dogs competing. The jump height of this class will be determined by the size of the smallest / veteran dog in the team. (see Regulation 6 regarding measuring of dogs). Dogs in this class will be eligible for points and titles as per Regulation 7 of this schedule

Regulation 7.3 – Titles

Amend to read:

7.3.2 Flyball Dog Excellent:

The title of Flyball Dog Excellent will be granted to any dog that has earned one hundred (100) points or more.  

These points must be earned consecutively at a maximum of four (4) Championship or Non-Championship shows

A KUSA Flyball Dog Excellent Certificate will be issued to this effect and the abbreviation FDX can be placed behind the dog’s name.


Notice is hereby given in terms of Article 41 of The Kennel Union Constitution that the above named revised Schedule will become effective on 1.4.2013 and copies will be circulated to all Provincial Councils and Affiliated Clubs as timeously as possible. They will also be placed on the KUSA Website and may be downloaded for gratis or hardcopies will be available to members at a price to be determined.

As various amendments become effective the documents displayed on the KUSA website will be altered accordingly. These documents may be downloaded for free.




The amendments to the Breed Standards listed below were agreed by the Federal Council Members at its meeting held on 8/9 December 2012 and will become effective 01.04.2013.
N.B.  The references refer to the Constitution and Schedules on the KUSA website (

Dogo Argentino 
Revised FCI breed standard to be applied. Please refer to the Kusa website to review these changes.
Accepted subject to the reference to cropped ears being deleted.

Revised Breed Standard has been approved. Please refer to the Kusa website to review these changes.

Collie (Rough)  
Amend to read:
General Appearance
Appears as dog of great beauty, standing with impassive dignity, with no part out of proportion to while, giving the appearance of working capability.

Amend to read:
Any colour or combination of colours permissible, other than brindle or blue, which are highly undesirable.